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Latest revision as of 12:39, 4 January 2018

Don't Cross a Black Cat in the Dark.
Date of Scene: 23 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Darkness, Black Cat

Darkness has posed:
"Nah Boss, the piece o' ass is still in there shopping, 'prolly fer 'nother piece o' fancy jewelry." The large, thick set man in a suit says into his phone. "Yeah, positive she's the same on that went to dinner with Estacado. You don't miss a chick like that with someone else, ya know?" The Gorilla looking thug in the front seat grunts, "Fuckin' Estacado. That guy gets all kinds of mad tail, but that chick... she's the finest yet." Then his partner in the passanger side seat says, "We should have some fun with her, ya know, 'fore we call Estacado to kill his ass. Maybe even do it in front of him. Heard he's soft on women."

"Shut up, idiots." The man in back says, accent heavy with an Eastern European flavor. "Grab the girl, get Estacado, kill him so Franchetti is out his Enforcer, and then have the fun you want. That's the plan. Do anything else, and I'll cut your balls off myself." All the men in the car shut their mouths at this point, as the Enforcer of the new Russian Mafia moving into New York is not to be messed with for any reason.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, a Darkling dressed in a pitch black Spider outfit with a Zipper up the front opened to bear his skinny chest snickers "Oh oh oh.. Boss ain't gonna like this. Let's see what happens when the lovely Cat leaves..."

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia is just finishing up a bit of holiday shopping. Easy enough to do without interference, as no one knows her as the Black Cat. Well, almost no one. She finishes her transaction and tucks the receipt away into one of the bags, then turns to exit the store. To say that her spidey senses are tingling at this point...would be absurd. Because she has no spidey senses. She's a cat, not a spider. Not even a darkling dressed as a spider. So with no sense of impending doom whatsoever, she exits the store with two small shopping bags in one hand. The limo should be along in less than ten minutes. It gives her time to breathe. And freeze her ass off, since it's winter in the northeast.

Darkness has posed:
Two men in suits start walking towards Felicia, with her experience it is obvious they are headed directly for her, and given her criminal underground knowledge she also recognizes the neck tattoo of a Russian Gulag Mafia type. Their eyes never stray from her, the bulges in their coats show they come with weapons, and the leer in the gorrilla looking one's eyes is not a surprise either.

"You're coming with us. If you make a scene we will beat you. If you scream, we will beat you. If you cause us trouble, we will beat you." The partner of the gorilla says, all business, as expected from his Mafia Marking, "Come quiet, we won't hurt you." Somewhat true, "We just want Estacado. Help us with that, and you go home." Unlikely, but potentially not /entirely/ a lie either.

As they stand on either side of her, they wait for Felicia's response, but she can see a large SUV with the doors open and tinted windows. Likely to be more than just these two at this point.

Black Cat has posed:
Underworld savvy, Felicia is much smarter than to go out into the world completely unsuspecting. Ever since she 'liberated' that scroll from Azazel, she has been prepared for the day that someone would come looking for it. They don't look for artifacts like that with a magnifying glass, they look with guns.

Felicia immediately opens her connection to J'onn, so that he can hear and see most of the conversation, if he is in range. However, as much time as he has been spending in space, even if he hears her, it could be fifteen minutes or half an hour until he can return. <My Heart...> It is her only plea.

"Whatever you want with Estacado, you're barkin' up the wrong tree. I was apparently a one-night-stand, he wouldn't even return my texts after that night. Or maybe I was just a little too -intense- for him. I have a few ...particular kinks..." She winks at the leering gorilla, purposely moving slow, just to buy some time.

Darkness has posed:
Night time, the time of Darkness, and there is a cackle from a nearby alleyway in a raspy voice. One that Felicia will recognize, and then she will see glowing green eyes watching her.

"Hah, not what I've heard about Estacado." the gorilla says back to her, "Least the kinks part. He's a freak, he picks freaky chicks, and everyone goes home happy." Then there's a lick of his lips, adding, "Maybe you can show..oof" as he's punched in the stomach by Neck Tattoo, "Are you resisting?" Calm and Collected.

From the Car steps out two more thugs, these with more than a single Neck Tattoo, and one with markings on his hand as well. There is no subtlety to them, and some of the people sense something is going on so they start shying away from the action.

From the shadows, that raspy voice says "Boss is coming."

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia shrugs nonchalantly. "I'm not resisting, just warning you that you won't get what you want. Word on the street is, he's hooked up with someone even -I- wouldn't wanna cross. You told me up front what you wanted. I'm just offering the same courtesy."

There is no answer from J'onn, and Felicia does begin to panic. But those eyes. That shadow, and that voice. She isn't sure what Jackie can do in light of all the personnel present, but she knows he can do more than she can. She could take a few. Even a handful. And while she did that, the rest would unload their weapons into her, and make her night MUCH less pleasant than it already is.

Darkness has posed:
As Felicia is considering how to handle, worried a bit about not reaching J'onn, there will be a second set of glowing green eyes in the alley way across the street. These eyes, however, are tall, much taller than the first pair, and they glow with an intensity that makes the Darklings seem a candle compared to the Sun.

Neck Tattoo reaches out to take Felicia's arm, "Good. That makes it easy on you. Come, we leave now." and they start heading towards the SUV. The gorilla decides to help Felicia by grabbing her ass to move her along, a smirk on his face, "Yeah. You'll get what you want later."

When the two men at the SUV saw the situation going as planned, they stepped back into the SUV, and closed the doors. As long as Felicia doesn't fight them, their approach to the vehicle is stopped as the SUV seems to shake of it's own accord, and it causes her two 'escorts' to pause. There are no screams, no gun fire, and within a few moments the shaking of the SUV stops. They look between each other, frowning, and the Neck Tattoo tells Felicia "Wait here. Do anything and we kill you." He then heads off in the direction of the SUV.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia didn't have getting killed on her 'To-Do' list tonight. So she does as she's told. She sees those eyes in the alley. She knows that if there's anyone who can help her at this point, he has arrived already.

