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Revision as of 23:48, 25 January 2018

TP: Awakening (Daughter of Darkness)
Date of Scene: 21 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Starr is found...or rather Vicky. And finds herself taken to Hell by her newly possessed friends. And meets her father.
Cast of Characters: Redstar, Rainmaker, Rogue, Doctor Strange
Tinyplot: Awakening

Redstar has posed:
The past 48 hours had ran the teenager known as Vicky hard. Harder than she had ever been pushed before. The previous night she and Shadowlite had finally been worn to exhaustion, chased around the world by demons. They always tracked them down, somehow, within an hour or two. Luck, of a sort, had saved them. Loki putting protection over them and taking the two to safety. But Vicky had promised to owe the trickster a favor.

Deep thoughts had kept her exhausted body awake while Shadowlite remained unconscious from the ordeal. She had made a decision. A decision to not let anyone else get hurt by the demons. They wanted her, her boyfriend was safe, she could end it.

Cold air blew off the ocean as she sat on a bench, looking out at the Statue of Liberty. No longer hidden or protected by Loki's magic, they would find her shortly. She stared at a picture on her phone as she waited, lips in a grim line and tear stains on her cheeks. "Damnit!" She curse and threw it down, putting her head in her hands.

Rainmaker has posed:
    It's not every day that Sarah flies.

    For one, it's a bit more notice that she usually likes. She still tries to remain under the radar. Even if she's the only one of her friends currently in New York, attracting attention might attract those hunting her and the rest of Gen 13, and lead them to friends, and those she's sworn she's going to protect.

    But sometimes, she just needs to feel the weather, the wintery, blustering breeze, the crisp cold of the night air. It's not quite to where it's going to snow, but it's threatening, and she's still on the fence whether she might nudge things a bit to encourage that.

    That said, she does set down away from the main paths, touching down as her jacket flaps around her from the swirling winds carrying her, then settles as the gusts die away, before she slides her hands into her pockets and hikes out to the path along the ocean, starting to walk along it, savoring the scent of sea air.

    Of course, the girl who is obviously in distress, crying, and staring at her phone distracts her nicely from that, her lips twisting into a frown, before she detours slightly to ask, in a friendly way. "Hey...are you alright?" Because sometimes someone just needs someone, anyone, to ask that question.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in the park, she's got her hands inside of her leather trench coat's pockets and her hood is up... pulled up high over her face. Her white bangs are pouring out from the dark green hood and they frame her face in more shadow/shielding. Rogue's eyes are a deep glowing green, firey even and she's trying to keep people from looking at her.

Something has drawn her here to this park and she was searching to find out what and why, her firey eyes were looking from person to person, hoping to spot ANYthing that might indicate why she was here, but her rage and anger was building/bubbling over... she wanted to attack something or something, and restraint was barely being kept.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky's head comes up quickly, eyes moist and nearly blue-white in her distress, looking at Sarah in surprise and, for a moment, fear. But then she relaxes slightly, the wings that had risen up and tensed, slumping back onto the bench on both sides of her. She swallows the lumps in her throat and slowly begins to shake her head. "N-no," She whispers before turning the phone to sleep and tucking it into the fanny pack at her hip. "No I'm not. You shouldn't stick around. It's all my fault," She is babbling.

Indeed sometimes it is a random person showing kindness that is the only thing that will open the floodgates. Guilt and anger and grief all flash across the young woman's face, as she keeps shaking her head more fiercely. "All of it! The people hurt, the buildings destroyed, lives ruined no doubt. It's my fault!" She puts her face into her hands again, covering the soft sob.

"You need to go. They're coming now. It will only be a few more minutes," She lifts her face and wipes her faces on her arm, standing up with a grunt of effort. Though she tries to hold her wings high they tremble with exhaustion. Sarah can see the shadows under her eyes as the girl turns, frowning, scanning the sparse crowd that is mostly avoiding her. People tend to avoid the obviously mutated and her wings stand out. "One of them is here..." She suddenly whispers, tears vanishing, and fear slowly creeping in. "RUN!" She looks to Sarah, reaching out to grab her shoulders and shake her, as she yells it.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The explanation brings a little note of alarm to Sarah's face, though she doesn't move to run. Really...it's one of the things that she's been chided for by those who are much better at hiding than she is.

