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Latest revision as of 08:57, 15 February 2018

Tokens Of Affection
Date of Scene: 14 February 2018
Location: Sol System - Earth Orbit
Synopsis: Kara and Lar spar in space.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Supergirl

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar had recently returned to the cruiser after the confrontation with Ares in deep space. The God of War is pretty tough, really...so he is look a little bit battered but not really hurt. At the moment, he's scouring the web on a terminal in the crew lounge. The internet seems to be a place that is rich in Terran culture, so what better way to continue learning about life on Earth? It's Vintridr's blog post that's up on the screen, this time. Finally, someone who agrees with him on the fact that the Rising Tide are the ones in the wrong here, not SHIELD!

Supergirl has posed:
Sitting on the floor, Supergirl is leaning back against the couch and closing her eyes. It's so quiet up here, it's hard not take advantage of the peace. She's ignoring his computer searches having assured herself Lar's in one piece after his fight.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Finally," Lar mutters under his breath at the screen, the word reflecting his thoughts. He shakes his head. "That poor...uh, Asgardian, was it? But I'm glad I wasn't the only one to point out the fact that these Rising Tide people seem to decry secrets yet have plenty of their own. They're the real criminals in all of this." he says, turning around to peer at Kara. "You know, there's a sofa behind you."

Supergirl has posed:
"I can feel it on my back." Kara agrees, noting the sofa's existence. She doesn't remark on Rising Tide. Instead she stretches out her legs infront of her, idly inspecting her boots. She arches her brows, turning one toe from side to side curiously. "I think I scuffed a boot, I'll have to polish them again soon."

Mon-El has posed:
    "But you...still prefer the floor." Lar observes, arching a brow at her. "Right. To each her own I guess." He examines her boots as she notes the scuffing. "Oh, geez. Yeah, definitely scuffed." he comments, feigning a cringe. "Must be a pain, keeping everything in top shape while getting smacked about fighting super criminals all the time." A pause.

    "Oh, and by the way, I talked to SHIELD and they definitely didn't ambush me or even try to get my DNA, and they're definitely not trying to build a clone army. As it turns out, they're just regular humans trying to protect their planet and people with the skills and resources they do have. The guy didn't lie me, or try to hide his identity, or anything. So you can stop worrying."

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh?" Kara looks Lar sharply. She grows still and studies him. After a long moment she settles her hands behind her head and closes her eyes. "Then I won't worry." She decides and does her best to try to relax or at least appear relaxed. "I am very glad you were not in need of a rescue Lar. I hope they had the answers you need."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I am sure they will. They're willing to help where they can." Lar says with an air of confidence. "Agent Barton is a good man, and if they need my help tracking down these criminals, I'm willing to give it." Another pause as he studies her apparent relaxed position, then sighs. "Are you serious, or are you just avoiding conflict? Suddenly I'm not so sure." he admits, frowning slightly.

Supergirl has posed:
"Either I trust you or I don't. So you're throwing in with Shield and you seem happy about it, then I have to trust you made the best decision you could have, and have faith in you." Kara murmurs and opens her eyes too look at him a moment. "I still wish you had warned me or brought me incase something did happen to you. But-" She lifts a narrow shoulder and goes back to her efforts to appear relaxed.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Heh. Laurel said the same thing." Lar states, folding his arms. "But in the end, I decided that wouldn't have been for the best. I get that you're both concerned about me, but I didn't want any preemptive strikes ruining my chances of convincing them to help me." He gets up out of the chair he was using in front of the terminal and sits down on the floor next to her. "I mean, I -told- you I was going to do it." He pauses at the part about having faith in him, because at the moment he doesn't exactly have much faith in himself. He sighs. "I know I don't exactly deserve to be trusted with myself, but it feels good to have been right at least once." he admits.

Supergirl has posed:
Leaning against Lar, Kara rests her head on his shoulder. "Do I think it was rash? Yes. But, you have a heroes instincts so I need to trust you to use them." She explains and looks back at her boots with a sigh. "You need to believe, I think it will help with how impulsive you get. So-I'm putting my faith in you."

Mon-El has posed:
    "'Hero's instincts'? Pfff." Lar shakes his head. "Kara, I'm no hero. Maybe I used to be, and maybe I will be in the future. But right now, I am so far from actually -helping- anyone aside from getting them out of predicaments -I- caused or created. This whole SHIELD business is all about trying to do the one thing I can think of that might help me get back to actually helping people. But I'm not quite there yet."

Supergirl has posed:
"Instincts, it's like muscle memory, you just need to practice and see what comes back to you. That's why I offered to patrol together." Kara points out and pushes to her feet to walk to a window, looking out on space. She leans against the window and lets out a breath.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I have been practicing...although mostly in the simulators." Lar admits. "It's hard to find places on this planet that won't just fall apart if I use them as sparring grounds. But every time it's the same." He sighs, standing up. "Well, how about it then? Let's go now, even if just for a little while. See if it helps?"

