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Latest revision as of 02:17, 26 February 2018

To the Future!
Date of Scene: 20 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Rift

Professor X has posed:
Another day for Charles, as he sorts through his stacks of papers. A lot of buisness has piled up while he was in Boston, and he had new buisness starting so it was just getting crazy. He sighs, as he flips through yet another folder of old buisness. Finally he turns, and moves towards the window.. Though his arm is not fast enough to get out of a way as he knocks down a folder on the floor.. "Oh.. whats this." he speaks well... to himself, as he reaches past his chair to pick it up.

After a moment of silently reading he sighs, "FaXion is it.. I see, Scott has been busy training these poor students to fight. Dang it Scott.. Well at least he didn't actually send them out on missions yet." he adds putting the folder on the table. Reaching over he pushes a button, and speaks into the system.. "Yes, I need a Miss. Alua sent to my office.. Immediately. It seems we need to have a talk." and leans back floating his chair over to the hotpot he brought back home with him. Plugging it in he gets the tea ready for her arrival.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua was studying when she heard the summons. Eyes wide, not sure what's going on, she wastes no time. A flare of red light might be seen under the door as she portals into the hallway outside your office. Turning off her aura, she brushes herself off, brushing her hari quickly, and knocks, entering when called. "You... wnated to see me, Professor?" She arrived two minutes after the summons.

Professor X has posed:
Charles is pouring the hot water into the pot as she enters though he doesn't turn to face her. He quietly poors letting the silence stand for a moment before he speaks, "Please sit." and continues his task. When done he pours out two glasses, one for him, and one for her balancing them as he hovers back behind his desk to face her. His face isn't smiling, though he doesn't look angry or anything just more in conteplation as he pushes her cup to her. He quietly looks at her as he sips his for a moment thinking about how to start.

Finally he begins, "I have heard about this FaXion.. you are one of the members, and so I called you in here. Your group was started by my student now professor Mr. Summers. Now you not only know about the place under the school, but what we do here.. Correct me if any of this is wrong." He takes a sip of his tea, and nods... He loved Earl Gray, it helped keep him focused. "Do you know why all of our students, and past students are not trained like you have been?" he sighs, "Sure some do not have powers that are aplicable, but many more that are have not been trained in thier time here."

He holds up a hand to stop her from answering, as he gives the answer shortly after. "There is more to life, more to your powers then combat, and fighting.. Fighting other people.. It can change you, it can make you look back and realize you are not what you once were." he turns looking out the window as he continues. "It can make monsters out of good people..Good friends.." he then turns to look at her again.. "That is why.. Because we want to give you our students a chance at a normal life.. Do you understand?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua just listens attentively, running a finger through her red hair. Red is definitely the color here - red hair, red eyes... red clothes? Red fingernail polish? She has a theme and is going with it. "Yes, I know that the X-Men's base is under the school. I even have limited access to it - mostly for the Danger Room." She sips the tea. "Mr. Summers is adamant that only an adult can actually become an X-Man. Prior history has shown this to be the best way with... others." She doesn'tk now which others, but accepts his reasoning. "I cannot just sit by idly and let the injustices of the world happen. Maybe... a normal life is not what I was meant for." She gazes at you. "I have found that testing myself in the Danger Room has shown me many truths about msyelf. Among other things, how best to use my abilities."

Professor X has posed:
Charles listen, but sighs afterwards.. "No.. I guess you can not anymore.. You have gotten the taste of it. Fighting injustice can be.. Well it can be like Bacon in my case. I love it, but I can't have it anymore. Jean hides it from me all the time, but now that I have snuck some out.. I have the insasable taste for it." he gives he a bit of a smile. "By the way do not tell her." he then shakes his head, "I am not going to take away a freedom given, please do not take the wrong impression. I just want you to think about it before you jump in. You could be a Doctor, or with your powers you might be ale to travel in space one day." he waves a hand, "There are millions of possiblityies, but what you are wanting to do is dangerous, and could put all of that into danger."

