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Latest revision as of 19:28, 12 March 2018

Investigating Impossiblities
Date of Scene: 11 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Cruz), Gorilla Grodd

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
"Timeline disruption detected. Scope limited to Earth, unable to localize." Jessica was awakened by her ring which was announcing that. She frowns. "What do you MEAN, you can't localize it?" The ring says, "Sorry, J-Bird. Can't quite place it. It might be minor... but the most minor temporal incursion can have lasting impacts.

Jessica sighs as she mutters, "Not even a hint?" She loads up the Internet as she tries to search for anything amiss, doing random searches. She's convinced that her ring is correct. "Help me do a search, then... anything that doesn't jive with your undrestanding of human history, Anillo..." She put the ring against the computer, drawing on her willpower to find what's wrong. Maybe... with Anillo's history of the world as noted by five active human Green Lanterns, it could find... something....

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
As she examines the internet, it's weird at first since she likely did not have the ring keep a copy of 'the internet' so even if it wouldnt have noticed the difference immediately, as she looks and uses a combination of intuition and patience she would eventually nail down that small ripples had occurred. The space program was less advanced, government less open and satire less powerful in gneeral, lots of little ways. It seemed to start with Gulliver's Travels...and a gorilla robbing it. Jessica wouldn't remember anything about that.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz frowns. "The hell?" she asks softly, studying the book. She actually had a copy of that book in the bookcase and goes to read it, staring at the changed words. "Ummmmm... am I going crazy, Anillo? This isn't part of Gulliver's Travels." "Your mental health is fine, J-Bird." She then blinks. "So... someone went back in time and... had Swift write a gorilla into the book? Why?" She then does some Google searches on it, where the book's popularity is a fraction of what it was. "Who would believe me?" she mutters softly as she suits up and... doesn't know what to do.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
There are not, unfortunately, a lot of leads. The ring would advise against time travel but it could potentially look back into the past first to see if anyone was controlling him as he wrote it. She does also know of one likely new article in the paper that had to do with time travel a pirate ship and a gorilla.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz reads the paper, hmmmmmmmming softly as she looks it over. "A pirate ship, a gorilla... time travel? Hmmmmmmm." She starts flying, headsing towards the location where that ship was last located, floating there in midair, looking around - maybe she can pick up on some kind of temporal energies or... something.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The ship was picked up by the coast guard. Right now it is impound and is scheduled for public auction. The crew, should she scan arrest records would reveal that they had been committed to asylums. If she flew to where the ship was FIRST spotted, there are indeed plenty of temporal energies.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz heads there, as she just hovers in the air over the crashing ocean, shaking her head. "So something happened here... but... now what? I don't get it - why do something so... silly?" she asks, scritching her head. "I mean, why change THAT?" The ring flashed but has no answer. She just hovers there, puzzled, creating a giant lily-pad construct to stand on the ocean as she just... is confused. "I'm out of my depth. I don't know how to handle this."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The text does offer some clue. The Gorilla in the story robbed the Liliputians blind, so instead of trying to blind Gulliver, they begged him to rebuild their economy or steal the gold from their neighboors. He still left. But...how in the HELL would time travel let him enter a story and rob fictional gold?

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz just sighs, shaking her head. There's nothing here. It would be impossible to actually enter a story. She starts to fly home, considering her options. The only logical conclusion is that the time-traveler went back in time and either forced Swift to alter his manuscript - or replaced him. The thought of someone ACTUALLY entering a fictional work which would actually change the words - this isn't the Neverending Story after all. Her mind spins on this - and has no conclusion.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The universe does not offer suggestions to this conundrum. Logic, though would dictate commonalities. The gorilla was common in both. Temporal distortions were involved in both. There was no evidence of travel to the past but the most plausible explanation was a mind controller could go back into the past and force him to change the story. But motivation was certainly missing.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
There is only one thing that could possibly offer a solution - but it's so far-fetched that it probably makes no sense. She starts scanning for gold permeated with temporal energies - probably a long-shot, but... the altered story mentioned that the gorilla stole gold - so... maybe... but she knows it's a long shot.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
There is actually a lot more temporarlly charged gold than one might think on Earth but she does know that each carries a specific frequency. She could focus on gold from the ship or gold from the story. The problem is, if the gold in the story, crazy as it seems was NOT charged with temporal energy it would be hard to locate.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shrugs as she tries to narrow down the exact chroniton frequency of the temporal disruption she was at - but... it could be a false positive. Nonetheless, it's worth investigatnig as she does another scal for such things.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Turns out she is in luck. There was, in fact, gold from that ship. She finds a signal far away, and judging by the strength of the signal it might be in South Africa. But its very faint.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sets course and flies there as fast as she can, supersonic, a green streak across the sky. She finally arrives above the coordintaes listed, looking around to get her bearings.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
It's a slum, that's for sure, about 40 miles north of Cape Town, and she can sense it coming from a pawnshop. She gets a kind of foreboding feeling about the place.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz lands down by the shop, putting up a forcefield, her glow a bit stronger as she walks into the store, not sure what to expect - at least language won't be an issue.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
As she approaches, the ring will warn her that there are some high tech sensors in the place. The force field would protect her, the proprietor grabs a shotgun and then puts it down, shocked as she enters. "What...the...hell?

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz raises an eyebrow. "I am Green Lantern. I am trying to track down some gold - probalby in the form of really really small bars, like a fraction the size of normal gold bullion bars." She ponders. "You can put that gun down now - if you fire, you'll just end up damaging your shop and/or yourself."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The guy looks shocked but rubs his eyes, "We get gold alla time. This is south africa. You'll need to be more specific." He doesn't look dumb so he neither empties his ammo into the lantern nor does he throw it at her. It's still there in his hand

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz ponders. "I honestly am not sure. If I told you why I'm looking you'd never believe me. Say - it's gold in bars like they'd have in a vault... except really really tiny well-made bars..." She shrugs. "Like the size of a finger instead of the normal size." She shows a construct of a normal gold bar - then scales it down to finger-sized. "Something like this-sized..."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
"Well, you are free to look around." There are not, per inspection, tiny well made bars visible but there are a few pirate dubloons on one corner. They positively radiate temporal energy.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz picks up a couple of the coins, studying them intently. It's posible that the tiny gold bars were melted and remade into these. She isn't quite sure how to get them out of this pawn store - money isn't exactly something she has in abundance.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The ring would be able to identify it as a coin from the time of the pirate ship. It likely came form just that. He looks at her and said, "Had a man stop by and sell that to me a few days ago.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz ponders. "I don't think this is what I'm looking for..." she mutters softly. "How much for this coin?" she akss, holdign up a single dubloon. She isn't sure what she can do, but stealing is probably DEFINTELY against the Green Lantern code of conduct. "It could help me solve a mystery."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
"That thing is worth about $5000 right there. Gold is pretty expensive.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
"That thing is worth about $5000 right there. Gold is pretty expensive." He rubs his chin, and considers, "I could make an exception for a lantern but it cost me 2000 US dollars. " He sees the look on her face and looks dubious about her ability to pay.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz ponders. "The problem is, I'm not sure this is what I want." She engulfs the coin in greenlight, doing a detailed molecular scan, then puts it back. She then puts a 20-dollar-bill on the counter. "Thank you for your time." She smiles and steps out of the pawn store, at a loss. This was her only lead and... she has no idea what to do. At least she has the full scan to study. She just leans against the wall of the pawn store, not knowing what to do with this situation.