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Latest revision as of 19:17, 16 March 2018

Just ONE more part.....
Date of Scene: 02 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gorilla Grodd, Redstar

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd has been building a harness for the Impossible Compass once stolen. It was, of course, simply something that could work in any conceivable reality, but Grodd had some very specific ideas in mind. He only needed one part. When he did a bit of retroactive analysis, he could not believe what it was..or that such a store existed. It had him getting all kinds of super science ideas using Spatula parts.

At the moment he appears as a human with a low level telepathic illusion over himself, but anyone with a strong will or arcane background can see through it relatively easily since he isn't focusing heavily on maintaining it.

Redstar has posed:
This place was one of the few that Vicky could go too with little problem. People just didn't pay attention to others in Spatula City. They didn't even really want to be there most of the time. Of course she didn't really need a spatula. Okay she did, a cake one to be precise for spreading frosting. Though need was a very strenuous word.

With her pink frosting spreader in hand she began to just wander the store, wings tight against her body. Oh sure, she got the occasional customer glancing at her, but nothing like the usual. And she is just walking through when something catches her attention. She stops at the enterance to one isle and looks. Really she is kind of staring in puzzlement at the...man? After a moment her pupils dilate out all the way, turning those blue eyes black, and she blinks rapidly. At least she isn't the only weird one in the place.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd is being rather choosey about the spatula, since it has to be the right material and it has to fit the rest of the machine PERFECTLY. He could fabricate the part himself, but mass produced items have their appeal. He cocks his head a moment, having narrowed it down to five. His brilliant mind comparing and contrasting such that he doesn't notice Vicky at first but as he turns his head, he smells her before he sees her. It's a strangely alluring smell. He turns and looks at her. He sees the way she is looking at him and asks, "May I help you?" But the subtext is there. He knows she is more than she appears just as much as she can see him.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky's wings rustle about her shoulders. The eyes return in a blink to their normal blue. "Oh, uh, sorry no. Thought I saw something," She says with obvious embarassment. There was a gorilla in the store. She had seen a LOT of things in the last few months, but this one was high up there for taking the cake.

Instead of continuing to stare she turns to the wall of spatulas in Grodd's isle. She of course is looking for...what kind of spatulas -are- these? She picks one up with a frown. "Huh...didn't know this was a thing," She says as she turns the odd thing over.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Greaser Spatulas for Finnish meat pies in a 1950's style restaurant, made out of Titanium. Mainly used for movies or cosplayers." He knows a LOT more about someone should about Spatulas. He ate a salesman once. "They literally don't build them like this anymore."

He drops his shield for her, why keep up the pretense? But in this case, he is intruiged. "Are your wings functional?" She registers as a mutant. As a geneticist, he's pretty good at guessing the difference between mutants, mutates and metahumans, though he isn't always right. But she doesn't SMELL like a mutant. Something else. Something interesting. Vicky would notice none of the other customers looking oddly at him."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky turns the spatula over a few times, "Titanium?! That seems excessive for a kitchen utensil," She says as she puts it back on its hook. Then she turns to Grodd once more and blinks. The illusion dropped she can -actually- see him, instead of his heat shape, standing there. Having never been this close to a gorilla she does that staring thing again. Mostly in a kind of quiet awe. Someone never got to go to the Zoo much it seemed.

"My wings? Oh, yes. Yes they are," The girl glances over a shoulder and smiles a bit. If there is one thing she is fond of about her situation it is the wings. After all, everyone dreams of flying but she gets to do it.

~It really is a gorilla.~ Starr ways in thoughtfully to Vicky, a mind within a mind, the way they communicate one that any telepath could hear their conversation. ~Huh.~ The demon seems impressed. Vicky just rolls her eyes.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "It was, which is why that particular strain of diners went out of existance, but there is a little known cult sub genre of films based on diners and Finish food in the upper right corner of Wisconsin. The fact that these things have probably still been here since the store was opened doesn't help them. I suspect the whole thing might be a money laundering operation. And yes, I am a Gorilla." He beams, "I am Grodd. Pleased to meet you. Flight would be interesting. I've built a few jet packs, but nothing the same as doing it on your own. I might try them some time, but I like my form as it is. I am curious. You are a mutant...and yet...something else.""

