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Latest revision as of 11:59, 4 January 2018

CIA or Corporate Image Assassination
Date of Scene: 30 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Albert Wesker, X-23, Shadow, Glacier

Albert Wesker has posed:
There are many places in New York City were one can blend in and vanish. For those in the know those with ties to the mutant community, vanishing can be a sign of trouble. And a Company, had recently gotten started in the Lower East Side Manhatten. Genotech, A company that helps research herditary Genetic Diseases. Including tracking the herditary nature of the mutant genome Of course and while it's Cliche perhaps some mutants have also vanished in the area as well.

So for some it can be not be hard to put two and two together to get five.

Yes five so For those in the nature to investigate things, Currently Genotech is closed but not locked up. On the roof is an open Door Security is bypassed, and right now, while on the ground patrols are uninterupted, something is very wrong. Some of the guards ae armed with decently high powered weapons such as magnum pistols, and shotguns. Armed security that is more in line where someone has something to hide.

X-23 has posed:
Laura has heard a thing or two about disappearing mutants, something which reeked of the sorts that would hang about the Facility, or Weapon X. Naturally, she saw it fit to investigate. She's clawed her way up the building, and is now on the rooftop, looking for an easy entry, rooftop accessway is usually left unguarded.

Shadow has posed:
    Ever since her return to New York, Natasha has tracking down the tendrils of corruption the Board of Trustees had slipped into her company. Initially, just cleaning out and closing down direct subsidiaries engaged in unethical business kept her busy above the board, but now she finally has time to follow up on some of the leads they resulted in -- such as a number of very carefully fudged shipments to and from a Genotech facility, all made to appear innocuous unless one took a look at the books and realize that nothing that trivial is worth those kind of sums.

    Combine that with reports of people going missing received by her /other/ contacts, and one comes to the conclusion that this warrants direct investigation by the Shadow.

    Security is alert and watchful -- but security is also, ultimately, human, and quite susceptible to the Shadow's influence as a shrouded figure flits past a pair of guards in the instant their minds waver. Once inside, she looks around, suspicions confirmed. This is no mere 'research' facility -- but what /is/ being done here? She makes her way to the office, looking for files or an actual researcher to interrogate...

Albert Wesker has posed:
As Maya begins to move through the area, Laura is able to get on the roof without a problem, finding a security door that should be locked. A security guard is on the ground, with the scent os something? The guard won't be an issue for Laura considering how his neck is twisted at an unnatural angle. There is no scent of fear. He was dead before be knew he was in danger. The door is not a normal door it is special reinforced metal, stainless steel that has to be at least two inches thick with a large inner bar.

As for The Shadow, she finds moving through the Office a sight of danger several more guards have been left on the ground, their necks also broken from behind.

But the computers are already running something is downloading the files, via a remote USB Drive .

One of the Walls is also open showing a hidden door. That door is all but destroyed it can't close, Molecular acid was used to deform the door more than enough so that it can't be hidden revealing what appears to be an elevator shaft going down.

Then it comes just as Laura and the Shadow get in the same room. The building is rocked by what sounded like an explostion.

On the first floor several windows are blown out, as small fires start on the first floor.

X-23 has posed:
Laura doesn't take long to realize that someone else is currently infiltrating this facility, and likely not a friend of whoever is running the place. The guards are already taken care of and quite violently so. This leaves her far more relaxed as she moves inside, constantly sniffing for another's presence. She doesn't concern herself with information being stolen from this facility, but the moment she comes into the presence of another, explosion rocks the room. Laura gets flinged at the ceiling, where a faint *snikt* sound follows, easily drowned by the explosions. She remains stuck to the ceiling, surveying the room as it is rocked.

