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Latest revision as of 20:37, 16 March 2018

German Cajin Cuisine
Date of Scene: 16 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Erddrache, Gambit

Erddrache has posed:
Someday are better than others....and some days are worse. This was one of those 'worse' days for one Boris Breitbarth. Which mostly in the form of him running! From one of the few mutant gangs in Mutant Town who he has had the misfortune of running into
    Boris was dressed in oversized Jeans, and a sweater that mostly hides his appearance. But as he runs through an allay way, part of his sweater is torn as it catches on a rusty pipe. Voices shout out from behind "Get back here your little shite!!!!!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau isn't exactly the guy running for once, his walk is a long legged stride with trench coat billowing out around him while his head is downcast, trying to light a cigarette up against a breeze, Mutant Town doesn't have him concerned about his eyes, not that he really ever is. Most find them striking.

It's the commotion of Boris current situation that has him looking up, the Cajun's head turning to the left as he blows out a plume of smoke, "What dis be about?" He says not to anyone in particular but it is loud enough to carry beyond him. Yeah he is just standing and watching curiously. For now.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris tries keeps on running looking behind himself. One of the fellas chassing him let loose bolt of lightning that zaps Boris in the rear! Boris jumps grabbing his behind and rolling forward like some comedian in a cartoon, almost tumbling into Remy! Though he ends up tumbling into a car hard enough to almost knock it over. The ground was lightly trembling as Boris moans out something in german

The people who were chasing Boris - 5 in total where not far behind and come to a stop seeing remy. They had heard him of course. One of the goons - likely the leader comes forward "None of your damn buisness. Now if yea don't want no trouble, tahn you best move along"

Gambit has posed:
"Careful there, mon ami." Remy offers Boris as he tumbles in to th car, the agile thief turning in a quick step that has him angling out of the rolling maniac's path, a reflexive half smiling forming across the Cajun's features, defensively he both protects his cigarettes and reaches a hand in to his jacket.

"Five against one, thems some uneven odds." A flash of his eyes, a pink flare of light and he produces a card, it ignites with a crackle, charged with kinetic force. "Bout we all play nice, ere?" His accent thicker as he gets challenging.

That produced Ace slides with a nudge of a bare finger, underneath it two more cards fan out. Three in all prepared to be thrown in defense of Boris. "'ow bout it, first one of you make a move... maybe get to see what other cards in dis particular hand."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris slowly get up with a groan. He shakes himself off a bit dazed, the ground shaking with him - which almost causes some of the people who were giving chase to fall over as they steady themselves.

The five people agaist Gambit glance to each other - none of them know what Remy power was of course, but considering its mutant town, it could be anything. They fan out spreading themselves wide. "Your going to regret this!" says the one to the left. She runs towards Remy and Jumps high - it easy to see her legs and feet where far larger than the average person, - and she comes down to try and Deliver a Power Stomp to the Cajin man!

Meanwhile another man from the left - the one who had Zapped Boris in the first place, creates a small ball of concentrated electricty that he hurls towards Remy.

Gambit has posed:
"That a mistake." Remy manages and flips in a full turn up and high kicking off the wall behind him to gain added vertical leap so he doesn't get stomped in to paste, at the end of his 'spin' those cards let loose thrown at the 'Leaper', exchanging a toss with the electrical orb slinger and a third at one of those gawking.
The electricity strikes against his coat, it's cast off with the specialized fabric of it but still enough jolts through the Ragin' Cajun that he lands in a tumble, rolling to one knee with his teeth firmly clenched, a groan of pain releasing from. Tastes very coppery and it takes him a moment to open his mouth, "You up an' made me crush my cigarette."
The mutant laments.

Those cards each packing the wallop of a shotgun blast without a slug or pellets, just the raw impact. He is an X-Men, not a murderer...
...Those days were left behind with the Marauders.

Erddrache has posed:
The Leaper slams into the ground indenting it as Remy manages to dodge her attack. She turns getting ready for another high powered kick, only to get a chest full of card. The card force slams her back into the wall, as she goes down with a groand

As the orb leaves his hand, the electricty thrower, seeing the card comes at him actually does manage to dodge that attack, sliding across the ground. He wasn't looking too Happy now, and he was already revving up another attack..
    But as the thrower rev up an attack, Boris slams his hand into the ground - and the concrete seems to liquify sucking the electric man in - just enough to get his limbs stuck....alright the whole bottom half of his torso really.

As for the gawking group, the card send thems scattering - the person hit turns pokadot pink, as he crumbles to the ground. If it wasn't for the fact they were dealing with Remy it might have been funny

That leaves two goons left to be taken care of, who were now glancing to each other nervously.

