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Latest revision as of 20:39, 9 January 2018

Lighting the Lantern
Date of Scene: 08 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Cruz), Star Shimmer

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Space... so vast, so empty. As one dark green, twisted ring flies away, grumbling about vengeance and finding a new source of nourishment... a bright green ring travels as well from the center of the universe, hurtling towards Earth, aiming towards North America. It is seeking out one who has the capacity to overcome great fear... that fought the Ring of Volthoom off. It is getting closer, entering the Sol system, accelerating towards Earth, possibly detectable by other ring-wielders.

Jessica is in a room at Bellvue Hospital. Last night, she tricked the twisted Ring of Volthoom. She used it to try to save people from an apartment-building fire. But the ring abandoned her to die. Rescued along with everyone else, she was found passed out - partially from smoke inhalation, partially from... what the doctors think was mental exhaustion. She had no identification on her so she's listed as a Jane Doe. Her right arm is covered in vine-line scars that go from her right ring finger to her neck, and they seem tender to the touch, though the doctors cannot figure hot what to do with them. Jessica is just now opening her eyes, blinking as she immediately looks to her right hand and arm which is covered in bandages and salve. "Where am I?" she mumbles softly, nobody in the room with her.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Its been a long few days for the young Autumn. She's been getting her apartment back up to snuff. She's been out training, busting her butt trying to get into shape after her recent hiatus. She's been trying to keep a low profile as she doesn't exactly look the same as she used to. Today alone had her visiting the nursing home, job hunting, and out trying to find parts to updated her now antiquated computer. This has lead her to check in a little early.


The pulse of energy courses through her, rousing the young Sapphire from her sleep. She quickly gets up and changes into her Star Sapphire uniform. Love echos within her and whats more... Something big is coming. She jumps off and takes flight towards where she is sensing the need. Manhattan. Within moments, she is outside the hospital, debating how she is going to enter.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
The brightly-glowing ring enters Earth's atmosphere, a bright green flash in the sky, as it takes a streak towards Bellvue Hospital. It hovers there, then phases through the window to Jessica's room and floats there above her bed, her room aglow with bright green light. That calls the attention of a nurse who investigates and sees the floatnig jewelry. "Jessica Cruz of Earth. You have the ability to overcome great fear." She stares up at the ring, at a loss of words, not sure what to make of this. She sees the logo on the ring. And... she can't believe it. "Is this real?" she mumbles softly as two of the nurses are standing in the doorway, staring at the weird events.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer chose the front door. She makes her way to the location, giving anyone questioning a quick response that she is visiting family. Who would a Star Sapphire have as family. That is when she sees it. The bright green light. "Huh. A Green."

Quietly she steps to the door. Looking at the two nurses, she smiles, "Umm, Excuse me, She could use a little privacy." Says the glowing violet girl. Within a second she has both nurses in a violet box construct and are moved out of the room. "Huh. First time I've seen it from this end."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz just stares at the glowing violet girl. "Huh?" states softly, looking as the door is closed, leaving Jessica, the glowing ring, and the violet girl. "Who and what are you?" she asks, confused. "Is that... what I think it is? I... I don't know if I can handle another ring..." She sighs softly, even as the floating ring decides to chime in. "The feat of fighting the Ring of Volthoom's fear to a standstill, sufficient to cause abandomnent, a feat never before noticed, was the reason that you were chosen." She just looks down at her right arm - which is covered in bandages from the hopsital staff trying to do something about the scars on her arm. She then murmurs, "How can that thing know of this? It just happened a short time ago..." She glances over to Shimmer, looking more puzzled.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer stands there, watching the scene unfold as her own ring is immediately feeding her information, telling her about the ring of Volthoom and just how nasty it is. She blinks a few times and then just smiles brightly. "It knows because it likely felt it. You broke the hold of a ring like that? Well done." She smiles brightly. "Its your choice to accept that ring. Its not like the other one. It draws on your willpower. Accepting it will make you a Green Lantern." She smiles a little.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Yes.... that evil ring... just glomped onto my arm and... tried to force me to dance to its tune." She pulls the bandages off, to show the scarring all up her arm. "It... literally rooted itself in me. But... it never oculd fully control me." She sighs softly. "What exactly are you? You're glowing like the Lanterns of the Justice League - they helped me when that thing first attachaed to me... but you'er glowing a different color. A pink Lantern?" she asks hesitantly as she just gazes up at the glowing rng which seems to be in no hurry to go anywhere.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer snickers, "My name is Star Shimmer. I'm a Star Sapphire of the Star Sapphire Corps. Not part of the Justice League or anything. I sensed a few things. My ring lead me here. I could feel something coming. Namely the ring. Also, I sensed love. As in, your love to protect others. Your love of others, Your Will... You succeeded where many failed. I can only figure I'm here to help you. Some of the others wouldn't exactly agree with me being here or offering help. Greens and Star Sapphires have a checkered past." She pauses and makes a chair construct which she sits down on. "I am not going to push you either way. This has got to be your choice."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "I do love my sister... but... I've been a hermit for the last four years... I saw something... and... I holed up in my house..." She sighs softly. "Do you like being a... Star... Sapphire?" she asks as she holds her hand up, palm-up, and the ring lowers itself to sit on the palm of her hand. "It's warm... a soothing warmth..." she murmurs as she gazes at it.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smiles, "I wouldn't want to be anything else. Love is a major thing in my life. Loving others and myself. You have no idea how difficult the last part was. Using the ring though, Its become a part of who I am to be honest. Showing love and using love to help others? Its become like breathing to me."

She snickers, "Yeah. The green lantern rings aren't like the other one. These ones listen to your will. You will have plenty of backup. The Green Lanterns are well known for being like a galactic police force."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "I'm not sure it chose well... but..." She sighs softly. "I guess if it doesn't work out, I can just always re turn to my house and order more baked beans... I saw a special on a pallet of them.." She just looks down at the ring. "Wait... I can go to space with this? Volthoom always told me that was possible, but I always thought he wanted to scare me to death by making me suffocate or something..." She is gently stroking the ring like it's a pet or something, not donning it yet. "I just don't know if someone like me, who hid in her house for years due to a posislbe mob hit, is... a good candidate... but the ring thinks I am..." She sounds confused.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Yes." The Violet girl responds. "Not just space, Other planets. Other sectors of the Galaxy. With enough charge you can go almost anywhere. The only limit is your imagination. Be careful though, Such things can be addicting." She snickers. "The other ring is gone. This one won't do that to you." She stands up and her construct shatters into crystal and then vanishes. She moves over and sits next to Jessica. "The rings are drawn to the thing that fuels them. In your case, your willpower. In my case, my love. They pick their wielders carefully."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz murmurs, "I guess... I mean, the few Green Lanterns I know of always seem to be heroes and none of them seem burdened by... their rings or powers..." She gazes at you. "I know you're not quite the same thing, but could you help me figure things out?" She looks down. She slides the hand onto her left hand's ring finger, not wanting it in the same spot as Volthoom was. "Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps." Her hospital gown was replaced with a sleek green, black, and white uniform. And... the Lantern insignia forms around her right eye. She smiles faintly. "I accept... I guess..." she murmurs.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer snickers, "Sure I can help you out with it. I just got back from an in depth training period. The past 6 months were a bit more intense then usual. So yeah I can help you out. Its going to be a little different for you. From what Libby tells me, The ring of Volthoom was more like a yellow ring then a green, fueled by fear. This one is as strong as your willpower." She then watches and smiles seeing the girl's clothing change. "Welcome to being a proper ring wielder."