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Revision as of 04:35, 12 March 2018

Quaint Little Two-Story
Date of Scene: 11 March 2018
Location: Danvers House, Castlefall
Synopsis: Kara and Lar meet at the Danvers' home.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Mon-El

Supergirl has posed:
The Danvers home is a quaint little two story. While Kara also has a room in the Watchtower for work with the League, she's often here, with the Earth family that adopted her. Tonight however was meet the new boyfriend night. There was dinner, and dessert before her adopted mother retreated to her office to catch up on work and Kara towed Lar to the living room. "We can throw on a movie or something, if you want. I know it's not super exciting around here." Kara murmurs. She's kept to the no powers rule in the house to the t and Lar was expected to do the same.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has been -trying- to do the same. Following the no powers rule thing, that is. But he hasnt got the control thing down as well as she has. Well, at least he hasnt broken anything important or expensive...yet. "Oh, yeah we could watch a um, buddy cop movie right? Thats what you wanted to watch last time." he says, sitting down on the sofa as gently as possible for fear he should damage it by accident.

Supergirl has posed:
Smiling at Lar, Kara flops onto the couch near him. She scoots until they're side by side. "Yeah! That would be really fun. It's it's own genre you know? There are lots of really funny ones." She tells him and considers, looking about for the remote. "Probably way more fun than just like, an action flick. We do that stuff everyday."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well Ill let you pick then." Lar chuckles. "Since I know pretty much nothing about Terran culture." He shuffles in closer to her as well, putting an arm around her back. "I think I understand why you try not to use your powers around here. It does start to feel like...a second home almost...you know when?when youve lost your first one."

Supergirl has posed:
"It does offer a certain sense of normal not to be living in a space station. You know, home made meals, little knicknacks and just sort of a sense that it's your own space." Kara murmurs and spots the remote. She leans over to fish it out of the couch cushion and pulls up a streaming service to pick movies. "Wanna watch one of the classics or something newer. Rush Hour is never not funny." She suggests to Lar and looks up at him with an easy smile.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uh, sure. We can watch Rush Hour." Lar nods in agreement, although he has no idea what that is. "No idea what its like but I guess Ill find out." he shrugs. Theres a slight pause. "Hey um, I was wondering. What does it mean when someone says, ?do you need a room? even though there is plenty of room? No one seemed to want to...explain it when I asked."

Supergirl has posed:
"Like as in a place to stay when traveling? Or as in you were with a woman and they were trying to imply you both should go somewhere else to be more intimate?" Kara asks, scrolling through the menu for rush hour and avoiding looking at the young man. "Those are the two definitions that come to mind."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uhh..." Lar frowns pensively, recalling the situation where the remark happened as he watches the screen being scrolled through. "Neither, I dont think? I was just talking about how I met a friend. Then someone asked if we needed room, and I was confused."

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh. No idea then." Kara shrugs. "Sort of hard to guess with out context with English. It seems to be the language human's messed up the most and yet they cling to it." She grins and starts the movie, settling back in against Lar. She looks at the screen and rests her blonde head against his shoulder.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well, I was telling Clint and his girlfriend how even though what the Rising Tide did was wrong, it was what brought our friendship about. Then she rolled her eyes and said that thing about needing a room." Lar explains as the movie starts to roll into the title credits. "Then I said we had plenty of room in here, and then they laughed at me..."

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh. She was suggesting that you and Clint might need a room to be...together. So saying there was plenty of room where you were made it sound like you meant to take him right there-which is why they thought it was funny. I'm sure you don't have a sexual interest in your friend?" Kara does look at him now, arching a slim brow his way.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar turns away from the television and stares at her. "Wha... " he shakes his head. "Okay. How did that just go from trying to look at the bright side of something bad by mentioning the formation of a friendship to me having a sexual interest in someone and wanting to do something inappropriate to him in public?!" He sighs and chuckles, facepalming a bit. "This place is so -weird-."

Supergirl has posed:
"It was meant as a joke I'm sure. I doubt she felt you had any genuine interest." Kara smiles and settles back. "It is a relief that a creepy government organization didn't try to clone you." More loudly she adds "You really can't be too sure with those sciency type groups!" To which Eliza pokes her head out of her office. "My hearing is just fine young lady!" Kara is informed and she looks at Lar for a moment, satisfied that they aren't up to anything before ducking back into the office again as Kara laughs.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Now wait just a minute." Lar insists once Eliza goes back to her work. "Didnt you say you had agents who put you with your adopted family and helped you adapt to Terran culture? And your adoptive mom is a scientist, so how are they any different from SHIELD?" he argues. "And no, they are definitely -not- trying to clone me, as a matter of fact, Clint said that you could come on site with me just to make sure that they arent."

