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Visitors On the Cruiser
Date of Scene: 13 February 2018
Location: Legion Cruiser - Ship Interior
Synopsis: Lar gets one expected and one unexpected visitor on the Legion cruiser.
Cast of Characters: Shadowlite, Mon-El, Redstar

Shadowlite has posed:
It probably would have been a routine day for the Legion, if it weren't for the black portal that opens with black arcs of lightning in the guts of the cruiser.

Out of it... comes a life sized crash dummy, with just enough electronics to partially mimic life signs, and some remote sensors feeding data to Shadowlites laptop as he sits behind a particularly large piece of orbital debris, hopefully hidden from scanners.

Mon-El has posed:
    The dummy ends up in the central corridor that runs the length of the vessel, with the bridge at one end, engineering at the back, and the medical bay, crew habitat, and other areas branching off from various points in between. As soon as the portal appears, alarms screech and defenses fly out of their respective storage compartments to open fire on the dummy, quickly destroying it as well as scanning the energies coming from the portal to feed the data back into the mainframe to be reveiewed by members of the Legion.

    Meanwhile, it so happens that Lar and Vicky are on the bridge where the ship's AI has informed them that there has been an intrusion in the central section. He flips through the security feeds until one of them reveals the black portal energy in the hallway. Lar frowns pensively at it. "Hm, that looks familiar." he recalls his various encounters with Blackout, another Darkforce user, and also the time he saw Shadowlite during the Sneepers' attempted invasion alongside some of Darkseid's followers. "You seen anything like this before?" he asks, glancing at Vicky.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky is standing with her mouth a little agape at the image on the screen. To others the blue and green planet down below with it's whispy white clouds and storms racing across it was just another space rock. Those people had seen the sight before. Vicky had seen pictures, but it was totally different now. For one she was on an -alien- ship with an alien, for two she had never been in space to see it live.

"Wow," She says to Mon-El with a slow shake of her head, blue eyes riveted. Even Starr is silent and appreciative of the sight before them.

The alarms make her blinks and frown, looking around the bridge in mild concern. "What's going on?" She asks Lar, leaning it to peer over his shoulder. When she sees the portal she literally puts a hand over her eyes and forehead. "Oh man...yeah, I recognize it," She says sounding just a tinge embarassed by something. "That would be Shadowlite. I don't know -what- he is doing up here though. I mentioned going to see a friend, but..."

Shadowlite has posed:
What he's doing up in orbit, is sighing as all his plans go out the window.

"I wish I could say I was surprised it was jam packed with turrets." Shadowlite muses, before he grunts, "Lostie, how many on their bridge right now?" The Lost One replies, "I can feel only two people on the bridge right now, Michael. One of which is your colleague." A beat, "Wait. Ms. tempy is in there?" "Yes. I just said that."

The heavy groan from Shadowlite would probably have Vicky laughing if she heard it.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar arches a brow at Vicky when she confirms that she definitely recognizes that. "Shadowlite?" Then he pauses and nods slowly. "Oh, yeah. I met him once. The time those people tried to destroy this planet with rigged asteroids. What do you think he wants?"

Redstar has posed:
"I haven't the foggiest idea to be honest," Vicky says with a slight frown. Slowly she shakes her head as the portal closes and she notes the dummy. "Hummm..." Slowly she turns to look around the room, eyes going to patches of shadow on the bridge, looking for something.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Well. Nothing for it. then." Shadowlite steps onto his black disk... and flies over to a spot outside the sun. Soon enough, he's melting into Darkforce matter, before he slides along the dimensional boundary, into the ship.

Then, he does something Vicky probably hasn't seen before... he pops his head out into one of those shadow patches, like a man coming out of the water for a quick peek.

The rest of him is still Darkforce 'glued' to the boundary.

