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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/02/26 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=338, 1353 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:338|Hulk (338)}} has p...")
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Latest revision as of 01:32, 27 February 2018

Date of Scene: 26 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hulk, Slipstream

Hulk has posed:
The invitation had gone out over paper mail. Yes, people still use actual letters.

"Dear friend,

I've been told that you could use a biology expert for a condition. I'm stateside now, if you're interested in meeting. The address is on the other side.


Assuming Drake decides to take the invitation, the address in question is a medical lab. It's one of those day renters that people use for barrages of tests. Once through the main entry and initial hallway... bright lights, a clean main section of a lab, and a small patient section with a bed and other things.

Sitting at the appointed time at the computer desk is a dark haired man in a lab coat. Depending on if he follows the news, or just the Avengers, he'll recognize the man as Robert Bruce Banner.

Slipstream has posed:
After receiving the invitation and being flanked by his teammates back at the Overwatch team house, Drake's bset friend and main support player Zapp went on, and on, and on, and on about Bruce Banner and The Hulk and how scary powerful he is. He was warned about a thousand times: DO NOT PISS HIM OFF. HE WILL SMASH YOU LIKE BUG ON WINDSHIELD. Just like that. In thick Russian accent, despite the fact his friend is Hispanic. It definitely did not sound Russian. But he tries. So, into the lab he enters, dressed in a pair of destroyed jeans with a black Team Static Overwatch shirt and a olive green military jacket. He recognizes Bruce Banner, of course. A genius in science much like Tony is a genius in tech. He ranks up there with Elon Musk and Steve Jobs and Jeff Kaplan for personal heroes. "... Wow." He breathes out as he lifts a hand sheepishly. "Hi. You are Bruce Banner." Behind him a golden robot floats in the air which resembles Snowball from Overwatch, Mei's companion. She scans Drake as he walks, making chirpy noises with a n.n face screen.

Hulk has posed:
"Oh, hello." Bruce looks up from his computer, his face and demeanor carefully passive as he stands up. He walks over casually to Drake, an offers a hand for a handshake, "I am, indeed, Bruce Banner. I was left a voice mail by Tony that you might need some help. I'm sorry for not getting to you sooner, but I was over in Africa for a while." Bruce gives the man a smile, "This is a rental, so we'll have privacy and all results will be between me and you." A moment, "Assuming you're interested in my help, of course. Drake, right?" Bruce gives in a warm tone.

Slipstream has posed:
"Yes, I've been hearing that a lot lately. I got to visit the Black Knight, who won't tell me his real name, and I got a visit from Thor as well who calls me .. Darke... which is cool, because he's Thor. He can call me whatever he wants. I think he's earned that." Drake says as he reaches out to take his hand in a firm shake. ".. Wow... You are The Hulk. I'm shaking hands with the Hulk. Okay, so, my friend Zapp is a huge fan of yours and he's a bio major and he begged me to get a selfie with you. He wrote a thesis about you I guess at one point for his acceptance letter into Duke, but then he ended up becoming a pro gamer so he didn't go to college, yet, but he still plans on it once this burns out." He says as he babbles on a bit nervously. "Holy shit dude, can you like ... knock out Galactus with a punch? I have like fifty questions from him that he wanted me to ask you and that was really the only one I remembered off the top of my head, the rest are written down ... but I left the list at home.. fuck... he's gonna be so mad." He says as he continues to shake his hand, before realizing he hasn't let go, which he promptly does. "... Oh! Yes.. I would love to work with you.. um... whatever you feel may be best."

Hulk has posed:
The rambling doesn't get a single interruption. Instead, Bruce just waits it out. Then... "The Other Guy is the Hulk, but I can appreciate the interest." There's a moment where Bruce looks to the side, "Hulk is, from an academic point of view, a very interesting study for sure." He states a bit aloofly, before he turns his head back to Drake, and nods... letting go of his hand, finally. "I'll be happy to answer some of your questions after we're done here, Drake... but we're here about you."

At that, Bruce heads over to the patient bed, and sets it up, "Hop on, and we can start with what your problem is, if you don't mind." Bruce gives in a questioning tone as he goes to setup some basic lab equipment. The blood pressure monitor for starters.

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, I think it's pretty interesting. You got zapped with radiation, then you turned into a huge walking green bad ass, then you became an Avenger, and you once threw the Juggernaut like twenty miles into a river from what Zapp told me, and that's so fucking cool because the Jugs is a huge dick from what the Internet says." Drake says as he motions with his hands wildly for a moment before Snowball bonks him on the back of the shoulder with a long robotic sigh. ".. Okay, okay... my bad SB. Ah, what do you need me to do, sir?"

