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Latest revision as of 00:10, 26 January 2018

Quit your wine-ing.
Date of Scene: 16 January 2018
Location: Lux, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravenna Levesque, Lucifer

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
It's that weird lull in the time of the year, with the holidays over, not a lot of people are indulging. However Valentines day is on the horizon, so Ravenna has of course been planning the drink menu, so all week she's been bringing random drinks to Lucifer to help refine her ideas. However tonight is a rarity, Ravenna has the night off! THough why she's decided to spend it at work is a little strange, but even she likes to take advantage of the finer things that Lux has to offer.

Still that doesn't keep her from slipping behind the bar and helping out when they get swamepd, or checking stock on one thing or the other. She's out of her work uniform again, she's in a sleek violet dress and her hair is loose around her shoulders. She even has on fancy high-heels, which she doesn't wear when she's working. She's serving someone a glass of wine, whiel chatting them up, forgetting about her own martini that is turning roomtemp as she works.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer comes down the stairs from his office aka loft aka home and he's got on his shoes and pants and jacket. His shirt is also on but he's still in the process of deciding if it will be buttoned or not. And so as one of the hostesses walks past with one of those little fried risotto balls (if you'v enever had one, look them up - to DIE for) he mmmms as he chews on it and looks around. "Where are all the people? This is New York. I thought this city never sleeps. Don't make me move this bar to Tokyo," he says, somewhat non-chalantly but also probably fairly empty threat in its nature. First of all, the real estate here is far too valuable and second of all...there are times he likes the club quiet.

And so, making his way to the piano he settles down and starts to play. It's good....he's very good at tickling the ivories, and he starts an immediately recognizable introduction, as the music to 'Purple Haze' by Jimi Hendrix starts to play.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna knows that her boss is a performer, and most people enjoy it when he finally sits down at the piano and starts to entertain the masses. Once he gets started she quickly mixes up a drink, a valentines inspired Manhattan and brings it over to him, setting it on top of the piano. "You know, everyone needs sleep occasionally. Also I hear that if you relaly don't want to sleep than you're going to want to keep going west." She says casually, not minding that she's talking over the music.

"I don't know if you noticed or not boss, but you missed some buttons." She says, gesturing to his shirt.

Lucifer has posed:
He looks over at you, and smiles. "Well well WELL look who has decided to join us," he says, taking a quick break at the end of the song to sip the drink you brought him, raising a glass. "I thought that you were off today and yet here you are bringing me treats. Tasty treats even. And they say Santa only works one night a year. Of course, Santa couldn't wear that dress so, it's a win win for me!"

He lifts the glass and takes another drink, tilting it towards you just slightly in toast as he asks, "Does the lady have any requests? Anything you'd like to hear while I'm here playing? I'm in a giving mood, so I'm willing to take requests and not make people barter their soul in exchange. Look, I can be giving too....maybe I could be the new Santa. What do you think? Though the elves...and the ice. So much ice. Do you think the North Pole could move to the Maldives?"

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna listens as Lucifer babbles on about the North Pole and being Santa before she shakes her head. "Has anyone ever told you that you appear to speak just to hear the sound of your own voice? I was off today, and I came in because I knew it was going to be quiet, and I could have my enjoyment at half price. Than Sal called off, and the new guy is still green around the gills so I had to jump in and help out. I think he has it handled now." At least he better, because Ravenna has resumed her own drink, and sits on the end of the bench.

"A request for little old me?" She says in a mock sothern accent. "You sure know how to make a girl feel special." Though her regular accent resumes and she smirks. "Nat King Cole's Nature Boy. If you know it that is."

Lucifer has posed:
He nods, "I have been accused of that, actually, and I tell to you now what I have told all of them - it is not that /I/ like the sound of my own voice. Nay, I say unto you, it is that other people like the sound of my voice and if I do not use it to its fullest capacity, then I am merely depriving the huddled masses the sound they so boldly long to hear." There are some groans, and some laughs from the audience as up here the sound seems to carry fairly well while he's talking but still.

"Did you just...." as you ask if he knows Nature Boy. "Did you....are you suggesting....that there's an...that I don't know?" He shakes his head. "EVERYBODY knows Ric Flair. Please, as if I don't know Nature Boy...." but then he starts to play your song, the tempo coming out slow, his voice having a soulful quality that actually contrasts well with hi snatural speaking style, for he's usually so playful, flambuoyant, animated, but these slower tales sung with feeling....he's very good at those.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"I can't remember a particular longing that I've had for the sound of your voice." Ravenna teases, and she's obviously not in work mode, as she usually keeps her conversation very professional. "Than again you're usually ordering me around so perhaps I associate your voice with work, which is rarely something I find soothing."

When he starts scoffing about knowing the song a sly smile creeps over her lips. She's obviously batiing him for that responce. "I might be. You seem to know your stuff, but I can't say that I've heard you play it before. So forgive me for assuming that it might not be on your playlist." She says with a smirk. However when he begins to play and sing it in earnest, she slowly sips her drink, obviously enjoying the song despite her teasing.

Lucifer has posed:
"That's the thing," he says after he finishes the song, and he idly plays somethinga little more up tempo while chatting with you. "If you were able to remember the longing then it means that when you heard my voice, it didnt' fix the need. But because the longing escapes you, it means I have sated your needs in a way other men may not have...verbally...of course." He paues there before it goes down a worse road but you see the upturn of his mouth, the pleasantly amused grin as he looks over for a moment and winks.

Then though he starts into a somewhat soulful version of "Paint it Black." Though as he sings, much like the Disturbd cover of "Sound of Silence' his voice fills out more, so that by the time that he's at the end, where the song repeats 'Paint it' in the chorus, over and over, he's standing, a bit of sweat dripping from his brow, his fingers pounding on the keys while keeping up with the pace of the powerful song and it ends with the note hanging in the air, and he sits down, looking to you. You can tell you got the song you requested, but then you also got the peformance you didn't, a little extra havign been put into that song as he entertains you.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna rolls her eyes at Lucifer and shakes her head. "That's not how that works." Shaking her head she smirks right back at him. "Besides, I have had people acheive that before, and still your voice does not reach that catagory." With that she returns to her drink, letting him carry on with the next song.

It's an intersting twist on the orginal, but she can see that he wanted to get all showy and worked up. She signals to one of the waitresses to come over with a fresh glass of the same thing she brougth him earlier. "So, what's with the concert this evening? Is there a special event, or did you need your ego stroked?"

Lucifer has posed:
He laughs loudly this time at your question. You see him look over, see that wicked grin of his, that smile as he looks downright...devilish. "Oh...darling..." he says with a chuckle. "The list of things I need stroked ahead of my ego is long and lustrous. My ego, however, is most healthy and fully charged." He just laughs as he gets up, taking the buttons back up a bit from the bottom, but doing a good job of Miami Vice-ing the top. "I...however...should probably stop before people do think exactly what you said - that this is a concert. Sometimes...a man just wants to play piano and this happens to be the closest one." Taking his drink he spins around to those in attendance and bows. It's a flourish, not quite flambuoyant but hardly a professional, polished bow. He looks to you, "Shell we drink more and celebrate your night off by using my employee disount instead of yours?" You know, the free versus half off one!