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Latest revision as of 18:45, 25 February 2018

Animal House
Date of Scene: 01 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Feral, Nuala Duvall, Gorilla Grodd

Feral has posed:
    The morning sun rises over the tall fences of Gotham zoo and spreads warm rays across the pavement walkways and grassy animal enclosures. The winter ticket price has been reduced and there's a small trickle of visitors making their way through the exhibits. From the raptor area, through selections of Gotham's native fauna, and on to the more exotic enclosures. A panicked din begins to rise as people reach the tiger pit, shouting and pointing at the animals below. Or rather at the woman sleeping peacefully amongst them.

    Dressed in the same tattered summer wear from two seasons ago, Vanya's barefoot and disheveled form is - or rather was passed out in a furry tangle with two of the zoo's tigers, cuddled in a warm heap. With all the noise, her eyes creak open and the wild brawler shoots a quiet glare at the on-lookers as the tigers around her awaken and begin to do similar.

    "Oh shut up," the Russian grumbles as she idly scratches the neck of the tiger beside her. "I was having a good nap..."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Dad says she should get to know Earth a little. Blend in. Nuala flew her spaceship to Gotham so she could learn to blend in. She parked it in the parking lot just like a regular every day person. It hovers silently and cloaked right now. She is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a maroon sweater, the lady at the store said they looked nice on her, so she took her word for it.
    The zoo is amazing! One amazing creature after another she has started looking at, her eyes dancing across each description. She is one of the onlookers when Vanya wakes. "Siberian Tiger, largest of all the cats." She looks up, and sees Vanya talking to one. "Oh, you can go in there?" she wonders idly. "They look rather dangerous."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd lopes looking like a human to those who are not psi shielded and looks at the Gorillas. He hasn't spotted Vanya yet though he can psychically sense the more intelligent mind with the tigers. He thinks its a feeder at first as he considers freeing the Gorillas. He doesn't like seeing any of his kind like this, as intelligent as he or know. He looks up at Nuala's statement though. His brethren aren't going anywhere.

He lopes toward the Tiger cage.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya looks over at being addressed and groggily musters a smirk before pausing to yawn heavily, her tongue lulling out of her mouth rather like the cats she's still tangled with. "Maybe for you. I have a way with animals," she retorts, still lounging comfortably in the pile of fur, claws, and teeth. Big cats are still cats and the pair seem rather comfortable where they're at.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala turns, spotting Grodd. No one else seems to be concerned that he is a gorilla, and so she is not either. She looks up at him, "Isn't this amazing?" she says. "Apparently people can just be affectionate with these beasts." She turns back to Vanya, "What about him, could he get away with it?" she asks Vanya, not knowing that most cannot see through the disguise.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd recognizes that he is seen, but that she isn't panicing. "I'm able to conceal myself from the humans. I am Grodd, and who might either of you be?" He grins passively detecting the intelligence of either and not immediately spotting psi activity. He plans to scan more but is cautious around people who recognize him.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya glances at the man who walks up and chuckles. "Anyone can 'hi' to a tiger once..." Grunting as she pushes herself up, the wild woman pulls herself out of her tiger pile, earning an annoyed chuff from one of the big cats. She pauses to scratch behind its ear before standing to her full height and stretching out. "I guess my nap is done for now..."
    Crouching and swinging her arms back, the werewoman leaps straight up and vaults the high walls of the enclosure to land just over the railing above. "I'm Vanya," the superhuman replies with an easy grin as she sniffs the air, studying the pair with more than just her eyes.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala smells human, but there is an unfamiliar scent that lingers on her, something unique an abnormal. While she doesn't wear her suit right now, she spends so much time in it, the alien metals might be smelled.
    "Impressive," she comments, regarding the physical feat of Vanya. "I have heard about people like you, metahumans they are called, right?" she says the word as if it's a rare encounter to her. "My name is Nuala Duvall," she introduces herself in a mildly rigid friendly manner. She doesn't seem uncomfortable necessarily, but has the demeanor of someone who is trying to pretend that they belong somewhere they don't. Her accent is strange, it doesn't sound American, but it doesn't seem to quite fit with any other nationalities either.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "No, I assure you, I'm definitely a Gorilla. A psychic one at that. But I can understand why you might think I am one. Lovely to meet you both. I am guessing you are either a psychic or perhaps off worlder Nuala and that you are very good with tigers Vanya?" He is trying to gauge if they are heroes or not but that takes time."

