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Latest revision as of 14:49, 8 January 2018

An abrupt fireside meeting
Date of Scene: 06 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Magneto, Sabretooth, Hellion

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Stay with him, she'd said. If you care about him, or the other mutants... stay with him.

At least that's what Wanda had heard. It wasn't far off of what she'd already felt. She'd been following her father since his escape in hopes of talking sense to him. Or making certain that he wreaked no more havoc. Or, more truthfully, because he was still her Papa and she loved him, and now that the bulk of her anger had been spent, what she wanted most was to make certain that he was safe.

It was all so complicated.

But here she was, following him. No longer trying to hide. No longer coming at him from stealth and shadow. He'd seen her at Xavier's. Now it was all a matter of staying close enough by until he decided to allow her to catch up to him. That, or, she supposed, until they arrived in Genosha. Either would suffice.

Sometimes things really didn't change all that much. Here she was again, following one of the men in her life, even knowing what a bad idea it was.

Magneto has posed:
    "Wanda, just come sit." Magneto says as he moves a rock with a decent sized piece of metal on the inside of it and flips it over so that it is closer to the small fire he's made. The master of magnetism has secluded himself out into the woods and is still taking care of a few things in the US before he can leave for Genosha.

    He holds a couple of metal cups over the fire and warms up some coffee grounds he might have sequestered during his woodland journeys. "Come sit, and discuss with me with me what you are doing out here Wanda. Why are you following me, you were on a higher path than my own, why throw it away?"

Sabretooth has posed:
Tracking is something of the oldest of hats for the feral mutant. It has a relief in it, simply following the signals, tiny threads most everyone just ... misses. And (except for when it doesn't), ends in something damn interesting at the end of the trail. In this case, far before getting close, the sounds of the voices come across to Victor Creed, as he slips through the forest, tracking the snip of a scent he picked up on. He keeps downwind, as if it was even necessary, silent for now while closing distance.

It's always best to know what SORT of disaster one is walking into... to know to what degree the guns should be blazing, after all.

Hellion has posed:
     Hellion had been on the lam since that fateful day. He could only rely on himself to get through. Having lived on the streets, Hellion had managed to stay away from being seen. He knew of Xavier's, but hadn't dared stoop to asking for safe harbor there.

  It was by happenstance that Julian Keller had seen the fire, and decided to follow it. Getting closer to the source, he announces his arrival. "Hello? Anyone still here?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's approach of the fire is slow, and somewhat reluctant. As much as if she were a wayward child caught out and being brought before parental counsel, and not the other way around: the daughter following the wayward parent to still his hand from a path that could cause only sorrows for many.

She pauses near enough the fire that its glow creates a rosy halo about her. "How can you ask why, Papa, when I nearly undid you?"

Her mouth opens to say more, but stills as she notes the change in atmosphere. "We are not alone, Papa." She makes no move to defend, though. Of course, with her, it's always a simple matter to change that.

Magneto has posed:
    As cautious as Wanda is, Magneto seems even less, he barely moves beyond shifting his back up and straightening his posture. Not because of Victor, but because of Julian's words. "There's a trio of us now, including you young man. Come out of the shadows." Erik says, his silver hair glowing red in the light. The man's eyes look back over to Wanda and he thinks at her, but instead uses his words. "I ask why you throw your future away for me, you are capable of so much more than me. You, Pietro and Lorna. The three of you are the greatest things I've ever done."

    "What's your name boy? I take it you at least know who I am?" Erik asks, his hand resting on the iconic helmet resting on his thigh while the two coffee filled cups continue to float over the fire.

Sabretooth has posed:
Some old training kicks in, and Victor does a loop around the general area, keeping well out of general range from it at first. To see who ELSE may be out here, or was out here. He isn't in any hurry, now that he has something of a scope of what is gathered, and stays far, well out of range even for much of his hearing to pick much up. For now.

Hellion has posed:
     The voice sounds familiar to Julian. Could it really be him? once the telekinetic makes out the scene, he responds, with his real name. "Julian Keller, sir." Hellion looks to Magneto with a bit of a glint. "I...don't suppose you remember me."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda turns, and throws up a hand, spreading the circle of light that the fire throws. It goes to a couple feet past Julian, and fades away, just as the firelight does, only in a much larger diameter. Her features frown down upon the newcomer, though she doesn't step in between him and her father.

<<I do not throw away my future, Papa>> she thinks back at Magneto. <<I have come to save it. To save us all.>> Though there is something of a confusion and a softening as she considers his words. That they are the greatest things he has ever done. So many conflicted emotions there.

Magneto has posed:
    Magneto's never been comfortable with telepaths, but he's dealt with a handful throughout his long life, however his eyes are on the black haired young man. "You sir were in DC with me. I appreciate the assist, but that was always intended to be a suicide mission of sorts. And yet it was a complete failure." Magneto remarks, pulling the cups out of the fire with a thought, one to his own hands, the other to hover in front of Wanda.

    "Come, sit. You are far from home, and I'm curious as to why?"

Sabretooth has posed:
With the loop of the area completed, the stealthy mutant slips through to the camp. He makes exactly as much noise as he intends to: which in this case, is just a small amount just before Victor emerges from the long black shadows of trees. To those that don't know him or expect him, it's probably pretty horror movie: the tall, ragged Victor coming out of nowhere at a slow, confident saunter. He does, of course, pretty much come from just behind and to the left of where Julian stands; his broad, clawed hands loose and relaxed.

Victor doesn't particularly DO anything other than loom and look somewhat pleased with himself. He doesn't interrupt. Well, not any more than being a bulky, intimidating mutant already causes, that is.

