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Latest revision as of 06:44, 8 February 2018

Rising Tide: Riot Control
Date of Scene: 07 February 2018
Location: Lower Manhattan
Synopsis: While trying to get some riots under control, Vicky finds new friends.
Cast of Characters: Redstar, Mon-El, Rainmaker

Redstar has posed:
The world had gone dark and the terror had begun. It hadn't been all that long and those who were smart had fled home and locked their doors. The rest had nowhere to go or had less than positive intent. Already one pawn shop's windows had been shattered by hooligans.

In the sky overhead, coming from Gotham, flies Vicky. A very serious and worried frown is locked in place as she eyes the darkened city streets below. The small gang is eyed for a moment. There were other places she had planned to be. Yet this group doesn't seem intent on just stealing jewelry, but weapons as well. "That can't be good," She mutters to herself.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar had been tempted to just stay on the Legion cruiser and ignore everything, since the ship's comms weren't affected due to the fact that they're subspace-based and not Earth satellite-based. After all, every time he tries to fix anything, it just seems to create more problems and get more people hurt and possibly even killed.

    But...then again, he thought about the few human friends he had made down there. Like Drake, and Clint. Maybe he should just...check up on them. So that's probably why he's here, catching sight of Vicky hovering over Manhattan. He had been thinking, after their encounter on LV-1024 earlier, that SHIELD would probably be more inclined to help him if he didn't come to them empty-handed. Not that he thinks she's a real threat, at least no yet, but if that Ares guy had his way with her, she might become one eventually.

    As she's frowning down on the group stealing weapons, he's suddenly next to her. "Long time no see." he remarks. "Er...I think that's how the saying goes. Right? You enjoying training with a guy who likes to watch people wipe each other out?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky doesn't jump whe Mon-El zips in faster than her senses can track. But her head does snap to look at him, the frown deepending to something close to resentment. "You...You don't have a right to talk about him like that. You don't know him," Vicky says, her voice cold.

There had been a time not too long ago when she wouldn't have been so bold. A time when she wouldn't even have considered stopping the thugs causing mayhem down below. Vicky turned away from Mon-El. He reminded her of -that- day. The day with the Khunds. And it made her sick still.

"It isn't about genocide. That has no point. Conflict is nothing without reward or triumph. That is the ultimate goal of any war or battle, triumph. And there are many kinds of battle, not all of them with fists." Vicky says quietly.

Then the gun shots start going off and she sighs. "And sometimes they are," Vicky suddenly drops like a rock out of the sky. She turns in the air as she falls, wings closed, snapping them out at only ten feet above the ground. They make a startling crack, like a whip, as the sails catch the wind and she slows her fall just enough so that her landing is loud, but doesn't cause any real damage to the sidewalk. The gang with the guns, looted from the pawn shop, look at her in surprise. Then they aim and start shooting.

Mon-El has posed:
    "And you think you -do-?" Lar challenges. "He wanted those people to wipe each other out--that's why he didn't want me to destroy the arsenal. Oh, by the way--did you enjoy your first mass genocide? I hope so, because the way he was egging you on I'm sure he has a lot more in store for you." Lar replies. "Why would you pledge yourself to someone like him anyway?"

    He watches the gang start to open fire on Vicky and dives down himself, standing in front of her to allow the ammo to smash itself into him instead of her. Ammo that really has no effect on him whatsoever. If they try to flank, he just outflanks, moving in front of them wherever they try to go. This would continue until they either stop firing or empty all their magazines.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky grits her teeth and decides to not respond to the Daxamite's goading. Instead she glares at him as he lands, taking bullets meant for her. Not that he needed too. As the group fans out she shows that she is bullet-proof as well. The gang begins to falter as the bullets do nothing, shells and bullets littering the ground. "We can discuss philosophy later. Let's prevent death now, hmm?" Vicky snaps at him.

Without another word Vicky moves forward to rip the two guns from one gangsters hand, crushing the barrels and dropping it. "Imagine if that was your neck. Now imagine the long life you could live if you actually do something positive with your life," She snaps at the man, who staggers back. Another couple bullets slam into her back, making her sigh, and she glances at his friends. Fear has made the rest of them stupid and they empty their clips into the Daxamite and demon.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Who said anything about philosophy?" Lar retorts. "This is your -life- I'm talking about. Why would you pledge yourself to someone who's going to force you to commit mass genocide? Or anyone who wouldn't let -you- do things -your- way for that matter?" He isn't letting up on this topic, nope.

