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Latest revision as of 15:00, 25 February 2018

Drake Let's Dazzler Know He's Alive
Date of Scene: 20 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Dazzler

Slipstream has posed:
After finding a clock on the cruiser that can calculate what time it is in New York, Dazzler's computer gets an alert from an unknown signal that a video transmission was coming through. 31st century technology is incredible. Drake is currently dressed in clothes from that particular timeline, sitting in front of a computer as he waits, wringing his hands together.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler saw Drake's posting to the chat group, now that she's one of his followers. She made contact via X-Men contacts, but all she knows otherwise is that Drake is in their care. Which means she can't do anything. Well that's not completely true. She can prepare.

When the video call comes through she's prepared. And waiting for it. And she's dressed unlike he's ever seen her before. Wrapped in leather armored with mirrored scales, one eye covered with a splash of blue, there's no doubt that she's dressed for something serious. And dangerous. She pushes a key to answer the call.

Slipstream has posed:
On the camera is a healthy looking Drake. At least he appears to be healthy. He has a bit more color in his face now. He gives a smile at the sight of her. "Holy shit, you look like Jem and the Holograms." This kid really needs to find a different generation to obsess over than the 80's. "Do you have a concert coming up? I just wanted to let you know that I got your message the other day and wanted to let you know that I'm okay. I had some /really/ bad days .. but .. uh ... it's getting better. How are you?"

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler breaks a smile and even chuckles at the reference. "Drake, you -really- need to stop watching that retro shit online." she replies softly. "And no, I don't have a concert coming up. I'm geared up for combat, in case I got the chance to come get you." The smile widens as she looks down at her outfit. "It -does- have a strong disco vibe, doesn't it?"

After another moment, the smile fades again. "So what happened to you, Drake? And are you coming back?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Hey, that retro shit is the greatest generation of all time. After the 80's, we had cringey hiphop, followed by reality tv rap artists, followed by some okay Euro dancey stuff, followed by .. electro country. The 80's had awesome stuff, like the beginning of technology and .. um... didn't you ever watch some of the old cartoons? They were /cool/." Drake insists as he gives a smile. "You are gearing up for combat?" He laughs. "What are the X-Men going to do? Get a space ship and randomly look for me? I'm coming back, soon as they fix me up here. Um.. long story short is that some crazy girl who is in love with Mon-El named Glorith, is like a time lord or something. She trapped me in a time prison meant for Lar by accident. When they freed me, something went wrong and now I'm pretty much slowly dying because my body is tearing itself apart. I got to be heavily medicated, like I am right now, or else I literally vibrate until my body starts to unravel. It is the most painful shit you can ever imagine. But, hey, space drugs are awesome. This is like if Vicodin and Roids had a baby, and then they buffed that kid full of vicodin." He props his chin up in one hand, holding up his other arm to show a number of tubes attached to him. "Woo. I'm so high right now."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler chuckles at that, leaning back in her chair a bit and folding those disco-plated arms over her chest. "Drake, you're talking to someone who played concerts in a white jumpsuit and rollerskates..." Bare shoulders shrug at the combat question before she replies. "One thing I've learned from years spent chasing a guy through other dimensions is that you never know when the opportunity will come. So be ready."

Dazzler pauses, then adds. "So color me ready."

Her brows knit as he talks more about what happened and she nods. Once. "The solution to your problem isn't more medication, Drake. They need to either get the vibrations to stop or teach you to control it." Alison pauses, then asks. "And am I going to have a problem with this Glorith?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Glorith is taken care of. The Legion of Superheroes defeated her and saved me. They've been using like.. the most high tech science stuff on me to try and figure it out. What's going on is not controllable. It's not like a mutant power that I just kinda come to terms with, you know? This is more like.." Drake pauses in thought. "It's like cancer. It's my body ripping itself apart at the seams. Lyle... err.. The Invisible Kid, who is our team's .. um.. he is their team science guy. He says that he may have something to help me out, now that he contacted a bunch of people on Earth who are big wig science brains. So.. in the morning.. I guess I will find out if they got a solution." He grins at her. "You'd really chase me through dimensions?" He laughs. "You like my streaming content that much? Have you ever heard of Amazon Prime.." He trails off teasingly. "You know you can sub to your favorite streamer for free once a month.."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler laughs softly at that, leaning back in her chair. She nods, all the same. "Well don't get the wrong idea or anything, but THAT guy was my boyfriend at the time. And yes, I'd come after you. Because you're a sweet guy who doesn't deserve to get caught up in this kind of crap." Tilting her head, she smirks and adds. "You are -really- high, y'know that?"

