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Encephalopathy, Maybe
Date of Scene: 16 February 2018
Location: Legion Cruiser
Synopsis: Laurel and Lar discuss what to do about the remaining White Triangle member who is still at large.
Cast of Characters: Andromeda, Mon-El

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel has been in a mood. She's busy staring at a star chart at the moment, as if doing so will somehow change the fact that for the moment her quarry has eluded her. Ever since other Daxamites approached earth Laurel was cautiously hopeful. However, seeing who was on board the ship and the conflict which ensued she's been obsessive. Unfortunately, obsession isn't sufficient to actually make a foe appear so instead she is staring at a star chart and waiting for a blip to appear. All they need to do is detect a burst of solar energy... Which will, unfortunately, likely come after a disaster begins. So she waits, and paces.

Laurel does not take failure well.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has been meaning to ask Laurel about that wreck outside Metropolis. He?d been off-planet when the terrorists arrived, and it seems he has returned to quite the mess. The defeated Daxamite terrorists have been put away in the brig on the cruiser with inhibitors to prolong their unconscious status but it won?t last forever. What?s more, one of them is still at large. Certainly not long enough. He finds his niece pacing back forth in front of a star char and sighs. ?Laurel??

Andromeda has posed:
    "Lar?" Laurel looks up and over at her Uncle, her lips quirking slightly. It seems he isn't quite enough to cure the frown even if he does what was previously impossible and draws hte woman from her task. "It's good to see you." she takes a deep breath and then holds it for a few beats. "Has anyone explained what happened with the Daxamite ship that was in orbit around earth the past few days? They planned terrorist attacks, and we were forced to take the crew prisoner..." A brief pause. "As best we could apparently manage, at least."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods, although he is frowning a bit. "What did they want?" He asks, then sighs again, shaking his head. "Laurel, I think...one of them is loose. I mean, one of them -is- loose. He was at the crash site right after the ship went down. "He wouldve killed a human woman who had come to investigate if I hadnt showed up. I knocked him out but I dont know where he is any more. There was something...off about him. Like he wasnt right in the head."

Andromeda has posed:
    "They wanted the anti-lead serum. What they said was that they'd been sent a message from a man in the future who told thm that we had an anti-lead serum that would allow Daxamites to expand outside of Daxam before the universe came together to cordon off our planet," Laurel begins in a quiet voice. She tries to remain as netural as possible but soon enough she dorps her gaze toward the floor. "They kidnapped an earthling. I was using my serum to placate them, but something strange happened and they got it away from me. They took it despite me warning them it needed to be reformulated. I think..." A deep breath. "I think it affected their brains. Encephalopathy, maybe. But they acted strange after that. We need to find the third one as soon as we can. He's getting stronger."

Mon-El has posed:
    "That...is bad." Lar says slowly, trying not to panic himself. Right, the longer they stick around Earth, the stronger theyll get. No, no he needs to stay calm. At least in front of her anyway. He takes a deep breath. "Okay. I dont remember, but did our team have a place where we put powerful criminals after we defeated them? And do you think it exists in this time period? I could go look for it if youre not sure, and see if it could contain them. Otherwise...Ill ask Kara or her cousin. Maybe they have somewhere."

Andromeda has posed:
    "You should ask Kara or Kal-El," Laurel responds quietly, shaking her head. "I know they had something- probably- given this was when Superman was active, but I don't..." She pauses, shaking her head. "I don't know all of the details. It's just too far in the past to where I was trained. I know how we'd deal with it on Daxam in the year 3000, but most of those options aren't- really available to us right now." She takes another deep breath and holds it for a couple beats. "We have the first two contained, at least. Not forever, but for now. And in here they aren't absorbing solar energy- I am pretty sure I can subdue them both if they escape. So it's just the third..."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I will ask them as soon as I get a chance." Lar confirms. "At least I know what he looks like now, I guess. If theyre after what youre saying theyre after, hes probably looking for a subspace communicator he can use to call for reinforcements and get off this planet. We -cant- let him do that." He says with a determined frown. "If they came here and took a human hostage just to get their hands on that serum, Im willing to bet theyre not going to just stay to themselves if they manage to make it for themselves."

Andromeda has posed:
    "No... No, they won't." Laurel shakes her head slowly. "They're White Triangle. I, um. I was associated with them in the future. Growing up. They're wildly xenophobic ultranationalist Daxamites who believe that we should be using our solar-fueled powers to spread our control over the galaxy, and that alien species should not even be spoken to much less negotiated with." Laurel pauses for a second and then takes a deep breath. "If reinforcements come they will probably obliterate the earth before they move on with their plans. The most fortunate thing here is that earth doesn't- really have subspace communicators."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lars eyes widen as Laurel finally spills on who exactly these people were. "Grife..." he mutters, rubbing his face. "Talk about being around for a long time. Or I guess this could have been right around the time of the groups inception. Who knows." A shrug. "Anyway it doesnt matter. All that matters is tracking down that one guy and making sure he never gets back home. And we will. We will find him." He tries to assure her while sounding as confident as possible.

    Then he frowns pensively. "Wait, so...you know them? Er, knew them?" Hes not really sure which verb tense to use in this situation.

Andromeda has posed:
    "Or will know them," Laurel replies, helpfully providing the third tense for rumination. She shakes her head slowly and closes her eyes for a moment. "I was a member of one of their communities. They weren't- nice places. It's why I've been so gung-ho about getting out and- meeting all these people. Trying to understand them. I was raised to believe they were all evil and awful and just..." A beat. "Humans would call it a cult. A terrible, violent cult."

Mon-El has posed:
"I...see." Lar says slowly. "Well, youll have to tell me more about your experiences later. For right now, we need to focus on making sure they wont get back to their people and turn into some kind of unstoppable force. Ill talk to Kal and Kara. Heh, since subspace transceivers arent really that common on earth, the fact that their ship was destroyed might just lead him right to us. Especially since we have his friends, too." he pats her on the shoulder reassuringly. "In any case, well fix this, dont worry."

Andromeda has posed:
"I was a child. There's not too much to say. For now..." A pause follows and then Laurel turns slightly. "I hope he does come here. I'll be reayd for him.... Wherever he goes, in fact. As soon as I see something..." She bites her botttom lip for a second. "I hope we handle it quickly."