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Latest revision as of 03:03, 26 February 2018

Vegas: Pt. 1
Date of Scene: 23 February 2018
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Synopsis: Bruce, Tony, Rhodey and Mariam get on a jet to go on a vacation of opulence, Tony style: VEGAS!
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Batman, Mariam O'Shea, War Machine

Iron Man has posed:
Tony was not kidding about the private jet that is far better than Air Force 1. The red carpet proves it. It is very much as if Tony had something to prove, with the enormous ridiculousness of the whole affair. Or perhaps just making sure there are a lot of witnesses. This follows with part of his text to Bruce: That Tony wanted a whole hell of a lot of people to see how healthy he is.

Not that he actually IS, but that's a different thing.

And so, arriving early as if to be sure Bruce couldn't cancel, the party began well before the jet was even in view. It's in the limosine that took them to the private air strip, and a zealous, brazen Tony that won't accept any type of no. Similarly, he won't accept anything other than a 'yes' from Rhodey, on the demand that Rhodey enjoy sitting in the back with them, while they warm up for Vegas.

Meaning, the excited, blushing stewardesses bring all kinds of liquor, even before they are even in their seats on the private jet. Tony sure picked them, too: they are mostly unable to contain their starstruck interest: specifically in Tony (oh my god he fixed the internet singlehandedly!), but also in Bruce: so rich, handsome. Single.

Mariam and Rhodey are treated like bodyguards. Naturally.

"I have four suites at the top penthouse, of course, all expenses covered," Tony is explaining.

Batman has posed:
    That had been an initial hurdle that Mr. Stark had to leap over before Bruce Wayne would accept the rather kind invitation to accompany the other billionaire on a trip to the city of sin. The last time he'd paid a call to Anthony Stark the fellow had suffered an emergency situation and they parted on terms that were friendly, but with no small amount of concern.
    But when Tony showed up and rather pointedly would not accept no for an answer, and to be fair it didn't take entirely too much arm-twisting, Bruce Wayne accepted. And when he was affixed with a particular glare from his bodyguard, Ms. O'Shea, well the invitation extended to her as well, of course.
    The limousine had been fun, Tony is ever a great focal point and never seems to stop performing. The conversation was steady, back and forth, a few jokes, a few smiles. Bruce did imbibe though perhaps not quite at the rate of some. Yet he gave a rather decent impression of enjoying himself.
    "Four? Is that all?" His lip twists as he answers the other man, his own seat a rather large and over-stuffed number that twists from side to side easily. He has to give it to Stark, he does have his own style.

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    It was hard to believe, but this was worse than her normal duties as bodyguard to Bruce Wayne. Not the guarding part. Mariam could handle that easily. She was even adept at both party or private settings. It was the women. Throwing themselves at the man. Both of them in this case. It was a fascination display of psychology in the works which was revolting at the same time.
    The women on the flight were actually worse than the plethora of models who were usually found in some sort of nimbus cloud around the billionaire when he was in public. Even worse than the most recent. What was the name of the Flavor-Of-The-Week? Month was more than he usually gave them so week was what she used in her mind. Gazelle? Antelope? Some sort of large eyed animal with long legs and a small brain.
    For her, there was no drinking. Nor chatting. She simply sat quietly, wearing her usually skirt suit which was impeccable. Her mirrored sunglasses with the round lenses covered her face, even in the lower light of the limo on the way to the airport and still on the plane. Instead, she watched, trying not to smirk at the amount of fawning going on.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey had spent most the ride keeping out of the way of the two billionaire playboys. Sure he made a joke here and a comment there, but for the most part he was keeping to himself, just ready for a nice relaxing vacation. He even enjoyed a few rounds of drinks himself since he wasn't going to need to be flying for once. All in all it was proving to be a great day and the day itself had barely even started yet.

     Taking a window seat Rhodey makes himself comfortable, wearing his usual cargo pants and bomber jacket. His hands go behind his head folded one over the other to keep himself nice and relaxes. Even manages to enjoy a bit of the eye candy that are the women aboard the plane.

