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Latest revision as of 05:58, 11 March 2018

Pizza Time
Date of Scene: 02 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Power Girl, Venom

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Everyone now and then, even busy bees need to eat, and nothing goes as fast as pizza. So dressed in a simple black crop top with a golden lightning bolt emblazoned on it, red long sleeved jacket, and rugged washed up jeans, Carol is in the process of buying herself a slice and ice tea. The nice thing about being out of uniform, is that she's not as recognized, making the chance for a slice of pizza in public a reality. Yay for that.

Power Girl has posed:
    To contrast, Power Girl arrives to the noise of thunder- the sound barrier is a fun thing to just play with at one's leisure- and is all the more recognizable save that she is not in her usual city. Landing amongst the usual consumers in the Pizza Joint- likely not to a herald of applause, really, as this is not Metropolis- she makes her way towards the line. It's such a Super-family thing. To be able to fly like she does, lift a continent or three, and yet still wait in line at Domino's, of all places.

Venom has posed:
     Contrary to popular belief, the host of the Venom symbiote does indeed need to eat. Aside from chocolate, Eddie must also nourish his own body to keep up. So there, in Domino's is a strong looking man, waiting in line for a couple slices of Supreme, and a water, no sense in having more empty calories. He should be not as recognizable in this form, even with the symbiote camouflaged as a black button down shirt on his body.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Pizza slice held in a paper plate, Carol's attention is stolen by the sound barrier crushing arrival of Power Girl. "Wow..." Carol notes, genuinely impressed at the rarity of a woman who is taller than her, "Power Girl?" She asks, not having gotten the chance to meet too many heroes from Metropolis, but knowing full well who they are, "you truly are impressive," she notes, but there's a sense of assessive appreciation, rather than the fawning of a fangirl. As she moves closer to Power Girl, she stops to take a look at Eddie, "and...an NFL player?" She has to wonder, he looks pretty ripped.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is, well, taller than most people. Not everyone, but she stands up out of a crowd even before you consider other various incongruities such as the whole flying thing.

    She turns her head, looking down- an odd sensation that Carol is probably used to, but from another woman, probably not -very- used to- and offering an appreciative smile. "Yeah, I get that every now and then." she notes, ever so slightly full of herself. Carol isn't necessarily in costume, so Power Girl's response to the recognition- despite that she's detected the tone of it- is for a number of reasons the same as it would be for anyone else. "I know it's impromptu, but if you want me to sign something or take a picture, that's totally fine."

    Seeing as Eddie is trying to be unassuming, she doesn't notice him at first- until the other woman does. "Oh wow, yeah. Bodybuilder though, probably."

Venom has posed:
     Eddie looks to Carol as she mentions an NFL player. "Heh, you caught me, Flash Gordon, Quarterback: New York Jets." A joke, but he isn't saying exactly who he is either.

  Suffice it to say, Eddie is a little taken aback with the arrival of the costumed woman, he's trying to keep a straight face, and keep the symbiote whispering to him in his mind at bay. This wasn't the time or place.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
    "I can imagine...a pleasure to meet you, I appreciate the work every superhero does," she doesn't introduce herself, as her attention shifts to Eddie, she even laughs at his joke. "Nice one, we can use your help in defeating Emperor Ming, that's for sure!"

She takes a first bite out of her pizza, and from the look on her face, it's pretty good. Or she's very hungry. "Anything brings you out of Metropolis or just doing a wider patrol?" She asks Power Girl, because, why would Flash Gordon be patrolling the Earth?

Power Girl has posed:
    There is a nod, then, as Power Girl turns back to Carol. She's still in line, herself, and as she moves forward in it, she folds her arms. Forget lifting continents, throwing moons, shattering the light barrier or visiting other planets- THAT is the most unfair thing she can ever do. "The support is appreciated. Not everyone is explicitly happy that some of us are out there. Even us Metropolites get a weirdly high amount of snark."

    Her attention shifts again, and she chuckles. "I think I signed one of his posters at one point. There is a definite difference in appearance." Then, back to Carol. "I like their sauce?" It's a flimsy excuse, really, so it doesn't last long. "Yeah, I've been patrolling a little wider since the riots. Helps that we have a lot of air coverage in Metropolis."

Venom has posed:
     "Yeah, I hear he's quite merciless." Eddie quips with a chuckle before he inches closer to the counter. "How long does it take them to take slice orders anyway?"

  There's a lull before he looks to the two women. "Snark is the poor man's wit." He comments towards Power Girl. "The blight of the twenty-first century."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"It comes with the territory," Carol admits, grinning at Power Girl even suggesting the sauce here is superior. Though at the mention of air coverage, Carol looks a little more serious, "nothing like air supremacy to ensure victory." One would think she speaks from experience, talking with such assertive nature about this topic.

"You can get it celebrity quick if David knows you," she thumbs at the guy behind the counter, "the longer you live in New York, you pick up on things like that, such as, how important it is to know David." There goes another bite, it's a crime how quickly a pizza slice is gone.

