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A Chance to Talk
Date of Scene: 16 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A Green Lantern visits Mackenzie King Station and arrangements are made for her to join Alpha Flight!
Cast of Characters: Guardian, Green Lantern (Cruz)

Guardian has posed:
Ever since the attack Guardian had been aboard King station, working on determining the cause. So far, he'd hit a wall, the aliens, whomever they were didn't speak English, French and only one spoke a little Kree. It made things slow going. Same went for studying the alien tech built into the asteroids. So far the best he could tell was that it was thousands of years old, which was curious in its own right. It seemed the more he dug into things, the more mysteries he uncovered.

Still, as fascinating as all this was he still had other duties, so Guardian makes his way up to the command centre to take his turn monitoring the skies for further threats to Earth.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz wanted to check on the situation so ascended up out of Earth's atmosphere - deciding to head towards the Alpha Flight station. She just slowly orbits the station, glowing brightly to be noticed, deciding that she'll give it a few minutes as she waits a contact.

Guardian has posed:
The glowing green girl is hard to miss and in truth and after the initial alert brought her to his attention, Guardian brought up an image and zoomed in. Yes, it was the 'gardner' from the fight. Guardian smiled, happy to see she survived. The last he'd seen her in the fight she'd been plummeting to Earth.

Tapping the comms controls on his panel he hails her << Green Lantern, this is Guardian on MacKenzie King station, good to see you again. Anything we can help with, or are you just passing through?" >>

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods as her ring blinks. <<Guardian, this is Green Lantern. Permission to come aboard?>> she announces as she stops orbiting, just floating there and studying the station. <<I wished to discuss some things.>> She smiles faintly, waiting to find out where she can enter.

Guardian has posed:
Guardian had been hoping to get that response. He taps a couple of buttons on his command console and one of lights above an airlock on Jessica's side of the station blinks. << Head to the indicated air lock, Green Lantern, I'll meet you there >> he says as he unlocks the outer doors and then heads down wait for the Green Lantern to enter.

As in the battle, Guardian is in his white battle suit with the stylized maple leaf on one side, though on board the station, his cowl is off and his face is showing.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz flies over to the airlock and enters. Jessica doesn't wear a mask like some of her colleagues. But she does have the Lantern logo around her right eye - perhaps a stylistic choice? She nods slowly asshe sees you. "Thank you for welcoming me, Guardian. I am Green Lantern. Well. one of them." She ponders. "I... needed some time to put things together after... I left the fight. I presume that it went well - that's what my fellow Corps member told me." She hesitates. "You were hoping to see me?" she asks, glad there's not a lot of people here.

Guardian has posed:
The station is crewed but there's not a lot of people in this part of it. Guardian smiles broadly and extends a hand. "Well, you're the first of you colleagues I had a chance to meet, so welcome aboard Mackenzie King Station. And yes, the fight went well for Alpha Flight's first outing thanks to the help of yourself and the others," he says. "Oh, and call me Mac by the way." Now that Guardian was head of defending Earth, Mac had decided it was best to do away with the secret identity, the job ate so much of his time that keeping his lives separate became an exercise in futility. "What do I call you? Does Green Lantern work, or is that more of a title?" he asks.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "It's a title. There are at least three human Green Lanterns that I know of... and thousands of others across the unierse." She smiles. "You can call me Jessica." She ponders. "But in official communicatinos I'll use the title." She ponders. "So... what exactly does Alpha Flight do? I didn't realize there was such a group until recently - I also only got this ring a few weeos ago after... a long dark situation."

Guardian has posed:
Mac, nods. "Jessica it is," he says brightly before he nods, "The Lanterns are something of an interstellar police force are they not?" he asks.

When Alpha Flight is brought up, Mac gives Jessica a nod. "We're new, only operating in Canada for the last year, but with the UN's decision, we're now in charge of commanding the defense of Earth from interstellar threats. So, as you can imagine, I've been keen to meet you and your colleagues since our duties seem to overlap."

