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Overwatch Finals Afterparty
Date of Scene: 09 January 2018
Location: Manhattan - Midtown
Synopsis: Drake and his friends are celebreating his team's victory at the Overwatch League Finals.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Mon-El

Slipstream has posed:
There is so much excitement in the air! The Overwatch League Finals between the New York Static and the South Korean super team known as the Dragon Fire was back and forth. They both would take two maps, coming down to a final on map Illios. King of the Hill and brutal due to the tight chokes and enclosures. As the time ticked down and the last map locked at a hundred percent, the crowd roared to life as the old familiar chant of USA. USA. USA. was heard. Lights flash brightly back and forth as confetti rains down from above over the head of the six players in their brilliant blue and silver uniforms.

As the camera crews rush over to the team for interviews, Dynamite rises upwards from his seat, brushing confetti out of his hair with a huge grin upon his face. He gives a quick fist pump, followed by a chest bump to Zapp and a high five to Valkerie. He gets a hug from TryHard and a fist bump from ReckLess (who has dollar signs for S's on his jersey.) After a quick handshake with the Koreans, he gives a quick interview as the team captain. The stadium is filled with loud music of a heavy metal type, the signature song for the Static symbolizing their win.

After the interviews and photos being taken, followed by autographs, he searches through the crowd for his Legion friend, waving a hand excitedly to try and catch his attention.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar did say he would try to make it to one of Drake's tournaments, right? So when news of the big finals surfaced online he made every effort to get there. He probably isn't difficult to pick out, since he's the only one hovering in the air. Hey, it's better than the cheap seats!

    He floats over to his friend and sets down nearby as the photos are being snapped and questions fired for interviews. "Congratulations, Drake!" he says with a smile, although it seems a little bit forced. "I knew you'd win." A chuckle. "Not really, but it didn't surprise me, either."

Slipstream has posed:
"Dude, you were floating." Drake laughs as he reaches out to give him a fist bump gently against his knuckles. "I'm sure the cameras caught you a few times. It's not every day that superheroes would come to a video game tournament." He runs his hands back through his hair to move them out of his face. A few photographers start to snap a number of shots of the two of them as he gives a wave to them, then signs a few autographs as some of the fans approach. A couple also ask Lar for a few as well. "So, we're heading out for dinner. Do you want to come with us?" He asks hopefully. "Maaaaybe.. invite Laurel?"

"Oooooh, the blonde that came by the other day? She's so hot." Zapp chimes over as he waves to Lar as well.

"Oh my god, you're such an idiot." Is Valk's voice as the purple and pink haired girl rolls her eyes before striding off to go mingle with a few of her fans.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Probably." Lar nods at the comment about having gotten caught on camera. "I know, but it's not as if I have anything to hide." He shrugs, then nods at the offer of dinner. "Sure, I wouldn't mind that. I don't think I've properly met your teammates." he says, glancing briefly at the others. "I could...see if Laurel is available." he nods. He tries to give out autographs when asked without breaking anything.

Slipstream has posed:
"Sure, that's Zapp. You met him. That is Valkerie, Reckless, Tryhard and Mozart. This is my team. Been living with these guys for a year now." Drake says as he waves to the others to come over. The four boys do, Valkerie is doing her own thing with her friends. They all stare at the hero for a few moments before bumping each other on the shoulder and making some quick commentary about superheroes and how it's awesome they get to hang out with him.

In an amused look, Drake grins at them. "You guys are hilarious. Where do you want to eat at?"

"Cheesy Petes!" They all crow out loudly.

"... Pizza it is then."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, yeah! Pizza, I remember trying that before." Lar says with a smile. He nods at the introductions to Drake's team. "It's very nice to meet you all!" The Daxamite watches the antics of Valkerie's friends for a moment, sighing inwardly a little bit. He...doesn't feel like a hero at the moment, really, but doesn't make mention of it.

    He peers at Zapp in particular. "So you've met Laurel? I heard you mentioning her. She's my niece. Or something like that." A thousand years of generations gets a bit hard to keep track of.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, don't mind Valk. She's all girl power." Drake grins at Lar. "We're not her type, let's just say that. Anyways, yeah, pizza! It's the best." Drake says as he starts down the hallway through the throng of fans, waving and autographing on the fly as he goes.