Hellion has posed:
     The addition of Sabretooth only takes Julian aback, but he also knew he could take care of himself. "I had been on the run since that day. I was hoping to get to Genosha somehow. Somewhere safe. Turns out, running from the Secret Service is easier than I had thought." Julian looked worse for wear. Spending nights on the streets and such. He couldn't go back to Emma, lest he paint a target on her. And he was too prideful to seek out the X folk.

  The telekinetic hovers closer to the fire, attempting to get warm and managing to sit down. "I believed in you then, I believe in you now, sir."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The drink in front of Wanda is taken, the young woman giving a half turn towards her father, before letting the circle of light collapse down to something less formidable. It now only extending past normal by a mere couple of feet. Much cosier. Certainly less of a beacon. Though, in truth, from any distance outside the circle, it looks nothing more than a small flicker against the scenery. Barely even a hint, anymore, that there is a fire here. Certainly nothing that most would want to take a second look at or come closer to check out. Almost as if the gathering were completed.

She turns and takes a seat across the fire from her father, happy, now, to remain a silence in the face of the young men who have joined them. Content to listen to their tales, if only in hopes of understanding her father's stance better at this time. Especially as the one seems to have been involved in that fateful day.

Magneto has posed:
    "Julian, come, sit, we are on our way to Genosha in a round about way. I aim to cross into Canada and use the teleporters to return to my home." He cuts himself off to prevent himself from revealing more of his plan to the people around him because as much as he should, he just doesn't trust everyone here.

    "Hello Victor. I hadn't excpected to encounter you at this time, you seem... the same as always, never aging seems like an advantage especially as I get older."

Sabretooth has posed:
Sabretooth doesn't mess with Julian at all nor have any apparent issue with him either way, though he does send a glance vaguely over the young man. He takes in Wanda: in particular, that she doesn't seem to react to him at all. So of course he stares at her.

Magneto greets him though, and gets a sleek incline of head. And the first comment out of Sabretooth is mostly to Magneto, but also just general: "No fun to be /expected/." A sly half-smile that has too much tooth in it to be nice. "There's a cabin... four kilometer north-northeast, if you're starvin," the low growl of Sabretooth volunteers in a somewhat indifferent way, his version of 'helpful'. And then an afterthought about the fire: "Or cold." People get cold; and it's not exactly a warm time of year, by any means.

Hellion has posed:
"Thank you. I...couldn't go back to Metropolis. Emma didn't need her school implicated." Hellion offers, admittedly, he was both relieved and happy for the first time since he'd been running. He is much different at the moment from the headstrong mutant that appeared to assist Magneto on the lawn of the White House, attempted to save him as well. Julian doesn't mention just how hungry he was at the moment, but his stomach didn't afford him the luxury of discretion when food was mentioned.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wannda's head tilts as she considers her father's words. A ghost of smile plays along her lips.


The single word is a punctuation between them all, and with a push of her hands together, her cup merely ceases to be. Or goes elsewhere. Or something that she doesn't think too hard about as it's inconvenience needed to be dealt with as she stands, giving the two other gentlemen about the fire a polite nod.

"You have my apologies. I would not normally be so rude. But my father and I have words that must be said. And I am tired of this current game."

Her smile for them is somewhat saddened, and sadder still when she lays her eyes upon Magneto. "Come, Papa. it is time."

And with a small step towards the fire, she is suddenly beside him, a hand held out to touch his own lightly. Then, without a word or a pause, they are gone, the pair. One moment there. The next, merely elsewhere.

...Meanwhile, the pair surface in Genosha. But that's another tale, for another night, and other drinks before much more civilized fires.

Sabretooth has posed:
Sabretooth doesn't react well to the vanishing. He does wait until the vanish is complete to react, which is to give an annoyed roar into the open air over the fire with a slow, exaggerated snarl and a spit into the flames, and then turns his annoyance towards Julian, in a low key seethe. It isn't even about Magneto, it's ... something he's tracking evading him in general.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian holds his hands up. "Hey, big guy, wasn't me. Honest." Truthfully Julian was just glad to be around people who didn't want to turn him in, regardless of who it was.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor doesn't turn on Julian: it's clearly just some venting, though it isn't like Victor looks particularly happy. "C'mon then," Victor says, tossing his head some towards the woods. He doesn't wait, just starts to head into the black trees, expecting Julian to come along, it appears.

Hellion has posed:
And Indeed, The telekinetic follows Victor. Hovering inches above the ground as to not create footfalls and prints in the earth. "Thanks." He offers genuinely.

Sabretooth has posed:
"Yep," Victor answers, and does look back, skeptical of the lack of footsteps, but once he sees why, he flashes a grin and nods once, and increases speed. He doesn't slip out of sight at all, he'll lead the younger man to the cabin he described.

Hellion has posed:
     The added speed only has Julian keeping up. The teen keeps closeby, if not giving Victor a good amount of space. The cabin would certainly be a welcome sight, first time he'd be in real shelter for the better part of a month.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor slows near the cabin, with a thoughtful breathing. He doesn't sniff obviously at the air, but is clearly analyzing. He then switches into a silent, swift stride, suddenly very clearly revealing his likely military training, and slides up to the cabin, strongarms the door and knocks out the occupant.

And just... drags the person off into the woods nonchalantly with a few claws hooked into the man's shirt, with a bit of a 'all yours' sort of wave of hand at the cabin to Julian. 'There you go' it says, before Victor melts into the forest.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian expected as much, though the reaction does get a bit of a laugh. He gives a nod to Victor as he slinks off, and as Julian makes his way into the warmth, and to hit up the food.