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Latest revision as of 14:37, 25 February 2018

Pyromania Running Wild!
Date of Scene: 04 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gothic Lolita, Superman

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The industrial area outside of North Hempstead tends to be a mix of facilities. Quite a few are standard warehouses for storage or factories that build consumer goods. Some are a bit more like separate tech campuses, small but more secluded. With the Titans Tower not TOO far away, it's usually a pretty quiet place...no one intentionally tries to draw attention here normally, unless they WANT a fight with the Titans.

    Normally, anyway.

    The explosion from one of these facilities, combined with the accompanying fire that has a column of smoke rising up into the air, on the other hand, is pretty much the opposite. It may have been planned for when the Titans were elsewhere, dealing with another emergency, in fact. But it's visible as far as Metropolis.

Superman has posed:
    Clark sighs softly as he works at his computer in the bull pen, glancing up now and again as the usual daily chaos of the Daily Planet goes on around him. He furrows his brow as he glances at Lois' empty desk, before turning back to his computer screen. Stupid writer's block. He doesn't gace the flair for dramatic in his writing like she does. At least not for the dark stuff. He can write 'hope' like nobodies business, but as Perry White always puts it : 'Hope doesn't sell'.

    The maze of skyscrapers stop anyone on the floor from hearing the explosion...except for Clark. His ears perk up and he rises to his feet. He adjusts his glasses and shrugs on his jacket, as he is clearly heading out into the snow for a break or something. Instead, however, he ducks out onto the smoker's balcony, currently unused due to the winter cold, and in the blink-of-an-eye, Superman is in the air.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    From a distance, it's not hard to see the facility...a fairly isolated tech campus, with a very bland, standard glass exterior building. The sort you see everywhere in industrial areas more devoted to tech work. What's changed is there's a good-sized hole in the side of the building, from which some of the flames are coming from, though mostly from several cars that seem to have been used to help break said hole in the wall.

    More interesting is the yellowish gas that's still in the air, that you can detect with your super senses, though it's disappating. And the fact that there's a tone of people just...wandering outside, a bit dazedly. Including several suprisingly well armed security guards, with what looks like...yellow armor? AIM armor...some of them appear to be injured, unconscious, but alive. The others appear to have lost their helmets and have joined the rest of the group wandering around just as dazedly as the others.

    You can hear several of them repeating the same thing over. "It's such a beautiful day. I will go outside for a walk well away from the research building...It's a beautiful day...I love to walk..."

Superman has posed:
    The Man of Tomorrow lands on the street outside of the building, and he makes his way over to the crowd and the battered building. He glances towards the cloud of gas and blows, using his super breath to dissipate it a good bit more rapidly. He then allows his vision to switch from standard to x-ray. He flashes through layers, checking the crowd for injuries of any kind.

    Once Superman is content that the damage is not physical, he starts towards the hole in the building. The proper authorities will be hear shortly, no doubt, and can hopefully handle the dazed people. He will keep an ear out for even the hint of violence, though. He steps over one of the vehiles and ducks into the building, glancing about.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Interestingly...there hasn't yet been a 911 call, possibly because of the remoteness of the facility to the area. But it IS odd there are no police or fire trucks showing up, or EMT vehicles at least. You can't hear any sirens approaching in the distance, definitely.

    But then, looking down with your X-Ray vision, you're immediately struck by two oddities.

    One, the building extends MUCh more deeply into the ground than it should. There are at least fifteen stories underground, and they've been sheathed in lead, possibly to foil vision like yours, since you're relatively close to Metropolis.

    Secondly, someone appears to have punched holes through the floor..and the floor below that...and the floor below that....from which a suprising amount of heat is rising. There's also distant crashes and the *shrraaaaank* sound of metal ripping coming from the subbasement areas, as well as an explosion that causes the ground to shake slightly.

Superman has posed:
    Well, thankfully Superman is immune to pretty much any level of heat that could be dreamed up around here. He peers down the hole curiously, before he drops down. He floats slowly down, from floor to floor, to the bottom. As he passes each floor he glances about to make sure he doesn't spot any bodies. If he does, he pauses long enough in his descent to scoop them up and bring them to the surface.

"Hello?," Big Blue calls out. He lands gently on the final floor, where the various sounds are coming from. "Is everyone alright down here? It's Superman. If you are the individuals who broke into this facility, your best bet is to throw your weapons down and surrender peacefully. Trust me on that, folks."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Descending, it's rapidly apparently that what's on the surface was a lie intended to mask what appears to be a fairly good sized AIM research facility. There are several labs that seems to have been dedicated to robotics and nanotechnology that have been badly damaged. No bodies, that you can see, though some of that gas still lingers here and there in the air. Below the normal sized lab floors are much larger lab areas, from which the heat is intensifying the farther you go down.

    Like off the huge robotic creature thats' on fire that comes crashing through a wall, turning sensors towards you as it lets out a crackling, grating noise. It's about the size of a Abrams tank, moving on six legs with manipulator hands that allow it to shift from catwalk to floor in a smooth, seamless motion. The flames are extremely hot. Plasma almost, slagging the metal it rests against after just seconds of it resting there.

    And it's rapdily apparently there's more than one, as another bursts through a wall, ripping its way through as the metal against it reddens and sags, pipes and wiring in the walls promptly bursting into flames.

Superman has posed:
    Oh dear.

    Superman lifts a foot or two into the air, granting him easier maneuverability. He ducks to the side, moving at insane speed, and lets out a gust of subzero temperature at the first robot. It is enough to put out plasma-hot fire...and hopefully freeze a metal robot solid, sealing its joints together. At least for a few moments, as he turns his attention to the second one.