     A smile crosses his bearded face as he watches the bounce of a nearby woman, before drifting his attention up to the ceiling. "I figured you'd already bought the casino, and the hotel ahead of the trip." Smile falling to a smirk. "Must be slipping in your old age Tony." Said as he stretches out. "Next thing we know you'll be going to bed at ten, and passing out watching fox news."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony can TALK. Not to worry, he will fill all of the air with words to more than make up for any slightly quieter companions. It is mostly about himself, or the trip, at this point.

Bruce's 'barb' about the suite count doesn't even slow Tony at all. "Four just to start," Tony says smoothly, not joking at all. "I have another group coming in to join us, and they'll fill out the rest. A few Avengers." That gets a squee from the group. Superheroes! Tony gives Rhodey a 'look' at his peanut gallery comments. Old indeed. He opts to just go back to bragging.

"I personally helped the hotel repair their communications, and I have all the favors to enjoy this weekened." A pause. "Well, I programmed an AI to do it, but that's the same thing," Tony amends, squinting a little at his empty glass. Chloe is in his lap, and he hands the glass off to her, to pass along for a refill from either Sasha or Michelle. Unless he has the names entirely wrong. That happens.

"How long does it take to make that kind of robot?" Chloe wants to know. "Depends how distracted I am," Tony says to her, with an obvious distracted look at a place that isn't her face. Chloe giggles. She'd make a great antelope.

"Do /you/ make robots, Mr. Wayne?" Michelle asks. She's been his personal stalker, and has tried to refresh his drink about a dozen times. If someone suspected she was paid to try to fill it, they'd be correct.

Batman has posed:
    Bruce, for his part, seems entirely taken with Tony Stark. There's an amusement in his eyes, an enjoyment at the man's spark of life and how he handles himself. But he shakes his head at the declaration of others joining them. "I should have known that this would turn into a bit of a gathering," Since, truly, it is a tendency when one is out and about and has the absurd amount of money that the two men possess.
    Yet he cocks an eyebrow, "The Avengers? That should be interesting." His attention slides away towards Michelle and he offers a typical Bruce rejoinder as he says, "Oh Wayne Industries make most anything. But me, I can't even be troubled to make my bed in the morning." It's true, he has Alfred after all.
    Yet his way of handling her attention upon his wine glass, that he does allow to be filled now and again, is to gesture for her to take a seat nearby. "Please, do join us. I've never gotten used to people hovering."
    Across the way he looks to Rhodey and smiles, then glances askance towards Mariam. "Please feel free to have a drink, Ms. O'Shea. I doubt these lovely young women have any inclination towards kidnapping or armed robbery."

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    "Thank you but no, Mr. Wayne. While I am certain they haven't a nefarious plot to throw you out of the plane without a parachute," Mariam says, eyes hidden behind the sunglasses so they won't see her gaze flick to the other women, who perhaps she is imagining doing just that to. "I am more concerned about when we land. It wouldn't do for me to be compromised. You have a couple for me."
    Still she remains seated stiffly, legs crossed at the knee an hands on the arms of the overly plush seat. Who knew planes even had seats like this? Wait, silly question. Obviously rich people. Really, really rich.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey spins round in his comfortable chair so he can watch the world pass by the window far bellow the plane. He loved flying, it was one of his favorite things in the world, only problem was he wasn't the one in the pilots seat. Other then that? This was pretty much heaven. Beautiful babes, delicious drinks, comfortable seating and the entire world so far bellow it's little more then a distant memory.

     All he can give Tony in return for that look is an innocent smile, as if he has no idea why the man might be a bit cross at the comment. "Trust me, not much is gonna happen if they try it." Spoken at his own reflection as he just kicks back to relax and watch the view.

