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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/02/19 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=91, 202, 16, 221 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:91|Charles Xavi...")
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Latest revision as of 19:56, 25 February 2018

The bar in your mind
Date of Scene: 19 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Wolverine, Rogue, Magneto

Professor X has posed:
The time is night inside the house, and though there might be some late people up, and about the Professor sat at Cerebro just waiting for the proper time. His mind was already searching the planet for his X-men, and an old friend but before he pulled them into his mind he had to properly prepair it first. The grey smokey room turned wooden, then tables with chairs appeared out of thin air. Charles walked around he little room, and with a wave of his hand expanded it to the size of a large bar. On one side he added a stage with a microphone, and musical instraments with the other side of the wall folding out into a large bar, with numerious amounts of drinks behind it.

As Charles walked behind the bar seeming to 'man it' a lady in a shinny outfit appears on the stage seeming a bit startled, but calms down when Charles just asks her to sing her favorate song. As she starts singing what sounds to be a smooth blues song the band appears behind her playing the music to go with it. "There we go.. Wait almost forgot." above the drinks a sign drops down. 'The Minds Bar' is what it declears on an old wooden slab.

With that Charles starts bringing in the people he wanted to talk with tonight, they would appear by the door to this bar dressed in 1920's outfits. He had no real control what it was per-say, but only the theme.. He hoped they didn't mind too much, but it had been a while since they have been gathered so it would be interesting to see some old faces again.

Wolverine has posed:
    Garbed in a gangster outfit, with hat, suit, tie, and over coat, Logan was also seen sporting a cigar in one hand, and a glass of something amber in colour in the other. Sauntering into the room, Logan sniffs, and frowns. Looking over at the bar, Logan shakes his head, and then turns his attention to the stage. "Not bad Chuck. Ya' always had good taste in dames...and in music."

    Moving closer, Logan looks across the bar, and says, "Surprised this is workin' fer me Chuck. Not usually good with the whole telepathic thing." Logan taps his left temple with the hand containing the cigar. "What's up?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue steps in through a side door in the bar and she's dressed in a fashionable outfit for a girl in her late teens. A dark green dress and a green cardigan sweater with faded yellow straps across the torso in horizontal patter. Green shoes and black gloves on her hands... Rogue's hands come up and she adjusts a hat ontop fo her head.

She looks around the interior of this place, seemingly stunned and confused as to why she's here or how she'd gotten here.

Rogue takes a second to pause and stare at herself in a mirror on the wall and she narrows her green eyes. "Man." She says at herself. "I look like a giant... nerd!"

And a heavy huff escapes between her red hued lips.

Magneto has posed:
     The wall of the bar explodes out violently into a shower of shrapnel and through the hole walks a man with dark grey hair and a full purple business suit with a wardens badge on the right breast. His tie is a bright pink and his hair is slicked back comfortably into place. As he walks into the room the wall reforms behind him shifting twisting and turning back till there's no sign left of his overly dramatic entrance.

     He looks towards the familiar faces before allowing his hands to rest inside of his pockets. "Well Charles, I must say I'm a fan of what you've done with the place." Spoken in a calm collected voice as he walks over towards the foot of the bar, soaking in the atmosphere coming in from every angle. "Very much my style." He adds with a light smirk.

Professor X has posed:
Charles turns to look at Logan with a small smile, a towl in his hands as he picks up a glass fills it with a drink then slides it down to him. "You should know by now Logan not to underestimate me, besides if I were trying to fool you I am sure this would be much harder." He leans back to let him sip on the strong drink, it would be his favorate or as far as Charles knew from him being around for as long as he was. In a way he was right, he wasn't the easiest target, but with Cerebro and focusing on this specificly he might even be able to make the drink taste like it was supposed to.

Charles smile never faulters.. "You are the first one in actually, we will wait till the others show before we get down to buisness." with a flick of his hand a lighter springs up a flame in his hand infront of Logan, "Enjoy the music my old friend.. While you are hear at least."