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd picks up the secondary thoughts on her surface and cocks his head. "You are sharing your body with someone."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky is doing a LOT of staring today. This time her lips slightly parted in surprise. "Ah...ummm, yeah. Ahhhh," She glances around the store a little, but no one is nearby. Curiousity at to the intelligent ape keeps her rooted where she is.

~Hmmmm...indeed we do. You must be telepathic. Or a celestial of some form, fallen or otherwise,~ Starr says, her voice a low purr. Her mind form something between cat, snake, and human and dark. An inhuman mind, demonic, fill with wicked thoughts that come and are gone. ~I am Starr, Daughter of Darkness, Lady of Sin, and this is my host, Victoria Jones.~

The fact that Starr is doing the introductions has Vicky rather stunned. This was just weird. "Uh, what she said?" Vicky offers as she reaches up to tug on a braid. "We're not...really a mutant. We're..." Well, the faint scent of brimstone that no human could detect still clung to her, as well as sulphur. "She is...well, we're a half-demon." Vicky really hates admitting that and it is obvious from the face she makes.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd assumes she meant Celestial, not angel. Until she speaks but the occult is not an area of expertise for him. "Pleased to meet you. Half demon. How fascinating. I am quite accomplished at genetics and magic is an area I know so little about. I've actually aquired an item of late that will let me explore...interesting realms in that department. I'd love to study a sample of your DNA. I've read basic human scripture of course, and am familiar with the basics of the concept. Pleased to meet you. So if you're half demon, are you a full demon possessing a half demon host, or a half demon with two halves of you manifesting in the same mind?

Redstar has posed:
Vicky opens her mouth to answer his question and then shuts it as she considers a more thought out answer. "Ah. We are a half demon with a human and demon soul that are melded together," She says quiet after a minute. "My father was a demon, a powerful demon...Starr is his daughter. My conception was...special," She shifts uncomfortably and makes a face.

As to blood... ~Blood is a powerful thing. One does not give it willingly when you are a creature such as us. Magic can do terrible things if you have their blood,~ The demon responds to the other question. There is no animosity in her tone, for she is far too curious and hungry for more information on the strange creature.

"So...excuse me if it's rude, but...How does a gorilla become a geneticist? I mean, I've seen some weird shit and I'm not doubting you. Just..." Vicky shakes her head and offers a weak smile. "I've never met a talking telepathic gorilla with a science background. I'm a bit on uneven footing here." One thing Grodd might note...there is zero fear. None. Most people would at least be a little leery being so close to nearly a ton of muscle. In Grodd's case probably over a ton. But Vicky looks at him like she would a kitten. A very curious looking kitten.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "That makes sense. Though really, anything would do; hair, blood, skin. But I can't imagine if blood is bad that any of those things would be better. Perhaps I could invite you to one of my facilities at some point then, study it in your presence. Oh, I'm the ruler of Gorilla City. We're still hidden...for now. Near Wakanda. Aliens." He says this like it would explain everything. It wouldn't of course, but it would explain a lot. He can tell from her stance that she must have more abilities than just the wings...particularly if she is from an arch demon.

Redstar has posed:
Wakanda? Gorilla City? Those are names Vicky is definitely not familiar with, though Starr much more is. Being the more...adult is a poor word, but mature of the two does. She pays attention to the news like a good plotting demon. "Gorilla City? There's...wow. I guess by that name it is filled with others like you?" Vicky is totally in 'Wow' mode, her blue eyes wide with a bit of excitement.

~That is something I would not be against seeing...and yes. I would be curious to see what our genetics might look like, but control. Yes. A strand of hair is easily destroyed...~ Starr seems to mostly be considering things. The two are not used to others being able to hear them on a regular basis.

(A whole city of gorillas!) O o Is Vicky's thoughts. The response to which is Starr mentally sighing. The youthful innocence of Vicky shines through in her mind, a sharp conterbalance to the darkness. "I...we would love to visit your city sometime."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "I am the strongest of my kind as well as the smartest. It's why I rule them." Transgenic experiments didn't hurt. "Excellent." A demon could always be a very useful person to get to know. "Visiting the city would....well, freak my people out. Like the Wakandans, they are very used to isolation but Wakanda exposes us so we will be revealing ourselves to the world after some...preparations." He points to the spatula.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky looks at the spatulas. Looks at the gorilla. Looks back at the spatulas in mild confusion. "How...will spatulas help prepare intelligent gorillas to meet the rest of the world?" She finally asks. Her eyes go to the walls around them and back.