Iron Man has posed:
"Thor is particularly interesting. I'm already calling 'not it' on making sure he doesn't break anything, though, if he joins the party," Tony says, raising his voice a little. NOPE. "On that note. Do not challenge Barton to darts." A look at Rhodey. "And that one, beer pong." A wink at Rhodey.

"What are you great at, Mr. Stark?" Chloe wants to know.

"/Unmaking/ beds. And..." Tony leans in to tell her quietly in her ear and she smirks. That was probably extremely inappropriate. But she really did ask for it.

Michelle does as asked by Bruce, restlessly, glad to sit by Mr. Wayne. She looks confused about the kidnapping question. Either she is an amazing agent, or is trying to puzzle out how she'd even go about it.

The trip is primarily uneventful, otherwise. There's movies if anyone prefers, or simple banter, and ample time to get up and move around the luxurious cabin. The jet is monstrously fast, making short work of the trip as well. In no time they'll be landing, it seems, into the flash and pizazz of Vegas, and mobbed in a way reserved for the very, very rich - and heroes. Both, in this case.

Tony has well greased his wheels in liquor already, and is a more intensely loud version of himself, as if Vegas was his personal land to show off to them. The trip to the insane hotel overlooking about twelve pools (who even needs that many pools?) will feel like a crazy ride in itself.

Iron Man has posed:
The suites themselves are insane. A remote controls the entire room, at will. Massive spreads of welcoming food and goodies. Giant long windows overlooking those twelve pools. It is far too cold right now to actually use them, but the grand sprawl of excess is echoed not just in the rooms but anywhere one rests the eyes. And Tony isn't exactly one to pick the most subtle of areas. It's daytime still, but the neon strip, particularly obvious at one set of the far suites that Tony himself has claimed, will no doubt be spectacular!

Some of the employees are jumpy and nervous to an extent, while others are well used to things like this. But anything any of them could want? There's a button for that. Lounging in the giant bath that could fit an orgy, WHILE watching several big screens in surround sound? No problem at all. Even the towels are miniature trips to heaven.

It's ... excessive.

Batman has posed:
    As he enjoys the flight, it's clear Bruce has seemingly hit that sweet spot of endearingly moderately amusingly tipsy, and able to maintain that rather indefinitely. It's all a matter of equilibrium after all, and while Tony becomes more larger than life, Bruce... he just seems to enjoy it.
    During the flight he'll chat amiably with most, not caring to indulge in movies or the like, he'll even take a few moments to ask the lovely Michelle about her life and her goals, offering what might be some small words of wisdom that sound like that belong coming out of the mouth of a motivational speaker. Friendly, but still a touch distant.
    "Are you sure you won't have any, Ms. O'Shea? Mr. Rhodes?" He indicates some of the snacks and the drinks that are offered in his direction, ever so friendly.
    But then they disembark with luckily no terrible incidents nor Hydra Agents leaping forth. Bruce's luggage consists primarily of a pair of suitcases and a backpack, but little else. Then they travel to the hotel and when they enter the first of the suites. He'll gesture for the bellboy to set his luggage down and tips the youth well before he addresses Tony. "Alright Tony, it usually takes a fair amount to impress me. I'd admit it if I wasn't so sure it'd make you insufferable."

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    The help aren't the only ones jumpy. Mariam is on high alert as they arrive at the hotel only to be met by a veritable herd of personnel. She keeps a wary eye on them all, hovering without looking like she is. For her part, there is a rolling suitcase and a garment bag. Nothing to elaborate. There is nothing in them that can't be replaced and any weapons she might have, she carries on her and not in luggage that could end up gone through by an overzealous bellhop when he places them in her personal suite.
    Suite. The very idea is ludicrous. This entire thing is ludicrous. As she trails along a bit behind her employer, she is making notes of exits, likely paths for extrication, all the important bits. She'd spent her time on the plane getting schematics of the hotel they were going to in order to begin planning for contingencies.
    Just another relaxing vacation. In truth, Mr. Wayne hasn't really taken a vacation since she was assigned as his bodyguard. It probably would do him good.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey keeps to himself for most the flight just enjoying the view and occasionally making a passing comment or enjoying the OTHER view inside the plane. The good thing about those windows was the fact they were so clean you couldn't help but see the reflection, which made watching the sights all the easier. Of course he still plays peanut gallery from time to time, it's what he does after all, he even enjoys some of the snacks and drinks, just enough to have a good time without overdoing it.