Supergirl has posed:
Looking back, Kara smiles. "Oh? Want to spar? I'm game. You can train against me. I'm tougher than the planet is." She tells Lar and offers her hand to him. "I know you're a little roughed up from fighting Ares. But a bit of Kryptonian action might be helpful-since the tissue thing is still thwarting you."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Actually, I -meant- the patrols, but hey, why not?" Lar chuckles, taking her hand. "All right, but let's take it outside. The rest of the Legion might not be happy if we crashed the cruiser."

Supergirl has posed:
"Fair point." Kara nods and laces her fingers with his. "I promise I'll only beat you up a little." She teases and smiles up at Lar. "I could use someone on my level to practice with anyway. It's nice not to hold back as much as I usually do." she murmurs and winks at Lar with a tug towards the air lock.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, same." Lar replies with a chuckle. "It's not often I get to really cut loose for very long. Not too many people around here who can actually take a punch from one of us." He follows her out the airlock and into the cold, dark vastness of space beyond, the door hissing and clicking shut behind them. "Last time I sparred with Laurel, I didn't do very well."

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, lets see how we do." Kara says encouragingly. She gets some space from the station and looks at Lar. "Ok! Space fight!" She curls her hands into fists and faces Lar with bright eyes. "Could do this in the Artic if you preferred a little gravity. Sun up here's gonna keep us high energy I bet."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I guess we could, but as isolated as that place usually is, it's still planetside and there -could- be humans down there doing research or something." Lar points out. "I know, what are a chances right, but with us..." he chuckles. "You know." He follows her a distance away from the cruiser, to minimize the risk of the craft getting damaged.

Supergirl has posed:
"Mmm, fair enough." Kara agrees. She rolls her shoulders and head as she squares off, facing Lar. "My form isn't the greatest, I've been told. I rely on brute strength more than finesse. But I'm not of a warrior class." Blowing out a breath she brings up her fists. "I did get some training though-with the amazons."

Mon-El has posed:
    "The Amazons?" Lar frowns pensively. "Oh, yeah--that's what Wonder Woman is, right?"

    He chuckles, shaking his head. "Maybe not, but I'm willing to bet mine is worse." He brings up his arms as well, taking a defensive posture as best he can. "Well what do you say, who gets the first move?" he asks with a smirk.

Supergirl has posed:
"Hmm." Kara considers and blows out a breath. "Come at me, I have more practice." She bids Lar and gestures with her fingers to come at her. "Might as well throw the first punch."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well, you're probably right about that one. So I guess I won't argue!" Lar laughs and nods. Wasting no time, he flies straight at her with a pretty bold first move, immediately going for a swift uppercut as soon as he gets in range!

Supergirl has posed:
Kara brings her hands up, she lets the force of his punch drive her upwards and pulls him past herself, letting his momentum carry him. She turns to follow the motion and blows out, using super breath to push him away with a grin.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sails past Kara, out here with little to no atmosphere to hinder his movement, he really does go pretty far. Not having expected her to just let him go flying past, he kind of goes into a tumble and collides with a piece of orbiting debris. And then the breath comes, pushing him even farther away. He laughs. "Ooohkay, definitely didn't see that one coming." Turning, he manages to right himself, grabbing the piece of defunct satellite behind him and sending it hurtling her way.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara watches him hurl the debris. She fires off laser eyes at it and flies towards Lar, fist cocked back as she prepares to swing at Lar. It's pretty easy to see what she's going to do, but she looks focused.

Mon-El has posed:
    The thermal vision breaks the severed solar panels into pieces and causes them to scatter, creating a bit of cover for Kara's next move although not too much. Once she gets to his position he brings an arm up and attempts to catch her by the wrist to prevent the punch from connecting while lashing out with a kick to her abdomen.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara grabs his leg, letting him hold her wrist to draw him close. She smiles at Lar locked in a hold with him for a moment. "Good instincts. Your body remembers at least what to do." She informs the daxomite and then headbutts him before pushing back with her caught wrist and the hand curled behind his leg to catch the kick.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'm not sure if it's just instinct or muscle memory." Lar admits, chuckling in return as she draws him in close. He definitely gets headbutted though, and goes sprawling through space once again. "Hey, no fair! You made me drop my guard by sweet talking me!" he laughs when he finally manages to recover. Now it's his turn to use the thermal vision, the lasers burning through the cold in Kara's direction.

Supergirl has posed:
Chucking, Kara yelps as the laser vision hits her. She flies back with a hiss. "Don't drop your guard in a fight, no matter how pretty the face." She advises and flies in again. This time she lays in with a multitude of punches, picking up her speed.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I wasn't -trying- to, geez! But when it's -you-..." Lar says defensively. Then his eyes widen as Kara flies in with a renewed fury, fists flying. He blocks the first several, but starts to falter in predicting her moves after a few seconds. Ooof, he's going to feel that in the morning. Finally, he stops trying to counter her attacks, grabbing her around the waist and bulleting forward into her as fast as he can--straight toward the surface of the moon, which happened to be passing over this particular night. Since they're so far from anything populated, caution against generating a sonic boom is nonexistent.

Supergirl has posed:
"Don't break the moon!" Kara cries out when Lar rushes her. She folds over him, grabbing onto his clothes. When she recovers from the flying tackle she starts pushing against him to slow them both down hurriedly.