At this point, doing anything to muddy the waters would be a stupid move on her part, and so she waits...quietly, patiently. Like the spider waiting for the perfect moment to spring her prey. Except she isn't a spider, as previously mentioned. But cats do that weird butt wiggle thing when they're waiting to pounce and at this point that might make Gorilla snap and mount her. So she'll be more like a spider, despite her closer relationship to the cat.

Darkness has posed:
When Neck Tattoo opens the door Felicia can see he visibly blanches, White as a Ghost is more than an expression, and she sees it first hand. He just stands there for the longest time, and eventually Gorilla calls out, "Hey, Ivan, what's wrong?" his own voice betraying worry at the Professional of the group stopped in his tracks.

In Russian, the man begins spouting something, and stepping back as he makes some kind of weird (potentially religious) gesture. He looks to the Gorilla, "We need to go. Now." and he just walks away from the SUV without a second thought. Gorilla pulls Felicia along, "Hey, where're ya goin'?" His steps taking you up to the open door, "The car's..."

Before you even get there you can smell coppery sweetness coming from the vehicle. The taller Gorilla sees over the car door before Felicia does, as he is taller, and he steps quickly as well. His own expletive is in Russian, moving around the door as if it is some wild animal, and as he moves quickly to catch up, pulling Felicia along despite her outfit, he yells "IVAN! IVAN! What the FUCK is that?!?"

As she goes by Felicia is blessed with only the quickest of looks... Blood, Body Parts, Death... and they are quickly moving to catch up with Ivan.

Black Cat has posed:
Giving away Jackie's presence at this point wouldn't do either of them any favours. Maybe there's a better idea. "Aww, didn't you like the first act? I thought I'd start small, and work my way up from there." She nods back toward the SUV of Death.

Felicia smiles darkly. "Well then, maybe my second act will just /blow you away./

Darkness has posed:
Ivan is only a few feet in front of them, so when Jackie steps out of the next alley in a pitch black suit of what appears to be Armani fit, Felicia and Gorilla are standing right next to Ivan. Jackie gives a small smirk, looking between the two Russian Mafia Enforcers, "Well, my friend Ivan Petrovich. So good to see you again. How's your brother doing?" The calm and cool voice of the Hitman asks, "Oh, wait, all they found was his head, with his Heart in his mouth, right?" That smirk is devious, adding "Figured a coward like him didn't know what to do with it. I thought I'd help him figure it out."

His eyes, pale blue for now, move to Felicia, "You ok, Gorgeous?" his eyes moving over her form, in assessment of injuries not /just/ her outfit, "When we're done here, maybe I can make it up to you? Dinner. Make a movie?" That charming half smile on his face as always with her.

Gorilla looks to Felicia, "Wait, what? What're you talking about?" Yeah, he's not the brightest, but he's obviously shaken by what's happened.

Black Cat has posed:
"Tadaaaa." Felicia offers with a smile. "Ask and ye shall receive. I think the whole 'careful what you wish for' thing seems a little overplayed and trite in a situation like this, though, so I won't even say it. But you -know- I'm thinking it."

It is only now beginning to dawn on her what Jackie (and The Darkness) is capable of. She's heard stories, but nothing like this. Nothing like turning an SUV full of Russian Mafia into a can of catfood. But somehow there'll always be some part of Jackie that makes her knees weak.

"Oh Heeeey, Jackie! We were JUST talking about you!"

Darkness has posed:
There's a grin on his face when he tells her, "So, I didn't hear /no/ when it comes to Making a Movie later..." and then he's cut off by Gorilla, pulling a pistol from his holster, and shoving it roughly into Felicia's ribs. "Shut up, or you'll have to fuck a corpse, Estacado..."

Meanwhile, Ivan has gone from White to Red, his teeth grinding, "I will pull your intestines out of your body while I take your Woman, and choke her to death with them..." Jackie's eyes change then, from blue to glowing green when Gorilla pulls the gun on Felicia, "Wrong... Move..."

Something black as pitch flies up from the ground, wrapping Gorilla's hand and pistol in inky-blackness with the sound of breaking bone and bending metal, and pulls the arm down quickly enough that it dislocates from the shoulder.

The howl of pain from Gorilla causes Ivan to look back, and see the destroyed right arm of his comrade.

"Felicia, you can go home if you like. I will handle these men, and they will tell me who is bothering you." His voice that icy cold of a true Killer, "Call me, you know, if you're not busy."

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia moves away from Gorilla, and out of reach of his good arm, keeping a close eye on Ivan as well. Certainly by now he's not stupid enough to make any sudden movements, and they have exactly what they wanted in the first place, with Jackie Estacado standing before them. "Okayyy...I'll say it. You really SHOULD be careful what you wish for." Cat winks at the two, then looks to Jackie. She still knows better than to make any attempt toward either Ivan or Gorilla. There could still be any number of others with weapons trained on her. But she knows they're not her target, at this point. No sense in making herself one.

"Call me when you get off work here, eh?" she asks Jackie. "I haven't seen that new Justice League movie, and I'm interested in seeing how much they got wrong in it." She makes her way quickly to the limo waiting one row over, and steps inside. Once the door is safely closed, she sighs the shakiest sigh ever, exhaling fear and stress. "He'll be fine, Alfred. Take me to the Bat Cave."

In the rear-view mirror, the woman driving the limo arches a brow. "You're so weird, Madam." And she pulls away to take Felicia home.