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha reaches for her guns when she spots the first body. Still shrouded, she kneels quickly beside it to check for a pulse before continuing on. Her eyes narrow in thought, all but invisible underneath her hat. When she reaches the computer and notices the USB stick, the picture becomes more clear - obviously, she's not the only one infiltrating tonight. She takes a quick look at the download process and frowns again; whoever is responsible for this seems to be more engaging in industrial espionage than looking for evidence. She yanks out the stick and pockets it for later, then turns to examine the molten door, only to look up with a jerk as Laura walks in, one gun already pointing in the girl's general direction in pure reflex before she concludes that whoever this girl is she's neither building security nor the person responsible for the earlier deaths.

    She opens her mouth to speak when the explosion rocks the building, sending her reeling for a moment before she regains her equilibrium. She glances around for Laura, then looks up at the noise of the snikt, sapphire eyes burning into emerald, a silent question of 'was that your work?'

Albert Wesker has posed:
The Explosion was designed for more Bang than boom. Windowes are blown out as Fire is in corners of the down stairs lobby, areas that can easilly be reached and extinisghed. But Part of the Wall is also suddenly blown out once Maya can see and the explostion also rips through a number of floors. And it is large enough for someone ten foot to get through and find an Elevator shaft that is going down. Sprinklers come on down stairs. As the Elevator shaft starts to fill at first with fire then Halogen fire supressant. One that is deadly to just about any who breath it. But the system is suddenly shut down.

The Flash Drive does not want to come out, it is a special one that actually has lock prongs on it, designed to hold it into a computer still it's copying files, but with a powerful enough tug it could come out, only for it to flash and burst into flame as a magnesium tablet is esposed to the air.

The People out side, mainly the guards try to point their weapons at the Ice Monster and warn her to stand down and of course they actually open fire. The shotguns unleash of all things Bean Bag rounds at the Monster made of ice and the guards warn her she is trespassing. The guards holding the magnum pistols warn her they will shoot to kill!

The Sound of heavy calibur gun shots as well as automatic fire can be heard coming from the elevator shaft. People screaming for help.

X-23 has posed:
"No," Laura answers the inaudible question, detaching from the ceiling and jumping down to an area of the floor that still exists, "amateur work," she concludes to Natasha, before turning to look at the ice monster outside, exposed by the wall that is no more, "threat?" She asks Natasha, pointing at Glacier and sniffing the air for a sense of intent.

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha tilts her head, considering. "Perhaps. But intent on keeping their secrets." she replies in the Shadow's sinister snarl. She glances out at the ice golem, then at the open elevator shaft. "Again, perhaps. But not the one I came to investigate." With that, she holsters her guns and heads toward the shaft, clambering down more quickly than an unaugmented human should be able to.

Albert Wesker has posed:
As Laura sniffs down the Elevator shaft she can smell people, normal humans and mutants. The scent of Chemicals and blood, and things that should quickly remind her of the Facility where she was trained and raised. Screams and shouts, gun fire as well echo up from the Shaft.

Finally when The Shadow gets down in the Shaft she finds that she has entered what could easily be a long forgotten bomb shelter that has been filled up with all sorts of tech, Gene scanners, blood samples, and what looks like small cages holding people inside. Some of whom are clearly mutants. Some easilly Identified from the missing persons data.

A couple of guards are on the ground, blood pools around them as one has a bvery large hole in his chest as if someone pushed his hand in a knife blade attack right through his armored vest, his ribs, his heart, through his spine out his back through the back armor and out the other side of his uniform.

He lays there surprised eyes open wide in fear.

The Facility is flashing a red light as a voice says in an automated tone, Facility comprimised, scrubbing operations.... Self destruct in t-minuse five minutes.

And of course the mutants are pounding on their cages or screaming to be let out but it looks like the cages are locked down tight, to scrub them as well.

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha snarls. "Cowards.." She glances at Laura. "Get those cages open. I'll find the destruct. Go.". And with that, she blurs away, fading from view until only her shadow remains clearly visible - and then not even that as it merges into the shadows cast by the flickering flames and flashing lights.