Zapp gets a few fans as well as he comments to Lar. "Yeah! I met her. She came to visit Draaaaake and 'play video games'." He says as he makes airquotes iwth his fingers.

"Dude, that's all we did. We only played video games." Drake counters with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, but didn't you ask her out on a date later that day? I was watching your stream. You couldn't take your eyes off her."

"Dude! Come on man, why you gotta say that?" Drake howls out in embarrassment.

"It's true dude." Reckless says, "We /all/ saw it."

Mon-El has posed:
    "'All girl power'?" Lar looks somewhat confused, unsure of how that context was supposed to be interpreted. "Is that some kind of slang phrase?"

    He starts following Drake out as the group heads toward the restaurant to celebrate. "Well I'm glad you uh..." he starts as the team starts to harangue Drake about Laurel's visit. "--I'm glad you enjoyed her company." he finally finishes. "She's a valuable member of the Legion if I've read the logs right. Apparently she fought off entire armies of Khunds alone on multiple occasions. Er, they're a race of militant cyborgs intent on taking over the galaxy. Long time enemy of the United Planets...which doesn't exist yet so I guess that part isn't exactly relevant. Anyway I'm sure she thinks well of you all."

Slipstream has posed:
"I think Drake just wants to know if she's a good kisser or not." Zapp laughs as he gives Drake a push from behind on his shoulder playfully.

"DUDE. Come ooooon man! I don't even ... uh ... I haven't even thought of that." Drake says with his cheeks quite red as he clears his throat.

"Really? So who else are you waiting to text you back allllll night while staring at the news, waiting to see if she pops up on there or something?"

"Are you serious right now? You are spying on me?"

"You're in love dude! Woooow!"

"Oh My God."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Hm, I'm not sure about that. I don't actually know her all that well yet." Thanks amnesia. "But maybe I could ask for you?" Lar teases, grinning a bit. "Don't be embarrassed, Drake! Isn't this a normal human response? Nothing to be ashamed of. Laurel is certainly worthy of your affection!"

Slipstream has posed:
"Yes, yes, this is a /normal/ human response." Drake says with a low moan under his breath as he gives his teammates a glower. "I don't know ... " He trails off. "She's like ... a ten ... a superhero and really .. um... beautiful." He whistles out softly. "There's no way she's going to be interested in some nobody like me."

Mon-El has posed:
    "But if she came to visit you, she has to be at least -somewhat- interested, right?" Lar tries to encourage his friend, patting him on the shoulder as gently as he can muster and hoping not to accidentally fracture any bones or break any capillaries. "And you're not a nobody. You have your team, you have me, and I'm sure you have family who care. And who knows, maybe some of your fans do too." he says, motioning over toward the roaring crowds.

Slipstream has posed:
There is a bit of a wince from Drake's side as his family is mentioned and Zapp can be seen from slightly behind waving his hands back and forth like: Don't go there! "Yeah, I guess I have my chat and my fans, and these dorks." He glances over at his team as Zapp quickly pulls his hands down. "But Laurel came over because I invited her over to see the game. She was playing with me for a few hours. But, it doesn't mean she's into /me/ though. We've only met a few times so I'm in the friend zone." He chuckles as he opens the door once the last round of photogs take some pictures and their manager gives them a quick debriefing. Where to be, where to go, in the next couple of hours.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar definitely notices that family is a sore spot for Drake. He sighs. "Not so much, huh? Sorry about that." His own family...well...they certainly -care- about him. They just didn't care enough about others. It was complicated. "Anyway, if she accepted your invitation, she must at least want to be friends with you, so that's a step, right? But even if that doesn't happen, then I'm sure you'll find -someone- eventually."

    He kind of hangs around behind them during the debriefing, frowning in thought and halfway listening to what's being said. Or is it concentration? Sometimes, when it's very noisy, he has a hard a time filtering through being able to hear -everything-.

