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Latest revision as of 13:01, 4 January 2018

A Chance Encounter
Date of Scene: 29 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Redstar, Albert Wesker

Redstar has posed:
It is cold and snow is falling gently to stick on the ground. About an inch this evening and still people are out and about, doing evening errands or visiting. It is Friday after all. The homeless are few this time of year, but one teen is sitting on a flattened cardboard box across from the church. In front of her is a bowl that has seen better days. A few coins are tossed inside. Yet she seems to be unfocused, staring intently at the church. Evening mass can be heard as the church Chorus sings and the organ plays some hymn.
    What can't be seen or heard is the silent battle of wills going on behind those icey blue eyes. She shakes her head after a few seconds of staring off and her brow furrows. She bends her head to dig the heels of one hand against one yes. Typical sign of someone tired or trying to encourage a headache to go away.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Moving through Mutant down in his classic outfit. Wesker makes sure that he keeps his senses alert as his eyes instantly home in on the young girl as he appraises the situation as he moves slowly carefully. Even though for the most part he looks like a normal human, his movements are so efortless and graceful they almost defy normal abilities of the agerage man. Carefully he approaches the young girl, wondering why she would not be in the church as it is clear she is homeless. And he asks of her, "So what forces you to remain in the cold on a day and night like this?" he asks.

His body seems to be more than human as it has a fairly high temprature.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky looks up suddenly at the man who seemed to appear out of nowhere. She hears his words and begins to answer before her brain processes his attire. Panic wells up in her eyes and she stands and presses herself against the wall, wings splayed against the old stone building. "You're not...here to try and take me away are you?" This seems to be more important than answering his question. As she finishes she whinces and has to close her eyes for a moment as a car turns onto the street, it's lights flashing across her face.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Wesker is Standing there rather passively as he looks down at her and thinks carefully. "No, Merely curious as to why someone would remain in the cold." he says softly His intellect taking over as he might not be the most... sutble of people and asks. "And who is after you to make you believe I would take you anywhere?" He remain still and about five feet away. He figures that her mutation might protect her from the cold he suspects.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky relaxes a little bit as the man comes off as unthreatening. The wings and her defensive stance relax as bit. For a moment there is hesitation before she says, "Hot, cold, feels like perfect weather to me always." And she shrugs one shoulder, making one wing rise and fall slightly. "I just...can't quite manage to cross the street. It's...hard to explain," It seems she actually struggles to even say that much. Afterwards she closes her eyes and reaches up to rub her head again. "Sorry...um...I'm not at my best. You looked like a cop. And...you know...homeless get kicked around or picked up for funsies. Someone told me when they passed by."

Albert Wesker has posed:
As Wesker listens and a ghost of a smile comes across his lips recalling that yes at one time he had been an officer and says. "Around here it is doubtful. Police tend to avoid this area unless there is a full scale riot or warfare." Then he looks back across the street and nods, and in perhaps a moment of charity he asks, "If it is making you uncomfortible then perhaps we could go someplace, there is a diner near here that serves good food. My treat?" he offers.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky gives a wry snort and says, "Figures. Someone trying to scare me off." When Albert reveals the true nature of these streets. She glances at the church and then bends and picks up the bowl, dumping the change into her fanny pack before grabbing a backpack from the shadows and stuffing the bowl inside. The look of surprise on his face when he offers food is surprise and it is obvious her answer even before she answers, "I...yes, uh, thank you. I'm Vicky." And she holds out on gloved hand and puts on a weak smile.

Albert Wesker has posed:
With a smile he will nod and says, "Albert." his full name might throw too many red flags up if SHIELD is in the area watching. Still he follows her away from the Church noting how she reacts moving away from it. "Still it is always beneficial to be careful were one goes." his words are chosen carefully. Wesker might be a murdering bastard, a bio-terrorist but even he feels the christmas spirit. So as he leads her to the diner he will offer to pay for the young girl's dinner, as he asks. "I have been around the area serveral time sin the past few weeks, and I am sure I would have noticed you what brings you to this place? simply attempting to... find a place to fit in?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky follows Albert to the diner and seems a little awkward going through the door. But she relaxes obviously, some sort of strain falling away from her face and body, the farther they get from the Chruch. The smile becomes stronger too. "Something like that. I saw the news stories and when things went to hell back...home I left. Figured it couldn't be any worse," She says, pausing uncomfortably for only a fraction of a second. But long enough any genius would pick it up.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky follows Albert to the diner and seems a little awkward going through the door. But she relaxes obviously, some sort of strain falling away from her face and body, the farther they get from the Chruch. The smile becomes stronger too. "Something like that. I saw the news stories and when things went to hell back...home I left. Figured it couldn't be any worse," She says, pausing uncomfortably for only a fraction of a second. But long enough any genius would pick it up.

Albert Wesker has posed:
As he notices her getting in side and relaxing the farther away from the church as he nods, "Indeed, when it get to the point were one realizes it is harder to stay that start over, it is a sign things need to change." he says firmly he is wondering now, if she might be attuned to the spiritual through her mutation. And as they sit down wekser orders for himself a large cheese burger and fries with a soda. "did you want to speak of it?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky chooses a table to sit at. It makes sense given her wings. When she opens the menu it becomes clear she is hungry enough it may take her a little bit. "A coke, please, thanks," She tells the waitress as she frowns at the menu. "I've had bad luck with people believing me before...even my therapists," She says after a quiet few seconds of contemplation of his question. Finally she decides, "Steak and eggs with hashbrowns. Eggs over medium and steak rare?" She smiles nervously at the waitress who could care less. When the woman leaves she turns her attention back to Albert. "But the worst case is you think I'm crazy like everyone else, right?" She gives a self-deprecating bark of laughter.

