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Latest revision as of 00:01, 26 January 2018

Totem Troubles
Date of Scene: 14 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Sarah and Jessica deal with possession by animal spirits
Cast of Characters: Sarah Osborn, Green Lantern (Cruz)

Sarah Osborn has posed:
It mostly took time, re-building her gear to a different theme. Remodeling the helmet to resemble an insect head and removing the yellow glow from the eyes and making them look insect like, changing the armor of the vest for tighter reinforcement plates, switching the spring gun to be wrist mounted. Then deciding on the color scheme, bomething other than green and orange. Now things are ready, so she is taking the waspcycle for a spin and seeing what is up around Sunnydale. There is usually something, it is that kind of place.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Fear. Jessica's constant nemesis. And one that this rookie Green Lantern is trying to conquer. A green streak of light would be visible, flying low through the sky. She sees a motorcycle with an armored person on it - looks like a costumed hero. So... she just keeps an eye on that person as the Green decides to land in the Sunnyvale Cemetery. The glowing green woman stands there, looking around, a Lantern emblem flashing into and out of existence around her - one permanently affixed to her eye. "So... this is supposed to be a spooky place..." she muses as she wanders around. "C'mon, Sunnyvale. Give me zombies or something."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
as if in response to Jessica's challenge, an eerie howl echos through the area, answered by a loud roar. A number of people come loping into the cemetary, they seem to be wearing make-up based on animals. The ones on the left are canines: Wolves, foxes, and such, while the ones on the right are feline, such as tigers, jaguars, and lions. Sarah says to herself, "Now this is different, no demons or vampires or werebeasts...at lest I do not THINK they are werebeasts..."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz gulps. "Cosplayers, right?" she asks softly as she looks around. "Alright - life-form scan. Are those people just human or... more?" she asks, gestures to the cosplayers as she damens her auras as much as possible till it's just a faint green glow as she leans against a headstone.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Jessica has the right idea, and Sarah is emulating it, turing on her auric scanner. On the auric level, she sees bright images of animals superimposed over the human forms. The Ring tells Jessica, "The life forms appear to be members of the local sentient species, but there is a strange intermittent interferance and their metabolic energy levels are far higher than average for the species."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz frowns softly as she listens to the ring. "So, spooky stuff," she mutters as she just observes for now. "Well... let's just watch for now," she murmurs, as she gets an acknowledging beep.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah collects paranormal information in a database, she has it in her utility belt. However, she is pretty sure these are not Were creatures, which means Silver is not especially useful against them. They are not demons either, so holy water will not help. At a guess, it is spirit channelling of totemic archeforms...something similar to being "ridden" by a loa. Right now, the various hunting totems seem to be in a territorial dispute.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz ponders as she simply floats straight up, to park herself on a tree overlooking the cemetery. She is just studying the cat people and dog people starting to squabble. "Well... let's see if we can get some answers." She flies over the assembly and fouces her will. Construct vines erupt out of the ground in a curving line, seeing if she can keep the two group separate, a bright green glow as she tries to bisect the graveyard. She's not sure what will happen, but the Lantern can't just let these two groups attack each other.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah sees the strange green glowing constructs on her scanner, it is a form of energy she has not previously encountered, it seems to ne light infused with emotionally aligned energy. She had been waiting to see if the two groups would back down, generally in the wild the weaker will submit to a show of strength from the stronger. Of course, they may both turn upon an interloper...as in this case where both the cat totems and dog totems started tearing at the vine constructs.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz just focuses, staying hopefully out of reach as she has new vines grow to counteract. She just frowns. "Hey, listen!" she calls, her voice amplified by the ring. "Let's work this out peacefully!" But these people are acting animalistic...

Sarah Osborn has posed:
OK, so these are animals...more or less, probably they have far keener senses than humans. A Flash-bang should possibly startle them, perhaps even drive them away. Sarah frops one in the middle of the vine construct and turns on her filters.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz squawks as she flinches at the sudden flashbang, the vines flickering for a moment as she notes the motorcycle driver she saw earlier. She just works on keeping the two insane group separate, using her focus, her outfit gloiwng the exact green of the vine wall. A small flower forms in front of you, floating in midair. "What is going on here?" she asks you through it, not sure how to handle this.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
The animal-people cover their ears or eyes and make various noises of displeasure, but seem to be leant strength by their numbers and do not flee. Velvet Ant says to the Green Lantern, "My guess, someone started a fad of questing for totem animals. Only here, this area has weak dimensional barriers and the actual totem spirits have come and dominated their hosts. We need to do something so the spirits let go and the humans can take charge, but I am not sure how to do that."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "... so it is paranormal supernatural stuff. No wonder my ring could't make sense of it," she muses, clicking her tongue. "So these people were playing with supernatural stuff and it mind-controlled them." She ponders. "You seem to know what you'er talking about. The first thing that comes to mind is knock everyone out - or would it still persist?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah admits, "I am uncertain, I have not run into possession by animal spirits before. If it is anything like demonic possession, it will persist until the spirit is driven out...knocking the prople out will give us time to research."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz frowns softly. "I know how that is..." she whispers soflty, rubbing her right arm. "I was... possessed.... for a while by something. There was no way out..." She just studies the animal-poeple still clawing at the constructs. "What do we do?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Violet Ant says, "Let me consult my database. Perhaps it has suggestions." She pulls out a tablet computer and starts checking for anything useful. She says, "It says under possession that if you make the spirit so uncomfortable in the host that it would not want to stay, it can leave, though you need to do something to keep it from seeking another host. The trick is not to kill the host in the process. I mean, Aconite would probably drive out the dog spirits...they call it wolfsbane with good reason, but it is also poisonous to humans."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz ponders. "I'll defer to your expertise. I'll just keep them distracted. Maybe..." She ponders. "Too bad these aren't _real_ plants - catnip would work to distract the cat totems enough to make them leave but..." She sighs.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah reaches into her bandoleer and pulls out a couple of magazines for her "stinger". She says, "You would be surprised how often things like that come up around here. The Green 'paintballs' are catnip, the brown ones are Wolfsbane. You can possibly copy the active principles from the samples."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz scans the two paintballs. "I'll do a scan for them but transmutation are not something I can do...." She trains off, clicking her tongue, not sure what to do. "How many of those do you have? Maybe... if we can find the alpha of each pack... and disable them, the rest will go away." BUt she does a scan for those two plants to see if any are nearby.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Jessica realizes from her scan there is a fair supply of catnip around, in pet stores and natural foods stores...msny people get catnip toys for their pets or drink catnip tea. No actual aconite around, but there is the related plant Horseradish. Velvet Ant replies, "I do not keep large quantities of these things unless I thkin I will be needing them, you retty much have the ones I have. She sighs and says, "I really did not want to do this..." She loads a bunch of brownish needles into her stinger. Crystalized Velvet Ant Venom, not fatal, but for about half an hour you will wish it was...