    He lets the gangsters empty their clips at him, crumpled ammunition bouncing off of his body and landing on the ground around them. Then he rushes forward, grabbing all of the now-empty guns but not quite destroying them, instead just putting them out of the humans' reach.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky whirls on Mon-El, frowning in anger, fists clenched tightly. "Force me?" Vicky scoffs as she ducks back away from a punch. "If a bullet isn't going to hurt me, what makes you think a punch will asshole?" She shouts at the gangster, backhanding him. He goes sailing into the wall. As he does her eyes go wide and she throws her hands over her mouth. "Oh no..." And she rushes forward to the now-limp body.

Rage. Wrath. Anger. They were more dangerous than any God. Vicky knelt at the mans side and carefully lifted his arm, checking for a pulse. "Oh nonono," She whimpers. "This is YOUR fault!" She turns and points a finger at Mon-El. Quickly she gathers the limp man into her arms and lifts him easily. "The hospital is nearby..." She casts around with a frown before she leaps upwards, hoping to spot the helipad and let it lead her.

The other gang members have decided it is a good time to disburse. The weapons chucked who knows how far away by the Daxamite will not be seeing use for awhile if ever. Sirens sound in the background, very distant. The cops are busy tonight and they may or may not be responding here.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Okay, maybe 'force' isn't the right word. 'Manipulate' probably serves better. Like putting you in situations like the one against all those Khunds. I mean, did you seriously enjoy killing all those guys? Because if not maybe that job description isn't quite the right fit for you."

    "-How- is this my fault?" Lar throws his hands up defensively. "-You- punched him." He sighs, shaking his head. At least she knows how it feels, now. Then he points in the direction of the nearest hospital. "Bellevue Hospital. Three blocks south, two blocks southeast. Want me to take him? I'm faster than you."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky looks torn, glancing down at the unconscious man with blood leaking out one ear. It should be her, this is her fault, but Mon-El have a good point. The look of guilt and pain is deep in her eyes and the tears are already flowing down her cheeks as she passes the gangster to the Daxamite. "I'm not done talking to you!" She tells him fiercely despite the tears. As her hands become free she dashes her hand across her eyes and turns to fly up to a roof.

The man makes some small sound, his breathing weak, his pulse too. He hit his head hard on the wall of the building. That likely meant some sort of concussion.

"I hear other problems, Mon-El...Help me conquer the terror in this city. I'll show you what I've learned so far. Maybe I can make up for the pain I've cause somehow." Granted it isn't much. But you would be surprised what three days of intense, non-stop training, can pound into ones head. And there was more waiting for her back in Areopagus.

Rainmaker has posed:
    And almost on cue for Vicky's statement, there's a sudden BOOM of thunder down the street, along with a flash of bluish light and some yelling, followed by a sudden gust of wind. Followed by a flying gangbanger and his buddies who go saaaaaaily across the street to land on the pavement of the sidewalk, fairly hard.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods and takes the man from her. "And I'm not done talking to you, either." he smirks and then he's off in a rush of air and a blur of motion. Within minutes, he returns after having dropped the man off at the hospital to receive proper medical attention.

    He shakes his head. "Vicky...nothing can change the past. Therefore nothing can 'make up' for what any of us have already done. All we can do is change the future. Ares isn't the only person who can teach you to reach your full potential. He might be the only one who would teach you how to commit mass genocide, though." he turns toward the noise in the distance. "I'll help you, but you have to promise to hear me out, all right?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky stands up straight and watches the men sail through the air in surprise. "I'm not the only one flinging people about today," She comments to Mon-El as he rejoins her. "And Ares is the only one who can teach me to conquer my fears the way I need too. It's...I've got soul issues, I guess is the best way to put it," She says as she tries to assess what is going on.

She leaps up and is flying once again in the direction of thunder and lightning. The men can wait till she sees what new fright is gripping the city. Assuming Mon-El flies along beside her, of course, she continues, "I'm listening now, aren't I?". She doesn't trust the Daxamite, not yet anyway. And even though it wasn't really his fault, she blames him for the massacre.

