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Latest revision as of 15:04, 25 February 2018

The Future Looming
Date of Scene: 22 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Andromeda

Slipstream has posed:
It has been a few days since Drake was now fitted with his chronal accelerator bracelet that is designed to hold his body together and keep it into one plane of reality. Currently he is dressed in his new clothes, looking fairly sharp if he says so himself. The bracelet glows upon his wrist, displaying a number of biometrics and warning signs. He gives it a few pokes, then goes back to staring out the window at the endless sea of stars.

Andromeda has posed:
A star zips by. Oh, wait. That's not a star, it's just Laurel defying the laws of Physics. Again. This seems to be a favourite activity of hers. Before long the airlocks are cycling. And cycling. And... Laurel taps a finger against her htigyh and one gets the impression she might be one bad dday from simply busting through the airlocks by main force instead of waiting. The process will eventually allow her inside however, green eyes intense as they study the ship at large.

Slipstream has posed:
As he watches her zip about in space, Drake gains a puppy eyed look as he sighs softly against the heavily reinforced glass. Those memories are still tumbling about in his head, making things all the more complicated. When she finally boards and makes her way inside, he lifts a hand to wave to her. "Hey there. I go home today. Gonna miss me?"

Andromeda has posed:
"I don't see how. I'm still going to visit most every day," Laurel respons wrily, but she's smiling as she approaches him. "I take it you're going to miss me then." It isn't really a question . Laurel folds her gloved hands behind herself as she comes to stand beside Drake. "You'll get used to it once you've had a chance to settle in a little bit."

Slipstream has posed:
"Of course I am going to miss you. I lo-- " Drake pauses, cheeks flushing for a moment before he clears his throat. "I'm just going to miss you." He glances up at her as she comes to his side. "Want to see something cool?"

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel flushes faintly when drake cuts himself off but doesn't respond to it. Instead she reaches up and brushes back a stray lock of blonde hair from her face - a sure tell of her nerves cropping up. Drake would know all about Laurel's social insecurities and her various tics. She's showing mot of them now. Just like the girl she wa when they met... Which, of course, only makes sense. "Sure. I'd love to see something cool," Laurel agrees immediately and earnestly, a warm smile woorking its way over her lips.

Slipstream has posed:
Glancing up at her, Drake notices her social quirks and slowly drops his shoulders. "I haven't perfected this yet." He explains as he takes a few steps from her. Giving a few sways of his arms, he focuses on the distance before him across the room, then pushes off on one foot. He is there one moment, gone the next as his bracelet glows with a hum. The scent of burning o-zone is in the air from where he stood. Reappearing in a blur, he gives a few quick stumbles, pinwheeling his arms before he crashed into the floor roughly fifty feet away.

Andromeda has posed:
Except Drake never actually touches the floor. He lands somewhere much warmer, and fortunately less abrasice. Specifically, Drake lands in Laurel's arms. She holds him gently for a moment before setting the man back on his feet. Slowly. The Daxamite smiles briefly and then nods once. "That's new... I see you're starting to get the hang of it."

Slipstream has posed:
As he is caught in the arms of an angel, Drake let's out a laugh. "Thanks. I keep forgetting how fast you are. But yeah, I am kinda getting the hang of it. If I do it too much I start to feel sick. The bracelet resets me." Giving her a warm smile, he says, "Do you want to get dinner with me tonight when I get back to Earth? Do you like Italian?"

Andromeda has posed:
"I love italian... I think," Laurel rsponds , wrinkling her nose briefly. I'd love to get dinner with you, Drake. Sure." Laurel shifts her weight slightly from left to right before taking another deep breath and looking toward the window."Been studying the stars?" She asks after a moment. "They look so different from up here even though we really aren't very far from earth at all."

Slipstream has posed:
"Mostly watching you fly around. It looks real fun. Kinda wish I could breathe in space and fly about. I'd never stop. I'd probably see how far I could go." Drake admits with a grin. "That and there isn't much to do on the ship. I'm already over the excitement."

Andromeda has posed:
"Well, there are spacesuits. We could go for a flight if you trust me not to drop you." Laurel suggests seriously, her gaze focused squarely onto Drake while she speaks. "What do you think? We can go... A ways, at least."

Slipstream has posed:
"Uh ... maybe that can be a second date thing." Drake laughs nervously. "Actually, I think that may have been a fifth date thing for us. You took me to Saturn's rings. I think. It's starting to be a blur." He thinks for a moment, then says, "Hell, let's do it."

Andromeda has posed:
"Saturn on the fifth date... The moon is more our speed right now." Laughing, Laurel nods once and then starts across the deck. "Just need to get you into a proper suit and..." She gives a brief shrug at this. "Why not do it? You're not the first persn to have come to space with me, you know. Sometimes it's just a way to see the world.'

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm afraid of heights." Drake admits. "You had to rescue me off the roof of our house once when Lorelei demanded Christmas lights and I was too proud to let you do it." He gives a grin as he follows after her. "It's so weird the stuff that I remember. There are so many things that just stand out."