"Welcome Rouge, and as always you look like a nice young lady just like your supposed to.. Please come sit, and enjoy the music we have yet one more to come. Though I think he might surprise both of you." and he gives a little knowing grin. He thinks about it, and slides a drink to where he beckoned for her to seat as well.. It was a Sherley Temple without any actuall alchol in it. Even here he would not let someone of her age drink. "You are in my mind Rogue, it is safe here I assure you." he waves a hand, and one of the chairs slide out just for her. "I have gone to a good amount of trouble to get you here, if you could have a listen if to just the music." Poor Rogue actually had no idea the lengths the Professor could go as he hardly ever used his powers anymore. Heck he had been gone for quite a while now he was glad to just be reconized since his trip to Boston.

Charles doesn't seem to blink at the explosion it was his area so really it would be very difficult to suprise him with that, but he does give a sigh, "Erik always one for dramatics I see little has changed in my time away." he glances at Logan so he know this part is to him as well.. "You can not hurt each other here, this is a safe place to meet so we may discuss things. For the three of us this seems like our style so I picked it.. Unfortunetly some of us.." adding a quick smile, and grin to Rogue, "Are too young to enjoy it though I am still glad you came. He slides Magneto a drink as well, though it wouldn't be his favorate instead Early Gray.. It would be his little way of watching for his old friends health like he did back when they worked together.

He turns to look at the three.. "Welcome to my bar, I am sorry to pull you from reality, but it seems much has changed with me gone to Boston.. I come back to a school that is much emptier maybe not of students, but of leadership, and a friend who seems to of lost his way." he glances at Magneto. "A whole city of mutants, in a city of refugees, and no progress towards our goal of unification of humans and mutants." he gives a small shrug, "So I come to you.. My trusted friends. What can we do to make this world better, I know that inside each of your hearts you are good people.. Though for some of you... Erik... it is way down.. So please, let us talk about what we should be doing that we are not doing now.. This is a start for us to change the world for the better."

Wolverine has posed:
    Noticing the new arrival, Logan looks over at Rogue, and grins. "Darlin'." Logan says, tapping the front of his hat with a smile, a nod, and a slight bow. "Ya' could never look like a nerd ta' me." Logan winks at her, and says, "Welcome to the Bar of the Mind, er whatever Chuck is callin' it."

    That was when Mags makes his appearance. With a growl, a shake of his head, and a frown, Logan says, "Who invited him?" Logan thumbs towards the newest arrival. Logan glares at the man, and sniffs loudly.

    As Chuck does his thing, Logan says, "Yeah. True enough." Logan sits down, and admires the music. Good taste..." Logan pauses, and drinks his drink. "Beer's better..." Nodding, Logan adds, "Talk. Okay. I got a few minutes. Talk it is."


Rogue has posed:
Rogue turned away from the mirror when the explosion happened and she stared at Magneto who appears behind the debris and rubble. "Nice..." She quietly says. "Its the big mean rage monster himself..." She'd worked with Magneto before, she'd met him a few times. The last was back in the spring of this past year at a boat race that went horribly wrong.

Rogue's nicely shoed feet step on some of the debris from the explosion, crunching it as she walks to where Charles and Logan are, she seats herself near to them and reaches up to take the hat off, she'd never been TOO big into hats. Hoods? Yes, but not hats.

While running a gloved hand through her brown/white hair she listens to the Professor and smirks. "Ya could always just try e-mail, ya know." She said, reaching out for the drinking, to sip it, and hope that its alcoholic.

Magneto has posed:
     "You know I was about to ask the exact same question myself." Magnus admits as he takes a seat all too comfortable in these surroundings. "Don't worry Charles I'm well aware of my own limits and have no intention of starting trouble." A light pause. "Further then a bit of lighthearted personal amusement of course." Motioning back to the wall he'd destroyed now returned completely to normal. "So you wish to speak ideas?" He asks curiously as he takes in the music with a warm and friendly smile.

Professor X has posed:
Charles chuckles at Logan, "I know this isn't your strong point, but you have seen the rise, and fall of goverments. We have done what we can with the school, but the mutant population is speading faster then we can accept them. We have little influence outside of our school, and while this might be wise for our studants others are growing older, and exploring out." he looks for anyone needing refils, and shrugs. "I do not want to repeat the mistakes of our past, and if there is anyone that has seen the worst of it, it is you my friend" then he stops and looks at Rogue, "What is E-mail?" and grins with a wink.