Gambit has posed:
Rather viciously Remy lunges from that crouch to the captive individual, a half twist is executed and his right leg launches out in a masterful Savate fouetté. A vicious round kick that will only clip the trapped electrical projector, hes not wanting to maim or cripple any of these M-Town gangbangers, no, he just wants to teach them a lesson. Poor Zappy fellow, tag-teamed in such a fashion.

The withdraw of his leg is slow, showy and he motions with two fingers at those men still standing around, very much as if he is imitating Bruce Lee, a crooked smile etching itself across LeBeau's stubble laden features, "The odds, they look a bit more even now, non?"

A glance cast at Boris, making sure he is moving now and squared off, "How about we all go our separate ways now, pretend this whole encounter never happen."

"Otherwise, my new friend here and I about to get real nasty with you, chicken shits."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris himself hasn't move very much seeming perhaps a bit winded, but it clear he isn't one to fight beyound nessary. The ground was still trembling though. "Aye, vat zound like sie good ideaz....jist seperate wayz" he looks around, he wasn't sure where here was, but he also wasn't making any argument - Remy kick intimidated more than the gangbanger it seems

Speaking of which, the two left look at one another. "Uhhhh. Right...." they get the hell out of their running back the way they caem! Seems they had no problems leaving their 'friends' behind after that display!

Gambit has posed:
Remy begins busying himself patting down his jacket ignoring the rabble as they scatter, fishing out a broken in half cigarette out of his pocket he sighs ruefully, holding it up as it flops in half and he starts to pluck at it, salvaging half at least before it places in to his lips.

"What your name?" He asks Boris with an upnod.

A match strikes off the Cajuns palm and fingers curl in to light that nub of a nicotene stick, inhaling it billows out his nose as he sucks again, making sure it lights up before flicking the match at the unconscious leaper woman's body, its out, its just a stick hitting her.

"Names Remy. Why them thugs chasin' you around like you stole the last piece of grandma's famous blueberry pie?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris eyes Remy warily, the ground never stopping its shifting. But he none the less rubs the back of his head "Ah go by Boris" he tells Remy as he catches his breath. He looks over himself, still bundled up, and grumbles some wears in german
    "Und....ah umm" his face, or what can be seen of it turns reddish "Accidently tore down there hide oot. Stopped ta git some food - turs oot et was their turf. Dey scared me real good like und than everythin kind of tumbled"

Gambit has posed:
Strange appearances are no new thing to the thief, the grounds constant motion though gets him tapping his heel on the cement, "I be guessin' thats you? "

The red on black eyes inset on a ruggedly handsome face almost shine, "Sounds like a bad day just up an' took a sour turn. Happen to the best an' worst of us." Remy shrugs his shoulders.

He pauses, both brows arching up and he produces that pack of smokes, the bottom of it flicked with a fingersnap to kick one white cylinder up and out of the open lid, offering one of the cigarettes to Boris. No words, it'll linger unless waved away or taken. Peace offering and oddly being polite by saying 'here! have some cancerous sin!'

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods "Aye. Et iz..." he looks down "Still nit hauf a handle on et" he says with a grumble, seeming angry about it. WHich makes the ground rumble even more violently than before, before subsiding
    "Ah still...tryin ta figure all this oot" he admits. His stomech rumbles "Oh! Vat rioght! Food" eh goes to check his bag and stops realizing its gone. "Darn et!!!!" he takes a deep sigh.
    He looks to the offered cigarette and gives pause "Errm...no vank sie." he declines the cancer stick politely, but it at least seems to put him at ease knowing that Remy at least didn't seem like a bad guy in the least!

Gambit has posed:
Remy slides the pack away casually. "Get some food and you that'll fix the tremors or you sayin' you just hungry and you don't know how to stop em?" Curiously he asks.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris hmmms "Ah jist be hungry. Ah normally pack food since pa does nit like me eatin vings aff vee ground. Bit aye, nit sure how ta stop em. Vey always happenin. Ah know whit make em worse, bit nit whit make em better" he tells Remy

Gambit has posed:
"There a place that can help you with that, you head upstate, find Westchester and a place called Xavier's on Graymalkin. Course that bein' you a mutant like most aroun here." Remy says quietly, "Bout the best I can offer there, we can walk, maybe find a vendor though if you not got any food, I can cover you there."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods "...Xaviers, rioght?" he asks. He rubs his elbow "Pa heard of et...been thinkin of takin me there." he tells Remy. "Und....aye, ah be a mutant" his eye twitches lightly at that, perhaps nervously. "Und sure....do sie know vere vee nearest hardware store iz? Meh kin pay yer back ven git home"

Gambit has posed:
"Hardware store? No." Remy replies while his hands thrust in to his pockets and he walks, "Yes, Xaviers, you jus' tell them Remy sent you when they answer the gate."
A motion forward with a nod, a street vendor selling hot dogs, nachos, corndogs and sodas.

