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Latest revision as of 06:34, 11 March 2018

The State of a Fair
Date of Scene: 10 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Superman

Harley Quinn has posed:
It wasn't a dark and stormy night. That should've been her first sign not to go on an adventure, but Harleen Quinzell takes no signs from anyone, and there was the CUTEST giant teddy bear at a carnival booth in a picture in the paper. Those reporters know exactly how to tug her heartstrings.

And so Harley, armed with the article and photo torn from the paper, did her best to make herself look innocuous, and she's making her way into said Carnival. Watching her back, watching her front, watching that picture and watching for that BEAR. Nothing can derail her plan, now. Dressed in a pair of cutoffs that are WAY too short, hair in pigtail braids, one dipped pink and one dipped blue, and a T-Shirt that reads "I <3 Willie" with a picture of Willie Nelson in the center, at least now she'll fit in. She even wore boots! Nothing can stop her now, she's honed. She's focused.

"Ooh, Funnel Cake!"

Superman has posed:
Yeah, the weather this time of year doesn't usually allow for fairs but when one is driving through town and the Northeast decides to go all nice and just a little wintery, a fair doth pop up and it is crowded! Lots of people milling about, enjoying their funnel cakes and churros and hot chocolates. All the people, all the couples, lots of high school shenanigans, people running by and past and bumping into other people...and of course, kids. All the kids. 'Mom I want that! Come on dad one more ride! Please win me that bear?'

Win me that bear? You catch it out of the corner of your eye, as you hear it, and you can see the rather able father lining up at the game, a ticket in his hand to take a shot at the big prize. Clark happens to be milling about the area too, supposedly meeting a few of the folks frm the Daily Planet today, and unaware that most of them are likely to find 'other things to do' as they try to set him up with the cute new intern in sports. But he's dressed as you'd expect Smallville to dress, a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, jeans that look like they fell out of a Levi's ad, and some hiking boots of a sort.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Win me that bear!" Like sonar to a bat's ears, and Harley turns her head, mid-bite, toward the voice. The game's rigged, everybody knows that. But now she knows where the bear -is- and that's half the battle. Where there's one, there's probably a box of others.

"Ooh Bears..." Harley is pulled as though entranced, with a bit of powdered sugar on her lipstick and a barely nibbled funnel cake on a paper plate in her hand. She wrinkles her nose, considering the thought of delving too deep into the crowds, and thinks it best to pull out a pair of black-rimmed glasses, putting them on as she proceeds. Nobody will recognize her in -glasses-...

Superman has posed:
If Shady Quinn does look back to watch, you can see the dad come ooooooooh, SO close to winning that bear but you see the way the last cannister that had to get knocked down sort of wobbles and comes back up as if it had some sort of counterweight in it. It could be knocked down but it would be very tough. And if you didn't know to go for that one...that'd be even harder! Of course, fairs have all sorts of things including beer, and as Harley looks about and walks through in her short shorts, she's bound to get some attention. Her size makes it easy for folks to even mistake her for being perhaps younger than she is, which is probably why a group of kids who are cool....which you know they're cool cause they all have on the same old looking denim jackets with fleece on the collar...well the trio starts to follow you as you go on your bear hunt.

You do see booths, and boxes, and the bear is found in other stands though it is definitely a primo prize as it isn't at all of them. Teenage boys that could easily be wooed to just give you a bear work some of the stands, though that's hardly a challenge. Others have the boxes stacked near the back where you could try to sneak in and get one if the booth were busy. The three 'young gentlemen' following behind you have let out a few whistles, and some other sounds that are likely meant to imitate what they'd like to be doing though relaly just sound like they're chewing with their mouth open.

Clark himself happens to be walking and was out of range for a few but that's the fun thing about fairs, people come and go. He's actually coming back towards you off to the right, his path intersecting with yours (and the three upstanding youths) as he takes a bite of a churro, a bit of the cinnamon and sugar getting caught on the corner of his mouth himself cause it seems that's just what sweets do in carnivals.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is just about fed up with these kids. "Mouthbreathers!" she says over her shoulder. "This is why yer all still-" And that's when Harley sees him. Tall and strong and handsome, and looking NOTHING like anyone she has ever seen before, and certainly no one she should be afraid of. She casts a glance at the undeterred gents behind her and holds out open arms. "BABY!! Where've you BEEN, I've looked all OVER for you..."