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, the DEO likes aliens-specifically." Kara shrugs. "I've heard that Shield locks people up sometimes in like-shady spook prisons. Granted we had the Phantom Zone on Krypton, but you had to be convicted before you went there. Here some government groups can snatch you up and throw away the key I heard." She tucks her feet up and rests her knees against his leg. "A lot of it is exaggerated, I don't doubt. But...they've also cloned Kryptonians...so it's not all hyperbole."

Mon-El has posed:
    "The DEO huh? So are you saying they -dont- lock anyone up? You know, the bad ones? If thats the case, then what exactly do they do with people who cause trouble? Send them to some kind of rehabilitation program?" Lar asks, halfway genuine and halfway sarcastic. "Wait, who has cloned Kryptonians?" he asks, frowning. "SHIELD or DEO?"

Supergirl has posed:
Shaking her head, Kara settles in. "Argus. The DEO doesn't do that. They're more into policing criminal aliens and helping the good ones settle in. Truthfully I only know what SHIELD does if it hits like...the media." She wrinkles her nose a bit. "I mean, I've never worked with them before. But, like you said, your friend is ok if I meet them, so maybe they're not like...Argus bad."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Argus?" Lar isn't familiar with whoever that is. But he just shakes his head. "Never mind." She doesn't need to explain absolutely everything to him. He'll remember soon. Hopefully. "Anyway, Kara...speaking of Clint, I wanted to tell you, I mean like I said..." he hesitates a little bit. "He said SHIELD may have a way to restore my memories." he says, turning away from Rush Hour for the moment to face her with a determined gaze. "And I trust him. I'm going to the Triskelion, their headquarters. I'm going to do whatever it takes. If..." he sighs. "Again, like I said if it makes you feel any better, he said you would be welcome to accompany me to make sure everything um, goes smoothly."

Supergirl has posed:
"I trust you. We're tough, even for aliens...just, come back." Kara murmurs and looks down. "If you leave me, I'll be pretty lonely if you didn't come back, or remembered and then you know, there was someone else." She murmurs and tucks her knees to her chest so she can rest her chin on them lightly.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, don't be silly." Lar smiles, cradling her face in his hands. "This will be memory -restoration- not loss, all right? I won't forget you. I could -never- forget you. Even if...even if things don't end up working out the way we hoped, I could never forget you. Ever...I--have never loved anyone like this before. I have never loved anyone more than you, Kara."

    That he remembers, anyway. Sure, he'd probably said something to that effect about Tasmia at some point before too. But now, as Lyle could attest to, he has absolutely no memory of the Talok VIII native whatsoever and therefore doesn't remember saying that.

Supergirl has posed:
"I mean, you could have. You could have been engaged, or-or, betrothed or something." Kara huffs and pouts at Lar. "What if there's some Daxomite girl waiting for you or something?" She holds onto the hem of his shirt and furrows her brow. "It's not that I think you'll forget me...but what if your feelings change?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "I..." Lar sighs, withdrawing finally. "As I said, even if things don't work out the way we expected, or--or...things are-- different, I promise I could never forget you, and I will always love you." However he doesn't quite specify in what sort of way, and she'll just have to settle for that. To be honest, he isn't exactly sure -what- the content of these locked away memories will be like. He has some general idea, but changes to the nature of all his current relationships aren't exactly something he can predict, that is if there will be any at all, to any degree of certainty.

    He takes her hand and squeezes lightly. "Thank you for this, Kara. And thank you for--believing in me."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara nods, looking a little sad. "I know it's very important to you. I'm sorry my resources didn't pan out for you. Hopefully SHIELD's do." She tells him and holds onto his hand, tangling her fingers with his. She makes herself smile, looking at Lar. "It'll be ok. I'm just worrying myself over nothing probably. You're still you at the end of the day, after all."

Mon-El has posed:
    "It's okay, I understand your worry." Lar grins a little. "Honestly if I were in your place, I would probably be feeling the same way." He stands up. "But, if all goes well according to me, none of my relationships in the here and now will change. The only thing different will be that I will remember my past--and my future, too, I guess." Leaning down, he kisses her lightly on the cheek. "Good night, Kara...let me know if you do want to come to the Triskelion with me. Not just for you, but for me too." he smiles.

Supergirl has posed:
"If it's for you, anything." Kara smiles reluctantly. She doesn't rise, sensing he's on his way out. Instead she settles back against the couch and twists a bit to watch him. "I bet it could be scary to face on your own." She considers with a nod. "I'll come."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "I'm not exactly sure what they're going to have to do, but it will probably involve weakening me enough to be able to poke my internals. I'll be honest, I'm not looking forward to that part. And even if not that, I don't imagine the experience will be anywhere close to pleasant. But if it has to be done, it has to be done."

    He looks back at her one last time before leaving. "Thank you. Again." Then he's gone.