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz hmmmmmms. "My ring has found something. I'll be right back." She reinforces the construct wall and departs in a streak of green. She then returns... with bags from a... natural foods store? She takes the catnip and horseradish and forms shotgun cartridge constructs and loads the plant material in there. "My ring told me that horseradish is similar to that wolfsbane... without the poisoning-humans bit... well, they'd wish they wouldnt' taste anyting for a while..." She then loads the first set of cartridges into a construct shotgun and fires it towards the cat-people, then loads the second and fires it towards the dog people.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah holds off on firing her stinger needles, they would probably work, but probably no one would thank her for something that would hurt worse than a bee sting by a long shot. In magic, Sarah knows, belief matters a lot in how much effect something has. She will let Jessica's belief do it's job, it probably would not work for her because she would not believe Horseradish would work. Jessica's belief, backed by her potent will...or possibly it actually does work...but one way or another the humans are suddenly bereft of their posessing spirits. As the spirits start to flee, Velvet Ant starts swinging a bullroarer around her...a piece of spirit magic from Australia that draws the spirits back into the dreamtime where (hopefully) they can not possess anyone anytime soon. Now they only have to deal with the people.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
The bits of plant matter seem to do the trick. "Hey - it worked..." she states softly. She watches you curiously as she makes the wall disappear. She lands in the middle of where the wall was, surrounded by confused people in ragged clothing. "Attention, please. I am Green Lantern. Apparently you all were possessed by some... umm... animal... totem... spirit... things. And the two groups were fighting. I and my companion here helped drive it off... ummmmm..." She starts shivering, as she suddenly zooms away behind Sarah, not acting very confident anymore.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah takes over, "I suggest you all get home and avoid having anthing to do with Shamisim or Totem spirits in the future." It would be fairly easy for the spirits to return if given an invitation, but Sarah is no mage, despite having learned a thing or two about how to handle the paranormal, so she can not do much about that.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs softly. "I don't do well in crowds..." she mutters. "I'm Green Lantern by the way," she states, extending her hand as the crowd starts to return to their homes. "I dunno - you seem a bit familiar... maybe I'm thinking of someone else."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah frowns, "I do not think we met before, but I have been around...this is a new costume though." Why, she was Goblin-girl for nearly a year. It would not be too strange for someone to know her. She adds, "Everyone has weaknesses, it is just a matter of finding them." That she knows...that is why she has the database, so she can find weaknesses faster if they are known.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "I'm new at this... being a Green Lantern that is." She shrugs. "Your trick with the catnip and that stuff that my ring round - that was very impressive." She smiles.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah gestures around, "This is Sunnydale, you get all kinds of supernatural trouble here. That includes werewolves and were felines, that is what I carry the stuff for...it is way cheaper than blessed silver."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz finally asks, "What can I call you? Obviously you want to use an alias, and that's fine - would just like to know what the name is. My superiors want reports of my activity as a novice Lantern."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "From today, I am the Velvet Ant. It is not what I was called before, but I have moved past that identity."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Yeah... I have an identity I wish never to be called again... but... it's the past." She then glances at your tablet. "That's a neat tablet you have... you seem to know more about this supernatural stuff than my ring did." The ring glowed and was about to start to say something when she slapped it with her other hand and it went dim. "No chance I could download that database is there?" She smiles sheepishly. "It oculd be useful to Green Lanterns across the universe."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "I have made it available to others before, but I have not had a chance to check the accuracy of everything in it, a lot of it is compiled from myths, legends, and superstitions. Still, as they say, knowledge is power." She sets it to the primary database interface.ans offers it to Jessica.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods as she touches it to the ring as the tablet flashes as if flipping through every page quickly. "Download complete." She smiles softly. "Thanks. I'll have it analyzed... maybe it'll be useful one day."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"I hope it will, even if you never have to figure out which type of vampire, what kind of werewolf, or what variety of zombie you are facing...if you find anything useful it will have done its job," Sarah remembers the time she and Power Girl had to figure out what kind ov zombies they were facing...these things happen.