Careful not to upset any of his goodies, she wraps an arm around his waist, and looks back at the three who've dogged her tracks. "Sorry guys. Taken..."

Superman has posed:
Clark is...well...Clark. It's not like he'd turn down helping a demsel in distress, and as you wrap your arms around Clark you realize that you did pick a good one - he's solid, no doubt about that. Still though, the three guys seem to not want to be deterred yet. "Hey there....tall dark and lumberjack....who said you could go putting your hands on our woman?" Our woman? What are you...communal property?

And of course, Smallville does move his churro to the side, because, well, nothing says menacing like a 6 foot something guy chomping down on fair snacks with all 5'4" of you there to back him up. If you're paying particular attention, you may even see somethign shiny you like - a set of brass knuckles that spell out 'PAIN' in solid (looking) gold being slid onto the hands of one of the three, specifically one of the two that are playing back up. "Now guys...there's plenty of fun to be had for everyone..." he says, before he plays that over in his head and he adds, "At the fair. Plenty of games...I'll even buy you all a snow cone but I don't see any reason this needs to end in trouble?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley draws a little closer into Clark's waist, juggling the funnel cake, but clutching the newspaper article tightly to her. "Don't worry Honey," she whispers to him, "they aren't the sharpest amoebae that slithered outta the primordial sludge, but they aren't gonna start anything in front of--"

"I ain't takin' yer seconds, dork. So it seems like there's just enough fun for me." The 'leader' of the trio continues to approach, followed closely by his second. "So how about you just hand her over and let me have my fun. It won't take long." Harley responds by rolling her eyes. "And you can have 'er back in a few minutes."

Superman has posed:
Clark adjusts his glasses as he looks over at the trio. To be fair, not a one of them is over 5'10, and the one with the brass knuckles is actually closer to your height than he is to Clark's. "Now you see that's a common misconception. Glasses actually have very little to do with whether one is a dork or geek or dweeb or jock even. They're simply a matter of need based upon some sort of deficiency with the ocular region," he says. "Sort of like how if three of you would only need a few minutes, it might lend to the fact there may be a deficiency in other regions...." he explains, politely, as the leader looks back and forth between the others. "I think he's makin' fun of us..."

Yet there's a quesiton there. Apparently the phrase 'nether region' hasn't ever made it into Hillbilly 101. As you squeeze more tightly most men would probably be like 'let go' but with Clark, you can continue to feel that solid frame, one that you're fairly certain shouldn't have too much trouble with these guys but that, on the other hand...you just never know. Clark actually puts a hand around you, protectively, moving to your hip to at least try to slide you back behind him so he's in harm's way.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As she's slid around behind Clark, she tilts her head at the feel of his solid frame and musculature against her. "Huh. I sure picked a good one. Maybe afterward we can get a sno-cone and ride th--"

"What're you gonna do, beat me with a churro? God...just flatten 'em, Lenny. I'll get the chick and we'll split." Of COURSE one of them is named Lenny. Why not... "Dude at this point I'm just embarrassed for you." And with that, Lenny adjusts his brass knuckles and approaches Clark.

"Enough, Jee-zus. Din't yer Mama evah teach ya how to behave in public?" Harley throws down her funnel cake and slips out from behind Clark. "Or where to place yer brass knuckles so ya don't break yer damn fingahs?" Harley crosses her arms, newspaper clipping still clutched in one hand, and she is clearly judging them.

Superman has posed:
The guys start to laugh at the comment about hte Churro and Lenny is just about to start the ass whuppin' when you step in front and he pauses before looking back, then looking to you. "Uhm..." he says, most intelligently while the light reflects off those brass knuckles. Not that Harley needs more weapons but they are glittery and shiny and they spell out PAIN which could be just the thing a growing psychopath needs. Still though, it's sort of a stand-off now as Lenny looks. "I don't hit girls...whydon't you just move out of the way and go stand by Jimmy..." cause every redneck gang also needs a Jimmy...Jimbo...Jimmybob....

"Look guys...." Clark starts to say when Lenny goes to try to push past you and get to tall, handsome and bespectacled. Cause you know...HQ isn't goign to mind some guy just pushing her around right?