"See, bad day, to shitty day to great day. You met me and now we get some grub."

"No worries, mutants all around you. I see that jitter you get at the word. Own it, homme. Mutant pride."

Erddrache has posed:
"Alrioght, will do" he says in regards to Xavier. He looks up at the Vendor - one good thing about mutant town - no lack of mutants "Errm...five hot dogz pleaze. No condiments or bread...und kin ah hauf them tongz az well?" he politly asks.

"AH will consider et the good day, if ah nit run inta more trouble on way home." he glances around "...aye. Wan reason me git moved out here. Came from Germany" he tells Remy. "Ahgit jitters...cause ah nit be sure how et kin be source of pride" he admits

Gambit has posed:
"Long way from home. I been a few times, short trips come an' go." Interpol isn't a fan of Remy nor is any other other international agency, Thieves Guild carries a weight when you're name is LeBeau.

"Get him whatever he likes, he needs a pick me up after the harassin' he got earlier." The gumbo informs the vendor, tossing down a wad of bills, lots of ones though, more ones than most people should carry. Some of them have glitter on them too.

"You alone, where your parent? An' being a mutant worth all kindsa pride, we're more special than your usual special. Life ain't boring when you're one of us. You know? Things just up an' happen. Joie de vie, you know?"

Erddrache has posed:
"Stopped bein mah home when we were more or less run oot of town" Boris sas cantankerously, the ground shifted so hard that a few cars jump and alarms went off. Boris even reached out to stop the cart from toppling "Ermm...sorry"
    The Vendor blinks seeing the wad of bills and says "Hah! Whatever yea say" he picks up the wad and stuffs it in his pockets, as he prepares the dogs....and evidently tong. Though he does put a few breaks down considering the rumble
    "Pa is, working odd jobz. Bit he should be home by nowz, he said et were a small one." he crosses his arms "Und mah life was excitin enough, before all vis mutant nonesense! Bit guess et nit all bad, met a few nice folks like yerself" he says trying to look on the brighter side of things.

Gambit has posed:
Remy jolts and his hands splay out towards the ground, "Oh you got to calm down, Boris. That the opposite of enjoying life."

"Think happy thoughts, like how good them hot dogs are and the fact you alive, breathing and around your own kind.

"Sorry to hear you got run on out, you need to take your pa to Westchester one of these days, ask for a real beautiful woman named Jean Grey, she help you out."
Remy insists again.

"Hey, all dis mutant nonsense it be your life, homme. An' mutants, we stick together, it not a bad tribe to be a part of. For de most part."
"Always some bad apples."

Walking to one of those cars with the alarm going off he leans down, reaches underneath the hood and his fingers twist something, it dies off immediately.
"That come back on later when the chip registers a key."

Erddrache has posed:
"Sorry" he says again, now his face beat red. "Ah jist git werked up iz all" he admits. He closes his eyes "Happy thoughts....happy thoughts. Hot Dogs, porkchops...bacon. Ohh, stainless steel alloy" well that might be an odd one

"Jean Grey....jean grey" he repeats several times as if commiting to memory.

"Well, let me tell sie, et been one hell of a rollar coaster vat ah wish will slow down jist a LITTLE bit. Sie know vat ah mean?" though he eyes Remy as he makes the car die off "....ermmm...nice trick" he says in wonder

None the less the dogs where done! They are handed over on a plat, along with the tongs on Boris' insistance, and why not, two cans of pepsi! Boris holds one of the dogs and a can out to Remy "Yer mioght as well eat....vat is yer...ermmm powr exactly? vat nit rude ta ask es et?"

Gambit has posed:
"You got some fun times ahead of you, mon ami. Just keep your chin up, follow the instructions. It good for you an, my powers? I am full of it they say, charm, guile, shit." A flash of a smile, "All depends on who you wanna ask. But, I tell you more later, right now I need to be on my way, got a man to find about a thing. You be good Boris, stay safe an' try to think the calm happy stuff."
Turning Remy waves over his shoulder and struts off.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods "Hauf the good day" he replies back. He would have said Remy was quite modest....but he figures he best let that lay where it was. Instead he begins walking the other way, munching on the tongs. Bout time he convinced his dad to take him to Weschester and so this Xavir school