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Latest revision as of 18:02, 25 February 2018

What is love
Date of Scene: 26 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Andromeda

Slipstream has posed:
It has been about a week since Drake has been back to New York and he still has not gone live on his stream save for the day he came back to let everyone know he was alive. Currently he is in his room tinkering with his computer as he installs a new video card that the sponsors sent over. Dressed in a pair of jogger pants with his team logo on it and a matching workout shirt, he listens to some music from the 80's from a radio set up on his desk with his phone plugged into it. The rest of his team are down the hall in the practice range working on some new strats with a couple of subs so they can keep loose for when their captain finally returns.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel's knock is quite distinctivce. It isn't so because the door frame shakes or the building rumbles, though both are factors which one might find to be somewhat indicative of the Daxamite's presence. It's that she always knocks in a five point beat that corresponds with a lullaby from Daxam that Drake would have learned because Laurel sang it to Lorelei every night. Laurel waits patientl yat the door, as always. Some habits simply don't go away.

Slipstream has posed:
Glancing upwards at the knock, Drake feels his heart pound as the memories flood into him again. A smile crosses over his lips as he calls over, "Coming, snowflake!" As he pushes himself upwards, he finds himself stalling as he gives a quick shake of his head as reality sneaks back in to steal his implanted fantasies away. With a sigh, he heads over to the door and opens it, giving her a smile. "Hey. Come on in. Checking up on me? Bracelet still works." He says as he holds up his wrist, giving it a twist and turn.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel blinks when Drake opens the door then flashes him a quiet smile. She takes a deep breath as she steps through into the room beyond. Green eyes briefly survey her surroundings but they quickly snap back to Drake himself. "Well, ther's that as well but I didn't really come to check the bracelet. I just wanted to see you." This is stated rather earnestly, with Laurel toing the groind in front of her gently when she does. "I did promise I'd visit more. I know that I've been busy, but..."

Slipstream has posed:
"It's okay. You are a super hero and probably busy doing super hero type stuff." Drake grins at her. "I have just been keeping myself busy with my computer and trying to catch up on the news and mail .. boring stuff. "Snag a seat if you want." He motions to the trio of bright green and black gaming seats with his team logos on it. "How are you doing?"

Andromeda has posed:
"I'm doing alright," Laurel responds quietly. She picks one of the green seats and slides into it gently. Laurel folds her hands across her lap for a moment. "Just boring things, hm? Tyring to get used to everything?" She rolls her shoulders lightly niw, apparently trying to work out some modicum of stress. "I'm doing well. business as usual, I guess..."

Slipstream has posed:
Yeah. Still working through a few things in my head. My dreams are always a mess. I keep seeing you in them .. and her." He rubs his hands lightly together as he sinks down into one of the large bucket racing seats. "Then I remember it's not real. And, it kinda kills the mood for the rest of the day."

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel nods slowly. She winces faintly when Drake speaks of his recurring waking dreams, but doesn't look away from the man in ffront of her. "I'm not sure if having me around more will help you or hurt... But I am more than willing to try," the woman whispers. "I think you'll get through this, given... Given time. Is there anything I can do to help...?"

Slipstream has posed:
There is a small chuckle from Drake. "I don't know what anyone can do. I went out with a girl the other day who asked me out. Had a good time and all until I got home and suddenly had a 'moment' and then I was hit with crippling guilt." He gives a shake of his head as he sighs. "I want you around because I love you, Laurel." He says with a sigh. "Seeing you makes me feel good. It's like I can breathe better. But I know it's not fair for you." He says as he slides his hand over hers for a squeeze in a motion so familiar for him. The way his fingers brush hers like he has a thousand times before.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel nods at that statementm still frowning whule she does so. Finally she takes a deep breath and holds it for a few moments. her eyes wander anywhere but Drake's face for now. "We should grab dinner," she starts slowly. "Maybe Chinese...? I've never had it but it's supposed to be very good. Are you familiar with it, Drake?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Ah. Yeah. I have had Chinese a lot. Also .. kinda recent. But I can get it again. Sure. When do you want to?" Drake asks as his hand gives hers another squeeze before letting go. "Are you asking me out?" He says with a chuckle.