Harley Quinn has posed:
"SERIOUSLY?" Harley doesn't even hesitate. She deftly twists Lenny's arm around behind his back, putting pressure at the center of his wrist to relax his fingers, and she strips off the brass knuckles and pockets them. "Now listen here, Lenny," she says quietly and close to his ear. "You do NOT want to mess with this guy, I'm doing this for your own good. He's goin' UFC next month, and first off, I don't want you gettin' killed and ruining his gig. And secondly, I mean, is it REALLY worth dyin' to prove to Jimbob over there that he's NEVER gonna get the girl?"

Superman has posed:
"UFC, is that near oww! OW OW OW MY ARM!" Lenny starts to try to stand on his tip toes to ease the pressure as you wrap his arm behind him and he's hopping up and down to try to make it not hurt as much. He looks back at you as best as he can, "Uncle! Aunt! Ow let go!" To which the other two guys start laughing and they just start to walk off....leaving Lenny at your mercy. "Shoot...I mean I'm into the rough stuff but this girl is nuts." Which hopefully you don't hear cause there are times it's been said Harley doesn't like being called that. But maybe it slides this time....or maybe Lenny's arm is about to pay the price for his buddy's unkind words.

Either or, Clark starts to step forward now and he puts a hand on your shoulder, "I think he learned his lesson," he says, chuckling slightly. "That's quite the grip you have there," old blue eyes trying to be charming and get your attention again so that you won't end Lenny's promising baseball career before it starts....you know...if he were ever to give the sport a try. Which he hasnt' but you never know!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley seethes in Jimmy's direction, but lets Lenny's arm live to grope himself another day. "I like you, Kid. You could be a big shot if ya weren't followin' that mouthbreather around. He's draggin' ya dowwwn, seee?" She dusts off his jacket, and shakes her head. "And get a better jacket. Somethin' red 'n black. You'll be a THRILLAH." Harley winks and shuffles Lenny off along his way, then turns to Clark, wide-eyed. "I am SOOO sorry about that, I had NO idea what they were up to. I just thought they were a gaggle of mouth-breathing neanderthals who'd keep walkin' if they thought you were my..." She's lost in those blue eyes and sighs. Not agaaain...

Superman has posed:
Clark chuckles, as you mention and he nods. "Yes well...." he offers. "I'm sure that would be a lovely time. Or would have been until you had your day at the fair interrupted by those three....hooligans." Cause apparently Ma and Pa Kent like American Movie Classics (AMC) channel just enough that Clark watched a few old movies growing up. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you for saving me," he says, grinning towards the direction Lenny ran off in. And you may have, unknowingly done just that, as now Clark doesn't have to pretend to be hurt and/or have to try to explain why he's not. "Buy you another funnel cake? Win you a water gun?" Ooooh, win?

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Welllll, I was HOPING to get this bear, y'see..." She holds up the crumpled article and photo from the paper. "This was what brought me here in the first place..." She wraps her arms around Clark's waist, again making sure not to disturb his carnival fare. "You're all big an' strong...I'll buy the balls if you could maybe...think you could win it, Mistah?" She looks up at him with pleading eyes and a brilliant smile.

Superman has posed:
Poor Clark. It's as you're with your arms wrapped around him looking up all adoringly that some of the Daily Planet folks come by, especially the cute, bright eyed intern who thinks Clark is all dreamy. At least until she sees him with you wrapped around him. It will take at least a pint of chunky monkey for her to get over this most recent betrayal, as she turns around almost as quickly as she arrived, impractical heels and slightly too short skirt making stomping off a bit more awkward than she wanted it to be! It's not the most graceful exit but she'll give him the cold shoulder for at least two wee--no three! Then she'll give him the chance to make it up to her. Her silence will be deafening! Her cold shoulder the coldest!

Clark just sorta catches the girl storming off and his friends just chuckle before they go catch up to Suzy Intern and Clark looks to you and the pictre and the prizes and he nods. "Hmmm....well, I suppose a stuffed bear is the least I can do for you saving my life after all....."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley gives a little pout, watching as the girl goes. But not for long. Finders-keepers, after all. And he's SOO dreamy. The blonde smiles up at Clark, and stands on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "Thanks Mistah, you're sooo perfect. But ah...truth me known? I know you coulda taken all three of 'em."

So she came for a big ol' teddy bear, and maybe, just maybe she'll leave with one. But first, there's a little matter of a stuffed animal on a hook, two booths over.