He continues, "There are Avengers, People of Magic, and even normal people dressed up in capes, and cowls running around. And we have abosluty no say in how any of them deal with the mutant issue. Thankfully it seems the ones from Gotham know to drop them to us, but what about the others? They are just dropped broke, with nothing into this city.. Mutant Town.. That isn't right either. I want to step in, and do something, but ethically my hands ar tied." He sighs a bit, and looks over at the tree of them, "I have been exploring space.. It is a wonderous place my friend unlike what you have ever seen." he turns to look at the drinks on the wall, "But it is a place of gray.. Ethics are a weakness, people do good in bad ways. Though my heart tells me to leave it alone, my mind tells me I can do more.. We can do more for them."

He turns to look at Rogue, "You are here because while you do somethings I disagree with doing at your age young lady... Ethically you still have the heart of a young lady, and I think input from you would be imporant to say what we can't even consider." he then turns to Magneto.."You don't seem to understand, I hear them all the time now.. Calling out to me pleading with me to save them." he shakes his head, and leans against his bar, as the voices of people start echoing into the bar. A few at first, then hundreds, then thousands of whispers then they stop. Charles stands back up and wipes his brow.

"I apologize... But you don't get it.. Magneto, Logan, Rogue.... I think it is time to start trouble, but to a goal of helping them.. Freeing them from that city, and being forced in there." he looks at them all one at a time in the eyes, "I think it is time we strike out, but we take the spoils of our actions to help them. All the mutants in Mutant town can be helped by us, if we choose to strike out.. Though the question is how far do we go, and how do we do it?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan watches as Rogue sits down, smiles at her, and then takes another drink. Almost forgetting he had a cigar, Logan takes a deep inhale, exhales away from the guests, and sighs. "Nice..." Logan says, and nods. Tapping the cigar in the ash tray, and says to the Prof, "That is a little too deep, Professor. I have seen the worst of it. I don't want it happenin' again. If I kin help, ah'm here to help." LOgan nods. Logan then looks at Magneto next.

    "Erik." Logan nods. That was as much as he could give him right now. Standing, Logan puts down his glass, and looks at the man. Actually, looks up at the man - even standing. It didn't matter. Logan's strength of will was at least, well, 6'2" or 6'3"...maybe. That's what he told himself. With a shake of his head, and a look back over his shoulder, Logan says, "Gotta run Chuck. We can talk later." Logan looks directly at Mags. "Maybe next time." Thumbing towards Magneto, "...when he's not around." Nodding to Rogue, and tapping his hat once more, Logan says, "Kiddo. Until next time." With a wink, and a smile, Logan is gone, fading from view.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sips her unalcoholic drink and she frowns at it, even releasing a light sigh. Her green eyes look back to Charles and she shakes her head slowly at his 'Whats Email' joke. "Bette'ah not let Negasonic hear ya say that, Professah." The teenager says to him with a light smirk before her eyes glaze over at the rest of what Charles says. "Space?" Her head shakes. "Mmm-emm... I'm not goin' inta space. Thats for weirdos. And only weirdos live up there."

Another drink sip and Rogue puts her eyes onto Logan and smirks at him. "You're like a bad penny, you always turn up." She's just messing with him though and reciting a line from a movie she saw the other day in the Avenger's medical bay where Tony was passed out snoring.

Magneto has posed:
     "Genosha is on the path to a full recovery." Magnus points out as he looks down at his drink trying to ignore the comments from Logan. He does manage to give a response. "Love you to, Logan, do take utmost care." Almost looking through the man as he talks. "We're more then capable of taking any of the people of Mutant town into our midst, and with time will be able to provide every amenity they could expect while living on U.S. Soil, from a mutant only environment free of the bigotry of humanity."