Rainmaker has posed:
    As one approaches, the ozone in the air is pretty evident. LIghtning strike, maybe? Though it doesn't look cloudy enough for that. The gangbangers seem mostly stunned more than anything else, trying to pick themselves up. "You bitch, I'm gonna..." One raises his weapon back towards the park across the way, before a howling column of air slams into him, carrying him backwards and smacking him into the building behind, before he crumples, unconscious as he drops the gun. The others see the girl and guy flying down the street and decide they have had more than enough "fun" for tonight, as they turn and flee into the alley, arms pumping as they vanish into the shadows.

    On the other side of the street, a longhaired Amerindian woman steps out, then sways on her feet before she rests a hand on the building next to her. She's wearing...well, it's a uniform. Definitely something other than spandex, but just as formfitting. Missing a leg. It's not something she pulls out often, but, hey, sometimes, crime descends on the city. On either hand are high teck metal gauntlets, that shift with her fingers as she flexes them.

Mon-El has posed:
    "What makes you so sure he's the only one?" Lar questions, easily keeping pace with her as she flies toward the disturbance. "And besides, not all fear is bad. Some level of fear is healthy. Keeps us from making rash decisions." Ha, sure. He's one to talk about rash decisions. "Or doing things that aren't right or just. Like committing mass genocide, or purposefully starting wars. What if one day he tries to tell you that you need to get over your fear of guilt by massacring a bunch of defenseless children? You gonna just bite your tongue and do it? I mean, unless you don't have a problem with that. Inciting violence that leads to all kinds of carnage and the destruction of homes, families, and everything good, that is. Because if that's the case, then being Ares' protege is the perfect job for you, but then that'd also make you a cruel, bloodthirsty criminal who delights in others' pain. But I guess that wouldn't be any of my business, either."

    He peers down below as the gangsters flee upon their arrival, and what appears to be the one who created the disturbance reveals herself.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Rainmaker sees Vicky coming, her eyes widening. "Oh fuck, you again?" she says, wary now as she raises her hands. Because the last time she saw Vicky was her going allllll evil. And then trying to put a hole in her before her friend ate Dr. Strange. It was a weird night. Up close, she looks a bit paler than last time, and a trifle unsteady, enough that she's swaying just a bit. Her dark eyes flick between the pair, focusing on Lar after a moment. Well. HE doesn't look demony.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky rolls onto her back as she flies so she can look up at Mon-El incredulously. Then she flips back around and makes to land, the disruptive influence fleeing at their arrival. "You keep using the word Genocide. But that is just what those Khunds were going to do, or close enough, to the people of that planet. I'm still me," I think, "And I can choose to say no. War is more than what you are describing. It is more esoteric that just death and killing on both sides. Yes there is that...but that is not what he is teaching me." Well, it is a little bit. Has to for some of the other stuff.

A sigh escapes her and she turns from Mon-El so he doesn't see the fresh tears in her eyes. Wiping them with one hand she sees Sarah and stops her approach dead. "Oh stars," She whispers before she moving forward as Sarah sways. Concern crosses her face as well as relief as she says, "I remember you." The guilt is a heavy stone already in her stomach and now it swells seeing Sarah's face. But at least she is alive. "You're alive. Oh thank the stars, you are alive!" She stops though as the obvious dismay at her appearance can be seen. The girl's face falls as do her shoulders. "I'm so sorry."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oooh, so let me get this straight--he's teaching you that as long as you have good reason to believe the people you're going to mass murder are planning on mass slaughtering -other- people, it's okay?" Lar scoffs, nodding. "Sure, that sounds about right. Perfectly just." he says wryly. "Oh, yeah? It's more than that is it? Well why don't you -enlighten- me on exactly what else there is beyond that?"

    "Yeah, you can choose to say 'no', so why don't you go ahead and do that? You saw what happened on 1024. Unless you'd love do it again, I suggest you get out of there before you get in too deep. I'm sure there's someone else out there who can teach you what you need." He sighs when tears roll down her face, even as she tries to hide it--it's not easy to hide things from a Daxamite. "Look Vicky, I think you're a good person. Ares is not, I could see that just from his actions on that planet. Staying under him will only bring you more pain and misery."