Mon-El has posed:
    When Shadowlite pops his head in, Lar peers at him curiously. "Shadowlite, was it? Is there something I can help you with?" he asks casually, using the chair he's seated in to swivel to face him.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky is staring at a patch of shadow as the his head pops out. She blinks and then smirks and crosses her arms, head tilting to the side, as she watches him for a second. "Hiiiiiii," She says it almost as if it were a question, drawing the sound out a bit. "Did you follow me? Or is this just coincidence?"

She moves away from Lar at that point to approach the spot of shadow where his head hovers. "Nice trick, by the way," She adds a little more quietly. With her back to Lar so he can't see her face she gives him this questioning and incredulous expression. Her lips mouthe, 'What are you doing?"

Shadowlite has posed:
Well, there are no turrets shooting at him, so that's something.

Shadowlite comes the rest of the way off the boundary, and reforms his body within the shadow patch. His tactical vest has a few guns on it, and some tech... and his hands go to suit pockets as he regards Mon-El briefly, then Vicky, "When you said 'friends' I thought you meant going to mutant town or something. Coming up to the supercruiser? That was /not' on my list of 'where would she go to have fun'? Places."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar arches a brow at Shadow's response, glancing at Vicky, then back to Shadow. It seems these two know each other better than he thought. "I take it you consider where Vicky goes to have fun to be fully your business? So what, are you siblings? Cousins? Or something else?" He folds his arms. "Anyway, you haven't answered my question. "Is there something I can help you with, Shadowlite?" he asks once more.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky scrubs her face with one hand and then turns to stare at Mon-El when he suggestions they are family. Then she bursts into girlish giggles and says, "Definitely something else." And she takes another step closer to him and smiles. "Yeah, well, I'm apparently collecting eclectic friends. And I've never been in space before..."

Shadowlite has posed:
Mon-El is still ignored.

"Girl, you just went from 1 to 11 on the 'well, no shit' scale." Shadowlite gives in reply with a laugh. Then, he starts walking around the bridge, taking note, "This place is like an engineers wet dream. Now I've gotta study electrical engineering sometime." Shadowlite sighs. Then, he looks to Mon-El. Finally.

"Well, I was hoping to just be in and out, but apparently your supercruiser is a gigantic death trap." He shrugs.

Mon-El has posed:
    "'In and out'." Lar repeats. "I take it that means you intended to rob us." he sighs, shaking his head. "Look Shadowlite, I appreciate what you've already done to assist us against some of the threats we've faced....so in light of that, there is no need for you to break anything, including laws, in your attempts to get help with whatever it is you need help with. So why don't you tell me what it is you need, and we can talk?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky crosses her arms and sticks her tongue out at Shadowlite, watching him move around the bridge thoughtfully. "In and out...?" She frowns ever so slightly and then her face clears and she glances at Mon-El. "Let me introduce you two proper, yeah? Shadowlite, meet Lar. Lar, this is Shadowlite," She gestures from one to the other.

~The mood in here is rife with tension.~ Starr purrs in Vicky's mind, watching the two men take stock of the other. ~You know why he was here...~ The demon goads Vicky making her wrinkle her nose.

"Shush," Vicky mutters quietly as she glances at Mon-El. Her lip twitches and she doesn't say anything yet.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Actually, I wanted a tour, with myself as a guide. I've got no doubt you can track any of the shit up here if you wanted to. Taking anything would be monumentally stupid in light of that." Shadowlite informs Mon-El. Then, he looks back to Vicky, "Wasn't planning on her being here, though." He shrugs, before he looks back to Mon-El, "I'm fairly sure you wouldn't help me reverse engineer some alien tech I have, or give me energy cells and Sneeper weapons and infrastructure." Shadowlite points out, "I don't want Earth blown up as much as the next mutant." With Shadowlites Index out there now, no real point in hiding that., "but I've got zero interest in answering to anyone. I'm a mercenary, not a superlackey."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Whoa, whoa, who said -anything- about answering to someone?" Lar rolls his eyes, shaking his head. "Presumptuous much?" He glances at Vicky. "I mean, would you just listen to this guy? All I said was we'd talk, and he's already saying I won't help him with blah blah and blah blah. -And- not only that, assuming I'll put him on some kind of leash and start ordering him around? Pfff."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky puts her hands on her hips and hmphs as Shadowlite looks back at her. "You make it sound like I screwed something up," She says a little petulantly. But her arms drop from her hips quickly. She had been looking forward to getting a tour too after all. And the Earth spinning out the window wasn't bad either.