Hulk has posed:
"Let's start with describe your condition. Tony said something about your body tearing itself apart between realities at the fundamental level. Is that a recent symptom, or something you've dealt with your whole life?" Bruce asks as he gets the blood pressure pad, and brings it around his arm, "This is just for a baseline, to see if you have normal human vitals." Bruce explains.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. This is recent. I've become very good friends with the Daxamite Prince who is called Mon-El, but he goes by Lar. He's sorta amnesic. I've been his human buddy while he's on Earth, trying to help him fit in and stuff because he's kinda clumsy. Well, I was hanging out with him and his friends from the thirty-first century, the Legion of Superheroes, and they were taking me to their spaceship for the first time so I can see it and have dinner and hang out. I was so stoked. Anyways, we were attacked by this lady named Glorith, who is from their time. She is sorta a witch I guess and she can manipulate time. She trapped me in a time prison that was meant for Lar, because she wanted to manipulate his memories to fall in love with her. She has it super bad." Drake says as he takes a seat, lounging back with it and pulling Snowbal into his lap. "So, in this time prison, I was surrounded by glowing purple crystals which would show me memories of a life I could have lived. I was married with a kid to Laurel Gand, who is a superhero and a friend of mine. I was successful in business. Had a lot of friends... I wasn't a nerd." He trails off for a moment. "Then um.. The Invisible Kid was able to break into the prison and shatter this crystal I was stuck in. When he did that, it ripped me free, but I guess something happened to my body. Soon as I got out, I started to shake and my head was hurting, then I started throwing up. Felt like someone was cutting my limbs off. They had to sedate me and put me in a coma for a bit until they figured out what was wrong." He pauses to breathe.

Hulk has posed:
"That's an interesting story. Time travel is never fun." Bruce gives by way of comment as he goes through the usual checkup motions. "Ok, you're a good baseline human from all of the equipment." Bruce takes it all and puts it on a table. Then, he looks to Drake as he sits down. "When does it happen? The 'tearing yourself apart' part, that is." Bruce continues. Seems like Bruce is content to let Drake ramble.

Slipstream has posed:
"It only happens if I push myself now with my powers. Star Labs and the Legion threw together this." Drake says as he holds up his left wrist to show the clunky bracelet strapped to it that has a bright blue glowing pulse with a digital read out. "This is a Chronal stabilizer. It holds my body together in this timeline and keeps it from ripping apart. But if I use my new powers too much, which is a consequence of being stuck in time, it starts to glow yellow, then orange, then red. Red means I'm gonna be dead. I can so far get about ten good jumps in a day, maybe about fifteen before it /really/ hurts. The bracelet warns me and sends a signal to my body to try and calm it down. Otherwise, the symptoms begin again and I get really sick and stuff. If I take it off, my body goes haywire and I pretty much can't breathe and I start to shake apart."

Hulk has posed:
"Sounds like something got stuck to your biology and won't let go." Bruce notes seemingly more to himself than to Drake. Then, he starts walking over to one of the machines, and turns it on, "Let's start with ruling all the mundane culprits out." Bruce turns the X-ray machine on and settles it, "A full body X-ray for a first..." Bruce gives Drake a wave over. "What do your new powers do?"

Slipstream has posed:
"My powers? I move very fast from point A to point B. Sorta leap. I guess." Rising up from his chair, Drake takes a quick step forward and blurs out of sight, appearing across the room in a flicker. "Ta da! I call myself Slipstream." He says. "You know, if I was to have a superhero name. I dunno. I figure if you got a power you should have a code name or something. But, sure, let's X-Ray away. Mister Knight drew blood from me, a few vials of it so .. he may have something also."

Hulk has posed:
"Impressive. Almost like that Flash fellow, isn't it?" Bruce gives in reply, before he sets the machine... and it starts. Bruce starts to go from head to toe with it, "Getting a fresh set of eyes is a good idea. This way, we won't just arrive to the same conclusion and can compare notes." As Bruce finishes, he heads for another machine, "What's it feel like when you do that?" Bruce asks, as he starts to go over the interface on the big machine.

Slipstream has posed:
"I"m sure you're a Star Wars fan, right? You know when the Falcon goes into hyper drive or something? You see all those streaks of light right before the ship blips away? It's like that. I feel this warm rush over me, the world just blurs around me like a weird light tunnel, but I can see my destination at the end of it. I just ... take a step forward and I move really fast. Fwip!" Drake says as he motions with his hand. "It's not like I'm running, it's just like I'm ... I don't know.. I'm not teleporting, I'm not moving in time. I'm just throwing myself forward. Like a huge step forward."

Hulk has posed:
"I saw some of the movies a long time ago... but I don't remember much about them." Bruce admits, with a small grin, something in the machine hums to life as he continue to hit buttons, "I think I understand what you're saying, though." Bruce then turns and looks at Drake, "it's like all the matter in between you and your destination simply... ceases to be an obstacle, and you just go through it? Or is it more like you step out of reality, and then jump back here at the end?"