Feral has posed:
    "I've heard 'metahuman' and I've heard 'mutant'," Vanya remarks as she shows a hand, palm up. "You can say that too," she smirks to Grodd as her forearm and hand sprout a distinctive pattern of striped fur and her fingernails stretch into needlelike claws. The weretiger shows off her partial transformation for a few seconds before allowing human genes to return to the fore.
    "A psychic gorilla? That explains the smell," the beastwoman notes, scrutinizing Grodd's hologram. "But I don't recognize your type."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Is one of them an inappropriate slur?" Nuala asks, hesitant that she may have said something offensive. She frowns at Grodd. "How is everyone having known this?" she asks Grodd, frowning at the invisible oppenent: discreetness. "I am human, do not worry, I am just from out of the area," she huffs, a certain military vibe released in her posture.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "No, its a genetic thing. It's about what alien messed around with their ancestors in what way and how they change. In your case, I know because you have a slightly unusual accent but also you're a nice big void psychicly." He touches on the edge of Vanya's mind but not too far since he is flat out admitting his abilities and isn't in the mood for a brawl. Mainly he is curious as to how intelligent she actually is verses what he can see. It's a gauge of strength not though. He looks at Vanya, "Mountain Gorilla. We're the rarer kind."

Feral has posed:
    "Alien? I had a bomb dropped on me," Vanya retorts before turning to Grodd with a smile. "Ooh, special. And you're one of the big ones too..." Whether the werewoman even notices the psychic probe is hard to tell and her mind seems to be what it says on the tin. Sentient and ostensibly sapient, there's a wrinkle of the wild in brawler's mind - a predatory but simpler mindset. There's no duplicity to be found and selfless heroics might be considered more trouble than they're worth.
    Taking a half-step forward, Vanya punches the human hologram lightly on the shoulder. "Want to try a test of strength, cousin?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "Powerful aliens are the reason most humans have unusual powers and dont just die in chemical spills, lightning strikes and the like. The question is which." He lets her approach but she can sense he is every bit the silver back, a predator in his own right. "I would be delighted. All physics and circuitry makes a boring day. What did you have in mind Vanya?"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala arches her brow, and adjusts her hair slightly, revealing a silver band that crosses her forehead. "I understand, so I did nothing that was too significant. You must be a very smart gorilla, I did not realize that Earth had more than one sentient species. A test of strength, that would be indeed something to watch!" She steps back slightly, giving them a little more room.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya smirks as the gorilla takes well to the idea, her own predatory mean beginning to show through. "Well you're a climber, so maybe arm wrestling or a little sumo?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "I would prefer wrestling. Large globules of fat from male humans is not exactly appealing. Wrestling would be just fine. Here is just as well. I can prevent the idiot humans from noticing us." It is interesting that he isn't acting like he considers either of them human despite looking more such than he does. "And I agree, climbing would not be fair." He grins.

Feral has posed:
    "Wrestling then," Vanya grins back as she spreads her legs and raises her thick arms towards Grodd. "There's something fun about a raw pushing contest, but this works too."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd grins, "asbolutely." He wides his own stance and readies his grip. He keeps his mind clear to avoid tapping his tactile telekinisis...just physical strength. He looks her up and down, guessing an angle of attack.

Feral has posed:
    Fitting the werewoman's offer, Vanya's posture is an imitation of sumo; extremely wide, extremely low, and with her upper body angled almost straight ahead. It's a low, predatory crouch that sees her mouth hanging half-open as she rushes forward to grab at the concealed gorilla. Tactics and leverage are left behind as she first aims to outmuscle and push back Grodd in a display of sheer strength. To her credit, the werewoman impacts with impressive force... for a human.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd is not expecting a human to match him but he was expecting meta human strength at the same time; so he grunts but isn't overwhelmed. He immediately begins to push back, keeping his strength just above her own.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya grunts back and her smile widens as her feet skid on the pavement and she adjusts her posture for better grip. "My what big paws you have," she cracks as she tries to find a good hold in the gorilla's massively larger hands. The skidding stops and the werewoman begins to push back, her own strength ratcheting up through human limits and into the realm that's natural to Grodd.
    "Oh, and I have more than tiger in here, cousin," the brawler teases as her shoulders sprout pauldrons of coarse brown fur and her hands begin to swell into massive ursurin paws.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd grins, "All the better to eat you with." He smiles and keeps up with her as she goes, "impressive. I smell many species in you. How many can you do at once?" His own muscles bulge as he moves slowly and keeps his stance, legs also strengthening.