Slipstream has posed:
"At the time? What happened? Any guy that has a super famous celebrity chase them through dimensions and then gives it up is kinda a doofus. Unless you're like super clingy and kinda emotionally crazy." Drake teases her as he leans forward, bumping his head against the computer for a moment. "Ow. Yeah. I'm pretty fucking high. I figured out how to amp up the dosage on the computer. It's all in a crazy language but I can kinda read it since I got all of these memories in my head of being married to Andromeda the superhero from another century. Oh, we had a daughter also, and I think I was an accountant .. and it was such an awesome life." He says with a laugh. "And now I get the awesome luxury of trying to figure out which are real memories and what are fake ones. But I'm in love with a woman that I had a ten year marriage and a six year old daughter with in my head and none of it was real. So.. yeah ... I need drugs. It's how I stop myself from slamming my head through the window and getting sucked out into space. I'd be all implody."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler looks a bit wistful, then. "What happened was that I wised up." she replies. "It's a really long story, involving a lot of bad choices..." Alison listens to Drake ramble a bit, then, and chuckles softly. At least until he talks about the fake memories and losing control. Her voice becomes more serious, then. "Okay, Drake, let's make a deal. You do what they tell you and get that... temporal cancer... or whatever it is, under control. And when you get down here I'll help you deal with what's in your head."

Slipstream has posed:
"To be honest, the pain is the hardest stuff to deal with. The memories aren't even all that bad, all things considered. I mean ... if you're gonna have false memories implanted into your head, it may as well be one like this. Andromeda is smoking hot. Yo, that's a huge esteem boost for me." Drake laughs with his tone full of amusement. "I got that fake memory swagger now." He leans back in the chair, running a hand back through his hair. "Lar says the memories should go away, it's not forever, but if you got a way of helping, I'm all ears."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler nods slowly, looking a bit more relaxed. "Good. They'll get you fixed up physically, I'm sure. As for memories, I've got some not-so-nice ones that I'd love to get rid of." She pauses, then adds. "Talking helps. You tell me about your marriage and I'll tell you about my years as a pit-fighter in an alien arena."

Slipstream has posed:
Drumming his fingers lightly on the table, Drake lets out a breath. "It's hard to explain. The memories are sorta precise. I don't remember like .. ten years of it. I remember our first kiss. We were laying on a beach together after a first date. It was warm out. Maybe Florida'ish. Then, I sorta just.. kissed her." He says as he props his chin up in the palm of his hand. "And when I think about that memory, my heart just goes crazy. Like right now." He chuckles. "I just knew the moment I kissed her, that she would be the one. Then there is a memory of our uh..." He laughs. "Of our first time .. you know.. then there is a memory of our wedding. Lar was my best man. My parents were there .. except.. um... my mom is dead and my dad ... I don't have a relationship with my dad. He used to.." He glances over his shoulder before back to the screen. "He beat me, a lot, when I was younger. Fist to face type of beating. Always yelling. Drunk. My mom .. she ... just didn't come home one day. Left me with him. But in my memories, they were there, happy in love, proud of me. Normal. There is a memory of my mom talking to me as well, telling me I'm going to be alright, how much she loves me." He stops now, staring at his hands for a moment before giving a small sniff.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler just listens, nodding occasionally. "That's how memories work, really. You catch the high points, and sometimes the low points." She smiles a little. "I'm sorry to hear about your parents, but it's a good reality-check. Like it or not, no matter how painful the memories, your real home life is what made you who you are today. It's a part of you, Drake. That's even more precious than the sunshine-and-rainbows version of Ozzie and Harriet."