Put between the two in a metaphorical sense she looks from Mon-el to Shadowlite and back. "Aaahhhh..." She facepalms and shakes her head. "I just came up here for a tour and to see my planet..."

Shadowlite has posed:
"So, you'd help a mercenary with numerous outstanding warrants out on him for bending or breaking your precious laws?" Shadowlite inquires, "SHIELD and the rest of those parasites usually take the good stuff from alien invasions, so I deal with what I can get."

Then, Vicky gets a look, "You didn't screw anything up, but seriously. You have to laugh at the timing."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shrugs. "To be honest, I don't know a whole lot about Terran laws, given I'm not from around here." he admits. "So how about we start fresh? You want a tour, why not. You want some power cells? I'll let you buy some, so that you don't have to feel like I'm trying to justify ordering you around. Unfortunately I -can't- give you Sneeper tech because most of it was destroyed in the confrontation and therefore I don't have possession of any of it. Can't give you or help you reverse engineer what I don't have, after all."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky can't see his face or eyes so doesn't really know what kind of look her boyfriend shoots her as she drops into a chair sideways. Legs draped over the arms. Her legs kick and she is looking vaguely amused at the whole thing. "Haha, so amused," She says pertly to Shadowlite. But there is a sparkle in her eyes as she says it, showing she is being playful.

"Sneeper?" That isn't something she has heard about before. "What's a Sneeper?" She glances at Shadowlite curiously. "You didn't tell me -this- story." She sounds accusatory.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Sure I did. I said I was trying to grab Sneeper tech from a ship in orbit when Power Boobs bulleted right through it, remember?" Shadowlite gives to Vicky, "It was about a month ago or so. I might have left out the part about drilling through a few asteroids on my way to it."

Shadowlite sounds fairly unrepentant about that, though, before he looks back to Mon-El, "Should I take that to mean you're capable of reverse engineering Sneeper technology?"

Redstar has posed:
Vicky frowns slightly at Shadowlite, "Power Boobs?" The look on her face is a little bit incredulous, a little bit annoyed, and a little bit amused. "I do -not- remember a thing about Power Boobs. But I do remember something about being up in space," Not that he told her much about it then either.

In the darkness of their shared thought Starr stirs at the new emotion from Vicky. One she hadn't felt or seen before. The demon feeds happily on the envy, however tiny, it is. ~Wonder why he left so much out...~ She feeds the fire.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Couldn't tell you." Lar shrugs again in response to the question about the Sneeper tech. "I haven't had a chance to take much of a close look at it. But that doesn't matter does it, since neither of us have any." he points out once again.

    He turns to Vicky. "A Sneeper is...um, I'm not completely sure, but some alien race that collaborated with some of Darkseid's followers in trying to destroy Earth with rigged asteroids." he explains. "But we dealt with them."

Shadowlite has posed:
"I'll tell you the story if you want to know it later, not like it's a giant secret." Shadowlite notes to Vicky, before he looks to Mon-El, "I might or might not have grabbed a bunch of it out of the ship before it exploded from Power Boobs. It's one of a kind though, and I'm not all that keen on giving any of it up to people that'll just take my shit and leave me with nothing." Shadowlite points out.

Redstar has posed:
"That would be nice," Vicky says as she kicks her feet, an soul irritation making her restless. Fears and worry trying to escape the magic binding them, but failing miserably to rise to the surface. In that lack Starr was at her worst as well for nothing human held her back. The demoness was taking full advantage of the spell, and the spell taking full advantage of her in turn.

"We can talk and tour, right? You guys may think this spaceship stuff is everyday, but -I- have never been on a ship," Vicky says as she hops to her feet. She doesn't stomp her foot, but one could easily imagine her doing so.

