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Latest revision as of 20:25, 9 January 2018

A Little Punch Between Friends
Date of Scene: 08 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Redstar

Crusader has posed:
After their little meal at a Diner, Bjorn made good on his word for them to head somewhere reasonble for Starr to come out and meet...as well as to go through some changes himself. The man moves quick and fast, surprisngly so as he seems somehow always seem to just leave Vicky vision every time they turn through a corridor in the subway system

However eventually they make it to their destionation - an abandon underground subway station. It has its own Bar, a fighting rink, and alot of junk. Random mutants and cut throats can be found around the place.... so really no one down here will bat an eyelash at what happens

Though Bjorn seems to have vanished into thin air as the burly santa was no where to be found

Redstar has posed:
Vicky is quiet most of the way to the bar and when they enter she seems nervous. His change makes her eyes widen a little bit, but doesn't seem to both her really. "Oh... Yet she doesn't seem scared of him, merely impressed and even fascinated. "Wha-what are you?" She finally asks, still following him.
    As they head down into the bar she moves closer to Bjorn, casting her eyes about. This isn't a place she would ever come to on her own. Nor a place she has ever been or experienced. Biting her lip she turns to follow Bjorn, but he is gone. Her blue eyes dart hither and yon for him in growing panic. Then some guy catcalls her she actually finds herself pressing against the nearest wall. The man is quickly pinning her there, tall enough to look her in the eye, one arm placed on the wall behind her near her head.
    "Hellooooooo nurse," He drawls, giving her a very obvious oggling. The unitard doesn't leave much to the imagination, one of the problems with the attire. Vicky stares at the man with wide eyes and he grins. It is the grin of a predator that has caught it's prey. But between one blink and the next the eyes go from blue to red and her whole demeanor shifts. She stands taller and as a result nudges the arm from the wall with one wing. The look of panic replaced by one of contempt.
    "Get your foul-breathed face, and even fouler body, away from me," She says in a hiss and gives him a little shove.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn didn't seem to hear Vicky as she made he rquestion. He seemed quite focused for whatever reason on getting to the destionation. ANd where he went to in the abbandon station is impossible to say. It was as if the man never existed, a figment of imagination...
    That out of the way, at least SOME people down here have a sense of decency. A collosal orcish being seem to have noticed what was going on with the Vicky and the Scumbag. The creature sort of just appeared in the crowd and people...parted ways to avoid getting in his path.
    Despite his size, he was amazingly quiet in how he walks. And as the man is about to respond back to Vicky....Vorn picks up the man who and tosses him over his head and across the room without much regard for what happens after.

"Wha.....AAaaahhhhhh" and a crash as the thug hits a wall

Vorn looks down at Vicky and says in a beastial voice "You alright?"

Redstar has posed:
A pair of red eyes rise up to meet Vorn's blue ones. Those eyes slowly wash across Vorn's body as they lift to his and she smirks a little bit. "My hero," She says in a voice full of amusement and sarcasm. Now free of the offending male she moves from the wall and stretches. Then Starr gives a happy little sigh and looks around the bar. There is no fear, no worry, in her stands anymore. In fact it seems there is an almost overwhelming confidance. "You're not too bad looking, either, even with the tusks." She walks past him, one wing fluttering playfully at his arm when she passes.
    The barman raises a brow as he mixes drinks with his multiple arms. Starr slides onto one of the make-shift stools and crosses her legs. "Coke," She tells him with a slow smile. "I'm pretty sure the guy who landed in the garbage is paying." And the barman smirks and nods, sliding a cold one in front of her. Drink in hand she turns to look back at Vorn. "So...what's your name, oh chivalrous one?"

Crusader has posed:
"Vorn - though most refer to me as The Real Steel Orc" he rolls his name "A dumb name. But no rightly care long as the fight is good" he says. "So, your Starr?" he asks he walks over and looks to the Barman. Knowing whats comming, the barman slides him a whole bottle of vodka. and says sternly "One ONLY. Last time you drank me out of everything"
    Vorn chuckles and nods "Fine" as he drinks direct from the bottle "Well, you seem alot less....threatening than your other side makes out"

Redstar has posed:
Starr 's smile turns to a slight frown and her red eyes narrow slightly as she eyes the orc. "How do you know us, exactly?" She asks before sipping from her drink. Before she was relaxed and even happy, not she is obviously tense and suspicious. The wings are something of a tell for they've lifted slightly and seem ready to snap open at any moment.
    She eyes the bottle but doesn't say anything. Instead she sips her coke and eyes the Vorn. Then something gets to her and she doesn't wait for him to answer. "You know what...I'm sick and tired of Vicky making me out to be a horrific person. Sure, I've killed and hurt a person or two. But it was in self-defense," She huffs out and shakes her head, red hair bouncing about her. For a moment it seems like the temperature began to climb, but then it settles back down. As if whatever hot breeze had started suddenly stopped. It's easy to see Starr grinding her teeth and looking angry, though not at Vorn.

