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Always Something With You People!
Date of Scene: 06 January 2018
Location: Batcave, Gotham City
Synopsis: Batgirl and Red Robin return to the cave after her fight in a club while unmasked. Fortunately for her, Batman is busy with other problems. For now. Robin, Red Robin and Batgirl all get their assignments for the night while Batman goes to deal with "League business".
Cast of Characters: Batman, Red Robin, Batgirl (Cain), Robin (Wayne)

Batman has posed:
    The weather in Gotham City was a horror, the likes of which would give even Canadians a brief moment of pause and cause Floridians to fall over in utter terror. Beyond the confines of the batcave the world was white with the haze of snow, no longer falling but being dashed around at times in drifts as the city remained deadened and cold. Yet through it all it still had one benefit for the man who goes by Bruce Wayne. It gave him excuses, reasons to put off the part of the world that interfered with the war.
    It was easy to put off his obligations. Social gatherings? Too cold, too inclement. Business meetings? Too early in the year, and too cold. Working out, training from a nosy bodyguard? Too cold, must hide under covers.
    It was enough that the Bat had spread his wings over the city of Gotham and handled matters directly, more than he usually tends to. Long hours, great efforts. And when he was down he was here, in the large cavern warmed by the hum of a reactor, in front of the monolithic computer screen. It was what passed for downtime. Until the data stream from law enforcement agencies started to light up.
    The Batman stood up from his seat, turning one of the data displays towards him as he keyed up another feed. A virtual intelligence converting the radio traffic of several law enforcement agencies and converting it to text then doing a search for a series of terms or words, particular phrases...
    And then the display lit up brightly. Enough that the man there frowned and stood up from the console, only after typing a string of commands. Then he moved towards the bank of equipment lockers, his stride grim.

Red Robin has posed:
    He used the privilege. Red Robin has no problem with that. The batmobile roars into he cave at the proscribed speed, and stops in its place. The canopy pops to let Cassandra out as Tim goes through the shut down. He quickly signs to his 'sister' >You got this, potato.<

    The touch is quick at her shoulder. It's a little sign of solidarity. He reaches up for his mask to give her a wink, as if to let her know he has her back. He goes back to the shutdown procedure, trying to do it quickly, but needing to do it right-- it isn't his car.

    "I took your car. The R-Cycle would have just made it worse." Yeah. No way to hide her identity. Red Robin is missing his cloak, and he'll be a little behind her.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    As soon as the canopy opens, Cassandra is out of the car. She's not in her costume. Jeans and a heavy jacket which is zipped up the front to hide the tank top underneath. That top is blood splattered and things are bad enough without waving a flat in front of Batman.
    He's going to be livid. She has no doubt of that. She can't even say he's being unfair. She messed up. She knows she did. So now, she's going to face the consequences.
    Once she's out of the car, she glances toward her mentor who seems to be intent on something. She can read the lines of his form, the tenseness in his shoulders. Somethings up. Yet, she doesn't think it is because of her.
    Maybe she'll get a reprieve. She walks down the matallic walkway, heading toward the elevators and wondering if she might get away with not stopping.

Batman has posed:
    The monitors flicker as their displays partially follow after Batman, a small monitor on one of the equipment consoles displaying the data feed which seems to be a transcript of the radio activity but conveyed in a shorthand and delivered at a speed that might make some dizzy to simply consider. Yet as the batmobile roars into the cave, the Dark Knight turns to the side and lifts his voice in that low rumble.
    "Computer, disengage primary displays. Set data feeds to be sent to my comm screen."
    There's a momentary flicker of activity at the computer and then the feminine electronic voice speaks, "Disengaging. Data rerouted."
    "Second instance for bat console, lock the processes from my display from second instance."
    Again the computer voice. "Completed."
    But then he closes the equipment locker, its door automatically hissing shut slowly as environmental integrity is stabilized. It gives him enough time to round back towards the new arrivals who are coming towards him now. His brow furrows as he holds under his arm an armored cowl that had been used in other uniforms of the past.
    "What's the status?" He looks between the two of them pointedly, his stride having put him in the way of her path towards those elevators...
    Even as behind them and to the side they'll hear the heavy rumble of the gantry from above descending as the Batwing is lowered upon great metallic arms holding it from the sides.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Just as simple as that, Cassandra's escape route is cut off. For a single moment, she wonders about making a break for it. Not that it would do any good. He'd catch up with her and she'd still have to face the music. So she does the only thing she can. She pulls her shoulders back and lifts her chink up, steeling herself for the conversation to come. More a debriefing. Which will end up with her in all sorts of trouble. Somedays it didn't pay to be a hero.
    But who was she kidding? She screwed up. Time to deal with it. She does take a glance at that armored cowl, not sure what that is about and frowning a slight bit.
    She brings up her hands and gives the short and sweet of things in ASL. <Night Moves Club. Boss Tony killed man publically. Had to act. Stopped them. Cops came, arrested him and men.> She skips that whole 'not in costume or wearing a mask' part but she does add. <No video.> Since that had been taken care of by another young man who had helped her. She keeps his name and information completely out of it.