Feral has posed:
    "I've lost count," Vanya replies dismissively as bear paws form at the end of mostly human wrists, offering something more properly sized for Grodd to hold. The tattered remnants of her jeans fill with flexing thighs and the tension in the brawler's arms hints that she's fully committed... except that her strength keeps climbing. In need of more strength, the werewoman's limbs are growing visibly larger.
    "No gorilla. Your kind don't go far enough from Africa. But I do have a little bear," she explains modestly. "And octopus, but no one wants to see that," Vanya adds with a grin.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd notices the reactive nature of her physique, but keeps pouring it on for now. "Bears are strong..." he grunts and is surprised at the Octopus, "Wow that is a rather wide variety." He grunts and matches strength for strength.

Feral has posed:
    More fur runs down the werewoman's arms and legs, filling in the gaps from her earlier shift and puffing her shirt in a way that suggests Grodd is now wrestling a bear from the neck down. Still deceptively human in face though with fangs that no longer fit fully in her mouth, Vanya smiles smugly as her strength plateaus. She's well past human now, and though a bear in coat more than size, the beast's power is substantial. The gorilla may actually get a challenge.
    "Years of practice," Vanya chuckles tersely between tight, ragged breaths as her new claws cut notches in the ground as she tries to push Grodd back to their starting point.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd grunts, "If we are going to keep this fair we should probably stop." He grins, since the full boar of his considerable natural strength is brought to bear which makes it harder not to suddenly get a kick from his tactical telekinis which is much stronger indeed. But he doesn't back down. "It shows."

Feral has posed:
    "Just when we're having fun?" Vanya whines with a toothy smile as she continues to press the gorilla. But eventually the wild brawler relents and eases back, not bothering to revert her transformation as she relaxes from her crouch. A chimeric blend of human and bear, the werewoman's arms and legs no longer quite fit her body, though even the Russian's torso has thickened to match. No wonder the tigers got along with her.
    "I like you, ape," she appraises cheerfully as she catches her breath. "What was your name, again?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Grodd. My name is Grodd." He looks her over and asks, "Do you occasionally do things for Money Vanya? I happen to be someone that can always use talents like yours for certain...entrepenurial causes." he breathes heavily but is smiling."

Feral has posed:
    The backs of Vanya's paws settle against her hips as the werewoman leans backwards slightly, instinctively offering a pose that highlights her inhuman physique. Shy does not describe this woman in the slightest. "I need to eat like anyone else," she replies. "Maybe, if it's for enough money. Mostly I just punch people."
    <It's a simple way to earn a living,> she adds in an abrupt switch to Russian.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd likes human women enough that he still finds the chimera interesting in more ways than one. He enjoys the lack of shyness. "Punching people is a good thing if it is the right person." He answers in perfect Russian, "<One always needs money.>" He grins and smiles as he remembers that Nuala is there.

Feral has posed:
    Grodd might remember. Vanya has completely forgotten. She's had a gorilla to wrestle with until a moment ago.
    "<You speak Russian!?>" she laughs in surprise. "<Oh please tell me you're fluent.>"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Punching can be the right answer, sometimes it takes more than punching," Nuala agrees. "I am glad that I do not have to fight either of you," she says. "I do not think I would provide much sport." She looks at her garb and indicates. "Well, not unless I was properly dressed for it." As they begin speaking Russian, she seems to lose track, and narrows her eyes as she listens. "I... think you are not speaking english, is that correct?" she asks.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "<I could be if I ate a Russian's brain. Not yet.>" He looks at Nuala and nods, "Yes, it is a language called Russian. I will likely be learning it in full soon. And clothing approrpiate for wrestling is usually a good idea," he grins, "Where are you from?""

Feral has posed:
    "<Oh? We can have a banquet! Go to Russia for your Russian then visit Africa for my gorilla; we'll both win!>" Vanya laughs, not bothering to switch languages in the mixed company. Her bear limbs begin to revert back to human but only go far enough to be recognizably sapient; accents of fur and pointed nails remain as what passes for the shapeshifter's fashion sense. Lifting her arms high over her head to stretch, the werewoman turns to Nuala, curious to hear her answer.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "From?" Nuala asks. "That is... a complicated question." She considers how much she should say on the matter. "I was born on a boat on the Atlantic Ocean," she starts. "Since then, well, I seem to be, what is the word, nominadic?" She winces, sure that was wrong. "I have traveled and lived in many places."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods. He isn't sure that's all there is to the story but isn't prying at this time. Her curiousity does her service. He does flat out ask, "Are you human?" It's a big differntiator for him. He grins to Vanya, "Yes, I think that sounds doable. Let me know if you have specific ideas individually."