    He finally turns to Sarah. "Oh, she has some kind of...multiple personality problem? I think. At least according to SHIELD. Right?" he glances at Vicky again.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The tall Apache is definitely not relaxing considering the conversation she's hearing, though she doesn't move to attack. Just...frowning slightly at the tears, before she sighs a bit. "Yeah, I'm not dead. You're better then? You definitely weren't yourself last time I saw you..." She looks to Mon then raises a brow. "...Ares? The god Ares?" she says slowly. "Yeah, he doesn't have the best rep in mythology."

Redstar has posed:
There is only so much grief and self-hate a person can general before it bursts into anger. Her head drops and she looks at the ground. Hands at her side ball into trembling fists as she tries to take calming breaths. Yet breathing exercises aren't going to work today. The last few days have just been too much. Hell, the last couple of weeks.

"I AM NOT INSANE!" That is the last button that needed to be pressed. Anger turns her eyes a frosty white as she glares at Mon-El, stalking towards him slowly. She is no real threat to him, but her fury may indeed be a chilling sight. "I'm not even supposed to exist!" She yells as the temperature plummets suddenly. Her control over her powers slipping for the first time in years. Gripping cold, sub-arctic, is only made colder by Sarah's winds, making -128 feel like -160. Frost forms in icey patches, white touches the trees, and her tears freeze on her cheeks.

That doesn't stop her from stalking right up to Mon-El, yellng at him the entire way. "My very soul was supposed to be wiped out the moment I was born. I was a side effect of conception, only useful for a demon to devour. Tell me, how would that make you feel finding that out?" A finger comes up to poke at the Daxamite's chest. "But wait, it gets better! Your parents don't know what is -wrong- with you. And they're not really my parents, I'm adopted too. Just found that out. So they drug you, hide you away, are ashamed. Eventually they stick you in an institution and abandon you." She is seething, tears spilling down her cheeks and becoming snowflakes as they drop to the ground. She pauses to take a breath.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods at Sarah when she mentions Ares doesn't have a very good rap. "Yeah. See? She agrees with me too. You need to get away from h--"

    And then the angry outburst causes the entire area to turn into a frigid blizzard. Not that it really bothers the Daxamite at all. It's a good thing those gangsters had already turned tail and run or they'd be dead right now. But, he can't let this little tantrum hurt anyone else who might be within range of this outburst, and isn't sure what effect it might have on Sarah. So as she shouts at him, he simply reaches up and grabs her around the neck with one hand, attempting to simply knock her out by temporarily blocking her windpipes. It's a risky move, yes...given his tendency to not know how to hold back, but it needs to happen before any innocent humans get hurt or killed.

    "I'm sorry, Vicky." he says quietly.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Whoa!" Rainmaker says, her hand coming up again as a swirling wind shifts, bringing with it a slightly warmer gust as she steps forward. "Let her go! What the hell are you doing?!?" Sure, she doesn't know Vicky THAT well, but...well, she's not really the type to let someone choke out a girl right in front of her either. "Chill dude, it's okay, she's just letting off some steam!" She tries to pull Vicky back...but given Mon's strength, that's probably not going to go anywhere.

Redstar has posed:
Betrayal isn't new to Vicky. What had she just been yelling about. The anger doesn't fade but a look of pure disappointment crosses her face as his hand finds her throat. It isn't so easy, given her newly increased toughness and strength, especially when she's been sparring with the god of War for several days.

Those fingers brush her throat and she drops and lashes out with a kick meant to take Mon-El's feet out from under him. "Expect betrayal at every turn," She hisses at Mon-El. "That's one of the things Ares has taught me!" Even in her fury she is still crying and her control gone. the cold continues to reassert it's grip, requiring constant wind to make any change.

As her foot finishes her sweep she is already turning to run past and around behind Sarah. As much as she hates it, she knows she cannot run fast enough from him. She can take a beating too, but if he wants to take her down he will eventually manage. So Sarah makes a poor shield, but hopefully enough of one so she can talk him out of it.