X-23 has posed:
The moment Laura assess this structure is indeed like the Facility, she jumps down the shaft, nose and ears attentive to any cries for help, particularly with the announcement of the self destruct sequence. Should she find cages, she'll draw her claws to rend through locks and doors if need be, going as fast as she can. She's only interested in letting this mutant free, she doesn't seem too concerned with being caught in the self destruction herself, going about looking for more cages.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Laura and of course Glacier will find the doors easy to crack, between the sheer cold the ice Golam can produce combined with the strength of the adamantine claws. They are able to slice through the Locks with ease. Still not all the mutants can bust out some are held in beds so throughly strapped down and secure that they can't hope to escape on their own some of them look to their saviors as they will also come up to help.

"There is a man in black, blood hair glasses, he just came in and started killing the guards, moved like nothing I seen before, short range teleport!" he says of course he will work on getting them selves and their fellows free.

The Shadow moves through the area to the sound of gun fire, as she finds what looks like the Data center. There are several people laying dead, as their heads are missing pooling blood out the Scientists have paid for this with their lives, Passing by a room where a mutant perhaps no older than 18 is laid out on what looks like a dicection table, clearly dead with eyes wide in abject horor.

There is a Small thermo barric bomb here in the heard neart the CPU facility that is on count down... As Guards try to protect it, a man in a black trench coat is walking almost casually to them, they fire gun shots, and they hit the wall because he suddenly appeared five or seven feet in another direction...

X-23 has posed:
Laura doesn't care for guards dying, particularly those who works at facilities like this one, so the story of the man in black matters not to her. Let him kill all of them. Instead, she concerns with rushing between the cells, and making sure to cut down straps and restraints. She wants to save as many lives as she can, while showing a reckless disregard to her own. "If you're trapped call out...I will come for you," she screams on the off chance she missed a cell.

Shadow has posed:
    Clearly, the guards are not friendly. But as the book says, "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less." -- and if the trenchcoated figure is the one responsible for the murders upstairs, they are clearly working with a different ethical code than Natasha's. That said, he is also currently less a problem than the thermobaric explosive currently on its charging cycle. Fortunately, they tend to be easy to disarm if you get to them before they start releasing the accelerant into the air around them...

Albert Wesker has posed:
For the most part As Wesker spots the Bomb he instantly turns his eyes to the Ice being. And then as he moves ten feet away from where he was being shot at he has pulled his large magnum and instantly fires off three shots with out even looking at the target, hitting the guards in the torso as they fall back.

Laura finds one Mutant too weak to move, scares and cuts as he looks at her, his eyes show he is in agony as he begs... "Kill me... please... the pain..." he begs of her.

Not noticing the Shadow Wesker looks to the Ice being as he says, "That bomb is suseptible to being frozen. If you can freeze it, it should delay the countdown."

And then he turns to walk away the Computers are also in a climate controled room as Wesker begins to pick up what looks like a large case and begins to move off. Apparently he has done what he has sought out to accomplish.

But the computers are also in danger as the room they are in is sealed and of course there are signs they are starting to over heat..."I suggest you focus on saving the servers... over stopping me. You'll find the data in side most damning..."

Ethical choice, Stop the man in the coat sacrifice the computers to keep him from getting that case, or save the computers and let him escape?"

X-23 has posed:
Laura is faced with an odd situation, one mutant begging her for death, she looks him over and assesses his injuries. If she ascertains that he does seem to be dying, she will grant his wish without blinking, a lethal slash for a quick death. But, if it seems he is just suffering, and can survive, she will refuse the request with a whispered, "struggle, survive, avenge."

Shadow has posed:
    Never show a Gordian dilemma to a student of history. The Shadow's response is the roar of a gun - a shot not aimed at Wesker himself, but at the briefcase he's carrying. "Go where you like. You'll do it empty-handed." comes the response, almost mockingly as the Shadow fades out of visibility, moving towards the climate controls to shut the system down before the computers overheating causes hardware damage.

