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Revision as of 16:56, 14 March 2018

Team Static comes to Metropolis.
Date of Scene: 14 March 2018
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Drake finally meets Power Girl. Who knew she was a genius?
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Power Girl

Slipstream has posed:
With the Overwatch League's new season starting up, the New York Static came to town to battle it out with the Metropolis's talent heavy team called Team Justice, a play off of the team that Superman leads and has become famous within this large city. With the Avengers being prominent in New York, the media has made a spectacle of this huge city rivalry with billboards and news blasts across everyone's social media.

The face of the New York franchise, Drake Winters, otherwise known as Dynamite led his team to victory in a close 3-2 stage matchup that came down to the wire several times, having put on a clinic of hitscan metrics and objective kills. After the hype had died down and the team was able to be shuttled back to their hotel, the team captain is currently making his way down the street to find a place to eat, tapping along on his phone with his thumbs as he sends out a few texts to his friends back home in New York. He is still wearing his New York Static jersey and a pair of loose cargo pants, as well as a Overwatch league hoodie. After a few moments, he glances about with a confused look on his face. He may have walked a bit too far and got lost.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is neither the face of the Justice League, nor the face of the Metropolis heroes. That isn't to say that she isn't one of the more popular or well known flying capes in Metropolis... Rather, that she's more or less the one that they don't really invite to shows or stages or anything the like.

    For the moment, she is in Metropolis. Ever happy to fly along and keep the peace, the presence of Power Girl when somewhat actively patrolling is one that the city likes to take note of. Cameras take pictures of her blonde form in the sky- a couple of news channels flip to live footage of her in the sky when there isn't anything else to show for the moment.

    It's a stark contrast to the Apple and Gotham, at the very least, and today she's flying low, visible without aid and none too far above the tops of any buildings.

Slipstream has posed:
Giving a few glances about the neighborhood, Drake lets out a loud sigh, then turns back the way he came, then blinks forward a few times as his body zips along the sidewalk in a trio of quick pulses. Those with good eyes may see a blue blurry line move through the crowds. If you blink, you will definitely miss it. When he stops and shunts to a halt, his body rocks back and forth, followed by a beeping alert from his wrist band on his left arm that flashes a yellow light before turning green again. "I know, I know. I'm not gonna push it." He mutters to himself as he starts for a hotdog stand on the sidewalk. At this point he is starving and he will take what he can get. Tipping his head upwards, he recognizes Power Girl from both the media and from when they tackled Mutant Town together. He lifts a hand to wave, though he is doubtful she may spy him from that distance. He is all smiles though as usual before he fishes out some bills from his pocket.

Power Girl has posed:
    It is a mildly well-known fact that Kryptonians all seem to have really, really terrible diets. Just how unfair it is that the older blonde of the two that fly around the skies in Metropolis can keep a physique like hers while eating as much garbage as she does depends on the person.

    To say that a Kryptonian wouldn't see anything, ever, is something of a lie. While paying attention, there isn't a detail that she really -can't- see, but admittedly... Drake isn't the detail that catches her attention. It's the hotdog stand, actually. An old lesson from -her- Clark is to pay a visit to little places every now and then. Helps keep you grounded, and also helps keep you fed while you're out on patrol.

    As she lands, she's pulling a few bills from under the loose-wrapped belt's buckle, preparing to engage in the reverse-haggling that one always has to do when someone you've saved tries not to charge you, as of you're anything special.

Slipstream has posed:
Having ordered a pair of dogs with everything on it, and a soda, Drake taps a few more times on his phone as it beeps and chimes. When she lands next to him, he looks a bit surprised, followed by an easy grin. "Hey there." He says as he lifts a hand in salutations to her. "I didn't really get a chance to say Hi a few weeks back, you probably don't even recognize me, but we were kinda both in Mutant Town and we were helping people out when all those guys with guns showed up and started kicking in doors. You were pretty awesome. Huge fan now." He says with a bit of energy to him as he reaches for his soda once it's placed in front of him.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl's attention hadn't been on Drake at all. Admittedly, she hasn't forgotten him. In fact, she really hasn't forgotten much of anyone at all, throughout her entire life. It's just that the detail she was focused on was the vendor- Drake is mostly just a happy accident. Once she's gathered up a dog or two- not with everything on it, because that's just one busy experience- her attention turns to him.

    "No, I recognize you." she says, leaning back against the cart. Instantly, the amount of business for this particular stand is going way up. "You did really well. Next time you might want to stay on the sidelines, though. If I'm still bulletproof, it's best if I'm the only one getting shot at."