Then, remembering his manners, Mac says, "Are you hungry? If you'd like we can have this talk in the mess hall. Despite how it sounds, the food isn't that bad."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "I know that military dining halls are called mess halls. And..." She ponders. "I am actually a junior member. I could possibly serve as liaison between the Green Lantern Corps and Alpha Flight. I..." She shrugs. "I don't have many connections to people other than my sister. I kinda shut myself away from the world for years. Another long story. And yes, the Green Lantern Corps could be considered an interstellar police corps, using the green light of willpower." She smiles faintly. "There's a whole rainbow of corps. I'd beware of red, orange, and yellow. They're not... friendly." She then sighs. "Violet's _too_ friendly. Blue are good people, and indigo are... nobody can really figure out what's up with them."

Guardian has posed:
Not getting an answer on the whole food issue, Mac leads the way to the mess anyhow. "Hmm, and are the other colours as a powerful as the Greens?" he asks. If there were three hostile Lantern Corps plus three wild cards, it did put Earth In an interesting position. When Jessica brings up the liason job, he smiles, "Is one of your powers reading minds?" he asks. "I'd hoped the Lanterns would offer a Laison, and if you're up for the job, we'd be happy to have you."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shrugs. "Well... I should mention that the Reds, the rage Lanterns, mosty stay around Ysmault on the far edge of this sector. There's only one Orange... the orange light of avarice can only be born by one person. The Yellows..." She trails off. "They use the yellow light of fear..." She trails off. "There'e two human Violets down there," she states. "We Greens are supposed to follow the rules of the Guardians... and also to show our willpower. So - we basically do what we want as long as we don't do anything... you know. Bad. I... would like to know about Alpha Flight. A Canadian group?" She sniffsniffs. "It smells good in here." She shrugs. "I wouldnt' worry too much about the other Corps - they're basically balanced. And I don't think it's an issue. I'm still learning about them myself from Anillo," she states, tapping her ring. "Say hi, Anillo." "Greetings, Mac of Alpha Flight," comes a smooth male baritone voice from the ring. "My ring is very talkative at times. Apparently it's a bit unusual."

Guardian has posed:
Mac leads the way into the Mess Hall and after giving Jessica free reign to get what she likes, he helps himself to some coffee and maple walnut muffin. "So the ring colours tie into emotions?" he asks Jessica. "Also, what are the Blues, Violets and Indigos tied to?"

The ring's greeting is met with a smile, "Good evening, Anillo, it's good to meet you," he says without missing a beat, though he does look wonderingly at the ring. "I take it each of the rings are different in their way?" he asks the two of them.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz states, "Blue is hope, indigo is compassion, violet is love." She ponders. "Well, they are mass-produced. I'm not sure why mine is different. I just think it's been in service a long time." She shrugs. "They are an inredibly advanced computer, connected to my power battery which I use to recharge, which itself is connected to the Central Battery on Oa." She hmmmms as she gathres some food. "Anyway. If I was to become a liaison like this... what would be required of me?"

Guardian has posed:
Mac looks fascinated. "So, how does the power pass from Oa, to the Lantern to your ring?" he asks, "Some sort of transference through subspace?" he ponders aloud. "Also, if I can ask, how'd you end up being a Lantern, if there's three out of a population of some seven billion, there must be some rigorous selection involved."

"Oh, right, the job. Well, that for the most part it would be doing what we're doing now sharing information, but depending on your inclinations, it could be more like you becoming a member of Alpha Flight if you don't have other obligations. The fight definitely showed us we need some heavy hitters in our lineup and a trainee Lantern or not, Your green light garden showed some real power and creativity."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles faintly. "Thanks." She sighs softly. "I don't know why I was chosen." She looks down at the ring. "I was told that I had the ability to overcome great fear. But I'm still not confident yet. But so far, nothing bad has happened yet."