Albert Wesker has posed:
The mutant simply is in agony Laura can see, his injuries are not life threatening but he is hurt. It looks like the has had several operations, and painful ones due to the scaring. Slowly he just breaks down and sobs begging for her to stop the pain.

The bomb is slowly starting to freeze over as the count down clock starts to frost over. For the most part security is gone as Wesker continues to walk out with his prize in tow.

Calm collected as if he has all the time in the world. Of course as the Shadow shoots at Wesker he has the case dropp only to snatch it up before it hits the ground and makes a mad a dash down the hall gone in the blink of an eye.

Laura can see him moving through the area where the other mutants are and to the security elevator as he turns around crouches down, and then jumps leaping up the elevator shaft to the third floor where he can make his escape.

For the most part The shadow can find that the cooling systems are off line and the mainframes are over heating. Still they are connected by plugs, as simply unplugging them shoudl stop their meltdown.

But the counter counts down the timer and then it reaches Zero... nothing happens with the bomb frozen... they have some time to properly disarm it.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier starts stepping back from the bomb as it continues to count down. It then turns and starts bolting toward the other wall, waving for the others to flee...aaaand nothing happens. Huh. It turns back toward the bomb and scratches at it's head with a spiked hand, then looks toward the other two.

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha snarls inwardly as Wesker makes his retreat, memorizing the face for later investigation. For now, she directs her attention to the power mains, shutting down the network before the overheat becomes fatal.

    That done, she turns toward the bomb - and the ice golem keeping it covered. "Bombs like these cause an explosion by mixing fuel into the air, then detonating it all at once. As long as you keep it from spraying the fuel out it should be safe, but we should remove it from here. Now."

X-23 has posed:
Laura decides to see that mutant through, and reaches to brace him over her diminutive figure, helping to lead him out of there. "Giving up is weak. Survive. Avenge. That is strong. I will help." She lets the shadowy thing escape, not having any reason to act in any other way. She has no intel about this lab, and he wasn't harming any mutant or prisoner, so he is of no interest. For now she'll just save the mutant who wants to give up on life, that is the one thing she can do to honor her mother.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier looks over at the Shadow and tilts it's head, then simply shrugs. Clearly, a fingerless ice golem isn't the best thing for bomb desposal. It then points to itself, then the cages, and steps off to make sure all of the remaining prisoners have been freed.

Albert Wesker has posed:
as the Bomb is frozen the Security is lax in here as she can just pull the plugs and shut down the power. Eventually she will stop the servers from self destructing. One nasty failsafe to be sure. And as things down on several more bombs go off in the upper offices, and that will surely bring athorities to the area.

AS time goes on eventually Medics and Police do get down into the Secret lab finding the remains as they also have been having problems with the owners attempting to insist they have it under control.

But in the end a hard copy of all the data was obtained as well as several genetic samples from the victims here.

Glacier has posed:
The Glacier flinches and ducks (for what good it does) as more explosions rock the upper floors. It steps on over toward the elevator shaft and glances up, looking for a way out.

Albert Wesker has posed:
The elevator is undamaged allowing rapid exit when desired, or if desired.

Shadow has posed:
    Of course, by the time the autorities show up, the Shadow is long gone. Several blocks away, a blue-haired young woman hails a cab and - astonishingly - one actually slows down long enough for her to get in.

    "Back home, Benny," Natasha orders, running a hand through her hair, the blue fading away from her fingers until it's back to her natural black. "The authorities can handle it from here without my help."

    "You got it, boss," Benny replies as he pulls into traffic, at the sedate pace of a cabbie that's being paid by the minute rather than the mile...

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell tilts her head at the elevator, then slowly steps inside, hoping it holds it's weight. It carefully jabs the ground floor button and waits, arms crossed in front of it casually.

X-23 has posed:
With little resistance and nothing else in the way, Laura carries the suffering mutant to safety, all the while speaking words of encouragement to him.