Professor X has posed:
Charles looks at Magneto, "I say it is time to cause trouble, and you do not immeditly have a lets blow something up? I am surprised Erik, maybe you have grown." and he chuckles a bit at his old friend, "No.. I am talking.." he breaks looking up at Logan, "We will talk again soon my friend, I hope you are not too old for trouble, because it will be coming." and smiles at him turning back to Erik, "I am saying we use others to turn Mutant town into a place they want to go, and or stay." he glances at Rogue, "It would include getting the help of some others to help protect it from... further problems, but maybe it is time we poke the bear a bit to help turn it around." he glances at Magneto, "We go by what we need, Money more then either of us have.. To purchase the work, and materials.

We need people to watch over it. Because most of these people do not want to go to Genoshia. As they love this country, just are not loved back by it." he glances at Rogue, "I heard you and a person of Magic talked before.. I wonder if he would help you again for a good cause?" he nods a bit to himself.

He glances at Rogue, "Some people who we consider friends might not like what we are doing, but it is for a good cause... It is something we need to do."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue wwtches Logan make his exit and she wonders how he gets around as much as he does when she never sees him driving anything. Does he take taxis? How does Logan get around! It makes no sen--

Focue, Rogue.

"Oh, uh." She rubs her lips together for a second and then reaches up to brush some of her hair out of her face. "I'm shacked up with the Avengers right now. Doctor Strange got me an interview with'em a couple months ago and they well... I mean... what kinda self-respectin' group'a crime fighters would turn-down havin' me on their team, ya know?" And a big cocky grin was shown before she cleared her throat.

One shake of her head was given then. "I ain't seen Stephen since my birthday... He saved me from a demon and the last I saw him he was being swallowed whole by it. Ain't heard nothing from him and he hasn't returned any'a my calls."

Magneto has posed:
     "As much as I would love to say otherwise, and you know full well I would Charles, explosions aren't always the answer." He pauses for a drink of the glass he knows isn't really there in his heart of hearts, more doing it out of a polite obligation then anything else. "However much I wish they were, as I do enjoy a nice explosion." One gloved hand moving to cover his heart, as he gives a friendly smile.

     "I see humility is still a key cornerstone of the educational faculties at the mansion." He jokes with a glance towards Rogue, his attention drifted away from the glass as he clutches his hand firmly grasping it. "You are keeping quite busy Rogue, I'm impressed, honestly."

Professor X has posed:
Charles fills up the drinks, and looks at them. "Very well.. Let me put it this way.. What if the rich, I mean the very rich were to donate to this town. If I were to get us the funding, could you get your people to remake it? You have experience in setting up such an area with Genoshia Erik, but I do not trust your good side to hold once we get it that far." he glances at Rogue, "That is why I want Rogue to work with you.. Watch over you, and if you step out of line to stop you." he smiles at Rogue, "With help from us of course."

He turns to look over at Magneto, "The X-men will have little to do with it officially, but unofficially what if we worked together to make Mutant town into a place people want to go.. Mutants, and humans a like. We need strength to keep those there to follow the rules, but I am sure you have such people in your employ, as well as our help. The hard part would be to keep on track." he chuckles a bit, and shrugs, "That is.. if a king can take a break long enough to help other mutants that is."

Rogue has posed:
The young Rogue wasn't exactly the type to enjoy a good debate of ethics and morality between the likes of Erik and Charles... but she did enjoy the parts where they talked about her. A smile was given to Magneto when he spoke of how busy she was keeping herself and her shoulders shrug gently inside of that cardigan she's wearing. "I'm one'a the few kids these days that hates the internet and loathes video games. So I gotta do somethin' t'keep my mind busy, otherwise... well..." She slowly shakes her head. "The alternative is something nobody wants."

With that said, she sips her drink again and grins at the Professor's words of stopping Magneto if he gets out of line, and this receive a right gloved hand being lifted up and a teasing fist-shake given to Magneto to show him she means serious business.

Magneto has posed:
     "Charles, I am insulted." Magnus says placing his hand firmly against his heart once again, looking down the bridge of his nose towards his good friend. "To think I would ever attempt to twist this situation to my advantage." He pauses. "And to think I had believed you knew me better." A knowing smile crosses his face as he removes the hand placing it back onto his drink so that he can enjoy another sip of the good stuff.