~Super intelligent, dear. I wouldn't put it past him to turn a toaster into a laser weapon,~ Starr says with idle annoyance at her host. The mind slithering and rattle in irritation. Vicky is at her most annoying when her innocence and purity shine through. Like now.

"Well, I would be happy to go to your lab," Vicky says, an eye twitching slightly at Starr's words.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd laughs openly at that. "Well now. I will show you." He touches a button on a belt that had been hidden until now, holographically cloaked. A portal opens up toward his nearest safe house now making the locals boggle and one man drop a box of spatulas on the floor. Grodd has the spatula in hand. He isn't paying for it, tsk tsk.

He walks through the portal.

Redstar has posed:
Vicky stands and watches for a moment. Then shrugs and follows after the gorilla. That is one problem with having zero fear or worry, things like following a gorilla through an unknown portal is just every day. So after him she goes, keeping hold of her own spatula. Cause why the hell not?

~That's my pet,~ Starr purrs as she steps across the threshold of the portal.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The room is an abandoned warehouse about fifty miles away. It is packed to the brim with gear, weapons, shelves and the like. There is a faraday cage around the whole thing to prevent any king of EM in or out, so her cell phone would go dead though to a normal person it would look like fine mesh. There is a frame like device with a chair in the middle of it, that THIS might Intruige Starr more than most of the devices here in various boxes or bins since it has slight occult tinges to it. It isn't occult but it seems .....like it almost could be and there is clearly something meant to draw power for the device that isn't yet present in it. Two or three gorilla helpers look shocked as Vicky joins them but Grodd waves them down. "Welcome."

Redstar has posed:
Vicky slowly turns around as she steps through, eyes wide, taking it all in with a vague smile. "Shadowlite would love this place," She muses to herself before looking back to Grodd. As she spies the other gorillas she stares at each of them in turn. The goofy grin of a kid seeing gorillas up close for the first time is no longer hidden.

Starr, on the other hand, heaves a put-upon mental sigh. ~Will you turn your attention over -there- please? I was looking at that,~ The demon growls as Vicky's eyes stray from the chair.

The grin shades to a slight scowl at Starr's words, but her eyes do go back to the chair. "What is that?" She asks as the same time Star thinks it. Vicky doesn't seem to notice the subtle manipulation by the demoness.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "I am familiar with him by reputation. I've considered hiring him for my next endevor. I need a theft, but I might just do it solo. It will be...quite lucrative even if most will consider it ridiuclous." He grins and points to the chair, "There is an artifact called the Impossible Compass...it leads to literally anywhere...including shadow realms. I have a plan to rob places where no superheroes will come to interfere. This is the last component." He places it perfecly in the chair. "The compass usually uses a ship or a horse, such an annoying method of travel. With this." He points to the chair, "Travel to these realms will be much quicker."

Redstar has posed:
"Huh. That is pretty cool," Vicky says as her eyes slowly wander over the chair. The frown clears quickly to mild curiousity. "And you should. He -is- good and he can make a portal into and out of the place like you just did," She says with a bob of her head, encouragingly.

The telepath might easily pick up on the flashes of emotion related to Shadowlite. Affection and happiness for the most part. Vicky refocuses even as Starr prodds her in her silent manner. "Who knew a spatula would prove useful for such science," She says with a bit of a smirk as Grodd places his in the splot it goes. Her own is stuffed into the fanny back around her waist, though the handle sticks out the zipper.

~Well, take a hair from our pretty little head child! Must I do everything?~ And then it happens. Starr is just fed up with Vicky's bumbling and awe and there is a sudden mental tussle. The demoness is obviously more powerful than the human mind and soul, though they struggle violently for several seconds. And in that time Vicky goes stock still, her eyes flickering from all black to blue and back again.