    She just can't turn her back on people when they need it.

    "Slow down...who's after you? Who's coming?!" she says her voice steady as she looks around, then back at the girl, frowning as she rests her hand on her shoulder. "...if someone's coming after you, I can help..." She's not sure exactly how, mind, but...there's got to be something she can do, right?"

    Her eyes flick around the crowd as Vicky glances around in an obvious panic, the fear in her voice stiffening Sarah's spine.

    "CAn you fly? Maybe we can evade them..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continued to search, her breathing coming a little more labored as her anger was bubbling to the surface like a boiling pot about to spill free.

Her ears caught tone of voices that sounded unsual to the others within the park... it was a mildly cold day today so there weren't 'too' many people in the park...

When her firey-green eyes fell upon Vicky and Sarah off in the distance she started toward them! At about fourty yards out, her hands came out of her coat pockets and they blazed to life into balls of green fire, cooking the cuffs of her leather jacket's sleeves.

Rogue, possessed with pure Wrath, was moving toward them... her trenchcoat flowing around her legs and her white bangs whispily dancing about her face.

Redstar has posed:
A rumble of thunder, unexpected and without lightning, ripples through the dark and cloudy sky. Vicky is looking more panicked as Sarah stays trying to calm her down. "You don't understand! They're- BEHIND YOU!" She sees Rogue as the woman comes from the shadows, hands blazing with fire. Weak though she is, the girl attempts to push Sarah out of the way and leap in front of her.

"You don't have to hurt anyone anymore! I'll come with you!" Vicky uselessly puts her hands out to the Wrath-possessed Rogue, suddenly finding her courage again. She too can get a boost from knowing she is protecting others. And in this case, she is right. The demons want her. For what? She doesn't know...

Another rumble of thunder and the clouds turn a dark, sickly green. Something is definitely not right. People begin to mutter in fear and flee the scene. One woman screams as Rogue moves past her trailing flames. "DEVIL!" She cries, turning to run in the opposite direction as fast as she and her poodle can.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The thunder booms over the area, the clouds churning as Sarah is pulled out of the way, suprising her for a moment as Vicky puts herself between her and the onrushing young woman with...glowing green hands? The Apache woman doesn't know what's going on exactly...but that action by Vicky cements her desire to not leave her side.
    And so her hands slide around the girl in front of her, pulling her back securely. "No." she says, her voice steady, carrying as the possessed mutant charges at her.

    For a moment the air seems to still...

    Then with a howl the storm bursts around Sarah and Vicky, shrieking gusts of air barreling past them to wind into a column of freezing wind, strong enough to easily pick a person up off their feet and hurl them back. At the same time, a secondary gust swirls around the pair, then lifts them into the air as Sarah accelerates upwards.

    Now, there's thunder again as the clouds above start to churn...but this time, lightning dances through the clouds, starting to build as Sarah's eyes shimmer with the heart of the storm. "You will not touch her." her voice carries, as the air grows damp, water pulling from the nearby ocean into the swirling vortex.

Rogue has posed:
Today is Rogue's 19th birthday... this isn't how she intended to spend it... But it had been a year of pure shit for the Southern Belle, so why keep it going into 2026?

With the woman shouting at her, then running off with her poodle... Rogue's left hand shot up and over and a spout of burning green flame erupted and laced across the space between them! It slammed into the trash can beside the fleeing-woman-and-dog barely missing them!

Rogue's green glowing eyes remained on Vicky and Sarah though... and normally, Sarah's impressive powers would hinder most people's attempts at pursuit, but Rogue...?

A few moments after the winds started and the storm was summoned, Rogue too, lifted up off the ground and started to fly upward after them!

So now, mixed in thunderstorm and chaos, green fireballs were being shot toward Vicky and Sarah!

Wrath's vengance was hot on their heels!

