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Latest revision as of 18:51, 25 February 2018

Meeting One's Hero
Date of Scene: 04 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thing, Green Lantern (Cruz)

Thing has posed:
What is better than enjoying a nice Saturday afternoon in Central park... Even at this time of year it's not too cold (Thank you Global Warming). Sure, it may be a LITTLE cool but the sun is out and people are enjoying the weather after weeks of miserable wetness. Kids run around the few play areas. Couples are having lunches near the statues.

And by an old beat up hot dog cart a large guy in a trenchcoat and hat is rubbing bit, rocky, four fingered hand stogether with glee.

"Thassit, Ronnie.. The works!" he says as the short balding man is fishing hot dog after hot dog out of a kettle and onto one of a row of buns. Of course, there are people walking by, gaping at Ben. Some stop and take pics with their cameras even.. He doesn't care. He's been stuck inside for weeks and wants to enjoy this.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz was in Central Park herself. She was wearing gray pants and a jacket, a darker gray. There is a green ring on her finger. She hears that oh so familiar voice, as her eyes widen as she hurries over in that direction. She'd know the voice of Ben Grimm anywhere, having watched every scrap of video onlien about the Fantastic Four with an passion that borders on obsession - but... it's work-related, for she tries to make the fictional version of her characters authentic. She was always too shy to meet them before. But now she has the will to do it. The ring around her finger wouldnt' have been there otherwise. She then says, "Excuse me, Mr. Grimm?"

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm is just scooping up the dozen footlong kosher hotdogs, with the works, when he hears his name. he sighs a bit and slowly turns to face the young woman who has gotten his attention. "Heya Kid.. What can i do fer ya?" he asks, about to reach for his wallet to pay Ronnie the Hot Dog Vendor... but his hands are full. "Crap.. hold these a second willya?" he asks her, handing off the mountain of meat product and paying the guy. When he's done he looks to the hot dog laden young lady and motions for he rto hand back his food. "So.. yeah.. whatchya need?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz squeaks as she holds them for a moment as he pays. Then she returns. "I was just wanting to meet a mmeber of your team for a while now," she states as she ordres a simpler hotdog - just one with chili and cheese. "I could explain, but... it might sounds strange, creepy, or..." She trails off. "Sorry if I'm intruding. My name's Jessica."

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm piles the hot dogs up in a pyramid formation in his left hand, and plucks a single one up with his right from the top as he regards Jessica a moment.. and raises his rocky eyebrow quizzically. "Kid.. unless yer gonna sprout tentacles and start tryin' ta eat the people around here, I doubt it is gonna be 'creepy'.. Even then, thats a typical wednesaday... Yer not gonna do that, are ya?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shrugs. "Well.... I tend not to eat people... it's terrible for the waistline." She then states, "The reason I wanted to talk to you..." She trails off. "I assume you've heard of the Fantastic Four Voyages novel series by J.C. Archer?" she asks as she takes a bite of her hotdog, referring to the best-sellign fiction series... whose latest book had some decidedly negative reviews.

Thing has posed:
The first hot dog dissapears the only way possible in the sidereal universe.. Into Ben's large mouth. He chews thoughtful, as if he is thinking as he masticates, then swallows and shrugs. "I dunno.. Is that some licensed book deal thingy? Because I 'ave nuthin ta do with that.." he points out. "They stopped lettin' me deal wit' tha merchandisin' after... well... don't ya worry yer pretty head about that.. " he says as he picks up another hot dog. "So.. Whut about this book thingy...?

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "I ask because...." She trails off. "That's me. I'm the author. I use a pseduonym. But most authors do." She then states, "Just wanted to get to know the real people that I'm writing about." She smiles. "I never had the willpower to try this before... but these days I feel... unstoppable."