Albert Wesker has posed:
as he listens to her and smiles softly his smile is almost disarming, "In this world it would take a lot to make me think someone is self deceptive." And thinking, "I have read all sorts of reports of aliens, demons, gods, mutants, meta humans. I think that there is a lot out there beyond what most understand." he tells her.

Redstar has posed:
"If only my therapists thought the same way as you," Vicky says sadly, almost pouncing on the code when the waitress returns. "Thank you!" The enthusiasm of a teenage evident for a moment as she rips the paper sleeve off the straw and slides it into the drink. Only a few cubes of ice float in the slightly warm drink. She looks annoyed for a moment. Pulling off her glove he can see her hands are surprisingly clean for living on the street. She dips her finger into the cup and suddenly it seems to mist and the glass frosts over and begins to sweat. Looking please she then takes another sip. "At least my 'gifts," She obviously doesn't think they are, "Are good for keeping drinks the perfect cool temperature."
    She leans forward and stares down at her drink, hands wrapped around it, as she seems to think. Finally she looks up and says, "There's...another person inside me. That is the only way I can describe it. I've heard her voice almost my entire life and...well," She shrugs and seems at a loss as she idly stirs the soda.

Albert Wesker has posed:
as he listens to vicky as she speaks of another person. And the idea of a split personality does cross his mind. A mutation of the subconsious where it has taken one a life of it's own. But he doesn't voice it. As he listens to her, seeing her chilling the drink he raises an eyebrow and nods. he of course will take his own drink and start to enjoy it waiting for the food. He's already paid for it to make sure the girl knows he isn't leaving her with the tab.

"intertesting. Continue please. If there is indeed a second person inside you a EKG would reveal it easilly for no one person could have two sets of EKG readings."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky looks up at Albert in surprise as he mentions this. "Really? They...never did anything like that. MRIs and Catscans of my brain, sure, and my MRI had a lot of weird areas lit up, but they just said they still don't know everything about disasociative personalities," She says and then pauses and glances uncertainly at her host. "Well...she..." She seems hesitant, but covers it by taking a drink. Perhaps just dry mouth and nerves. "Starr. Her name is Starr and no, I didn't name her. She is...evil." There is a pause before that last word and she shrugs. "It sums up everything about her. She is bad. She is...the things she says, the things she has done when she has wrestled control, they're inhuman." Vicky shudders and focuses on making sure the waitress needs to refill it toot sweet.

Albert Wesker has posed:
as he listens to her he nods and will place a card on the table of Umbrella Inc. it has what looks like a Chip on it and says. "Here there is an medical facility in New york on this card, I will inform them you are coming, if you want they can come with the EKG scanning." He says with a smile. He is courious for sure of her condition and with a smile he simply leave the card on the table as the food arrives and he begins to eat.

"I can see how dealing with her would be most unpleasant."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky seems totally surprised and stares at the card. She reaches out and slides it over, picking it up and looking it over like it was some special treasure. "Thank you," She says and slides it into the fanny pack about her waist. The food, then, gets all her attention. Likely she hasn't had a good solid meal in awhile.
    "Yeah...and she has opinions. And it," Again Vicky pauses and frowns as she carves a bite from the steak, showing the nice red inside. "Gets loud and distracting sometimes," Vicky picks up before popping the bite in her mouth. "I admit," She says around the bite, "I'd like to be proven right."

Albert Wesker has posed:
Albert Wesker nods and smiles to her "Well all angles should be explored. One never knows what a cause may be. Sometimes you have to wonder if some people are driven to do things because that actually hear beings who are there." he says refering to people claiming to hear god or the devil.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky chuckles a bit and nods her head in firm agreement with Albert. "Exactly. Of course knowing I'm right won't change much...she'll still be there," Vicky says with a bit of a sigh. For a second her eyes unfocus and then roll and it wouldn't be too hard to guess a silent comment was passed in that breath. The teen digs into her steak and is quiet for a few bites. "So...thank you again. I'm curious...and I don't want to be rude...why?"

Albert Wesker has posed:
as he listens to her and as he finishes a bite of burger he says, "Genuine Curiosity, also and whil eit might seem ultristic, I am keen to understand the X-gene or mutants in general. They are the next step of human evolution. perhaps the knowledge from understanding can help smooth relations out, keep violence from happening and prevent war." he says softly.

Redstar has posed:
"OH!" Vicky seems very interested in his comments about ending hostility. "Well, I suppose it could, couldn't it. If I can help sure," She says before digging into her eggs, adding pepper and salt before they are scooped up with toast. "Seems a fair trade for the food."

Albert Wesker has posed:
With a nod Wesker smiles as he says. "Indeed." and he will make sure that he does finally return to looking at her and as hee lowers his face and then pulls his sun glasses down allowing her to see his red slited eyes and says. "Everyone is unique in their own way shape and form. Some more than others. It is these changes that will keep humanity strong. But if a war breaks out."

and he pushes his sunglasses back up and continues, "No one wins if the earth is reduced to ash and desolate ground."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky 's face twitches a second after his comment of the end of the world. Like she heard something unsettling. She isn't trying, at this point, to hide the fact she hears things no one else does. Feels things no one else can. Her eyes widen a bit at his odd-colored eyes and she even sees startled. "Her eyes...my eyes...turn red when she has control," She says quickly looking away from his gaze. The waitress at some point ninja-filled their drinks and she again takes a good long slurp through the straw.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Albert Wesker smiles and nods, "Well my change was something un expected, after exposure." he tells her and as he continues to eat. "I will keep that in mind for sure." he tells Vicky.