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Latest revision as of 18:20, 25 February 2018

In the middle of Knowhere
Date of Scene: 28 January 2018
Location: Knowhere
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rocket Raccoon, Groot

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Knowhere market is a place where nearly anything and everything, and absolutely nothing of any value at all can be found. Most of the time in the same item being purchased. Vendors hawk their goods, buyers try to haggle for better deals and the many grimy urchins of the street (of many species) try to pick the pockets of the unwary.

Rocket walks along one row. "Crap. Crap. More crap. Oh my *****in' ****! That's the crappiest crap to have ever been called crap!" He throws his paws up in frustration, eyes turning upward, if one could determine direction in the station anyway, to beseech some unseen being or deity. "All I ****in' want is a ***** SIMPLE little *******in' **** of a Amplifier Coil. How the **** hard is it to *****in' carry somethin' that -simple- on the best space station in the galaxy?!" He shoots a look toward his companion. "-You- see any? You've got like... ten times my height in bonus perspective here. Help a raccoon out, could'ya?"

Groot has posed:
The market is certainly varied and creatively disorganized. He's walking in dirt, the light is murky to nonexistent, and there's not much clean water to slug out of... pretty much anywhere. The walking tree withholds comment on the "best space station" remark, but then, his standards are probably pretty isolated. Groot pauses in his perusing the artwork in the closest stall and peers around, humoring Rocket's request. He hums as he looks at one of the stalls claiming to have coils, but the wares on the table are in so much disarray that he can't spot the desired item in the mass, and he's not sure it's the safest thing in the galaxy for him to dig. "I am Groot," he allows at some length, narrowing his eyes. /Crap as far as the eyes can see, bonus height for spotting more crap./

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket nods his head, furry ears twitching. "Right. Crap. All of it." He sighs, "An' if I climbed up ta look from yer shoulder, I'd just be seein' more crap all at once. An' let-me-tell-YOU - THIS raccoon's seen more than his fair share of crap. That's for sure!" he chitters with frustration, stamping a foot before scampering toward the next stall. He looks to the vendor. "Organic tree seeds?! What tha' karkin' ***** are -organic- tree seeds?! Buddy? I kinda hate ta tell ya this - 'cause my _yoooge_ friend here knows better'n I -- all tree seeds're organic. It's kinda how that biology stuff works.."

Groot has posed:
Groot quirks at this, and ambles onward to make his own assessment. There are orbs of fertilizer, apparently spherical direct from the source, and some small pots with low light flora. Groot eyes the seed packets with mild interest, leaning forward to sniff a specimen. He hums, and then the giant gives a pony shake. "I am Groot," he decides. /They're not treated with anything chemically hazardous, either, but they're still disgusting./

He leans into the vendor's space and pokes a vine into one of the purportedly organic potted plants and gets a little shot of whatever's been on the local menu. Eeugh. "I am Groot," he says. /Entirely too well fertilized. Truly foul./ He pulls out the vine digit and rasps off the soil onto his bark, then wipes it off.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket watches with smug satisfaction as Groot, the greenest of green thumbs to ever green a thumb (eat yer heart out Poison Ivy!) shows disdain for the 'plants' here. "Yah. I know what ya mean, Big Guy." No he doesn't. But he at least has something of an idea. "tell ya what, buddy... my friend here? Well he's like, oh I dunno, let's just say he's pretty much a tree -god-, 'kay? 'kay. That means he knows how to make plants grow. He knows how healthy they are. An' he knows when somebody's been mistreatin' a friend'a th' fam'ly. If-ya-know-what-I'm-sayin'-here, right?" Rocket looks up at Groot and winks then looks back down.

"Right. So. here's the thing. Ol' Tree God Groot here? Well. He ain' none too pleased wit' da way yer mistreatin' his little friends ya got here. An' when he isn't pleased? People start sproutin' vines. Limbs. Tree trunks outa openin's in their bodies they never even knew they had. And all'a th' ones they did. It ain't pretty. Not. Pretty. At. All." He sighs. "So...outa th' goodness of my heart - bein' an upstandin' citizen of Knowhere - just like you I'm sure. I'm gonna keep my pal here calm. I'll keep 'im from doin' any kinda... alien probin' an' **** on ya" he offers, waggling his paws for dramatic affect at the term "probin'" just to give it a bit more flair. "And in return? Maybe you can hustle it over to that stall over there. Talk to that fella for me an' see if he's got an A-Phasic Amplifier Coil. Not Phasic. A-Phasic. S' diff'rent'. A-Phasic. Amplifier. Coil. You get me onn'a them from him? I keep the Big Guy calm and you don't get no probin' - an' yer little shop of horrors you call an.. "organic tree seed" shop... gets to stay in one piece. how's that for fair? Totally fair am-I-right? 'course I am!"

Groot has posed:
Groot huffs a little at this and blinks at Rocket before he takes up the gag. He leans over the vendor again, thickening out his bark a bit, sprouting some forbidding-looking twigs from his upper body, and generally looking threatening before he extends a sharp spike from his arm for... well... probing. He's sure that's what this looks like, right?

He hums deep in his chest and nods along with Rocket's explanation. For emphasis, he carefully sticks the spike into another pot of he's-not-even-sure-what, and then shakes the flowerpot back and forth around the end of the tendril. "I am Groot," he says in a low rumble, agreeing with Rocket. He sprouts a few more spikes from the top of his head. /It will be in good working order, too./

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket nods to Groot, "Yeah. He says it better be in perfect working condition. No scams. Yer killin' these plants. These /friends/ a' his. He don't like seein' that. So... let's make this quick, mmm? He ain't th' most patient Tree God.."

Barely twenty minutes later..

It seems the scheme worked as Rocket is walking away beside his towering companion. "That..? Holy *******in' ****! That worked /beautifully/!" he grins a toothy raccoon grin up at Groot. "You were a-maz-ing, Big Guy. Totally top shelf all the way!" He cackles. "An' we got our coil! Now I can get the toaster workin' again. Just... make sure that Drax don't go an' try ta dry his skivvies in it again? This coil's gonna work perfect for makin' toast. But it's gonna blow up somethin' fierce if he sticks soakin' wet fabric in it again.. not that it's your job to watch 'im. Just... keep an eye out?"

Groot has posed:
Groot squints one eye and makes a brief choking sound. Oh, yes, he remembers that evening. "I am Groot," he notes emphatically. /Everyone should be watching to make sure he doesn't do that again. It ruined a lot more than the toaster./

He wanders alongside Rocket at a leisurely pace, keeping his strides a comfortable length for his shorter companion to walk with him. Groot shakes his head at a puff of some obnoxious perfume swill in his face and scowls at another vendor before "accidentally" knocking a signpost down from the front of the booth. He continues along with Rocket.