Slipstream has posed:
"The people that I saved weren't bullet proof either. I wouldn't be a good American or a citizen if I stood by and watched children get beat up and shot just because they have blue skin. Not everyone can have a Power Girl swoop in and save them you know. If I'd have got shot, I'd rather it be for doing the right thing than randomly walking down the street and taking one for no reason." Drake says with a smile as he unwraps his hotdog. "Sides, my powers are currently killing me as it is, and I may as well make good use of them before they tear me apart and send me drifting through the cosmos. Unless of course Mister Stark figures out a solution for it, which he has all but guarantee he will because he's the most freaking smartest guy in the world. So, who knows." He grins somewhat. "But, I appreciate the concern. I do, really. I hear that a lot from pretty much everyone. The Avengers, the Legion. But, if everyone just stood on the sidelines, then how could they ever have become heroes, right?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl wasn't really aware that Drake had powers. There was probably a report about him or something that she hadn't read- because she actively chooses not to read certain things- but regardless, she just offers a nod. "Yeah, I can understand the notion." If she weren't, well, bulletproof and capable of pushing the earth out of its orbit, she'd still be acting just like she does. The warning to Drake was just a futile gesture- because all these Metropolis types, perhaps even all the caped types, feel like they can do it all themselves... And just don't want anyone to get hurt.

    She ate for a short time, though- before eventually speaking up again. "Have you tried Reed Richards?" she asks, somewhat suddenly. "You're a Yorker, so you might want to give him a call. I've heard he's got a bigger head for the metaphysicals and biophysics than Stark. Could be wrong."

Slipstream has posed:
"I haven't, no. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner actually tracked me down when they heard about what happened to me. Long story short I was kidnapped by a crazy time lord from the thirty-first century and held in a prison of time as ransom for the Legion of Superheroes because she had a bone to pick with them. They rescued me, but during it, something happened and my body got filled with chronol particles or something. Bits of time. So, my body wants to go back to that reality of time that I was stuck in." Drake holds up his left arm. "This clunky bracelet built by Star Labs is what keeps me grounded in this timeline. If it breaks or if I use my powers of speed boosting too much, my body shuts down, tears itself apart and it's a pain no one wants to have. So... Tony and Bruce feel that they can reverse the effects and let me keep my powers, so they've been experimenting on me the last few weeks." He chuckles. "But, I've met Reed before at a convention to showcase some new software and periphrials. He's really cool."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl had, admittedly, more than a little bit of knowledge about the man she was standing next to. After all, she'd designed a few of the components in the watch and wrote a large portion of the algorithms responsible for keeping Drake in this particular time. That Power Girl- of all people, the bombastic personality that she is- is a genuine genius is something that not a lot of people know. She doesn't run STAR Labs on business acumen alone.

    Admittedly, there was a level of separation. Karen Starr was the unseen contributor- and to some extent unknowing. She'd never heard the name Drake before, and in addition, had never known that it was for someone with powers. Not that she can really talk about that right now- have to keep up appearances, and she benefits a great deal from the assumptions caused by having her body in addition to a window above her cleavage.

    "Well, I can imagine they won't be able to just hook you up to a Brita filter. You still might want to seek out Reed, or tell Stark and Banner to rope him into it. Three geniuses is better than two."

Slipstream has posed:
"Maybe, we will see." Drake says with a smile, shrugging his shoulders upwards. "You know how Mister Stark can be. That and I'm really not anyone important. I don't need to waste the resources of three of the most important people in the world. There is more important things to focus on like world hunger, or cancer, or sleeper agent skrulls I guess. I'm just honored that the Avengers have been giving me any time at all, and the fact they are hinting about a Avengers Junior program that I could potentially be enlisted in depending on a few things if they make it work. That would be exciting." He grins again as he glances over at his bracelet to study the readings for a moment. "Sweet, I get two more leaps back. I can do about I dunno, ten or twelve a day before my body starts to hurt. I sorta need to unwind and let my body recharge. But, I'll ask Tony about Reed, see what he thinks. I'm just not good with all the attention. I sorta spend my entire day behind a computer." He taps the front of his jersey.

Power Girl has posed:
    To be fair, the blonde woman nods along and understands more or less all of what Drake is saying- but there's simply not a lot she can say about it. Still, it's not every day that she gets a chance to watch one of the more esoteric gadgets from STAR get used. "Yeah, the math on that was- rather, must have been- really, really strange. Adding is easy until you do it in four dimensions." she states, moving to step away from the cart.

    "This was fun," she begins, starting to lift off into the sky, "But I can't stay any longer. Have to keep moving. Good luck, and be careful. I'm sure someone'll figure it out, but just... Get as many eyes on the science as you can. Can't hurt."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. Okay. Yeah. You have a great day! It was nice to finally meet you." Drake says with a smile as he lifts a hand up to wave to her, then grabs his hotdog and blinks out of sight with a quick push off of one foot. A few more blinks can be seen down the street before they stop before a hotel and he steps into the lobby a few blocks away to rejoin his teammates and talk excitedly about who he just ran into.