Batman has posed:
    Standing there looking between them, the Batman's features are decidedly grim, and the hint of anger is there in the corners of his eyes though perhaps only Cass can pick up on the details, so hidden are his features. But if she looked deeper she might see that something else has his focus, has his attention, and perhaps even that anger.
    But then his brow knits and he gives a single sharp nod. At a glance he probably discerns what passed to a degree, can tell from the marks, the bruises, the blood spatter. The tendons in his jaw bunch as he tells her directly, "Why were you there?" On her 'night off' as it were, at one of the clubs that they had under surveillance. Though he likely already knows the answer. He's used it himself before when pressed by those in his life.
    But then he shakes his head and holds up a hand as if to stay any protest. "We'll speak on this later. I need you both tonight to take up the slack. I won't be available." As he says that he starts to walk along the gantryway and towards the heavy vehicle bay where the Batwing clangs into place, its wings still locked back in the ready position. The cupola pops open with a hiss of compressed air, the vehicle's displays coming to life inside the cockpit.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin had been prepping for the cold outside. He didn't have the luxury of a white suit variant, but he managed. Even with the disadvantage of bright colors, he was still able to stay out of sight to most.

  "What's the big issue?" He asks from the armory gantry, jumping down and landing with a light clank from his boots. "What's on the agenda tonight?" He asks, seemingly ready to beat up folk, katana at the ready on his back.

Red Robin has posed:
    "Suit up?" Tim manages to catch up and smacks Cassandra on the arm in a playful way. If she were one of the others, he'd have smacked her on the backside. That is the sort of touch it is. Clearly the message is 'shake it off'. He moves on over to get his back up cloak. "I need you to help me pick up the R-Cycle anyways, Cassandra." He moves to take the chance to reload his gear anyways. He gives her a little nod as he moves.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    The good news: She's not getting yelled at. Although that frown and the anger was enough to feel like a punch to the gut for Cassandra. She hates disappointing him. It eats away at her when she does.
    The bad news: Something is up and it isn't good. She frowns and starts to motion but he's already walking away toward the Batwing. She isn't really able to yell after him to find out what's happening and with his line of sight away from her, she can't sign either. Thankfully Damiam asks the question she's wondering.
    She glances at Tim and gives a nod, moving toward where her own costume is held safe and sound for her to access and change into.

Batman has posed:
    At Damian's arrival, Batman looks over his shoulder and answers the young man's query with a growl, "League business. I need you all here, in Gotham." He turns to bring them all into view as he looks between them. Then at Tim's words he nods towards Cassandra, "Get ready, Oracle will be coordinating."
    The tall man's voice is a short rapid-fire of delegation, giving orders as quick and easily as Patton addressing the troops. "Batgirl, I need you Downtown, East Park Side. Finnegan Street, there's a meet scheduled, transfer of cargo between two smugglers. Play it slow, need the detail on their suppliers and what is on the manifest." No wasted words, no hesitation. Just orders, information, then he turns away.
    "Tim, Midtown, West Side. Montgomery Street and Fifth, McCleary's. The Rolling Damned. Bike gang, fourteen members. Possible heroin meet and greet between their leader and a distributor. I need them taken down fast and hard, let them know that they do not ever want to try operating in Gotham."
    Then he sets foot on the Batwing, his expression sharp as he affixes Damian with his gaze. "Robin, back Tim up. It's his play, but after that I am going to need you to operate alone while he maintains surveillance. West Village, West Front Street. Animals have been turning up dead and dismembered. I want you to observe and report. If it is a meta situation, do not engage."
    He then stands up, tall on that vehicle and looks between them. "Questions?"

Red Robin has posed:
    "We got it." 14 to 2, with the being armed? He gives Damian a nod. He could do it alone, but far, far better to have the help. Safer. That being said, he purses his lips as he loads and thinks, remembering the layout. He has a few plans, and given his knowledge of the area, two of them are really good plans, and one is a decent one. Damian might have a better plan though. He gives a nod. "We got it. No worries." He reaches over to swap out the suit battery though, and plugs his partial back in. He restocks his grapnel gun, changing out the cartridge, then connects an extra collapsed staff to the small of his back. He grabs another, and dangles it between thumb and forefinger.