Feral has posed:
    "Avoid some of the city kids unless you want to talk funny. I have heard some new prison culture is popular," Vanya suggests. "Some of the Russians here can't form a sentence for s***."
    "What place is your favorite so far?" she tosses to Nuala.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods, "Oh, yes, I am human. Biologically, at least," for her, that is an important detail. "Of the many places I have been, I think Astonia will always be my favorite," she admits. Yep, from space, it's official. "I think traveling is more about the company you meet than the places you are, at least, that has been my experience."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Hmm." He doesn't approve of humans but space? Well, maybe she's different enough not to be Homo Sapiens. "Sounds like you have traveled a lot. Never heard of Astonia." He grins again at Vanya, "Excellence suggestions, I will look there." He looks back at Nuala, "Who you travel with does make a difference that is certain"

Feral has posed:
    "Where is that?" asks the Russian from before the age of space flight. The mention of traveling companions makes the old werewoman smile wistfully - at least for a few moments before her expression flips to a frown and a hand moves to her stomach. "Great... now I'm hungry. Where is good all-you-can-eat here?"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Astonia?" Nuala asks. "Oh, it is a long way from here," she notes the apprehensive tone from Grodd. "Most people will probably never hear of it. It has a wonderful culture, people who want to live in peace with all races. I wish it was that way here. The news tells me that it is not. I am not always proud of being human when I watch it." The idea of food seems to be a welcome shift. "I believe there was a place called the "Golden Coral" outside the park. Perhaps it is seafood?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Yes, definitely a long way from here and humans are about as peaceful a species as red ants." he grins, "Golden Coral, has a wonderful salad bar. I could use a bite, my treat." He is likely far richer than the other two all things being even. "But it is good that you are aware many humans are flawed." he relaxes to this."

Feral has posed:
    "We did almost blow each other to the stone age not long ago," Vanya chuckles nostalgically before glancing to Grodd with a disbelieving smirk. "A gorilla with money? <You aren't fair at all, comrade.>" Slapping her thighs loudly, the werewoman swings her head towards the exit as the remainder of her beat traits begin to dissolve. Best not to startle the restaurant staff after all.
    "Davai! Let's go!"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala looks confused at part of Vanya's statement, unable to separate Russian from English outside of her failure to understand it. "That sounds... really stupid. Sorry, I do not know a more polite way to say it. There are enough destructive races willing to destroy the life on this planet, they do not need help from anyone." She smiles. "Yes, I would love to try this Golden Coral place, and thank you for your generosity, Grodd."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd walks wiht them toward the Coral. He doesn't use the teleporter since he doesn't want to tip his hand but walking is easy. He laughs, "I have a lot of businesses actually. I am the ruler of an entire city state. A meal is the least I can do." He holds the door for both.

Feral has posed:
    "<And I'm only a mayor,>" Vanya chuckles, tucking her hands behind her head as she follows along. "Eh, the pigs had it coming. Instead we left them alone and they made a great big mess..."
    The barefoot werewoman walks straight through the offered doorway without a second thought to her wardrobe... or lack thereof. The sign on the wall about appropriate restaurant attire is likewise completely ignored.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala follows after Vanya, "That is a very big accomplishment," she acknowledges to Grodd. "What is it called?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd doesn't care and makes sure no one else does either. It's simple when you are a telepath. He doesn't put an illusion over Vanya though. He enjoys that. Hegets a booth and looks at the Menu, "Well, everything looks good. Oh, Gorilla City. You wouldn't have heard of it." He smiles.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya smiles quietly as she's seated without issue and glances to Grodd as she flips open a menu. That went smoother than usual.
    "Gorilla City?" she echoes, snickering softly as she translates the name in her head.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Its not my choice. Our benefactor was kind but a bit literal..." and stupid, he insinuates but is polite enough not to say. "I am constantly working for their betterment."

