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Latest revision as of 20:02, 25 February 2018

A chance encounter
Date of Scene: 19 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Nuala Duvall, Superboy

Slipstream has posed:
It's a warmer day for a change despite the winter that New York is going through. Instead of snow, there is a lot of rain. For now, there is a break in the drizzle and the sun has come out to raise the temps into the upper 50's. Drake is currently out in the park, jogging shirtless with his long sleeve wrapped about his waist and in a pair of swishy workout shorts. He is steadily breathing as he runs, holding a pair of hand weights in his palms as he pumps his arms. His body is coated in moisture from the earlier downfall, matting his hair back. On his left wrist is a large clunky looking device that glows a bright blue and on his right wrist is a unique looking watch.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala is wearing a pair of jeans today, accompanied by a green dress shirt that doesn't seem to belong with blue jeans. The rain's break is welcome to her, and in the damp air she walks with an umbrella out, making her way to a tree that is nearby. She holds a tablet up, and examines something on it. She tuchs the umbrella into the crook of her neck, and taps a few things with her other hand, just along the path that Drake comes down.

Superboy has posed:
Conner doesn't care much about the weather. Cold is something that happens to other people, really. Rain is annoying, not a reason to wear anything else his usual assembly. Jeans, leather jacket, and a blue t-shirt with the red S in the middle.

Lately he has been spending most of his time in college or outside the US. New York is cold and rainy, and lately he has not found any super-villain to punch, so he has been bored. Currently flying a hundred feet over Central Park, but he suddenly dives down, to land a few yards from Nuala and Drake, and close to a hot dog stand. His true target.

Slipstream has posed:
As he runs, Drake's body seems to give a visible vibration effect and a bit of a blur as he staticky twitches about, as if he was herky jerky. He taps at the device on his left wrist a few times in annoyance until he stabilizes. "Thirty-first century tech and not water proof?" He grunts to himself before he spies Nuala. "Hi there!" He recognizes the girl from the other day as he slows down, lifting a hand up to her. "Whatcha up to? Why're you out in the rain?" The sight of the young man dropping out of the sky catches his attention as well as he tilts his head, eyes tracking his movements to the ground and the hot dog stand.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala turns as she hears Drake's voice. "Hello, hero," she greets him. "I am working to categorize all parasitic life forms." She holds up the tablet. "There is a moss on this tree." She uncrooks the umbrella, taking it back in her hand. "You are out in the rain, and you are running? It seems to be a bad day to run when it is being wet."
    She follows his gaze, spotting Superboy as well. She suddenly tucks the tablet away, and reaches out to pull on Drake to encourage him to join her in hiding behind the tree. "He flies," she whispers. "It is possible that he is a unlawful alien on Earth," she indicates. "Perhaps from Daxam, very dangerous."

Superboy has posed:
Conner was going to ask for a 'hot dog with everything' when he hears the conversation among the other two, looking back at them and smirking. "Wrong. I am from Earth. Plenty of people in Earth can fly, didn't you know? Anyway, I am totally lawful right now." He points to the S in his chest. "Unless you think Supes would let me wear this if I wasn't in his okay list?"

Slipstream has posed:
"You're looking up parasites? Uh ... the moss isn't parasitic is it?" Drake asks as he finds himself yanked to the side of the tree. "Uh." He blinks a few moments as he tries to register the girl. "That's Superboy." He says to her, recognizing her from his teammates continuous ramblings of all superhero lore. He lifts a hand up lamely to him. "Hi. I'm friends with Kara. I'm her Jimmy Olsen."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala looks sheepishly back to Drake, "Oh," she says. "I am sorry, and yes, moss lives off the tree which it is attached to." she says, in a strange accent that doesn't quite seem to fit from any known country or region. "I am sorry," she repeats in answer to Connor. "I see many people wear the Kryptonian symbol, I did not think he could keep track of them all." Apparently, she doesn't see that as good a defense as Drake's vouching. "I did not know that many people on Earth can fly. I do not see many people flying."

Superboy has posed:
Conner uh huhs. Many people with kryptonian symbols? That is odd. Maybe there is a fashion thread going he has missed. The Internet blackout is annoying, even if it got him some classes cancelled at college.

"Kara, uh? I have not seen her lately," the Jimmy Olsen comment goes over his head. He has never met Jimmy. "Anyway, what is wrong with Daxamites? I think I met one a few weeks ago and he was a hero type. Hanging out at the Hall of Justice, even."

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm friends with Lar, Mon-El. He's my best friend, actually." Drake says with a smile towards Conner as he rubs a hand along the back of his neck. "And there is concern because a Daxamite ship just crashed here recently and it contained a real bad guy. Escaped prisoner I believe from what Lar and Laurel was telling me. He's really dangerous and everyone is out looking for him." To Nuala, he gives a smile to her, then unwinds his shirt from around his waist.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods, "Yes!" she agrees, pointing at Drake when he gives the comment. "I met your frend, Lar," she tells Drake. "He was a good help when I encountered the rebel. I have not been convinced yet that he is acting alone, and so until I am, we must be careful. He was very hostile." She holds her hands up as reassurance, "I know that not all Daxamites are like that one."

Superboy has posed:
"Also, go to Mutant Town to see a lot of people flying," adds Conner. "Well, not a lot, but a few dozens," which is quite a bit. Maybe even quite a lot. Whatever.

He sighs and nods. Mon-El, that was the guy he met. "What are you talking about? Space criminals are in the area?" No one told him! But of course there is little way he could have known, he has been disconnected from the hero community the last couple months. Conner frowns. Time to get back to the Hall, he figures.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Yes, I do not normally deal with space criminals," Nuala observes. "He landed at Metropolis, his ship was badly damaged." She considers, trying to determine how much she should say. "I understand the Justice League is good at stopping threats such as this."

Superboy has posed:
"Yeah, well..." Conner considers this. "They can do it, but I think it is now SWORD and Alpha Flight which are specifically dealing with space threats. But the Justice League are the best heroes, anyway," in his never humble opinion. "Wait, what do you normally deal with? Are you also a super-person?"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Me? No, I am not very super. I make headgaskets for cars." Of course, that doesn't line up with her work involving examining tree moss in the rain. "I do not have special powers." She uncomfortably brushes a lock of hair that moves down in front of her face. The movement reveals a silver colored band which, if examined by x-ray vision, has an incredible amount of advanced technology inside of it.

Superboy has posed:
Conner doesn't have x-ray vision, so he misses the super-tech. Not the head gaskets. "Uh, they still design combustion engines for land vehicles? We are in 2026, what the heck?" He wants anti-gravity cars already, damnit. Yes, he can fly, that is not the point.

"I guess you don't normally deal with space criminals," he smirks. "But then again, who 'normally' deals with space criminals?"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Those who are in space and in law enforcement," Nuala supposes outloud. "But we are not in space here. And yes, many cars still run off petroleum presently. Not all vehicles on the road are new. They still need parts built for them. What is it that you normally do?" she asks. "Do you get paid to fly?"

Slipstream has posed:
As he listens to the pair, Drake gives a slight grin on his face. "Hey, it was awesome catching up with you again Nuala, and uh, nice to meet you, Conner! My buddy Zapp is going to lose his mind when I tell him I ran into you. I just got a meeting with my team in an hour and I need to get home and shower. I'll catch you guys later I'm sure." He says as he tugs his shirt on and starts off again in a job, waving as he goes.