    "I know it's not your usual style, but you want to take one of mine, Damian?" His tone is actually sincere, not attempting to tease. "It is not a Katana, but weight wise, you will not notice it, and always good to have a back up?"

    Tim is still trying to be decent, even kind. His shrug is small. "No big deal if you prefer not."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin scoffed at the mention of the League. "One day I'm going to hack that zeta beam."

  "Good." He says, keeping his own reservations, if any, to himself. Only when he is offered a staff does he smirk. "I wouldn't want to show you up on your staff skills. Besides, the sword would be disgraced if I used another weapon." He lifts his hood up, another luxury afforded to him by Damian's combat prowess.

  Robin's eyes shift from Tim to Batman, with a small sigh. "But Thanks."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Instructions, she can handle. Cassandra turned when he started giving instructions, not having opened the sealed case yet. She listens carefully the nods sharply, just once. Sounds pretty simple. Not that anything is ever simple in Gotham City.
    She'll need to take Tim to get his bike. Which means she'll be using her own bike to do so. He gets to sit on the back. Unless Damian takes him. Or they might take the car instead which means she doesn't have to play taxi after all.
    League Business. That still hs her concerned. The choice of armored cowl, leaving them to cover the city, combined with that underlying tension and anger she is reading. If she needed to know, he would've told them.

Batman has posed:
    Once matters are settled and they all seem to accept their marching orders... then no questions, he nods once precisely and tells them. "I'll be out of radio contact once I leave the cave. If needs be contact Oracle, she may have a way to get a hold of me." He sets the armored cowl to the side, locking it in place in a storage case in the cockpit then turns back to the display in the Batwing. A few switches are turned, and the ominous black vehicle growls and roars with a whine of heavy engines coming on line, burning loud for a moment as the engine flame flares blue then back to red.
    But then another switch is flipped and the noise of the vehicle lessens considerably to a rhythmic growling even as the arms begin to lift it into launch position. "Remember to support each other." The glass lenses in the cowl click down into place as the heads up display flickers to life in green graphics over them, seeming to hover faintly in front of the man.
    "And Damian." He takes a moment to affix his son with his gaze. He says nothing, the two looking at each other, then he gives a nod and adds to not just him but to them all...
    "Good hunting."
    It's at that point that the engine whines a little louder, whirring as the vehicle is moved into launch position. The large sweeping wings twist back with a clang and lock into flight mode. Then in the next instant the Batwing lurches up off its landing pad and bursts out of the cave, its silhouette fading from view before it disappears into the night.

Red Robin has posed:
    "Robin?" Tim indicates the Batmobile. "Take us out?" Red Robin is letting Damian drive?

    Tim is letting Damian drive.

    He just slants a little look at the younger man which is a silent plea. 'please don't kill us or wreck it'. Red Robin heads towards the Batmobile to climb into the passenger seat. "Mind if we take the car? He can handle me getting my bike back. that way, Batgirl."

    Behind his mask he simply closes his eyes as he starts to buckle in. Okay. He's been nice twice. He needs to make a joke or something. "Do you need wood blocks to reach the pedals?" It is tame as teasing goes, and good natured. Batman and Cassandra have seen this sort of thing before. Almost word for word between Dick and Tim a few years back.

    One of them is trying hard. Maybe too hard, or he is making the joke as cover as he starts quietly patching in his gear to figure out what the heck Batman is up to. He lets the vehicle's armor hide his efforts as he tinkers with his gear. Barbara gets a head's up. He doesn't bother to hide it from Damian. In fact the tiny nod of his head towards the other Robin should hopefully clue the younger man in on his activities. As Batman is no longer able to hear them, Red Robin quietly says, "He's good at covering his tracks, take it easy on me while you drive, if you please, brother?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Before Batman leaves, the eye contact between them leaves an eerie feeling in the pit of his stomach. But he can only not in retort.

  Once the caped crusader takes his leave, all bets are off. "What in the fuck is going on with people?! Drake is being nice to me, Batman is even MORE CRYPTIC than usual. Did someone kill Abbadon or what?!"

  A few huffs before Damian jumps in the pilot's seat before the cowl closes on the two. "Spill it, Drake. What in the fuck is going on."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    At the suggestion from Tim, Cassandra gives a nod then pushes the buttons to open her case. It hisses open, giving her access to the costume within. She gathers the main armored pieces and heads down the walkway, needing to get cleaned up before she changes. Then she'll come back and ge the rest of her gear. Already her mind is working on the instructions given. Observe. Gain information and manifests. She's not sure how many will be there or what is being smuggled. Those little details will change things, forcing her to alter her plans on the fly.