Redstar has posed:
The girl stumbles, but doesn't fall, and stares at Sarah as if she is insane. "She's a demon!" She yells over the rising wind, then shifts awkwardly as she is taken into flight. This is a new experience, having someone else fly, but she hasn't the time to reflect or enjoy it. She snaps her wings open and the sails fill with the wind, helping keep her aloft without Vicky having to do much at all. "You don't get it!" She yells, turning in the gusts to look at Rogue.

Another rumble of thunder sounds and a vortex begin to swirl in the sky above them. The dark green mixing with black as slurry begins to fall. A crackle of magical green lightly leaps from the mouth of the vortex, resolving into a small-winged body. Then there is another crackle...and another! Each one deposits another figure, each slightly different. Then the three begin to dive in formation at Sarah and Vicky from above and behind.
    Vicky feels the arrival of the other demons, Gluttony, Pride, and Greed. She looks over her shoulder and reaches out to grab Sarah's shoulder. "You have to let me go!" Lightning arcs down from the vortex, striking the ground before a number of fleeing citizens. Another form begins to emerge from the vortex, much larger, and an aura of dread falls over Battery Park.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "I've never been one for leaving people to monsters." Sarah shouts over the wind, then shoots upwards, seeking altitude to go with her attitude. "If we get into the clouds, I can lose them!" As she ascends, still holding the winged girl against her, the clouds do shiver, then swirl as the lightning crashes past down at the ground, as she glances back, rolling over so she can see the oncoming winged forms led by Rogue, then reaches out again, the clouds starting to open to let her past, leaving a cylinder of swirling vapor around about twenty feet out.

    Sarah's eyes narrow, letting the wind flip her back and forth in an evasive pattern, watching to see if the demons follow, as she pulls on the clouds, snow, thick and swirling and heavy bursting out of either side, starting to obscure the air between her and the pursuers.

    "Will a church help?" she asks Vicky quickly. "There's a cathedral not too far..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sweeps up into the stormy sky after the two that were running from her, she was gladly joined by the other dark demons that had possessed others around the city. Snow, rain, cold? All of these things were things that Anna-Marie despised and would never FLY in, but the demon tha thad control of her body? It didn't care. It just soared on straight up and whirled the body around in evasive manuevers to cut its way through the wind gusts!

Rogue's hands were firing green balls of flame into the sky as well, shooting them up past Sarah and Vicky! The green fireballs sizzling loudly as they ripple through the rain and storms! A loud bellowing roar pours out of Rogue's mouth, would a church stop her? Who knows, she's possessed with WRATH so she seems pretty damn hellbent on total destruction.

Redstar has posed:
"Against them perhaps, but not me," Says a deep, echoing voice, quaking with power. It is the other that was exiting the vortex, energy crackling across his green skin. As the man appeared he was, firstly, huge. About ten feet tall. Huge green horns curl from a bald head. His eyes are yellow and flames flicker on his shoulder, like a wicked king's cloak. The most startling aspect is the fanged face on his stopach. It's eyes were also yellow, moving independantly of his head. "I am done playing the game of chase. Starr, time to awaken," The tone is that of a horribly disappointed father.

In Sarah's grasp Vicky's eyes go wide and she stares at Sarah's face in horror. "Please...run," She whispers before those eyes change. The pupils dialate all the way out and then past her iris to fill the entirety of her eyes. Flames spark, ethereal and eery, around her eyes. Yet that is not all, Sarah feels the body she holds sudder, back suddenly arching. Seemingly from everywhere the pasty white skin of a teenager needing more son changes to a blood-red and a seven pointed star etches itself onto her breastbone. The bones of her forehead begin to morph, growing up in a crown of small horns before her hairline. It happens within seconds.

And there is something else. A different mind gazes at Sarah from flaming eyes. "You should have listened," Says a deeper, purring voice. A new strength, a new everything really, allows Starr to simply reach out and pluck Sarah's arms from about her. "Go play with Wrath, she's itching," And, still grasping the Rainmaker, she throws her towards Rogue with a laugh.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Demons. Why is it demons after the holidays? Without fail.

You would think they would come out in force at the start of the holiday season, but nope, it's usually after the new year, and before the power of love and black history washes away the hate and putridness on people's hearts that make them so susceptible to being possessed.

