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Latest revision as of 19:47, 25 February 2018

Whoever Magneto Is
Date of Scene: 15 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Magneto

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has decided to pay a visit to the bar he kind of wrecked the first day he remembered being here a few months ago. Well, not 'kind of'. It -really- got wrecked pretty comprehensively. Suffice to say that he felt fairly bad about that, even if he hadn't been the one to -start- that massive brawl, he was certainly the reason the damage had been so bad. Fortunately, the Legion had compensated the owner for the damage, and insurance probably had something to do with it (because seriously how could insurance companies in this world -not- have some kind of 'superhuman incident' coverage or something).

    But, in the time that has passed, it seems the place has managed to get fixed up--even renovated, looking a little bit spiffier than before. He peers in the windows, seeing relatively happy patrons and feeling a measure of satisfaction for it.

Magneto has posed:
     Out from the back room of the bar walks a shadowy figure in a metal helmet with a long flowing crimson cape. Magneto, one of the worlds most wanted men, responsible for the assassination of the president of the united states. He walks with a definitive sense of purpose, as the door swings shut behind him, and into the main room with the confident stride one would expect from a world leader.

     He makes his way up to the bar, before floating a stack of coins over to the bartender as if it were nothing. His face is hidden in the shadows of his helmet as he walks for the front door not a care in the world what any of the patrons or anyone else thinks about him being there.

Mon-El has posed:
    Magneto definitely gets some stares from the bartender and from the patrons. The worker takes the money slowly, still staring at him. Was that...? No...no it couldn't be. Right? Well, he's just glad the guy was out the door before any more insanity like the stuff that happened -last- time someone powerful walked in. Finally, "He even order anything...?" someone manages to ask once he's left.

    As for Lar, he heard -something- about the president getting killed a while back, but that was like right after he woke up not remembering much of anything including any Earth languages, so at the time he probably didn't understand much of what was going on. The man certainly doesn't carry himself like a commoner, though, and the Daxamite finds himself staring just as much as the others did.

Magneto has posed:
     One of the patrons curiosity gets the best of them, and they walk into the back room. A few seconds later a scream echo's out and they fall back onto their hands crawling away from the door face white as a sheet and sweat rolling down their face. There's a look of sheer terror across their expression as the door swings uselessly back and fourth.

Mon-El has posed:
    That scream definitely gets Lar's attention. Hey at least it wasn't -him- this time. He turns back toward the bar, attempting to use his enhanced vision to peer through the walls and see just what it is that's in that back room that has caused the fuss.

Magneto has posed:
     Inside the back room is a sight straight out of a horror movie. A man is suspended in the center of a room with his head gone limp, metal pipes have been driven through him at every angle conceivable. It's as if the building itself reached out and swallowed him whole. The entire scene is a gruesome and disturbing one but there was never a sound to show it had happened in the first place.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar quickly turns away from the horrible scene, cringing. Who could have done such a thing? But, knowing nothing of the situation, there isn't much he can do about it. Especially since that guy is already dead. Besides, a lot of times, him getting involved in things has resulted in them getting worse and not better. He sighs. Well, time to move on now. Certainly, one of those humans who saw the horror will report it, right?

Magneto has posed:
     More patrons go to check the grizzly scene, some puke, one feints. The general response is one of complete abject horror. "I bet it was that mutant freak magneto." One of the patrons shouts out. "Somebody's gotta put a stop to that president murdering monster before he kills again." Shouts another one of them. The bar's filled with angry shouting for a few moments as the patrons get steadily more angry with the way things have turned out.

Mon-El has posed:
    Great, the patrons are getting angry. Yup, definitely time to move on. Last time Lar walked into this place with angry patrons, the place got comprehensively wrecked. He thinks he recognizes some of the people as the among the guys who got infuriated with him for no apparent reason last time so he'd much rather get away from here before they see him. As the strange man is leaving, he also starts a brisk pace away as well. "Yeah whoever Magneto is..." he can be heard muttering.