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Latest revision as of 23:31, 25 January 2018

Late Night Snacks!
Date of Scene: 18 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Redstar, Arc

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie is sitting in the dining hall, by her lonesome, taking advantage of the fact this is way past meal time, and the place is largely ignored at this hour. Meaning she can fix herself a mean treat, and not have anyone give her lip about it. She has fixed herself a massive sundae, different flavors of ice cream, all kinds of goodie toppings, some whipped cream and chocolate syrup. By the rough looks of her, one would never expect the goth was into sweet treats like this, and she prefers not to have anyone share her occasional indulgence.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky has had a very full day and evening. And she didn?t feel like going back to the apartment all alone. So she had gone to the school where she had started making friends.

The trip she had made up and down the coast had been tiring. And it also made her hungry. So she landed with the sound of sails flapping in the wind near the back door. It was the quickest way to the kitchen and dining hall. She walked quietly through the halls, wondering at the stillness of the place. Then there is a light seen under the door. She isn't the only one up late. The door swings open slowly and Vicky enters, eyes casting about. She hasn?t seen the short Ellie yet.

Arc has posed:
After her visit and slap on the wrist for her exposure, Rikki was a little peckish. SHe took off running her way into the dining room, past Negasonic, and then the kitchen. Within a few seconds she had everything out and together. What is she making? Well that would be Tandycakes. Yellow cake with peanut butter spread on top of it and hard chocolate on top. How many? Not much. Just a half dozen flats of it!

Once the cakes are in the oven she darts out into the dining room and leans against the wall. "Oh! Sorry I was umm working on a snack!" She smiles. The young speedster stretches and looks around. "I've seen you around I think? I think we share a few classes?" She looks up and sees... Oh no. "Umm hi Vicky, Nice to see you." Her face flushes red.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky smiles as Rikki appears and she moves into the hall proper, relaxing a bit. "Rikki!" She says with a wave. Then she spots Ellie and the smile falters a bit. The two of them haven?t met, but no one but Jean knew her secret at school yet...that was about to change.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie hasn't quite met Vicky either, so she doesn't stop from enjoying her sinful treat, so far not sharing with anyone. The perks of being by your lonesome. Then a flash of speed, and when Rikki finally slows down to 'visible' speed, Ellie shifts her head ever so slightly to peer at her, heaving a sigh of relief, "thought you were Kaydin...hey," at the mention of sharing some classes, she shrugs, "I don't really pay attention. I mean, when I bother to attend in the first place, so don't get all sensitive if I don't remember your face. Ellie," she introduces herself to both girls, just in case.

Arc has posed:
"Rikki." She comments back. "Hello Vicky, Hows it going." She is still blushing a bit. "I've still not met Kaydin. Rumor has it my speed is similar to his." she shrugs and just looks around. "i have some food cooking. Will be done in 10." She vanishes for a second as the sound of the microwave starts going. "need to melt some chocolate chips." She smirks. "Anyway if you are both interested. Tandy cakes!" She beams.

"Oh and don't worry bout it Ellie. My attention span seems a lot shorter then it is. Still trying to get used to everything. Just really wish the whole lightning thing would stop."

Redstar has posed:
"Hi, Ellie," She says a little awkwardly as she approaches the table. "What are you making?" she asks curiously of the speedster. As she gets closer there is no mistaking those wings or height and face for anyone but Starr...except her eyes are blue. And she sure isn?t acting like the brusque and snarky teen from the diner. "What's a Tandy cake?" She asks in her soft and sweet voice. Starr's was deep, firm, and sultry.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie takes another sugary cool spoonful as she hears the musing of Rikki about her speed compared to Kaydin, and she offers her two cents, "he rates Too Fast To Last, how fast are you?" Did any get that she's not a fan? that's twelve points! And then Ellie gets a better look at Vicky, and she asks, "you been to Fred's Diner lately? Maybe met the worst villain of all time?"

Arc has posed:
Rikki looks at Ellie and smiles, "That good eh. How fast? I don't know. Fast enough to shatter windows, obliterate a ferarri and shake out of my clothing apparently. She shrugs. "No biggy really."