Slipstream has posed:
"And you tell me to turn off the retro shit?" Drake laughs good naturally. "Yeah, I was homeless for a few years until I got lucky in the gaming scene. A friend gave me a laptop and a garage to live in and some internet and I just ... I dived in. Overwatch saved my life I guess you can say." He taps his fingers lightly. "I talked to Andromeda about everything. It was a shock to her."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler chuckles as he gets the reference, looking pleased with herself. The expression fades shortly, however. "Well at least you cleared the air with Andromeda, rather than carry that around by yourself. Although I'm sure it was probably a bit weird to her, too."

Slipstream has posed:
"It was. I told her our daughter's name was Lorelei and she told me that was the name she always wanted for her kid if she was to have one. I told her that her favorite snack was strawberries and she confirmed it." Drake gives a slight smile into the camera. "I know everything about her. That's just how .. it worked. We talked about everything though.. we're going to go out and get a burger at some point together when I'm all put back together. Told her that a benefit of dating me is that I don't really need to work hard to figure her out, I can just make it easy and spoil her. We both had a good laugh of that." He chuckles with a shake of his head. "But, to be honest, I don't know what will happen. I'm crazy in love with her. But as the memories start to slip away, so will the feelings .. I think .. I'll forget about everything ... Lorelei... who was the most perfect, cutest six year old .. my marriage .. my mom ... "

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler draws a deep breath and exhales slowly. "Don't look at it that way, Drake." she replies softly. "It's a great opportunity for you to figure out who you -are-, by looking at who you could be. And as the memories fade they'll be replaced by newer ones. Good ones. You've got your whole life to live ahead of you. And that's best done without spending too much time looking back."

Slipstream has posed:
"I don't see myself being an accountant though." Drake does laugh at the idea. "I'm taking night classes for web programming and design. Though with how my stream has taken off and my team .. I'm kinda making a ton of money doing that. I also hate math." His shoulders give a bit of a shrug. "I know that up here .." He taps his skull. "That everything will be fine and I just need to work through it. It's just that here." He taps his heart. "I'm freaking out about everything. That is, if I even survive what is happening with me. They seem optimistic here, but they aren't the ones who's liver is turning into liquid and coming out his ass either."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler wrinkles her nose at the 'liver' comment. "Yeah, thanks for THAT visual, Drake." she quips right back. "And no, I don't think you're really CPA material, either. But you never know. Maybe pick up a finance class sometime and see how you like it?"

Slipstream has posed:
"No way, I hate math. Math sucks. It's why I play video games." Drake laughs. "I barely got through high school. I'm not dumb or anything, I just ... I hate math. Sides, I could never be some suit and tie kinda dude. I'll just go full tryhard on the college thing if the gaming stuff doesn't pan out." He props his chin up in the palm of his hand. "When I get back though, I gotta set you up. I emailed you instructions on how to get the site in your name and my recommendations of equipment to buy. Did you get it?"

Dazzler has posed:
"Yeah, I got it alright." Alison replies. "I need to find a tech expert to help set everything up, though. So you'd better hurry up and get yourself well enough to travel again." The smile returns, then. "And don't worry. I don't like math either, and I sure as hell wouldn't wear a suit. At least not a -real- suit."

Slipstream has posed:
"Not when you can go Battle Disco, right?" Drake says with a grin. "You look hot. That should be your perma superhero costume for the X-Men or something. Oh. By the way. I'm /really/ fast now. Wanna see?" He says as he rises upwards, then taps a few buttons on the keyboard to full screen him as he steps back from the laptop, giving a wave. He clenches his hands together as he concentrates, then blurs out of view in the blink of an eye. If you blink, you miss it.