Crusader has posed:
"Diner. Food. Here" is Vorn response to the question. "Gotta knock you out when down. But eh" he shrugs and downs more Vodka. And than procedes to swallow the Vodka bottle....whole. And to think Bjorn was scary when eating? Clearly this orc has no qualms about what goes down to his gut.
    "Well to be fair, most people are put off by death. Let see...." he counts on his fingers "...killed over 20 myself. A few were accidents, but most delt with survival. It can be a nasty world out there" he looks to the barman but before he can say anything the barman snaps "NO" Vorn grumbles.

Redstar has posed:
Starr eyes go a little wide and now she looks Vorn up and down with much more care and, appropriately, concern. The frown doesn't go away so much as she is faintly scowling now. "I would really prefer to not be knocked out," She says after a few seconds. She sips from her drink and doesn't take her eyes off of him.
    Though the bottle eating is certainly unsettling she only narrows her eyes over the glass. "Add some rum in this, eh?" She sets the glass on the bar. There is a pause from the barman, but then a shot is added. Not like this place is legal to begin with. "Have you ever been imprisoned?" She asks the orc after he is told "No."

Crusader has posed:
"That can be arranged. Simply give your other half back control when we are done" he says curtly. "Promise was made, and it will be fullfilled." he says. Infact he doesn't seem to actually mind Starr...he just so happens to keep to his word it seems
    "Yes. And no. Still figuring that part out" he knocks on his skull which sound like metal hitting metal "Got alot of minds and memories up here."

Redstar has posed:
Starr purses her lips as he mentions returning control and she seems to consider it. "I see," She says after another seconds pause and now sips from her newly doctored drink. Those red eyes finally leave the large man and trail around the place. "You sound more like the one with disassociative personalities than I," She scoffs and then chuckles with wry amusement.
    As she leans on the bar a young mutant walks by. His skin crackling with small arcs of white electricity. Starr follows him as he walks by and very obviously is eyeing his tight jeaned bottom. "Mmmmm...niiiiiiice," She purrs before letting out a sigh. "All right. So you have numerous minds in your head...why?"

Crusader has posed:
"Made UP of numerous minds. Shattered minds technically" he follows Starr gaze and grunts uninterested "Think of it like playdough. Mix yellow and blue playdough you get green playdough. Same concept...for now" he rolls his shoulders "As for why....well tehcnicaly supposed to be a Hive Mind kind of deal. Blahblahblah alien biology, blahblahblah, superbeing, blahblahblah take over worlds" he makes a chatty signal with his hand "Long story short, alien experiment mixed with mutant human. You got us" he says not seeming to be one for overlong...or well explained explanations. "And what about you?"

Redstar has posed:
Starr listens with genuine interest one hand stirring her rum and coke idly. The scowl has left and she even smiles now at the 'blahblahblah' and so on. "Well...that's not something you hear every day," She says and finally sips her drink. After that kind of explanation she needs one. "I...For as long as Vicky can remember, I can remember too except mine goes back to birth. All my memories are simply her living her life her way. I couldn't even communicate with her till we were eight years old...but it's weird," She glances away and off into the distance.
    Something bothers the red-eyed woman as she nurses her drink. She probably doesn't even realize her lips have pursed. "I've always been older...knew things she didn't about living and life. I don't know how or why. And it isn't like I can ask my parents, who adopted me by the way. I know that because I remember them holding me and talking about the adoption procedures while my stomach screamed in agony at the formula they had fed us. Of course I couldn't do anything, communicated, and I cannot express how frustrating...how...infuriating it is to exist and yet not be able to live that existence," She looks down at the glass in her hand and gulps down the rest. It is set with a thud on the bar, "One more, please. But that's it," She snorts and looks back at the orc. "I've actually -lived- for maybe a month total of this entire life," She gestures broadly and her voice is dripping in the sound of long held anger and frustration.