Power Girl has posed:
    Eventually, the blonde- the one that is just about four inches taller than the other- manages to actually get to the counter. "Three slices, large fountain." she states. So many empty calories- but the woman looks like she lifts. Definitely not on the same sort of playing field.

    Once she's ordered, her attention shifts quickly to Eddie. "Okay, so that was pretty eloquent, and a touch sardonic. My guess has shifted from body builder or athlete to someone who writes. Maybe in your off-time. College student?" she's definitely not judging by appearances, anymore. Eddie doesn't look stereotypically college-aged.

    "And you," she begins, nodding her head at Carol, "Air force." There's something of a knowing tone, there. It's not hard to connect a dot or two, but just how much she knows is anyone's guess. Carol isn't necessarily operating incognito.

Venom has posed:
     Thing about opening ones mouth is that they start to show their cards. And young Mr. Brock has certainly done that. "Graduate, NYU. Journalism." Eddie responds, taking a twenty out of his pocket, ready to order. "Two supreme and a water." He orders, sliding the bill to the cashier before turning to join the others. "Don't think someone can have brains and body build?" He says, flashing a smirk towards Carol.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Finishing her pizza, Carol reaches for some napkins, before discarding the used napking and paper plate. Greatness starts with doing the little things greatly too, don't litter kids!

Carol smiles when Power Girl shows the right stuff, not judging a book by its cover, a shame not more people behave that way. The potential to make new friends and meet interesting people goes through the roof when that's your approach in life.

At the mention of Air Force, Carol gives Power Girl a salute. It's true, she's not exactly incognito, not with that Ms. Marvel logo featured on her shirt, but regardless of whether she was recognized or not, she'll take any appreciation of the Air Force which is a huge part of her life.

Power Girl has posed:
    There's a shake of her head, though, at the last statement from Eddie. She wags a finger while waiting for her food- which will take longer than Eddie's, by a margin- "No no, I said eloquent. Eloquence doesn't mean intelligence, but they go together enough. Got a spot at the Bugle?" she asks, giving this friendly smile. "I'll give whatever you write a read, and I happen to know a guy in Metropolis if you're ever in the area looking for a position."

    Then, she looks back to Carol- who hadn't said anything new. With an appreciative nod, she notes the salute and gives this small grin. "Yeah, that's the 'you got me' look if ever I've seen it."

Venom has posed:
     Of course, there's a bit of a wait for his food. No bother though. "No, the Bugle...isn't for me." He quips, tightening his left fist for a moment. "Let's just say I'm between spots right now." The nice way of putting it for now, since it's a sensitive subject.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol laughs at Power Girl's playful comment to her, "I didn't admit to anything," she playfully evades fully admitting to who she is, before shifting full attention to Eddie, "you looking to do investigative journalism? It takes guts to pursuit that trade..."

"Hey, as someone who worked there, you're better off not working in that hell hole," yup, Carol's feuds with JJ were pretty legendary in the Bugle, until he had no choice but to fire her. Which brought her to write a best seller tell all book. That's how it works. You lose some, you win some, lemon, lemonade or something like that.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl raises her hands. She has no idea on any of that- she hasn't ever met JJJ before, so as the two talk about it, she has no basis. What she does have, though, is some mild sympathy. "Oh, yeah, I know how that can be. If they're not for you, they're not for you. If you're ever in Metropolis, just, you know, shout Power Girl and I'll see what I can do for you." she states, seeming all friendly and happy, as it were.

Venom has posed:
     "You could say I already did that whole mess." Eddie looks over to Carol, giving a grimace. "Yes, Jameson is...the worst, I know from experience as well." Where Power Girl is concerned, he just chuckles lightly. "Hey...thanks, I'll have to take you up on that sometime." A bit happier that he changed subjects, letting go of his shirt slightly, which seems to have gained a number of wrinkles since he started awaiting his food.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"It's been a pleasure meeting you guys, but I should get going," Carol notes, before stating to Eddie, "you can relax, no harm will come to you with Power Girl about," nevermind that he looks like people will think three times before daring to throw a punch his way. "Glad to have you around, Power Girl, you should fly this way more often."

Power Girl has posed:
    It's beginning to look like they'll be dropping both Eddies and her own orders on them at the same time. Which, admittedly, is frustrating. But, for some reason, Power Girl doesn't seem to mind. "I'll be waiting." she states, not really watching the man's shirt. Then, Carol starts to depart, and Power Girl offers this mock salute, coupled with a wink that is somewhat lacking in subtlety, but then again, it's Power Girl. "Yeah, I think I'd like that. Might shift my routes a liiiittle more in the direction of this Domino's."

Venom has posed:
     Eddie gives Carol a wave as she heads out. "It's been real." No mind at all for the service here. "Well, I guess it's good there's another one of you folks around. Being safe and all." The bodybuilder shrugs a little, seems superheroes have become a bit commonplace to Eddie.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol returns Power Girl's playful mock salute with a hundred percent serious one, though she does flash her a smile, and calls at Eddie, "when I have more time, I'd love to hear about your beef with JJ, the guy is a world class asshole! Later guys."