These are the thoughts that plague the good Doctor Strange as he steps through a kaleidoscope of dimensions while the cloak of levitation lifts off it's home manniquin, and rests on the man's shoulders.

"Demons." He says while his left hand falls down to the hilt of a double sided axe in one of the dimensions and he steps through the last dimension with his feet ending up on the grass at Battery Park.

Looking up to the green clouds and looking up he sighs as a disappointed father would sigh at his child's poor report card, but it is a subject no one really cares about, like, leadership, or gym class.

With the axe quickly slung over his shoulder, Stephen snaps his two hands up and a pair of powerful gestures call forth a tube through reality to try and catch Sarah and pull her down to the street, hopefully interrupting a powerful attack from Rogue's body.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's eyes widen in shock at the sudden transformation, then gurks as she's grabbed and hurled through the air, sending her tumbling end over end straight towards Wrath's glowing hands...until at the last moment a field blinks into existence that pulls her to the side, sliding down to the street as she spins around. "...fuck!" she curses, then holds out a hand. She can't do as much from down here..but there was a reason she led the demons up into that cylinder of open air between the clouds. She can't aim lightning very well, without her gauntlets to twist them in a way physics wouldnt' allow.

    But she CAN call it...and she does, as with crackling booms lightning sparks then shoots between the clouds, filling the open space with electrical bolts below where Strange has appeared and Vicky...or the thing that -was- Vickey, is flying. Quantity over quality.

    She rolls as she hits the ground, coming up in a crouch as she straightens to stare up at the fying shapes above.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was about to throw a big huge ball of green fire right at Sarah when she was YANKED away! A quick look down toward the ground the demon possession Strange's former student just growled... That vengeance and rage inside of her took a new target in the form of Doctor Strange.

The last time the two of them had spoken it had ended in a shouting fight, Rogue didn't want to leave him or his house but she was overworked and overstressed and couldn't commit to the power training that he was offering her, she wasn't good at it and it frustrated her to the point where she yelled at him. There was guilt there, since he'd given her so much... but that guilt was now refocused into anger due to the demonic presence within her

So from the sky filled with lightning/wind/rain, a raging green fire demon was swooping down twoard Sarah and Strange, advancing ahead of her were twin spheres of crackling emerald flame!

Redstar has posed:
*CRACK-A-BOOM* Thunder and lightning sing out as one directly above the regrouping, and flying, demons. Luminescent eyes, following Sarah's path, momentarily outshone by the many arcs. For a beautiful show of nature's beauty and fury they vanish in the purple, blue, and white.

Why is there always those one or two stragglers. People who stop to take video with their phones or don't believe anything is really happening. As the lightning flashes there is a scream and a man dives for the trees. A handful of others are there too. Most all of them are thrown to the ground by the power of the strikes that hit the ground.

Then, as the blinding light receeds, dark figures slowly descend towards the ground. Starr lands lightly beside Satannish, smiling with pleasure, a wicked turn to her brows, "I had forgotten it all!" She says, "But now I remember. You should have found me sooner!" And the smile quickly turns to a pouty glower. Despite the return of her memories before Earth, her time here has changed her greatly. She is no ordinary demoness for a quiet, pleading voice sounds in her mind, weak and sad. A conscience, if you will. So Satannish looks actually stunned when Starr shoves at him like the angry teenager she currently is.

"I came when it was time," He says in a warning growl that makes her shrink back slightly, memories of old and new warring within her. The other demons behind her, Greed, Gluttony, and Pride, all took a full step back looking nervous. Then Satannish's gaze turns to strange and both mouths smile cruelly at the Sorcerer Supreme. "It has been too long, Stephen Strange," The demon lord muses, eyes flashing with dark mirth.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Do stay down. Get to somewhere safe." Stephen explains to Sarah, unaware of her actually using her powers to call lightning, as his attention is pulled a bit more skyward. There's a young woman up there that causes him to shift his focus onto her entirely and she's rushing down towards him.

"This is enough from you Anna Marie!" The man says to himself before he coils down and charges the muscles in his legs to leap into the air before the cloak catches him and pulls him up into the storm and towards the charging mutant.