Andromeda has posed:
"I'm not sure if I'm asking you out or not," Laurel responds seriously. "But evne if we're nt dating- or if we are, for that matter- I want to be friends. I don't want things to begin and end here, in your living room." She gives a delicate shrug. "If you've had that recently perhaps you can show me something new?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Mexican is my favorite. How about we take a trip to California and I can show you some real old school food?" Drake asks as he gives her a smile. "And thanks for not giving up on me as a friend. I know this is .. probably uncomfortable. I'm sure I would be in your spot. Just don't give up on me, okay?" He says as he rightens his computer up and puts the side back on which is a clear see through window.

Andromeda has posed:
"I'd never give up on you," Laurel whispers before shaking hr head once, slowly. then she flashes Drake another of those luminous smiles and offers him a hand., "Alright. California then. Shall we go? If we hurry we can be back tonight." She shrugs faintly at this. "or not, it doesn't particularly matter t me, but... I'd love to see this. That sounds perfect."

Slipstream has posed:
""Oh. You mean right now?" Drake blinks his eyes a few times, then pushes himself up to his feet. "Can I take a shower real fast and put on some normal clothes? I sorta slept in these." He says as he heads for the bathroom that is joined to his room. "Just give me a few minutes."

Andromeda has posed:
"Of course." Laurel laughs softly and settles back comfortably into her seat so that she can wait.

Slipstream has posed:
"You can join me if you wa--" Drake pauses as the words come out in a smooth tone to her, almost on instinct. "Er --- ignore that .. that was...uh, you know .. " He mutters embarrassedly as he steps into the bathroom and hips the door shut, even if it doesn't close all the way. Soon, the sound of water can be heard, followed by the curtain being pulled back.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel has the grace to look only slightly embarrassed when this offer is made. She nods when Drake turns away and doesn't comment otherwise. Instead she simply listens and waits patiently for the man to emerge.

Slipstream has posed:
After a quick shower, Drake emerges with a fresh pair of jeans and a black team shirt on and we hair mussed up that he smooths back with his hands. He snag some socks to yank on, then stuffs his feet into his sneakers. "Okay, I'm good to go. Got one of the tiny race car ships up on the roof?"

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel laughs in response to Drake's question and then gently takes his left hand. She leads him over to the window. Opening it she looks outside, then motions for Drake to step forward. "Do you see a spaceship out there?" She asks, her eyes filled with quiet mirth.

Slipstream has posed:
"You plan on carrying me three thousand miles in the sky during the winter when you know I'm afraid of heights?" Drake asks with a grin on his face. "I also don't think my body can take the air pressure or the cold .. and I'd probably pee myself in fear. How about we just get a cab and we can go to a place in the Bronx?"

Andromeda has posed:
"No, I was planning on plane tickets. Unless you're planning on taking days to get there air travel really is the only way," Laurel shakes her head then but afterward sheis back to grinning. "I suppose we can stay local if we *must*," the blonde ultimately concedes.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh." Drake seems a bit dumbfounded for a moment, then gives a sheepish grin. "Take a flight to Cali to get dinner? Pretty sure it will be like eight hundred bucks a ticket to travel same day .. " He ponders for a few moments, then says, "We can go to El pollo loco here in the city. It's really good. We can do Cali maybe with some better plans. Last time I flew there it was like two layovers and about seven hours of travel."

Andromeda has posed:
"Very well," Laurel agrees. "I think I underestimated how slow transportation is in this time period," Laurel respondsl, shaking her head slowly. "I suppose that is that then. We can go to the restaurant you just mentioned..." Laurel shrugs her shoulders slowly. "Let's. You can help me figure out what to order."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. You are going to love Mexican food. It's way better than Chinese." Drake assured as he reaches out to nudge her shoulder. "And I am sure everything is instantly fast where you are from. Here, I still feel like we are stuck in the stone ages. I want floating cars." He takes out his phone and hails a ride with an app as he leads her to the elevator to travel down in to the lobby. "So, I know you love strawberries. What is your favorite food now?"