Crusader has posed:
"Well that sucks. At least for us....there is no real 'changing control'. Rather, parts of us simply become more prominate" he says. "Well, instead of fighting your other Half....perhaps you might instead try working WITH your other half. A balance mightoffer both of you a great deal more freedom, than you would be fighting agaist one another. Though to ask...what problem do you have with a church? Figured you were a ghost haunting your other half at first...but the way you describe things is much different" he looks to Starr with interest watching her carefully

Redstar has posed:
"It...hurts," Starr says with a frown as if it is hard for her to put to words. Then she takes another large drink of her rum and coke. Licking a bit from her upper lip she finds herself staring down at the ice cubes listening to Vorn's suggestions. "At first it's just that uncomfortable crackle of current. Easily ignored. But the closer she gets the more it hurts. Like electricity razing through my senses. Vicky doesn't feel it or she wouldn't be able to think let alone resist. But I can't tell you why," She looks uncomfortable. Like talking about the thing brings back the sensation. A whole shudder runs through her and she whispers, "I'm afraid it might actually end me..." She glances at Vorn and he can see it there. As someone who has killed others he probably can remember that terror of death easily. She hasn't touched on working together though and she doesn't seem ready to yet.

Crusader has posed:
"Interesting..." he says. "Quite the....problem to be in. You try to avoid it because of pain...but your other half tries to reach it because...if one is understanding correctly, she wants to understand why. Your twin existance, your duality speaks of something more to your background han just being a simple mutant." he notes.
    He rolls his shoulders "If you wish to not feel such pain, than the sooner you and your other half start working togeather...the sooner you two might come to a compromise that leaves you both happy. But when and if you do that is up to you two. With that being said...one does have a job to go too." he turns his head "Now, is this going to be done the hard way, or the easy way" aka is he going to have to knock Starr out...or will Starr reliquish control.

Redstar has posed:
"I'm not the one resisting working together," Starr says through gritted teeth. Another frustration obviously. "She is convinced I am evil. Perhaps I am. I don't know. But Vicky feels it is her duty to be my jailor. The only reason I was able to come through earlier was because she paniced and had no idea how to deal with that schmuck. If there is one thing she does know is that I can fuck a persons shit up and not feel bad about it. This time we did agree. And lo and behold here I am," She trails off and then downs the rest of her drinks.
    She stands a moment after he does and turns to look at him. That anger has been fueled by the discussion. Memories are powerful things, especially when they are all of being trapped. "I can not willingly go back to being nothing but an observer. I'm sorry," And she leaps back quickly and between them a blazing sphere of burning heat. The sudden flash of light is meant to distract so she can bolt through the light crowd in the direction of the exit. The sphere vanishes the moment she is among other bodies.

Crusader has posed:
The blazing heat was not so much a problem...but that flashing light is! Vorn technicaly has no eyes or organs...so he feels, smells, taste and yes SEES with his whole body. Needless to say the flash of light was extreamly disorienting to him. So much so he stagger back and tries to shiled himself with his arms.....which really does not help at all.

Alien-like physiology sucks sometimes.

When he does recover a few moments latter, he spots Starr making a run (flight?) for the exit and is well ahead of him. The large being, despie his size quickly gives chase "They always run" he growls, unsure if he will actually be able to catch her

Redstar has posed:
Starr manages to slide through the crowd with fair ease, using her wings to help her by shoving the less aware out of the way. Sure there is a lot of yelling and grumbling, but it also means people are standing more in Bjorn's way. Starr knows she is no match in a physical fight with the man so her only hope is escape.
    Her feet hit the stairs and she starts to feel like maybe, just maybe, she'll get away scot-free. Yet even as she takes them two at a time, wings fluttering and making the taking easier even if she can't takes off here, she hears Bjorn get to the stairs not far behind her.

Crusader has posed:
Oddly enough people don't seem to quite panic when Vorn is comming through. The massive orc seems to melt into a puddle of silver monochromatic goo that simply flows through the crowd, before reforming at the base of the stairs. He was going AFTER her like a bat out of hell...
    And as if to prove how much buissness he means, something much more startling comes into play. As Vorn runs he brings his arm back as a bolt of lightning forms in it and he HURLS up the stairs towards Starr.

Redstar has posed:
The stairs break out onto a deserted platform and Starr leaps to the side. There is a crash and thud as well as a pained grunt. These tunnels aren't all abandoned, but no car stop here. Starr rolls to her feet even as she bites her lower lip and brings a hand up to the right side of her face. Already a nasty red mark is swelling as she leaps from the platform to the tracks below. Careful to avoid the third rail she disappears into the darkness of the tunnels beyond.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn naturally tries to follow - little can hurt him at least from regular machinery and dives into the darkness of the tunnels as well. Unfortantly, while he can map locations....tracking people is another matter. And he quickly loses track of Starr within the maze like tunnels!