     "In all honesty I should have no problem activating my stateside operatives in order to help this little dream of yours along." His hands moving to steeple before him as he sends a lighthearted chuckle Rogues way. "We wouldn't want that now would we? Bad for business on everyone's side."

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods, and puts a hand on Rogues shoulder, and smiles. "Do not ask me how, but if I can get you.." he thinks about it... "Two Hundred Million... Do you think you can turn it into a city for all. Something that is guarded from the outside, but one of the nicest cities in the world." he turns to Rogue, "If anyone asks you will remember me saying it came from my own pocket. I am sorry to do this to you, but I need the to believe it, and your poker face is not what it once was." he does frown at the idea of having to change the memories of one of his own students, but it was a neccesity.

He looks over at the singer, "You will have access to the X-Men on this deed only Magneto, they will be at your call if you need them. I would stay clear of Logan though for at least a while." and chuckles. He continues, "This will upset some very important people, and even more it will gain us some enemies, but we can not stand idle anymore.. Not after tonight." he sighs a bit, but with a shrug shakes it off. "Do you agree to this Magneto.. I am putting a lot of faith into you my friend, and to get what you want.. You will have to ask her. for it." he nods to Rogue.

Before he hears yes or no he smiles at Rogue, "I know this is a lot of responsibility.. You have my ear whenever you need it.. Just remember this and you will do fine." he leans in and whispers something so Magneto can not hear it. "What your mind doesn't know, your heart fills in." and smiles hoping that one day she will understand what it means.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just shakes her head at the two of them. "I don't mind responsibility. It doesn't weigh on me anymore than... I don't know, laundry day is laundry day... buildin'a new city for a buncha ungrateful mutants that got no better place t'go? I get that too. I would'a liked havin' such a place when I was lost on the street after I ran away from that dumb blue fool friend'a yours." She said that last part and glared at Magneto, even though she knew he could do little to control Mystique any more than anyone else can (which is why she lets it slide).

"I'll do my part in all'a this, either way, any way. Whatever gets the best results, I'm there t'help with that. And hey!" Rogue snaps her fingers (with gloves on thats impressive!) "Ya know how we get the money? We take that impressive brain'a yours, Professoah and we go find a sunken pirate ship thats filled up with old gold coins, then I put on some scuba gear and go down there'n pick the ship up! Bam, instant millionaires. City funded."

Rogue goes back to sipping her shitty drink and poking at her ugly hat on the bar top.

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus goes to silent contemplation for the time being, his own focus on the world around them slipping as he takes a moment for his thoughts. With the power of his mind he's able to shift the color of his tie to a bright crimson from the lighter purple. It's not much but it is a show that he's still got some control here. Finally after mulling it over he looks back to Xavier.

     "Charles, what else are friends for, but to assist one another when the time calls?" He pauses for a moment to sip his drink. "I'm certain once we've assisted the people of 'mutant town'" He says the name with a disgust at the sound of it, not too much a fan of the term mutants even if he does use it himself for ease of marketing purposes. "You'll find a way to return the favor like always." A genuine smile crossing his face once more. "It won't be easy, but you came to the right man for the job."

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles at them both, "Very well.. I will be in contact be ready to move forward quickly for when it happends we need to move quickly because the enemy will be moving in as soon as it begins." he chuckles, "And speak of this to no-one until we are ready. Erik I know you trust your people, but for now keep this to yourself.. I am sure Rogue will do the same, and Logan.. well he doesn't have any friends." he actually grins with a small laugh, "Seriously, he doesn't know the details.. so we don't need to worry there."

He looks at the bar, "Enjoy the peace while it last my friends.. We are going to help those who need it, but at the sake of our own peace.. I wish you both luck in your ventures, and that is it for now." as he speaks the people disapear as well as the chairs, and tables by the far wall as the building is slowly closing on on itself. "I hope you enjoyed your time at my bar.. But it is closing time, and you don't have to go home.." the whole image of the bar fades as you are returned to your own bodies.. the whisper of a voice comes finally.. "But ya can't stay here."

With that all images, or voices from the professor are gone. As is he is out of your minds, and you are back to where you were before he brought ya in.