The wizard reaches over his shoulder to pull out his ax to deflect one of Rogue's fireballs with the flat of the blades, and then the follow through with a second spell that absorbs the fireball spell with a grunt from Stephen's throat from the force of the impact. This causes the wizard to start to fall and into a third spell where he ends up falling even further, but now behind Rogue, higher in the air, and falling behind her a pink edge begins to glow upon the blade and he swipes it at Rogue's neck. Should it connect, the demon presence should be beheaded within the woman and during the attack Stephen responds to Satannish.

"I'll be with you in just a moment, the doctor is with another patient at the moment!"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah mmphs as the strange man in the robe with the axe...flies. Of -course- he does. This is just how her evening is going. Well. Lightning doesn't work. Resistant. Maybe physical attacks will at least keep them distracted. She backs up at the huge demon and the demon who was a girl touch down nearby, wary, but unsure what she could do. If only she'd bought that holy water at the not-really-existing adventure shop...

    She does take a moment to get the rest of the civilians in the area the heck away, chiding them and liftin gthem up with brief gusts of wind to their feet. "GO GO GO!" At least she can clear the area for what's happening.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was infuriated to see the Doctor, or more accurately... the Rage Demon inside of her was. Anna-Marie was locked inside it like she'd had other mind's take her over in the past. Mind's that took the forefront of all her thoughts like this before, but never a DEMON until now (Unless you count Carol!).

To see Strange shield himself from her shimmering green fireballs just made her screech in more anger and she dove right at him with her dangerous flaming hands extended, hoping to grab his throat!

But then he swept past her, and before the Wrath Demon could know it, that spectral axe went right through its neck... It was like an instantaneous change took place, the demon was expelled from the birthday-girl and she was left, hovering in mid-air... like she had no idea what has been going on.

"Stephen?" Rogue said, softly, barely above a whisper. Her eyes fluttered shut and her body went full-rag doll, with trenchcoat whipping around her as she tumbled down toward Battery Park, unconscious.

Redstar has posed:
Stannish crosses his arms high on his chest and watches thoughtfully as Strange disposseses Rogue with the sweep of his axe. A slow frown crosses his face as Wrath's demon essence shrieks as it dies, the flesh ending it most suredly. "I had plans for that one, ah well," The demon lord rumbled, barely seeming phased by the loss of a warrior.

The other sins, however, bore looks of hatred and anger for the Sorcerer Supreme. Gluttony snarled and moved forward too late to do anything as her sister was ended. "I will devour you!" She shouts, flying upwards at Doctor Strange, even as Rogue plummets downwards. Her own hands burn with hellish fire and her grotesque mouth is only made more so by the snarl, showing sharp and ripping teeth.

One green arm fell about Starr's shoulders, pulling her tightly to his side. He gripped her chin hard and tilted it back, looking down at her. "You have caused much trouble," He notes, his tone so reasonable and thus so frightening. Even demons, especially his daughter, knows to fear this creature of darkness.

"I'm sorry, father," Starr says, trying to stand firm though her insides quake under his dominating presence. Her wings flex, a sign of her anxiety in that crushing iron grip, strong enough to cause her newly resilient flesh pain. "I will do better, but we...should go." She glances sideways, yanking her chin from his hands, at Sarah and then Rogue and Strange.

Satannish raises one bald brow and backhands Starr to the ground in a flash. She falls with a grunt of pain, landing on her hands and knees. "Remember your place," Is all her father says before he turns his eyes to Strange once again. "It appears that our appointment is up, Doctor. We will be seeing you soon," He said his voice dripping sarcasm as another vortex of crackling green fire begins to form behind him.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Anna!" The Doctor says as he starts to fall down after Rogue and reaches his hand out while keeping the axe aimed away from the girl and behind his back. "ANNA!" He shouts even louder as he falls faster and faster, the cloak of levitation pushing him even further and faster towards the man's plummeting student.

"You're not leaving just yet Satannish!" Stephen says reaching for Rogue still when he's blind sided by the rushing form of Gluttony.

