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(Don't you just hate it when you have to report to your boss that you screwed up?)
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Latest revision as of 21:47, 9 February 2018

Tidepool: Bearing bad news (SHIELD interlude)
Date of Scene: 09 February 2018
Location: Nick Fury's office, Triskelion
Synopsis: Nick Fury gets a repoprt
Cast of Characters: Vintridr, Nick Fury
Tinyplot: Tidepool

Vintridr has posed:
    One of the unexpected downsides of a reputation like Fury's is that even your direct subordinates feel intimidated sometimes, and even the ones that should know better by now sometimes dread showing up with bad news, especially when they can't mitigate it with "and we already have a plan to deal with it". Of course, this hasn't been a spectacularly fun week for SHIELD so far to begin with, but the slight air of nervousness coming from the agent standing in front of Fury's door suggests there's yet another crapper drop coming up.

    "Commander Fury? Agent Davis, overseeing Valkyrie Watch. There's been a... Development."

Nick Fury has posed:
    It had been a busy couple of weeks within SHIELD and things were coming to a head with external and internal pressures forcing Fury to spend way too much time in his office. Currently sorting through the latest status reports from several Agents, that was where Fury was, even now. Stuck behind a desk. The place he hated the most.

    The door opens when Fury releases the catch, and waves the Agent into the office. Fury stands up and then says, "Been a long time since I've been called Commander. General works. Or Director." Nick nods, and waves the Agent to the chair in front of his desk "A development? Excellent. I am sure it is one more thing to put on my ever expanding pile of F-ups."

    Fury shakes his head, and sits down. Looking at the Agent, he nods. "Go ahead. What have you got for me?" Fury sighs, and waits for it.

Vintridr has posed:
    The agent sags into the seat, looking for all the world like a student called to the Principal's office for problems with their homework, but he takes a deep breath and starts talking. "... To summarize, Sir, we lost contact with the subject and have been unable to recover it. We've also been informed that trying to find her again right now would be highly ill-advised."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury sighs, more loudly this time. Looking at the Agent, Fury shakes his head, and taps the desk impatiently, the only sign of his anger. His face was placid and calm, cool and collected. However, his anger was nearly palitable.

    "Yes. Since her...identity was revealed, things will become problematic in that area. Okay, that is fine. We should be able to recover in time. Have Agent May re-assign you something a little less complicated and difficult."

    Fury looks at the Agent and says, "Is that all then, Agent?"

Vintridr has posed:
    The agent looks like he'd like nothing better than to say "No, Sir," and be dismissed, but he steels himself. "I'm afraid so, sir. That advice came from two sources. The first was a Sociology professor who specializes in Viking cultures. Of course, how much of that maps to Asgardian customs is unknown, but if it does... The way she phrased her grievance, she was attacked without prior warning or challenge, by someone who had not declared themselves an enemy, while she was doing them no harm. That's... As bad as it gets. Treachery, dishonor, cowardice; the kind of grievance that leads to massive amounts of weregild being paid or a multi-generational blood feud. She's almost certainly on the warpath."

Nick Fury has posed:
    "AH." That was enough to set the hardest man's blood cold. One word. Fury stares at the Agent for a few seconds, collecting his thoughts. Running through everything in his head. If you looked close enough, you could almost see the calculating and strategizing going on. "I see."

    Fury stands up, and moves to stand near the bulletproof window staring out at the grounds. His voice has no problem being heard by the Agent, now staring at Fury's back. "That makes things a helluva lot more complicated, Agent. It was good you brought this to my attention. We may need to take note of this with a more...tactically observant air." What did that mean? Bring in one of their more high level Agents to check on things? Maybe.

Vintridr has posed:
    The agent nods, then winces. "... Which brings me to the second person who warned us. The subject herself, sir. It turns out she was aware of our surveillance all along." He places a folder on Fury's desk. "... Which probably means that all that's in there is what she wanted us to see."

    He sighs. "She turned a corner, then must have doubled around somehow because she'd grabbed Muntaugh before anyone spotted her and told him she'd 'tolerated' our surveillance up to now because of 'respect for the lords of the land'. But the next agent she spots she'll treat 'as she would an enemy'."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury looks at the Agent over his shoulder, his hands in an "at ease" position. His eye barely seeing the Agent, but letting him know he heard every word. And was that a hint of a smile? "I see. Very well, Agent. Thank you. I will look over the folder." Turning back to the view, Fury says, "If there is nothing else, dismissed."

    Fury takes a few moments to absorb that last. Looking out at the courtyard, he contemplates SHIELD's next move. After all, she only spotted the normal surveillance team.