Slipstream has posed:
Interviews in an hour and a half. Professional photos in two hours. ESPN interview in the morning. VLOG before lunch. Social Media meeting at two. Their manager excitedly goes on and on for a bit as the group nods their head as if they were on strings, just bobbing along. Afterwards, they bolt out of the room as Drake grabs Lar by the wrist to get his attention and hopefully drag him out. "Okay, freedom! Let's chow on pizza. Man. I'm still jacked over that game. I can't believe we finally won this." He says with a pump of his fist in the air, followed by a high five to Zapp. "Maybe I can hang out with Laurel later. Tonight can be a guy's night. Maaaaybe I can give her a call tomorrow." He ventures. "So, Lar, got plans later for tonight as well? Any girl got your eye?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Speaking of girls, Lar's thoughts definitely do eventually wander over to a certain Kryptonian woman he met recently as he's standing there waiting for the debriefing to be over. Although, Drake does get him to snap out of it. "Yes, pizza. I'm looking forward to it! So have you never claimed victory in this tournament before?"

    At the last question, he blushes a little bit. "Well, I did meet this Kryptonian girl earlier. She..." he trails off, at a momentary loss for words. "...is just beautiful. In many different ways."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oooooh Snaaaaaap. I bet he's in love with Supergirl!" Zapp blurts out quickly. The superhero wikipedia of the team who's bedroom is covered head to toe in posters.

Drake gives his friend an incredulous look. "How the hell do you know that anyways? I don't even know what a Kryptonian is."

"Dude, it's on the freaking Internet." Zapp counters.

"Yeah, but I surf the Internet for important shit." Drake responds back.

"Like porn? You should really clear your web browser." Says Reckless.

"I don't look at porn!" Drake blusters out quickly with red cheeks. "Oh my God, dude."

"Seriously, you don't look at porn?"

"No! Eesh. ANYWAYS." Drake says as he waves his hand in the air. ".. is it Supergirl?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Um..." Lar looks pensive for a moment, then nods. "I think so. I think I heard someone call her that. But her name is Kara Zor-El." he says, sounding sort of dreamy and his eyes filled with a far-off sort of gaze. Oops, did he just reveal Supergirl's secret identity to a bunch of gamer nerds? Not that it really occurs to him--he wasn't even aware she had one.

    He scoffs a little bit at himself and shakes his head, though. "It's funny and kind of stupid almost, I guess. I can hardly believe she's even all right with being around me. My family didn't exactly have the best reputation on Krypton, and if my parents knew about this, they certainly wouldn't approve of it."

    Listening to the conversation between Drake and his friends, he arches a brow at it. "What's 'porn'?"

Slipstream has posed:
@emit "Do not tell him what porn is." Drake hisses at Reckless who opens his mouth and has a finger in the air.

"My good sir, let me tell you what the Internet is really for."

"... Guys, do not sing the song." Drake slaps a hand against his face. "We're in the presence of a universe saving superhero who just spilled his guts out to us about this girl. Don't be assholes."

"Fine, but we're singing it when we get home." Reckless mutters.

Drake sighs loudly as Zapp chimes in. "Wow. Do you think you got a chance with her? She is sooooooo fiiiiiine. She's like ... ah ... Britney Spears before she went crazy and shaved her head fine."

"Dude, Britney Spears is like hella old." Try Hard says with a laugh. "Isn't she like a million now?"

"Don't you talk about my Britney like that! She's still old school hot!" Zapp tries to defend himself as Drake ushers Lar to the side and clears his throat. ".. maybe we can have a double date? You, her, me and Laurel?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "..." Lar stares at the group as they argue over this 'porn' thing, and some song. The conversation is rather confusing to him. "Who's Britney Spears? Is she an alien too? Or a mutant? A million years is a long time to live for a human." he notes. "Oh, but Kara is so much more than just 'fine'. She's...amazing." But he frowns suddenly. "I do hope my parents never learn of this." Because if he thinks about it, there's a possibility they'd do something drastic that might result in people getting hurt.

    Then Drake pulls him aside. "A double date? Yeah, that might be--" then he sighs. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about this any more. I hadn't thought of it before, but my parents would throw a fit if they found out I fell in love with a Kryptonian."