"I'm sorry," She whispers again to Rainmaker as the sharp spars of her wings flash out to press threateningly against the Native woman's neck. Then her eyes move to Mon-El. "Your trying. I can see that. But you don't have all the information and it blinds you. You think I'm stupid? I read everything could understand on Ares before I asked him for help. I -know- he is dangerous. But he is also a God. And I have a demon attached to my soul. So yeah, he is kind of one of the few who can help me!"

~HEY!~ Starr finally pops up, indignant. The flow of torment, horror, and wrath had been delighting her and keeping her quiet. But they had been getting along.

"Shut up, Starr. I'm not talking to you!" Vicky snaps to no one in particular. Oh yeah, that's a really great way to prove your sane kiddo.

Mon-El has posed:
    The kick just ends up swinging through cold air and Lar just hovers upward when she tries to knock him down. But flying up caused him to let go of her as well, since Sarah had tried to pull her away too. Then she's taken the other woman hostage, too. He sighs. "I'm just trying to -protect- people who can't protect themselves. Look at you, is -this- who you want to be? Cutting swaths of carnage everywhere you go?" At this, he turns momentarily to some unfortunate humans who had gotten caught in the cold and are struggling to get away before they die from hypothermia. They're not going to make it, so he grabs them and whisks them off, depositing them at a safe distance before returning.

    "Oh, and taking innocent people -hostage-, too? Ares may be one of the few who can help you, but that also means he's not the -only- one. You're better than this, I know it. Ares wants you to embrace the pain and rage, but I know you can rise above it. You just need the right people in your life--and they don't include -him-. He's brought you nothing but tears." He pauses, looking a little bit astonished at his own words, as if unsure of where they came from, exactly. It almost doesnt even sound like him.

Rainmaker has posed:
    On a normal day, Rainmaker might have been able to throw herself clear before Vicky got a hold on her. But, as may be obvious by her unsteady movements, she's still recovering from being in a coma for a good week or so, courtesy of an innocent touch to Rogue's bare skin when checking her pulse.

    Instead, she lets out a 'grk' as she's grabbed, arching and jerking until the wings fold in, the blades settling at her throat. "...seriously?!?" she spits out, her eyes narrowing as they flash with anger. "You're going to make me a hostage?" Her chest heaves a bit as she jerks her head a bit, glancing at Mon as he tries to talk her down. But she's never really enjoyed being the damsel in distress.

    There's an ominous sound of thunder from above as her eyes crackle with electricity. "LET. GO." Her tone is hard now, the sympathy for Vicky's tears having evaporated with the threat.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky stares hard, eyes white, frost covering her face unnoticed. Crystals fall from her lashes as she blinks. Her eyes flit to the people caught in the grip of the terrible cold. A sound somewhere between a sob and a choke comes from her. The cold stops gripping the area and very, very slowly begins to warm again.

The girl sways slightly before her wings slump and fold back. The sharp edged point no longer any threat to Sarah. Even as her wings pull back Vicky's legs give out and she falls to her knees with her hand in her face. Slowly she shakes her head, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," She says into her hands.

~Now you've gone back into pathetic land. Boring.~ Starr chides in the back of her head. It had been a fun show, but now the actual demon was done. ~Let me out.~

"NO!" Vicky may be experiencing a mental break, but right now the last thing that was needed was a demon.

~I can force it. You're weak.~ The Demoness states matter of factly within the convines of her mind.

"I hate you!" She shrieks. This really isn't helping things is it?

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches as lightning cracks above them, content to see that Sarah is capable of taking care of herself. But then Vicky lets go anyway, sobbing into her hands as the cold recedes. He floats over to them, scanning Sarah to make sure she hasn't suffered any severe injuries first, then landing next to the broken Vicky. He puts a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay." he says softly. "I know people who can help. People who won't push you so hard."

    He sighs when she shrieks that she hates...someone. So much for being not insane, right? "Vicky...please. Calm down. I can help you. You don't need Ares."

Rainmaker has posed:
    The moment Vicky lets go Sarah puts distance between her and the stricken girl, retreating a bit, and letting Mon-El approach her. She folds her arms over her chet, watching the pair, her expression softening slightly as the lightning playing across her pupils vanishes again. "...look." she says after a moment, her tone steady. "From the sound of it, and if I understand what was happening last time I met you, you probably have gone through some terrible shit. I don't know anything about magic or demons or such."