Guardian has posed:
"That sounds like quitethe ability,' Mac remarks what was said of Jessica. "So, will you consider joining the team or are you good to just share information with us?" he asks.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "Oh, I think it would be a great experience. Most of my space expereince was writing science fiction novels - having some real expereine would be a good experience. And... I might use that asteroid attack in one of my books."

Guardian has posed:
Guardian takes a seat and tilts his head. "You're a sci-fi writer?" he asks with evident curiosity. "Would I know some of the titles?" he asks her. "And excellent, you'd be welcome on the team. I'll speak to the others but I think they'll approve, they've all seen the footage of the battle."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles as she creates a construct of a book cover - one of the officially-licensed novels about the Fantastic Four by "J.C. Archer". "Perhaps," she states, clicking her tongue. "This is my series. You'er the first person I told."

Guardian has posed:
Mac's eyes widen. "Really? You're JC Archer?" Mac asks with a smile. "I've read that one," he says, before dropping his voice a little lower. "I am something of a fan of Reed Richards," he admits. "As for your other secret identity, don't worry, nobody will hear it from me."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs. "If you haven't read the last one - don't," she mutters, her voice bitter. "I... was... ummm...." She sighs. "I was under an alien influence and it twisted my thoughts... and... I might've derailed the series. I have to figure out how to save the series. It was..." She shrugs. "A Lantern ring's dark brother ironically. But... it got tired of my defiance and finally left."

Guardian has posed:
"I'll skip it then," Mac says as he takes a sip of his coffee, looking at Jessica with concern. "Though it sounds like the story of it's writing is a tale all its own. "What happened?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "Well... five years ago I saw the mob burying a body. I hid in my house for years. Volthoom - the evil ring, was drawn to that. Made me do some awful things. But... I fought. I didn't want to be bad. And... after finally fighting it off... the Lantern ring came. I had the abilit yto overcome great fear. I was.. the only one who got the evil ring to leave voluntarily..." She trails off. "Oh wait. This is all about me. Tell me something about you now..."

Guardian has posed:
Mac's expression is sympathetic as he listens, "Sorry that happened to you," he says. "But glad you managed to come through it stronger than before." Then when the conversation is turned back on him, he says, "Hmm, my stories don't have any magic space rings, but my wife Heather and I did find an alien space ship once, which actually allowed for all this," he waves at the station. "To come into being."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "Oh? What type of ship?" she asks curiously, eyebrow raised, as Anillo hums softly, hoping to add its expertise to the situation. "Is that why Canada somehow beat the USA in doing this space stuff of late?"

Guardian has posed:
"Most of the details have been classified, but the ship was Kree," Mac says noting the ring was being brought into the conversation. "And yes, it certainly helped, well that, Canadian ingenuity, and the US cutting funding to their own programs."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shrugs. "Indeed..." she muses softly. "Well, the Kree..." She glances down at her ring which dims, deciding not to get involved, "are... well-traveled." She shrugs. "So - what would be asked of me? I can't promise to stay around Earth - I might have to go offworld to deal with stuff in this sector from time to time... what would you need of me?"

Guardian has posed:
"They are," Mac says of the Kree. "As for what would be expected of you, once things are official you'll have a communicator we'll use to get in touch for emergencies, and you'll be given a room here on the station and at our mansion on Earth, which you can use when you need them. If you're off-world, that's fine, we want to have this work with your duties as a Green Lantern not against them, but do give us a heads up if you can."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Yeah - I think that asteroid battle would've went better if we were all coordinetad... and if I had charged my ring properly like I was supposed to." She shrugs. "I was going to go down, recharge, then come back... but getting shot out of sky... it sucked."

Guardian has posed:
Mac nods, "I agree, it could have been better organized, but we won the day and we'll get there for the next attack," he says, certain one would come. "And I can imagine," he says of it sucking. "Glad you made it. Anyhow, would you like a tour of the station? We can talk about the details of membership as we do."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "Sure," she states softly as she finishes her plate and puts it with the dirty dishes. "Of course, I'll understand if there's some off-limits areas..."