He looks at her again Red eyes or he looks at her eye to eye.. "Is this what you really want to do.. Have you spent the time thinking about other things you might want to do instead?" and he thinks about it before adding, "You are close to being an adult, and this is a very adult choice you are making.. Show us you are ready by spending the time to consider it carefully, because that is what adults do. It sucks, as kids say, sometimes, but sometimes we need to choose what is best, other then what we want." he falls back to silence to letthat sink in, "That being said... I belive you are old enough to make this decision on your own. I won't let you join the X-men yet.. But, if you choose this is the life that you want.. I will make room for you as soon as your done with school."

Again he holds up a hand to stop her. "You can get hurt, even die.. I want you to know that, I have lost good friends forever because they decided to go ahad. They fought the good fight, and died for it.. I am being open with you hear so you know the seriousness of this question.. I hope you truly understand what this means to move ahead."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "I am... keeping my options open." She smiles faintly. "Other than using my powers to fight for injustice - I consider other things. I basically defy the laws of physics. I can float. I can make things weightless. I am interested in how this works. So if I decide to... do a 'normal life', I would become a physicist. And yes - I would guess I could survive in space for a time - I can stay underwater for a LONG time with my aura up." She smiles faintly. "I have even considered going to become a chef, but with my... prodigious appetite, I don't think that'd be wise - I'd probably eat the restaurant to bankruptcy."

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods, and sips his tea, "Well you have a while to make that decision. For now at least feel free to continue using the Danger Room as per the rules Scott has already given you." he looks at his piles of paperwork. "Until then I might have odd jobs for now and then but for now nothing comes to mind." he smiles a bit before continuing, "Much is going to be changing quickly, and there might be some things you could help with when that time comes around." he floats over to the window before speaking up again looking outside at the lawn. "Keep in mind what we talked about here, and forgive an old man of trying to talk one of his students out of something dangerous, I have faith in you, and your skills, but it hurts a little more each time someone doesn't come back."

He slumps a little from the weight of it, but with a sigh pushes it off... "You can go back to your studies now, I have taken up too much of your time as is, and I hear there are some tough tests coming." he chuckles a bit at that. "You do know failure would mean another year in school so I do hope that will motivate you towards excelent grades if nothing else." he turns once more looking at her, "Good day Miss. Alua, and do remember not to talk to the other students about any of this.. They still have the innocince of not knowing what shadows creep outside their windows."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Those shadows are ever more prevalent..." she murmurs softly. "If only this world was a place where being a physicist seemed the best use of my life. But... with Magneto stirring up trouble..." She trails off. "I don't undrestand him. I've crossed paths with him a few times, and he acts like a perfect gentleman. Like a kindly grandfater. Then... he commits atrocities the next day." She sighs as she looks at her arm. A round scar is visible. "I was in Mutant Town just after the president was killed to help out. Some idiots got mad and came invading. I got shot protecting innocents. It's how we crossed paths the first time, you picked me up from the hospital..." She shrugs. "I don't see myself changing my mind... but I don't see why I can't both be a physicist and an X-Man. Every superhero has a day job."

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods, "Well Erik is a complicated person that has been through a lot. The Nazi's changed him, and not for the better. His mind is a troubled place, but he has changed in time to be a bit calmer with a little guidance." he gives a bit of a shrug to that.. "But we are not here because of him are we.. Just think about it as that scar is not the last one you will get if you follow this path." he floats over to his desk, "But I am just repeating myself now, and there is no reason to go over it again. I have said my piece, and you have heard it.. I can not force you to change your mind." he pauses thinking about it.. "Okay well I could, but I will not of course"

He picks up a new folder opening it he looks up at her one last time. "If there is nothing else of importance I do have lots of work to do here. I will listen if there is a problem, but running a school is full time job." and gives her a bit of a smile again as he still had a full day of paperwork infront of him.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Yes, Professor. Perhaps I'll see you around." She bows as she goes to head out, her body engulfing in a red glow as she departs, a portal tearing open before her as she goes to step through it.