~Exactly. You're the guest,~ Starr purrs in encouragement.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs. "Okay you want me to help you or not, dude?" he asks, sounding somewhat impatient. "You came all the way here, so make up your mind."

    He nods at Vicky. "Right, we'll do a tour at least." he says, getting up out of the chair. "How about it, Shadow? Tour? I know you preferred going alone, but I wouldn't want our security systems to blow you to shreds." He smirks.

Shadowlite has posed:
"I'll go and grab the array I have, and bring it up here. Then you can take a look at it. If you can't do anything with it, I'll take it back with me." Shadowlites replies, also sounding a bit impatient with Mon-El. Then, he looks to Vicky, "Have fun with that." He gives, before he steps into a shadowed corner... and melts into blackness.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky opens her mouth to say something and before she gets more than, "See," Out he is gone. She stares at that blackness for a moment her brow curling into a frown. A sigh drops her shoulders and she turns to look at Mon-El, a bit troubled, and fakes a smile. "Well...shall we?"

She moves towards the door knowing full well she needing wait for a Daxamite by this time. "He's paranoid," She tells her friend with a shrug, hoping to soften the edges that first meeting left. Likely a useless thing to do, but she tries.

~That's an understatement and you know it,~ Starr chides Vicky. Vicky frowns slightly again and shakes her head. If only she could block Starr out as easily as the demoness does her.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Right...sounds like a plan." Lar says slowly as Shadowlite ports out suddenly. "So much for wanting a tour, I guess." he comments to Vicky. "Might have a better chance of being any help after I get my memories back though, to be honest." he sighs. "Heh, paranoid and prejudiced, I'd say. I mean you heard him earlier. He doesn't even know me and he's suddenly assuming I'm going to start trying to order him around? I mean seriously where did -that- come from?" he exclaims, starting to escort her out of the bridge and into the central corridor so she can see the rest of the ship.

Redstar has posed:
~Indeed...what happened to make him that way?~ Starr seems simply curious, but she knows the effects her words have. She enjoys the anger it raises among other emotions. When locked away in another mind there was little else for a demon to do, but feed on her hosts emotions. Nudge her, encourage, seduce to her wants. In this case she simply seeks discord and the emotions it brings.

Vicky licks her lips as they walk and shakes her head. "I...don't know. I honestly don't know much about him," She says after a few paces. Her eyes begin to rove around the corridor as they walk. "I suppose I should start asking more questions..."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Really," Eyebrows go up at that. "So let me get this straight, you know next to nothing about your boyfriend? Not only that but he helped save the planet from getting destroyed by aliens and barely told you anything about it?" Lar pushes a button on the door and it parts, allowing them out into the hallway.

    Once out there, he turns and heads down a corridor off to the left that leads to the crew habitat where most of the personal quarters used by the team during transit are.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky tucks a bit of hair behind one ear as they walk and looks vaguely uncomfortable at Mon-El's questions. "I didn't say he was my boyfriend," She says with a blush. Few people had actually seen the two of them in public together and she knew he wasn't the sharing type. "But no...he didn't tell me much," She says as they walk.

~So many secrets...~ The demon knows what she is doing. If she could she would kiss Mon-El, at least, for his unintentional helping to stir the discord. ~Perhaps you should learn to keep some of ours, hmm?~ Yet she also has an opportunity to dig at the girl. And that cannot be passed up.

Vicky's nose wrinkles and she shakes her head. "So...how big is the ship?" Yes, let's change the subject from her and uncomfortable question.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles. "Right, not your boyfriend, not family. But something 'else'. What could it -possibly- be?" he grins playfully as they walk into the crew habitat.

    "How big in comparison to what? Or do you want exact measurements?" He shrugs. "Well, this is the crew habitat. You know, personal quarters, lounge. Theater, gym with simulators for training." he walks by each door in turn, opening them for her to take a peek inside each one.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky's blush doesn't really fade much. "Well, then what do that make you," She says glancing up at him as a smile glimmers into place. "Cause I'm better Daxamites don't have demons." The mood lightened a little the demoness sighs. Curling back into the recesses she waits like a snake to strike.

