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Latest revision as of 05:55, 11 March 2018

It was a Dark and Snarky Night
Date of Scene: 01 March 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Silly Cassie, webs are for Spiders
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Batgirl (Cain)

Spider-Man has posed:
"... says he's not busy. She'd just chopped his arm off! Who does that? And then Scotty beamed him up, sans the arm! And best of all, he came back like five minutes later for the arm. See, that's what I love about you Bruce. You're such a good listener." Spider-Man was currently dangling, upside down next to a stone gargoyle.

"Want some more popcorn?" He asked, as he had a bag from a street vendor sitting on the side, which he was munching as he worked out his problems with the inanimate object, totally oblivious to the fact that 'Bruce' couldn't respond, offer any advice, or even move.

But this was Spidey's version of a therapists couch. He was letting it all out there, de-stressing. Nearby, there was a guy dressed up in green and yellow with an electric motif, who was still screaming about how he'd get Spider-Man for this. "Hey, stop that, or it's no more popcorn for you. Now you be nice and wait for the police to take you home."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    It might not be Gotham but that doesn't stop Cassandra tonight. She's on the rooftops, trailing the Penguin again. Only, he went into a club just down the block and this particular rooftop is the best location to be able to watch for him to exit. The back way out leads to an alleyway that is conveniently blocked by a dumpster that somehow tipped over on its side in the middle of the way. So there is only one exit if he goes out the alley in the back, which is also visible from her vantage point.
    She's dressed casually, no costume tonight. She's got it on under her civilian clothes, allowing for her to keep warm despite not having on a bulky coat. Instead, she has on a black hoodie and a pair of black jeans with, surprise, black boots. The boots are actually part of her costume but that isn't readily apparent to anyone nearby.
    She is sitting on the edge of the rooft just watching when she starts hearing an entire conversation. One side of one. No one is talking back although that's hard to believe with the way the man is prattling on.
    Inching to the edge of the roof, she peeks over to see Spider-Man chatting with...is that a gargoyle?
    People said the heroes in Gotham were crazy...

Spider-Man has posed:
That familiar tingling sensation goes off in the back of Spidey's head, and he looks up just as Cassandra caught sight of him. He offered a soft wave of his red gloved hand. "Hey, careful there. It's a long way down, and I've already had to save two girls, a clown, and a linebacker. Don't ask. I mean, really, what kind of girl dates a clown? I don't even want to think about it, the way the nose would beep when they kissed, how the clown costume doesn't go with anything she might have, and don't even get me started about the linebacker. I think he played for the Eagles. But as much as I like the Seal song, no, he can't fly like the eagles."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    The response to that is a very slow blink and a brief shake of the head. No danger although he is very strange. His position would be painful for most people but he's just hanging there like it's nothing. She's not seen the like and she knows some very acrobatic folks in her familial group. Cassandra glances to the figure that it still ranting hearby. He wasn't going anywhere. What was used to bind him up like that, she has no idea? Might be something to get a sample of for Batman.
    She looks back to Spidey. After he was gone. She ducks back over the edge of the roof, back out of sight. Rising to her feet, she heads closer to the portion of the roof where she can get a view of the green and yellow costumed electrician.

Spider-Man has posed:
When she doesn't seem to respond, Spider-Man fires off a line with his webshooters, making that notable thwip sound and doing the index finger out, pinkie finger out, but middle, ring, and thumb in. He closes the distance, doing a somersault and landing in another weird position, crouching on the ledge with the balls of his feet together, but thighs spread wide apart, and his hands in front. "Are you okay? Do you need help? No English huh, puedo ayudarte? Je peux aider? Nanika o tetsudai shimashou ka?"

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
That draws Cassandra up short as he's just suddenly there. She takes a step backwards, shifting her stance and eyeing him suspiciously. As he asks about English, she gives a shake of her head. Then he goes on in other languages. She simply stares at him long moments then she shakes her head again, a bit more adamantly.
    She brings up her hands and moves her hands in American Sign Language, <I don't speak. No. No help.> Obviously she isn't going to be getting a sample at this rate. Disappointing but not the end of the world. She flicks her gaze to the street below. Specifically to the club down the street to be sure the birdman hasn't left yet.

Spider-Man has posed:
Well, there is the strand he left near Bruce. Of course, that one will dissolve after about an hour. And it's already been some time since it was created. He created some new strands to move over to her. "Sign language... I... don't know that." He scratches his head, and reaches for his phone, which is hidden in his utility belt. The man was a Caucasian by the brief flash of skin when he lifts his shirt to grab it. He then googles it, and then tries to figure out what she just said. "No... help..." He finds, reading, then tries to sign, <friendly neighbourhood spider man.>

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Spider? That would explain the webs. Althoguh they come out of his wrists it looks like. Another costume. Going by the yellow of the other man, this one might be the good guy. Albeit a little insane since he's talking to statues.
    She gives a brief 'hello' wave and then promptly turns toward the edge, keeping an eye on the club again while making sure to keep the Man Spider in her peripheral. She doesn't seem to be doing anything up here. Just standing around on a rooftop. In winter. In all black clothing. Alright, might be a little weird.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man can carry a whole conversation with a statue. But he doesn't try to annoy people who don't deserve it in some way. Like, he doesn't pester Robbie Robertson, or Reed Richards, or Richard Rider, or anyone else who has a first and last name that begins with the letter 'R'. And this girl, okay, a bit weird, seemingly mute, not understanding English, but not wanting help. There wasn't much he could do here, except outstay his welcome. "So, uh, yeah..." he really, really wants to talk, but googles something, and then signs, <Wish I could help. Have fun.> And then he fired off another web line, heading elsewhere.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    As soon as he is swinging away, Cassandra has moved over to the webbing that brought him closer in the first place. She pulls out a small text tube and puts on a pair of gloves. Carefully she tries to put a sample of the webbing...only to find it doesn't break. Or move. It just stays where it had attached. She frowns as she breaks out a blade, to see if that might help her get a small piece of it into the test tube.
    Even if she manages to, she'll be quite disappointed when she gets back to the Batcave with a test tube of nothing.

Spider-Man has posed:
Oh, there will be something in there, a residue, but the problem with a compound like webbing, it's chemical makeup is one thing, the actual way it's made, and applied, is quite another. You can combine all the ingredients of a cake to make a cake, soup, or any number of other combinations. And worst of all, the Penguin didn't even do anything illegal tonight, or at least nothing that could be proven.