Then her attention shifts to Ellie. "Tandy cake is a yellow cake with peanut butter on it and topped with chocolate. Its really yummy with hot chocolate and the like." Then Ellie mentions a worst villain of all time. "Who is that?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky turns her gave to Ellie and she smiles, but it is awkward and fragile. ?Yes and no...? She says with a little furrow of her brows. She ponders how to and if she should explain. "I was there...but it wasn?t me you talked to. That was Starr, she's my...? What? Brain twin? Siamese disaster? ?The other aide of the coin,? Vagary works right?

she tries, oh how she tries, not to giggle at the clothing part. But Vicky just can't and it bursts out before she puts a hand over her mouth. ?I'm sorry, but I doubt I will ever forget the look on your face." A pause and she makes a face. ?Some old guy with a cane and no manners,? She adds, proving she was there.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Spiffy," Ellie remarks as Rikki describes her speed, taking another spoonful of her massive sundae. To Vicky she notes, "thought it was you, or the other you, or whatever crazy ability it is that you have...so you're like a literal split personality or something?" She asks curiously.

When Rikki asks about it, she snorts, "some lametard who saw a YouTube video on How To Be A Dumbass Badguy In 3 Lameass Steps. He said his name was Cum, or something."

Arc has posed:
Rikki winces. "Sounds like he's a hot load of..." *BEEP BEEP BEEP* "Oh! be right back." She bursts into high speed again. She is quickly tearing around the kitchen pulling out hot cakes, putting peanutbutter on them and then covering them with melted chocolate. A few seconds later she is out in the dining room again. "Those need to cool a little." She smiles.

"Would that jackass be the same one that killed the president?" She asks curiously. "Don't get me wrong I'm not big on politics but if its the same guy, sounds like he's a huge freaking douche." Then she looks at Vicky. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. Believe me it was more the freaking cold then it was the fact that everyone got to see my naked ass. At least running around keeps me in shape right?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky's eyes just go wide at what comes out of Ellie's mouth. ?I think it was Caim actually..." She says in a squeaky voice. Vicky is seriously too sheltered and pure, someone should help her with that.

She then blinks again as her mental passenger, the Person Ellie actually met, reminds her of the question asked. "Oh! Well, for a long time that is what I was diagnosed with, but Miss Grey says she exists and isn?t a figment. Two minds, one body, it sucks.? Another pause as her eyes unfocus and she looks suddenly annoyed, ?And there is never any privacy...? She adds with a sniff.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"You got it," Ellie notes to Rikki, "I doubt it, whoever killed the president was an actual villain, not a makeshift joke that pretends to be one, because he saw a Bond movie once..." Ellie has a pretty made up opinion of Caim, it seems, he left quite an impression.

Ellie looks aside at Vicky, shrugging with absolute indifference, "is that what it was? That name's stupid." Ellie considers Vicky, and then notes, "from what I read online, I don't think it's ever a figment. People that diagnose it as such are douchebags."

Arc has posed:
Rikki nods, "Ain't that the truth. The people who were supposed to see if i was okay decided that I was and left me home alone for several months trying to cope with the loss of my parents and the fact that I needed to eat like a horse to survive. I'm freaking 16 all I had was the money from my parents' life insurance." She sighs.

"Anyway that stuff should be cool would you all like to try some?" She darts inside and brings out three plates. Two of which with a piece of tandy cake on it. The third with a small stack of tandycakes. "Sorry not sorry." She begins eating the still rather warm sweet treats.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky lifts a hand and wiggles it a bit, "Eh...some of my therapists were better than others. But none of them believed me. So I was labelled as schizo and dissociative personality disorder..." The face she makes is like she tasted something gross. But then there is something tasty before her. Vicky looks up and shares a genuine smile, not shy or wilting, and says, "I really kind of like it here. Oh, let me help," And she touches the side of Ellie's sundae glass, a chill sweeping through it and stopping the melt in its tracks. Then she reaches down and picks up the cake, ?Are they better chilled?? She asks coyly.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"That's grown ups for you," Ellie snorts at Rikki, before declining the offer of tandy cake with a dismissive wave of her hand, "got enough sugar for a week in this sundae alone, thanks though." She looks at the cool wave over her sundae, courtesy of Vicky, and she notes, "cool trick. But I think I had enough, you can finish it if you like...got something I should be doing now," she mopes, before getting up and heading up the stairs.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky enjoys finishing off the sweet treats with Rikki in companionable silence.