"I meant just in general. It's obviously big like a small business building to have all this stuff!" She peers into the gym and her brows shoot up. "Simulators? What do you mean?" She asks eyeing the room.

Mon-El has posed:
    "...grife, Vicky I think it might be -my- turn to ask -you- if -you're- hitting on me?" Lar teases, poking at her playfully.

    He shrugs. "Yeah, that's probably about right." he remarks about the size. Then she asks about the simulator. "Like...that." he says, pushing some buttons on the wall near the door. Instantly, the room lights up with hard light holograms--an image of the surface of the planet Korbal. There's a lot of electricity everywhere. -Looks- that way, anyway. He presses buttons again and the landscape changes, now it's Saturn's moon Titan, with a beautiful view of the gas giant looming over a reddish looking terrain.

Redstar has posed:
"Pshaw!" Is Vicky's reply as she weaves in exaggeration from the poke. Giving him one in the arm back. "You're learning! Soon you'll be making Pokemon jokes." There is a grin when this is said. And then...

"HOLY SHIT!" Vicky says in absolutely awe, her mouth and eyes going wide. She steps into the room slow and carefully, turning around in obvious wonder. "This is amazing Lar!" She says as her eyes drop to him. "I...can you turn the gravity off too?" There is a little bit of glee in her. While she has flown, she has never been in Zero-G either.

In this moment the pure spirit that is Vicky shines through. The innocence and youth making her pale blue eyes sparkle. Slowly she moves out onto the Titan surface towards the horizon where Saturn looms hugely. "Wow..."

Mon-El has posed:
    In response to her question, the the simulator suddenly switches to zero-G mode, causing both of them to float upward. Since both of them can fly, they should be able to keep control of themselves, right? Well, Lar does. He floats up near her. "How's that for an answer?" It really seems as if they are actually there, minus the fact that Vicky would need equipment if they where. "In a thousand years, this place will be teeming with life." he tells her. "I mean--the real one." he adds, laughing.

Redstar has posed:
"Really?!" Vicky can fly...with her wings. Zero-G is a whole other beast and she begins to spin. "Whoa!" The wings go out and she flaps. Only the fact that there is actual air and atmosphere means she can right herself, though it sends her sailing towards the ceiling. "Okay, this is really differengt!" She shouts, eyeing the blackness of space in the simulator.

Carefully she beats her wings to move back towards Mon-El with a grin. But it looks like she is going to slide right on past so she reaches out to grab his arms to stop, giggling a bit. "What about Jupiter?! It's my favorite."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar laughs and catches her arm as she sails past. "We use this for training and sparring. Well, most of the team, anyway. I don't usually use it for sparring because...well. I would wreck it." he admits. "Jupiter? Can do." The simulation changes again, the holograms glowing and shifting until they're now floating near the even -bigger- gas giant's surface, the orange and brown storms swirling wildly below.

Redstar has posed:
"Wow," Vicky keeps a hand on Mon-El. He can fly with ease and she is still getting used to it all. If not for the spells this would be terrifying. Instead her mind accepts that she hovers above the 5th planets surface. "Have you ever been on the actual surface? Is it all gas? Does it have life?" The questions fly from her quickly and then she laughs. "Sorry, this is...I loved space stuff as a kid and just. Talk about my dreams literally coming true...at least in some sense."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I probably have, but I just don't remember. Maybe once I get my memories back, I'll be able to tell you more." Lar admits, shrugging. "But I don't imagine there's much of a surface to stand on, given it's a gas giant. As for whether anything lives there, not sure since I don't remember if I have seen anything. But, in the future, after the founding the United Planets, the moons of both Saturn and Jupiter will be full of life and civilization."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky turns to look back down at the gas giant fondly as they float in the darkness of simulated space. "It's so pretty," She says quietly that wonder still in her voice. "Are nebulas as pretty as the artist interpretations? Or the 'adjusted' big telescope images?" Her return to Mon-El's wide and piercing sky blue right now. "I guess growing up being able to go into space it isn't that big a deal," She sees the fact that it is just another planet in the Daxamite's eyes.