    The Amerindian girl tilts her head. "...but I can tell trauma. This is something you need to go to someone to help. Not someone who's going to teach you about lashing out in anger, or channeling it. Bluntly...I don't think you're ready to handle that yet. YOu need someone who will listen to you, not mold you." She shakes her head. "...that's how cults do it. They find you when you're not right in your head yet, not in a good place, then it feels so very, very right when they tell you what to do to be better."

    She motions to Lar. "Listen to your friend." She thinks friend. Maybe just punching friend, she doesn't know. "Maybe find someone who knows a lot about....possession, or something. Not some crazy Church guy who wants to burn you at the stake, but someone who can fix you." She frowns. "...that guy with the cape who got eaten looked like he might have know about that sorta thing, but I guess he's digested now..."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky grits her teeth and makes the sound of someone pushing against a great, nigh impossible, weight. Then her hands drop into her lap and she just kneels there trembling. Mon-El's hand is barely noticed as she stares at the ground. The whiteness of her eyes has retreated back to a more bluish hue, but there is a cast to her features. Sarah might recognize it. The face of someone who has disassociated from the world around them.

Her eyes lift and look at Mon-El. Then they move slowly to Sarah. It seems she is struggling against some great force to do even the littlest thing. ~YIELD child!~ Starr's mind presses against Vicky's as she tries to force herself into control. You would think as broken as she already is, the demon would win. Instead Vicky holds, but barely.

"I'm...not...crazy," Vicky manages to get out between clenched teeth. "Help me? Why?" She doesn't understand that. They Daxamite and her have yet to have a positive encounter.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods at Sarah's words. Well, he's hardly a 'friend'. Yet. But maybe he can be. He turns back to the shaking girl, a hand still on her shoulder reassuringly. "She's right. You need someone to listen to you, to just...be there when you can't hold the tears back. Someone who will teach you to harness your emotions before you harness your powers. Not push you to your limits before your mind is even ready for that kind of test. Ares has clearly been too hard on you. He saw how torn up you were back on 1024, and he -didn't- care."

    It's clear she is struggling hard against something, some kind of internal battle. He squeezes her shoulder gently. Then he adds in answer to the question of why, "Because you need someone who -does- care. Preferably more than one someone. Whatever you're going through, you need someone who genuinely cares to there by your side until you make it out on the other side."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Rainmaker sighs, shaking her head. "Help you. Get your head straight. I've seen girls who are...who needed it before. Someone to talk to, someone who wasn't a threat. Someone who wasn't going to judge them or tell them they're crazy." She pauses. "I mean, I think...you might need someone who's really good at talking to people who are more unusual, with the wings, and the demon stuff, but....I can probably find a...a number or something." She frowns quietly, then adds, more haltingly. "It's...it's easier. If you have someone to talk to. Take it from me. Someone who understands. You don't feel..." She searches for the right word. "Like you're isolated. Or alone."

Redstar has posed:
The words of the others are like bricks. Bricks Vicky uses against her inner battle for control. Shoring herself up against Starr's pressing mind. She takes a deep, shudering, breath and lets it out. There is a sense of presence returning to her gaze as she blinks, looking between the two people.

The girl swallows a lump in her throat, rubbing at her eyes, as Starr finally backs off with a mental snarl. That will be a problem to deal with later. "No one has been able to help me before," She says weakly. The world was suddenly heavy on her body and she just seemed to sag. "No one believed that Starr was actually there, not a figment. Before. I've been seeing a therapist for the voice in my head since I was eight," She say softly, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "I see blood all over when I open my eyes." She admits quietly. "So maybe I am crazy."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Not any more crazy than any of us are." Lar replies, shaking his head. He finally takes his hand off of her shoulder once she seems to have won the battle--at least for now. "I mean, I'm no therapist but the girl who was terrorizing that man on top of that tower in New York the day we met -wasn't- the same girl I saw after 300 some Khunds got slaughtered."