Mon-El has posed:
    The two of them push hard against each other until they both hit the surface of the moon, grey dust and debis flying up all around the crater they just made. But hey the moon is full of craters, anyway right? Well, Kara's pushing at least kept it from being as big as it would have been otherwise. At any rate, he attempts to throw her off of himself as soon as they land. "You know, I keep seeing all these red and pink floral decorations and symbols all over the place. Something about someone named 'Valentine'. Any idea what all that's about?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara struggles to keep Lar pinned in the light gravity, grabbing at his wrists. "It's a holiday for lovers or couples on Earth in some countries. They go on dates and exchange tokens of their affection." She explains, flushing a little as she tries to hook her feet between his legs to keep him from using them as effectively to throw her.

Mon-El has posed:
    Kara manages to pin one of Lar's arms down by the wrist, while the other goes for a relatively feeble sock to the gut. However, that's all he can do for now, with her feet down on his legs to prevent him from using his best source of leverage. "Oh, really? That's kinda neat, I was thinking about getting you some chocolate--Laurel mentioned Earth females have a particular fondness for it..." He twists, heaving his weight to one side in an attempt to roll away. "is that true?"

Supergirl has posed:
Thrown off as Kara considers, she rolls quickly to try and avoid any counter pins. "It seems to be. I think it's fine, ice cream is better. Strawberry ice cream is magic." She tells Lar and brings her arms up as she moves to guard her face.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar rolls down a slight depression a short distance before rising to a hover just a few feet above the ground. Then he rockets at her again, aiming to knock her off her feet before she can fully get back up. But this time, even if successful, he doesn't go for another punch--at least not yet, instead just kind of hanging over her, bringing his face near to hers. "Hm, strawberry, that sounds like a fruit. And ice cream...is that like, some kind of frozen cream? Sound very...cold." he laughs. "But I'm sure it's delicious."

Supergirl has posed:
Looking up at Lar, Kara nods. She sinks back against the surface of the moon. Searching his face, Kara worries at her lip a moment and closes the distance. She grabs the front of his uniform, pushing them out of the moon's orbit and brushing her lips against his as she moves past, pushing him down to fly out of range with a smile. "I'll show you ice cream then!" She calls back.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Y--" Lar was about to say something, but finds himself getting grabbed by the uniform when Kara decides that it's her turn to surprise -him- with a kiss this time. Though a bit shocked at first, he returns in earnest, looking rather dazzled by the time she pulls away and flies past. "..."

    "I..." he stammers. "Um--y-yeah! I was just going to say that. I mean, I was just going to suggest that you show me some strawberry ice cream, that is." he finally finishes, his face flushed.

Supergirl has posed:
Once she's a good distance away, Kara props her hands on her hips. She adopts that iconic pose. "Well? You still want to slug it out, or do you want to try this ice cream thing? We're so evenly matched after all."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar laughs. "Evenly matched? You're flattering me." he shakes his head. "We'll rematch once I get my memories back, yeah? Then maybe we'll come closer to that 'evenly matched' thing." A sigh. "Oh, Kara...I was going to ask you. Once you and Kal have defeated someone powerful, where do you put them away? I...might be in need of...somewhere safe to put some very dangerous people."

Supergirl has posed:
"That's a question for Kal." Kara answers, her features closing up. "I don't..." She looks bleak, staring into empty space before finding Lar. "I'm going planet side." She announces abruptly, taking off for the surface.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Kara, w-wait!" Lar rushes after her, catching up to her quickly. "What's wrong?" he sighs. "Look, something happened with Laurel a few days ago, and I'm not sure exactly what. But she said something about terrorists from Daxam. Most of them were defeated, but we need somewhere secure to put them away before they wake up." He sighs. "And what's more...one of them is still on the loose. He nearly killed one of the humans earlier today, would have if I hadn't shown up. I...know the timing of this is kind of ridiculous, but the longer he stays around here the stronger he's going to get."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara's eyes stay on the planet. "Daxam?" That brings her to a stop. She hugs herself, looking about for other ships before focusing on Lar. "You remember how my pod was stuck in space while Kal grew up on Earth?" She asks and looks down. Her breathing is still fast. "There's a place we kept prisoners on Krypton. Kal can tell you more." She sucks in breath after breath, forcing herself to calm down.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yes..." Lar answers, observing how uneasy she looks. He frowns, confused. "I---don't understand. Were you trapped in some kind of stasis field? Were you a prisoner, too? Why?" He shakes his head. "Never mind...I-I won't make you talk about it if you don't to. I'll ask Kal." he says, nodding resolutely. She'll come out about it on her own, right?

    He suddenly takes her hands in his. "I love you, Kara. Thank you. For everything." Then, sensing she may need some time to herself, he kisses her one more time and flies away.

Supergirl has posed:
Clammy, Kara nods or shakes her head to questions. When Lar flies away, Kara falls away to Earth. It's one day she's grateful to have the Danvers home and a bed covered in pillows and stuffed animals to hide from space. Suddenly, the vastness just feels oppressive.