The Sorcerer Supreme is sent tumbling through the air, end over end before he finally catches himself and is hanging in the air upside down and he snarls at the rushing demon, "Open up." He says before he slams a fist forward and rushes fist first towards the things mouth with all due haste.

Rainmaker has posed:
    It's all confusing...but it's fairly clear that the man in the fancy cloak and the axe has disabled flying green burning girl (yeah, she doesn't know her name), and seems to have exorcized her. As he shoots down to try and catch her, she's in a perfect position to see the onrushing Gluttony, gathering her winds as she shoots back into the air. "Look out!" she calls, too late!

    But she's at least in a postion to catch up with the plummeting Rogue, grabbing hold of her around her middle as she uses the wind to keep them both airborne and into a controlled descent back to the ground.

    Unfortunately, her first reaction when she does that is to check Rogue's pulse...which involves touching her bare throat.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had sensed / seen Stephen and she'd wanted to say so much to him, but she couldn't, her mind went black from the stress of the possession and she'd tumbled... right down to the park and into the arms of a very skilled and strong young woman, how lucky the Southern Belle was not to bounce off the ground!

With her hood off her head now, her face was silent and calm, white and brown strands of hair gently blowing in the wind across her face...

Sarah's fingers would touch her throat and at first she'd just feel soft skin that was cold and wet from the rain but within moments, Sarah's fingers would feel as though they were being pulled/tugged upon and it only grew faster and stronger up the entire girl's body the longer she held on, within a handful of seconds of touching her, she'd be... in a dark place herself!

Rogue's eyes flickered open, she stirred and then realized there was a hand on her throat! She gapsed and batted at Sarah's hand with her pale green eyes going wide!

Redstar has posed:
Satannish smirks at Doctor Strange as he turns and steps through the portal as Gluttony barrels into the Sorcerer. Starr hesitates, looking over her shoulder with a frown, hand still rubbing the quickly healing blow. The other two, Pride and Greed, dash into the portal without hesitation. They have seen Strange kill a sister, they do not wish the same fate.

Gluttony, on the other hand, was rather attached to Wrath. She would beat the thing down and then she would eat it. Now her best friends, as far as demons have them anyway, was dead. Her mouth spread open and then open, wide enough to follow the Sorcerer Supreme whole. And yet somehow her voice cackles, "FOOL!" as he passes her lips. Teeth slam shuts with a clack and there is an obvious and distorted swallowing and then a very perplexed look on Gluttony's face. "Oh...that's gonna give me gas," She complains, pausing to glare at Rogue and Sarah on the group, eyes hungry and considering.

"COME!" The demon lords voice echoed from the portal and Gluttony sighed and turned in the air. Zipping with surprising speed into the vortex despite her size. There is another thunderous boom as the vortex slams shut. Overhead the storm begins to die down some, as the other who was stirring the forces of nature subsides.

Rainmaker has posed:
    There's really no warning for the unfortunate Amerindian. Her tanned fighters brush Rogue's skin, pressing for just a moment.

    But it's long enough as she lets out a suprised gasp, her eyes widening as she suddenly can't pull away. Small distressed noises escape her throat as her coppery skin starts to pale, the storm overhead starting to swirl chaotically, before Anne Marie is awake to slap her hand away.

    By that point, it's too late, however, as she crumples beside the mutant girl, everything going black for her.

    And for Anne Marie....she can feel the currents of water...of wind...the system of the storm, the patterns....and the ways she can manipulate those patterns, to pull lightning that waits in the clouds into her hand if she chooses...

Rogue has posed:
Once awake, and after having shoved Sarah's hand away... Rogue pushed herself across the ground several feet before she stopped. Her green eyes staring at Sarah's crumpled up body. Who the hell was that, what had she just done? What... what power was inside of her now?!

Rogue's eyes went up to try to find Stephen, but he was gone!

"Shit!" Rogue said then, she didn't know what to do! She had nobody to contact, or call for help! She didn't even have her phone anymore, it'd been lost in everything that had gone down since she'd been possessed.

The mutant in the tranchcoat with the white striped hair looked around the park and just started to cry out for help in the rain, shouting at anyone to call for an ambulance.

It was the best idea she had, in this crazy chaotic moment.