The change is instant as Starr takes control, throwing Vicky into the back of their shared conscious like a rag doll. Pale ivory skin shades into dark red and a crown of horns erupts from her brow. The once blue eyes turn completely black, no white to be seen, and yellow faerie fire leaps from them. As she parts her lips in a sly grin at Grodd it shows sharply pointed teeth. And her fingers, too, are tipped with claws. The veil of evil is palpable as it falls across the area and the faint scent of sulphur and brimstone swirl about her. "Hello Grodd," The demon says, her voice a very similar purr to that of her mind.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd is more impressed with Starr than Vicky but finds her cute in turn like a kitten. He likes humanoid females more than males generally, and the less human they look the better, though to him they are literally two halfs of the same whole. It's like a person talking to themselves. He grins at the show of strength, "Impressive. And a useful ability to hide among the hairless apes." He receives the hair and goes to a lab in the corner of the room, the other gorillas giving Starr a WIDE birth at this point far more intimidated by her than Vicky. He puts the hair in a sequencer and begins to analyze it.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The DNA glows and slowly begins to eat into the glass like acid. As he looks at it under the microscope, a faint face stars at him, pushing up through in shadow hissing at him. As he looks at the chromosomes they form platonic perfection, like the concept of what chromosomes should be instead of the lumpy uncertainty. "Fascinating...." he smiles and looks closer.

Redstar has posed:
Starr follows after Grodd. When she walks it is tall and elegant. The kind of walk someone who thinks they have power, whether they do or not being irrelevant, and is not afraid to show it. "And what would be so fascinating?" She asks as her eyes take in the machine.

~I hate you.~ Vicky seems to have recovered. Her own mind-self a stark difference to Starr. White and pure, her mind more like a rippling streams or some form of water. Pure and clean.

Starr's lips curl in an amused smirk at Vicky's words. (I know my pet, and it's so cute. Keep it up. I love it.) O o The demoness barely gave her a thought, all her focus on what Grodd was up too. Curious and without any fear to stop her the demon reaches out to lightly brush a hand down the gorilla's back.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd takes a step back from the scope and lets her look,"See for yourself. I had often heard the animistic theory of magic, that all things are alive, but it seems demonic energy resides in your very skin. I must...consider this. It changes my view of things. If such energy could be harness...channeled...." he is not threatened and now listening in on their thoughts. Starr is more useful to him.

Redstar has posed:
Starr pulls her hand back as Grodd moves and leans in to peer through the scope. Though she doesn't quite understand what she sees, there is a recognition. Her lips peel into a pleased smile, "Hmmmm, yes. Energy is in all things. Why do you think sacrifice or blood is often mentioned with magic?" She straightens up from the scope then, glancing at the ape. "But harnessing the living energy, ah, that takes consent. Which is much harder, and more annoying, to do. Actual magicians use the energy in their skin and the environment around them. Those who consent they can then take from. You can rip it from a person, of course, but once you do you belong to the darkness." Power, after all, tempts everyone and those who give in...

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Consent?" He blinks, "Well that's an interesting mechanic." He considers, "I mean, telepathically I can compell people to do most anything. Free will is just a part of the brain per se, you just need to apply the right drug or pressure to it. I suppose working with a 'magician' might yield interesting results. I might let one have the artifact when I have completed its use." The afterlife is something he doesn't believe in or care about. "You speak of the soul?""

Redstar has posed:
Starr grows thoughtful and purses her lips. "Souls...ahhhh. Souls are, at their most basic, sentient energy if you like to think of it from a...more scientific standpoint," She says with a wave of her hand. "And...mmmm...I have never thought about compelling someone. The energy is tied to the soul, and the mind and soul are tied but not exactly the same thing...so..." The demoness grows thoughtful. "Magic theory was never my strong suit."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "Theory is always mine, but I would love to talk with you more about it." He grins and hands her a small sphere, "This can tap into my network and get ahold of me. It works a bit like a cellphone in some ways. I am afraid I have a ship I need to catch. But this has been a very enlightening conversation

Redstar has posed:
Starr takes the orb and turns it over in her hands curiously. "Hmmm, of course. This certainly has. I always enjoy meeting new people with same...mindsets as myself," She shoots the Gorilla a toothsome grin. "Well, if you have a plane to catch I suppose I should return to New York. I have things to do...people to see," The demoness muses as she tucks the orb into the pack.

~Oh no you're not. Give me back!~ Vicky rails unsuccessfully against Starr and the demon simply smiles darkly. Ignoring the useless flailing against her.

"Till we meet again, Grodd. And do consider hiring an extra hand or two. You never know when it will come in handy." Starr says before she departs.