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm blinks at this... "Wait.. so yer an author?" he asks. "Have ya written anything good?" He then frowns and realizes that maybe thats not the best thing to ask someone who is apparently writing stories about him and his family. "Wait... these books are.. uhm.... Whuts tha word I'm looking for..." he thinks for a moment, more then enough time to scarf down anothe rdog, then swallows. "Authorized.. Thats it! These things are Authorized, right?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Yes. I have a contract and everything. The last one... didn't do so good. I was undre some mental stress." She states, "It's basically my day job." She ponders softly. "Just that few know who J.C. Archer really is." She smiles softly. "Is it fun? Saving the world? Being a hero?"

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm huhs, and looks impressed. "So.. you get paid.. ta write stories about me and tha rest uv tha Fantastic Four. And it's /Legal/... Not, like, sum fanfiction thing... Because I tell ya, if ya were writting some uv that Splashfiction I 'ear about, well, I could give ya some ideas about who ta pair Johnny with.." he says with an evil grin... Oh the ideas..

Two more dogs dissapear and he burps a little.. just to make room for the rest. "DO I enjoy bein a hero.. Well.. Sure.. Most uv tha time, anyways." he says honestly. "I mean, if I didn't save tha world every second week, who would, right? But it's not like I gots me a lot of choice, right? I mean, don't get me wrong, I would never /not/ try and save tha world but.. it's not like I asked fer any uv this."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz snorts. "Oh, I'm going with 'any female with a pulse' for that last. But yes, I get paid. Quite well actually. That's only part of the reason I came to talk to you." She holds her left hand up, so the green Lantern ring is visible. "Do you know what this is?" she asks as she finishes off her single hotdog.

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm rolls his eyes. "Oh no... I wuz thinking uv, ya know, Johnny and a /GUY/ story.. Ya could pair 'im with. oh I dunno... Spider-Man.. And give it a cute lil couple name, like.. Sporch or somethin.. wait.. nah.. I like Spidey... maybe, uhm..Tony Stark! yeah.. Call them Flamin Iron or somethin..." he chuckles.

He Then frowns as she presents the ring and he leans in to squint at it.. "That liek a decoder ring or.." Then he /gets/ it and he straightens a bit. "Wait a sec... Yer a freakin /Lantern/?

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods softly. "Yes... I am. I just joined the Corps a short time ago. About a month." The ring glows green as a construct tulip appears in her hand, the stem glowing green, the flower such a pale green that it looks white. "I haven't done anyting big yet... oh wait - I helped with an astreoid attack on Earth but beisde that... just learning what I can on how best to use this thing. You and your teammates - when you did your spaceflight a decade ago, you inspired a whole generation - like Neil Armstrong last century, I'd gather. Now that I am a hero too... I'd want to..." She trails off. "Oh damn, this sound so dorky..."

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm ois and draws his free hand down his face and sighs. "Kid.. It don't sound dorky..." he tells her softly. "And bein' a hero ain't about doin tha big stuff.. Sure, that may sell papers and books..." he says this with a faint smirk, "But ya don't need ta look ta tha Fantastic Four or The Justice league for heroes. I'm honored ya think uv me and tha rest uv tha Four as heroes but there are so many REL heroes out there, toiling every day. Police officers. Fire fighters. Nurses. Heck, they don't /need/ cosmic powers or rings ta be heroes.."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks. "I mean, I wanted you guys to be proud of me." She sighs softly. "Yes, I have great repsect for police and firefighters." She smiles softly. "So... any advice for a new hero?" she asks, the ring's glow fading along with the construct flower.

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm chuckles. "Well I barely know ya, kid.. But the fact that you mad eyer way into an organisation like tha Lanterns is something anyone could be proud of.. so long as you do what ya need ta do, and not always whut yer blue skinned bosses hafta say." he tells her. Then he thinks a moment. "The best advice I can give ya is.. Never think ya need ta go it alone. We all need help, lady. Even me, tha blue eyed idol of millions." he winks.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "Yeah... the Guardians are..." She trails off. "Well, I haven't actually met them yet. It was a pleasure to meet you - maybe one day I can meet the others." She smiles as she stands up and goes to walk away.

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm waves as she walks off. "Pleasure ta meet ya too, Kid! I'm sure we'll meet again.."