Feral has posed:
    "What does a city of gorillas need except plenty of meat and trees?" Vanya asks in idle curiosity as she scans down the menu, noting possible choices.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "We're highly advanced technologically. A lot more so than humans. I'd dare say Wakanda or Atlantis even. The alien who 'uplifted' us had some pretty advanced toys indeed. He was from a very advanced civilization."

Feral has posed:
    "The last alien I met had a strong right hook. He knocked me into a bridge so hard the bridge cracked," Vanya recalls, still scanning her menu.
    "And my rib," she chuckles wistfully.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Sounds painful. Why were you fighting?" He winks and looks at the rib in question and tsks sympathetically"

Feral has posed:
    "For fun," Vanya answers simply as she sets the menu down and looks back to Grodd with a gamely smirk. "He was new to the planet. I was showing him how we Earth species play."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Ha! That's hillarious." He chuckles. Apparently Grodd has a dark sense of humor. "I hope he enjoyed the rest of his visit."

Feral has posed:
    "He enjoyed our game at least," Vanya assures. A hand comes up to tap the side of her cheek, showing a nail that's just a little pointier than normal. While ostensibly human, the werewoman retains a few bestial touches if one knows where to look. "Let me guess... a big, juicy steak?" she fields, hazarding the gorilla's order.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd grins, "I think a ceasar salad actually. I do like steak....but I'm smart enough to know my basic dietary requirements. And I'm not sure I trust what they do to most of their meat.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya eyes the ape sceptically. "<There is no way someone as big as you is having grass for a meal. You're not a cow last time I checked...>" Shaking her head, the werewoman lets out a heavy sigh. "I would love a steak, but it's beans, bread, and vegetables for me."
    "A lady has to take care of her figure," she jests, poking her side.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Oh, is that how your power is activated?" He's one of the best transgenecists in THE WORLD so its a pretty educated guess. "And lettuce does nothing but the nuts are a good source of protien. If I want real meat I'd go to a brazillian stakehouse..." he smiles, "it is a lot better than here."

Feral has posed:
    Vanya pauses and smirks at the gorilla. "Good guess... You hear the saying 'you are what you eat'. For me it's more true than most. I like to keep a..." the werewoman's smile turns especially toothy as a loose bang falls across her eyes. "Predatory diet."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd smiles, "Oh they have a great salad bar, better than here. Much better food for you to be able to eat...I can take us all there if you'd rather that instead." He smiles.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya shrugs casually. "We're here already. Here is good. I see enough on the menu to fill my stomach at least."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd laughs, "Alright." He orders a stake and a ceasar salad. "I suppose a small amount of hyper concentrated hormones won't kill me after all."

Feral has posed:
    The table's Russian laughs at that and fills her side of the table with - deep breath - a hot tea, jalapeño corn muffins, beat and onion salad, buttered noodles, cheddar-stuffed potatoes, raspberry lemonade, sweet potato fries, tomato soup, cabbage, corn-on-the-cob, fried mushrooms, steamed carrots... and a sweet corn pudding.
    Good thing the gorilla is paying.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala seems to be quiet after hearing about advanced technology from the gorilla's home, and then looks at the menu. She looks at it hard, and listens to the order from Vanya. "Corn on the cob," she says, "That sounds good. And I will try a salad, too." She eyes the menu, "And Brosholi, Bro-Coly? That sounds interesting."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd smiles as both enjoy his largess. He grins widely as Vanya has as much as she can eat and joins her, ordering a third stake. "It is, quite good

Feral has posed:
    "You don't eat the whole corn cob, just the--" Vanya pauses on a thought and shakes her head at Nuala. "Nevermind." Best to let her learn first-hand.
    A knowing smirk is passed to Grodd as the werewoman awaits her food and drinks. That's how a big animal is supposed to order.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala hands back the menu, and takes a drink of the provided water. That's one thing familiar. "So, Grodd, how did you come to be a ruler of a city-state? she asks. "Was it through monarchal tradition? Conquest? Democratic process?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Oh, well there was an election. And my predecsor was a bit...under qualified. There was some conquest, but I didn't mind control them." This time. "It helps to know what they need and want."

Feral has posed:
    "So you have an entire city of smart gorillas?" Vanya infers. "All the same kind or do you have a mix of animals?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "It's well hidden and shielded. And no, we're all Gorillas." He doesn't mention the infusion of human DNA into himself. It's kind of emberrasing.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "It sounds like you must rule well," Nuala says. "I would very much like to visit your home sometime. I am sure it is quite nice. Do they all speak English? Or is another language dominant there?"