    He nods in agreement again at Sarah's words. "See, you're not alone in this struggle. Listen, we can help you. You just...need to get away for a while. Somewhere you can rest and reflect, and get back up again." He holds out a hand, offering to help her back up to her feet.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "...if she's really there, then you're not crazy." Sarah points out, logically. "I don't really know what you can do about her...I mean, short of kicking her out of your head somehow, but I don't know anything about that." She nods towards Lar. "But he's right. You need some time. Or you're going to do somethig you'll regret later." Her eyes narrow. "Taking people hostage, for example."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky eyes the hand offered with a great deal of uncertainty. Then she takes it and lets him pull her to her feet. Her face is a wreck, makeup running, and eyes red from tears. She sniffles and rubs at her face then looks to Sarah as she speaks. Pain and guilt cross her face before she speaks, "I'm sorry. I...was't thinking. I wasn't in my right mind. And for once it wasn't Starr either." She lets out a shaky sigh and closes her eyes.

~Hmph. And then wouldn't accept my help. Is it still chilly, little one?~ Starr's barb makes Vicky look up and around with a frown. The weather is very slow to return from the cold, but it is. Sun would help, but that is many many hours away.

"I really lost it," Vicky realizes it, shaking her head, staring at the icy streets. "You keep saying I need help, Mon-El. So tell me, who the hell do you think can help someone like me?" She looks back to him, her face somber now.

Mon-El has posed:
    "To be honest," Lar glances at Sarah momentarily. "We all lose ourselves, sometimes. We've all done things we regret. Myself included. That's why we need each other."

    At Vicky's question, he shrugs slightly. "I'm not sure yet, but maybe after you've had some time to rest and recover, we can figure that part out, yeah?" Actually, he already has someone in mind. But he isn't going to say it just yet, given some of the...reactions others have had to the idea before. "You can stay in one of the rooms in the crew habitat on the Legion cruiser--it's nice and quiet. Perfect place to get away from everything for a little while."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "That sounds like a plan." Rainmaker says, unfolding her arms. "You don't want to be out in this mess when you're having control issues, right?" There's a faint sound of gunfire in the distance as Rainmaker looks over, then looks back, this time at Lar. "Look...just...take her where you're talking about. If that's good with her. Time helps with this stuff." A swirling gust of wind winds around her as she lifts off into the air. "I'm going to see if I can finish locking down the neighborhood at least...I can take are of that." She looks back to Vicky, then nods to her. "Good luck."

    And then she soars upwards into the air, riding the wind as she arrows over towards the next mess to deal with. As exhausted as she is...she hopes there's not too much more. She's already going to be in trouble when she gets home...

Redstar has posed:
Vicky wraps her arms around herself and closes her eyes, taking in a deep breath, then shakes her head. "I have a place. Home even. It is quiet, remote. There will be someone looking for me. Someone I care about deeply." Again she looks around the area. Sirens continue to sound off in the distance along with the occasionaly gunshot.

As Sarah lifts inot the air she says, "I am sorry. I hope I can make it up somehow." Then watches the Rainmaker dash off. "Does your space station have coke?" She turns back to Mon-El, raising a brow, and smiling very faintly as she asks.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'm sure we have something like it." Lar chuckles, nodding. "But if you'd rather go home, then I won't force you." He pushes a button the wrist of his uniform, and a bright line of light glimmers into existence. It turns into what appears to be a portal of some kind.

    "Still, I'll leave the door open in case you change your mind." He steps through it momentarily, then returns. "Oh, and here." Something small is tossed her way. "Subspace transceiver, since everything else is down."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky sniffs and rubs at her eyes again, trying hard to smile. It mostly just makes her lips tremble. "Thank you," She tells him with a nod. "Most everyone I've met since getting out of the institute have...understood more. Been more accepting. It's hard to get used too."

A hand snaps up and catches the transceiver. She looks at it thoughtfully for a moment. For a second she bites her lower lipm looking at the bit of tech in her hand. Then her head comes up and she nods, "I'll call soon." She says. Surprising even to her she thinks she means it. As the Daxamite moves to leave she watches. "Be safe."

Abruptly she crouches and leaps. The crack of leather sounds as her wings snap out, catching the cold night air. In a moment she disappears against the night and sky. The moon peaks through, pale moonlight dappling through the trees in a now empty park, glazed with frost.