     His own luggage contains a single black leather suitcase, fairly spartan for someone who's going on a vacation but then again Rhodey never really needed that much. He wasn't one of the billionaires he just happened to be friends with one, and for a bodyguard he sure as hell isn't acting like it. He's looking around sure but it's more casual observation then an obsession like the other guard brought along.

     He nods his head at the site of the room, free hand dipping into the pocket of his jacket as he lets out a low whistle. "Gotta hand it to you Tony, I might have been wrong about you losing your touch." A light pause. "Still audacious as ever" He shakes his head letting out a bit of a chuckle, as he tosses the briefcase of his onto the foot of his bed. "Never been happier that you're footing the bill."

Iron Man has posed:
    "I keep hearing remarks like that, but I'm already turned up to 11 naturally," Tony says with a laugh and idle gesture when Bruce comments about making him more insufferable. Rhodey's 'audacious' thing grants him an answer, too: "I /think/ I have some tickets for something tonight," Tony says, distractedly. It's probably an extremely expensive show. Or fight. Or both. "But we can gamble instead, if you want." This is aimed not just to Bruce, but Rhodey also. Mariam less so, just since he's judged her as 'no fun'. Tony is beyond tipsy but pretty functional, overall. Practice. Or just tenacity.

    Tony ended up just directing the employee to hand out the other suite keys to the other three in a distracted manner, rather than handle it himself. He's busy enjoying himself. He checks the time. "So, time to wash off the travel funk. Say, downstairs in an hour?" Tony declares, like the ringmaster of the circus he is.

    Tony never touched his own luggage, somebody else is doing that, they're taking it in. He's somewhat minimal in what he brought (which is deceiving because he usually buys things on arrival), and seems to have personally carried absolutely nothing, other than glasses of whichever type of liquor, so far. He has one now, from the hotel bar on the way in, from somebody that wanted to impress Tony Stark with a free drink. Tony's forgotten them already.

    Chloe, Michelle, Sasha, and so on are all gone; they were just related to the flight. It's like an endless parade of new forgettable faces. Tony's type of vacation.

Batman has posed:
    "What are the tickets for?" Bruce asks, knowing that the breadth of entertainment offered in Vegas tends to run the gamut from all angles. But as he asks that he smirks a bit, just a small half-smile as he then answers the other suggestion. "An hour, that works." He starts to step off towards the suite that has been set aside for his use, pausing long enough to speak quietly to Mariam as he moves by.
    "Would you please see to it that I'm not disturbed?" He asks of her then adds, "Just need to check in on a few things."
    And after he says that he'll make his way to the room and disappear behind the closed door. Eventually he'll emerge perhaps some thirty minutes later.

Mariam O'Shea has posed:
    At the words from Bruce, Mariam gives a nod of her head then moves to position herself near that door he disappeared through. And there she stays. That entire thirty minutes, she holds her spot and keeps an eye on those coming and going around the hallways. It allows her to get a feel for the elevators and their cycles, see who used the stairs despite the floor being so high and generally doing what a bodyguard does.
    She doesn't bother freshening up. There isn't even a spot of lint on her suit. If there had been, she'd probably have a aneurism on the spot going by how uptight she seems.
    When Bruce emerges, she gives a nod and falls into step with him to begin his evening's festivities.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey puts his arms behind his head again for a moment to stretch still not quite relaxed enough from their flight. "You know me, I'm up for just about anything." He pauses pulling his arms back from behind his head and shoving his hands into his pockets. "I would like to get some gambling in while I'm in Vegas at some point." A light pause as he takes another look to the room. "Best city on earth for it." He lets out a low chuckle.