Slipstream has posed:
"No one is gonna tell your parents. I don't think any of us got a phone that can reach intergalactic cell service." Drake explains with a grin to him. "And, you two are growl adults. Don't worry about your parents and just don't tell them. Also, Britney Spears is a singer and I think she's like forty-six or something. Saying someone is a million years old is just slang for saying someone is old. That's all. She's human."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles. "I thought it might be an exaggeration, but I couldn't be completely sure with the number of foreigners and unusual people on this planet."

    He shakes his head. "Oh, I'm not concerned that one of you will tell them, it's just possible they'll find out in some other way. They do have a lot of political power back home, which means they have a lot of resources at their disposal. And with them...there's a potential they'll do something--well, drastic."

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, I'm sure the Avengers or the Justice League or the X-Men can handle something like that. Maybe even Superman. It's not your concern. If you like this girl, which you /obviously/ do because you're grinning like a bit doofus, then you should go for her. You're a good looking guy who's super powered up and I'm sure she'd be into that." Drake nods his head firmly. "But, like the great Wayne Gretzky once said. You will miss every single shot on goal that you do not take. So, if you do not ask her out, you will never know if you had a real shot or not. That and she /is/ pretty hot." He says as he holds up a picture of her on his phone after a quick web search. "I can see why you got a rager in your spandex for her."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shakes his head, sighing. "No, you don't understand. I don't -want- the Avengers or Superman to have to 'handle' something like that, because it could put their lives in danger. You...have no idea what my parents are like. How they treated even their own people, if they crossed them. And you don't -want- to know, either."

    "Yes, she is physically attractive, but it's not just that...she's just..." A long exhale. "Kind, patient, and always seems to just -know- how to fix everything--I mean it's like she just opens her mouth and people calm down and walk away just like that." He raises an eyebrow at that last comment. "A...rager...? As in, something angry?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, we all have parent issues, Lar. You just can't let them get in the way of your goals. If you like her, then you should go for her. Don't let anyone or any excuse stop you from at least trying. Just don't tell your parents, or hers. Long as she is interested in you." Drake says as he continues on down the sidewalk with his team who by now is all nose in their phones and tapping away on their social media streams to chat with their fans. It seems the pair of them has been forgotten for now. At the topic of a rager, he gives a sly grin over to him. "Just more slang, bro. Don't worry about it."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I don't know if she is interested or not." Lar admits. "But yeah...I guess I can just hope my parents never find out. As far as they know, they sent me away when Krypton was destroyed to make sure I'd survive the chaos. But knowing them, they probably just went and hid in some private bunker somewhere or escaped themselves later on. If there was any mass casualty it would've been the lower castes, the ones who didn't have their own protection. As for Kara's parents...well, they're dead as far as anyone knows."

    At the sly grin, he just shrugs. "Um---all right then, if you say so. Dude."

Slipstream has posed:
"See, then this is a non-issue. Are you going to ask her out, or do I need Zapp to do it for you? I'm sure he probably has stalked her address already by now." Drake says as he glances over to the chubby latino boy who glances up from his own phone and gives a /wide/ grin towards them. "So, if you can set me up with Laurel ... you know ... to hang out .. that would be .. ah ... really cool of you." He says cheekily.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Maybe, but if they are still alive--which they probably are--they're bound to come looking for me sooner or later. And if they find me married to a Kryptonian or something..." Lar shakes his head, exhaling slightly. "That wouldn't be good news for -anyone-. But maybe they'll never find me. I mean--not that I don't miss them or want to see them again, it's just--" Another sigh, as he suddenly realizes what a dilemma this is. Yet another mess to someday, somehow get figured out. "Well, I have been out with her if I understand your meaning correctly. Like outside the atmosphere." he points upward. "It was...really amazing."

    He smiles at the question about Laurel as they approach Cheesy Pete's. "I'll do what I can. But for now, let's enjoy pizza."

Slipstream has posed:
"The way I see it, if you two hook up, pop out a few babies, by the time they find you, they can't really freak out too much. Parents love babies, and maybe they can see that if you two can go on with your lives, it won't be worth the headache anymore." Drake says as he opens the door to the pizza parlor where they are met with loud upbeat music and the scent of delicious pizza. The team immediately converges upon the arcade in the back to try out the new VR shooter. "Come on, Lar! Strap one of these up and let's go shoot newbs." And with that, they celebrate with slices, explosions and soda.