Slipstream has posed:
"It seems that I just move and the world around me blurs right on by, like everything is malliable. I guess that's the word I'm looking for. I don't think I can run through a building or a car or something. I'd bounce off it if it's in my way.. so .. I try and make sure it's line of sight and a straight shot if possible. I've been practicing on my zig zags too. A couple of leaps at the same time... bam bam bam!" Drake motions with his fingers in a Z formation. "That way I can be more effective in my placement."

Hulk has posed:
"So it's more of a quantum level tunneling effect." Bruce notes to himself... before he stops with the machine. "You can't go through normal matter, but you can go through atmosphere? Molecules that can be moved easier?" Bruce asks as he sits down and looks at Drake.

Slipstream has posed:
"I don't know. I think I'm just really fast." Drake laughs as he shrugs his shoulders again. "I don't know if it has anything to do with time at all. I think I just move so freaking fast that the world just sorta looks weird to me. It's hard to explain. Wish there was a way you could see through my eyes."

Hulk has posed:
"That's why we're here, Drake; to figure it out." Bruce notes with a smile, "So, if you can't move through it at normal density, you can't move through it with this tunnel you use..." Bruce then heads over to the whiteboard at one end of the lab, and starts to write down an equation, "There are a number of ways you could be doing what you do, but the fact that you have time stabilizing technology for it and the light metaphor suggests a minor form of time travel, or matter conversion in your proximity to light." A pause, "I could be wrong with those theories, so we'll need to rule out some possibilities. Your vitals are strong at least."

Slipstream has posed:
"I think maybe I just move at the speed of light and that's why I'm seeing those weird glowy things." Drake says with a chuckle as he shrugs again, then taps Snowball a few times on the head with his fingers. "Today, Snowball goes back to Tony to deliver him all the readings that she picked up on me over the last four days. So, between you and him and Mister Knight, I'm sure you guys will find something incredibly boring about me." He says with a grin.

Hulk has posed:
"Maybe." Bruce continues to write, "Science is never boring for me, though. Discovery is why I kept going with my schooling, after all." Bruce notes, before he finishes, "This is something I work on in my spare time... a bit of a time conundrum." Bruce then puts the sharpie down and walks over to Drake, hands in his lab coat. "Going at the speed of light would explain a few things... but it wouldn't explain how you survive the process." Bruce explains, before he crosses his arms, "We'll have to go over all the data and see the next step from here. I don't think the problem is in your biology... and no point in me taking more blood samples."

Slipstream has posed:
"I don't know, maybe my body just compensates for the speed. It doesn't feel like I'm moving fast. I just push myself forward and I'm where I want to be. But, I can only do it a few times." Drake glances down at his phone as it vibrates a few times, then says, "Zapp is reminding me I left his list and he is now spamming me with his questions for you, and also is begging me for a selfie or a Facetime with you." He grins. "... Would you like to make his day?"

Hulk has posed:
"Uh... I'm afraid that'd be a bad idea. For everyone involved." Bruce smiles, apologetically, "The people who come after me sometimes might think you know something." A hand comes up and scratches the back of his head, "and I don't want to have people after you just for knowing me." He continues, a bit sheepishly. "I'll be happy to answer questions, at least." He gives in consolation.

Slipstream has posed:
"I live with these five guys. But Zapp is like a brother to me. He is a huuuuuuge Avengers fan. If I don't get a picture he will kill me in my sleep." Drake laughs with amusement. "He lost his mind when he saw my picture with Tony. He and I are huge fans."

Hulk has posed:
There's a long moment, before Bruce smiles apologetically again, "Well. I suppose if it's that important to you." Bruce shrugs, "What do you need from me?"

Slipstream has posed:
Holding up his phone, Drake leans into Bruce and turns it sideways. He snaps a picture wearing a huge grin, then starts to tap away on his phone as he sends it over. The phone then explodes in the form of emojis and OMG's. Chuckling, he says, "You made his day. I may be a Tony worshipper but Zapp idolizes you. Okay, anymore tests need to be done?"

Hulk has posed:
"For now, I'd like to see what the blood results were, before we continue with anymore tests." Bruce gives in reply, before he starts to turn off the machines, "The others will be able to keep in touch after this better than I can." He reaches out for another handshake, "Hopefully, we can figure this thing out... but I'm not guaranteeing anything." Bruce gives in caveat.

Slipstream has posed:
Drake reaches out and shakes his hand in return. "Thank you for your time at least! It killed an afternoon. To be honest, I am not even stressing out about it. The bracelet at least keeps me in one spot and I don't overdo the powers as it is. Though everyone keeps talking about a Junior Avengers team and if that happens I hope to be considered."

Hulk has posed:
"I'm not the one to speak to about that, Drake... but I'll be sure to let them know about you." Bruce then starts to pack up his stuff, along with the results, "I hope you have better luck than I've had with control." Bruce notes, before he starts to head out, hunched a bit.

Slipstream has posed:
"If I turn into a huge green Juggernaut smasher I'll let you know." Drake says as he heads to the door, then out it as he waves to Bruce. "Take care bro!"