Iron Man has posed:
Since the others are half an hour ahead of Tony's estimate, they will have time to go down and get started in the lower casino lobby. Regardless, Tony takes just under an hour in his own room. He returns immaculately shaven and groomed with his sharp goatee, sleekly dressed for the adventures ahead, as if expecting his picture to be taken about a thousand times. Probably more, realistically. Savior of the Internet and all that, and this is a city that appreciates its media. This is the first time today he hasn't had a glass in his hand, but he'll fix that soon, no doubt. He finds the others without trouble.

    "Tonight's tickets are the ones that will make the women scowl at me when they arrive later," Tony admits. "If anybody's offended, though-- I'm unsure why we are friends," Tony adds teasingly. He doesn't ACTUALLY mind. "I'm feeling a lucky streak for blackjack coming on, either way: it'll happen." That, in particular, was to Rhodey. Tony is not doing the best with his focus.

    "What's your game of choice, Bruce?" Tony questions, companionably, of Bruce. More than usual: but that's the ease of the liquor making Tony particularly buddy-buddy to the other playboy. He ends up kind of handing off the tickets to Rhodey, because four people came out of the elevator to beg for a selfie with Tony. And Tony is ready to SHINE. The tickets are, of course, for an X Burlesque show at the Flamingo. Naturally.

Batman has posed:
    Bruce had emerged and had given Mariam a small nod of thanks when he had walked past. He spent some time at the bar in the main suite where Tony chose to take up residence, and leaned there as he smiled towards Rhodey. "Mr. Rhodes, I was curious how you met Tony." He looks to the side after his bodyguard as she settles into a place of suitable safety, but then turns back to the other part-time armored dynamo. "I've had a few people try to tell me the story, but I was advised it was best to get your point of view."
    And that exchange should take up a bit of time until Tony emerges, though when he does Bruce will smile and step forwards to offer him a drink that he made for all of them. Nothing too terribly elaborate, just a Tom Collins for himself, James, and Tony should they desire to imbibe. He does, of course, offer Mariam a drink as well yet she is apparently the enemy of fun.
    That drink is given and he'll answer even as he steps back to stand behind the bar, "Blackjack can be fun. Though with the usual crowd I run around with if I tell people to hit me then they sometimes get carried away." He offers, a faint smile there.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey nurses his drink with care looking up to the far wall of the bar. When the question of how he met Tony in the first place comes up it takes him a back for a moment. "Surprised you'd be that interested." He comments setting his drink back down in front of himself before leaning back on the bar-stool slightly. "Suppose the short and sweet version of it's that I was running an operation in Afghanistan, and got blown out of the sky." He takes a sip from the glass. "Stumbled around lost in the desert for hours before I wound up walking right into a live fire demonstration of one of Tony's new toys for the DOD, some new missile he wanted to sell em."

     He looks back over to Bruce with a friendly smile. "After my near death experience I had a few words with him, and more or less we've been friends ever since."

     There's not really much to the story all things being told but once Tony's on scene he puts the drink down onto the bar top. "I gotta know what these tickets are now Tony." He says with a genuine intrigue, before trying to take a peak. It's not more then a moment before he's handed the tickets and can't help but smile. It was Tony in a nutshell. "I think you're right on the money."

Iron Man has posed:
"A Tale as Old as Time," Tony says from the background, catching the end of it.    'If Tony decides to Imbibe'? The answer is yes, Bruce. Tony will definitely imbibe.

    And direct the party onwards to their tickets. Well, that is, before it is realized the tickets are not for another two hours. So there is some Blackjack to be had, although it will take almost half an hour for Tony to actually GET there, because he's way too popular, and has no interest in /not/ interacting with somebody every five feet. He will make it to the Blackjack table though, having gathered a new posse of fans. They MIGHT make it to the show on time. But even if they don't, well, they can probably walk in anyway. Rich people benefits.

    Because: VEGAS!