    "I'm assuming you aren't programmed to talk things out, hmm?"

    Lasers arc from his eyes in beams of blue light, and he turns his head to attempt to cut through the six legs in one fell swoop.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The superchilled breath blows over the first mecha as it shudders, slowly freezing as there's a rush of steam that fills the room as plasma heat collides with subzero chill. The robot seems to actually ripple, in fact, the body reshaping, or trying to, before it grinds to a halt, the heat vision beams slicing through its legs as it topples back to the ground with a tremendous crash. What's worrisome is the area where the heat beams hit, it seems to be becoming active again, the severed tips re-igniting as they start to seal off as the creature shifts with a creak.

    The other two let out crackling, almost modem-style sounds as they orient on the new threat, then charge...or at least, they're about to until the remains of a third creature, the upper half at least, comes hurtling through the melted hole to smash into them, knocking them off balance, before a petite young woman comes almost daintily walking through said hole. She's currently hefting what looks like the arm of the destroyed mecha in question, wielded a bit like a club, and is most certainly not dressed for combat, her frilly outfit looking like it would be better suited to a upscale goth club perhaps.

    She's also on fire, as her outfit is either smoldering or currently ignited.

    "Oh...bother...hello...." she says politely as she sees you. "I really wanted to deal with this issue without summoning someone so prestigious."

Superman has posed:
    Superman floats back a few feet when the mecha's reorient on him, and then he hesitates as the large piece slams into them, and Gothic Lolita comes into view. He arches an eyebrow and laughs softly. It is a warm, friendly sound, even amid combat. "It's fine, really. I'm always happy to lend a hand. So...quick explanation?"

    He drops down to pick up a large piece of broken mecha, and in one smooth motion he tears the metal 'skin' off of one side, as if he were peeling it. He then rolls it, as if it were as light and easy to bend as paper. He rolls and presses, until it is a long, sharp 'spear' of sorts.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The girl mms. "I would be happy to explain the many and varied reasons for why I'm molesting this particular illegal research facility." she says, almost cheerfully as she winds up with the arm and brings it down with a decidedly sharp *CRUNCH* as she staves in the chest of the mecha whose legs you slided off, smashing away at it as she talks. "This particular technology is based on early nanotechnology designed to duplicate the Human Torch's prodigious powers in an easy-to-use android package. AIM acquired a sample of the original thermogenic techo-organic cells used on the prototype..." She pauses to swing the arm into one of the remaining mechas as it swipes at her, the arm coming apart as she leaps backwards.

    "So of course, they attempted to weaponize it into a pyronanotech semi-sentient virus. Which they have succeeded at about as well as you might expect for a science and engineering consortium unburdened by oversight or basic OSHA safety." The monstrous pyromech raises a hand and smashes it as the girl catches it with one hand, the ribbons in her hair bursting into flame as fire wreathes her hand, running down her arm to set the shoulder of her dress ablaze. "Normally I attempt to deal with such facilities BEFORE their experimental research runs amuck, but they really wanted that year end bonus, it seems....oh, watch out!"

    The second mecha has turned towards you, its mouth seems to open as plasma builds up, before a coruscating beam of volcanic energy bursts out, washing towards you...really, your area of the room.

Superman has posed:
    Superman nods slowly as he takes all the information in. He is a genius as well, afterall. Some folks get all the luck. He adjusts and does the final straightening of the insanely sharp spear he just crafted, and then steps back as he watches the girl do her thing.

    "Do you think this agency is something the Justice League shold worry about? Or is it something others can handle?" There is absolutely no arrogance in his tone or meaning. It's a simple, honest question.

    He then turns to focus on the mecha that is trained on him, and he takes a deep breath. He lets out a breath of that frigid air to counter the beam...and a classic moment occurs. It is that moment in many movies where two foes face one another and fire some sort of beam, and the beams strike one another. One beam overtakes the other...and in this case it is Superman's. As soon as he has dissipated the attack, he closes his mouth a bit more to focus the icy breath on one, small area on the front of the droid...until the fire there dies and the metal becomes brittle.

    He then throws the spear.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The super strength throw sends the spear slamming clean through the frozen section as it explodes backwards, leaving a huge hole in the pyromech's chest as it staggers, then falls with a room-shaking crash, apparently disabled if not destroyed. Meanwhile, the girl has actually jumped up on top of the flaming mecha that remains and is currently ripping off its arm. "He loves me...he loves me -NOT-..." *SHRRRRAAANK* The mecha flails, then fires another bolt of volcanic energy that she nimbly leaps back away from, then hurls the arm at its head, crushing it and sending it staggering.

    "To be perfectly honest, it's really something that I would have been able to deal with myself, had they not broken containment shortly before I arrived..." She idly pats out some of the flames on her outfit, which is moving closer and closer to violating standard codes of decency. "Of course, that was also before the pyronanos started turning the main elevator shaft into a volcanic cannon, which is every bit as destructive at it sounds, and which will allow them to launch swarms of thermonanos far and wide to create more of these particularly annoying designs...."

    The headless mecha sits up, shaking itself, then reaches out to pick up one of the legs of the original mecha before it hurls it at you, ponderously trying to get back up. The girl says brightly. "Luckily, this facility is run by a fusion reactor system that can be induced to sent off a low grade fusion event channeled upwards, that should vaporize the nanovirus in question along with emping any surviving systems for a good mile in any direction that might have somehow evaded being toasted.