Mon-El has posed:
    "It is beautiful." Lar nods in agreement as he looks down at it as well. "Hm, I guess it depends on which one you're talking about." he laughs. "I must admit I have not seen very many of Earth's telescope imagery. Oh, and also that even though we certainly had the capability to travel to space on Daxam, it wasn't something we often did. Simply because lead poisoning was so deadly and...irreversible."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky turns suddenly to peer at Mon-El with a frown. "Lead poisoning?" She says in confusion. "I thought you only got that eating old paint chips or something." Of course that's how they got it decades previously. Then she starts to look green and her lips thin. "Uhhhhh Ok, done with zero-g for now. My stomach...I...oh god, down down down..." There is only mild panic in her voice. Who wants to puke in Zero-G after all?

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shakes his head. "No, it's a lot worse for Daxamites. We can't even get near it, not to mention touch it. If it gets into our systems, we're dead. That is, unless we have access to XY-4, a serum Brainiac 5 made. But it has to be tailored to each person's particular genetic profile. It's...what's keeping me alive." he admits. "Apparently, I was poisoned a long time ago. So without the serum, I'll die a slow and painful death."

    He chuckles at Vicky starts to not feel so well, and shuts off the simulator, the gravity coming back on and the holograms fading from view. The Daxamite carefully lowers her down to the floor as the image of Jupiter disappears so that she doesn't fall too hard.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky manages to look horrified at the idea of Lar being poisoned already. "Really?" She says weakly as they settle to the ground. As the gravity resumes she breathes a little easier, bending her head forward as she braces hands on her knees. "That's...awful," After a moment she stands up slowly and puts a hand on her stomach. "I guess if I ever decide to come up to space I better get over the gravity sicks huh?" She smiles a little embarassed

Mon-El has posed:
    "Don't worry, I'll be fine as long as I can keep taking the serum, and thus far I haven't had a problem." Lar reassures her. "I mean, at least not too many." There was that -one- time when he hadn't even remembered that he'd already been exposed and thus didn't know about the serum, and almost died. But, that didn't need to get mentioned. He chuckles, patting her on the back. "You'll get used to it."

    He opens the doors back out into the hallway. "Seen enough yet?" he asks, still smiling. "I've got some more log studying to do. You can stay as long as you want, just let me know when you want to head home and I'll gate you back down."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky looks relieved to hear that and smiles. "Well, good. I'm starting to like you and I don't have too many friends. Actually...only three if I include you," She admits a little sadly. She turns to follow after him clasping her hands behind her back as she goes. "Nah, I'll head down. My stomach could really use a coke right now anyway and...I should probably see if I can talk to Shadowlite a bit." About things. Like...space battles and where he comes from.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, we need to fix that." Lar tells her, pointing with an air of determination. "And we're going to fix that. You'll like Clint, I promise."

    He nods, and presses a button on his wrist that opens a portal like the one she'd seen before. "Heh...yeah, tell him that we're not his enemy, okay? He seems to have some kind of pre-conceived notion about us that he can't get past. Not sure where it came from, but maybe he can be convinced that he's included in the people we're trying protect, yeah?" he sighs. "Anyway, I'll see you around, Vicky."

Redstar has posed:
"Is Clint a SHIELD agent? Someone mentioned it to me and I thought I'd check. Questions and all that, you reminded me," Vicky says with a little smile as the portal opens. "If he is, that's okay. I was invited to talk to them already, just...the Rising Tide bs." A hand is waved to indicate the 'mess' she means.

As she turns to head through the doorway she pauses and turns around to smile at him. "Someone or something hurt him bad is all I can think of. But I will try. Goodnight Lar," She says and then leans in to give him a quick hug. "Thanks for showing me Jupiter and not letting me puke on it." Then she turns and heads back to Earth and her waiting coke.