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Latest revision as of 14:53, 18 March 2018

A Meteor Shower Like No Other.
Date of Scene: 16 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Power Girl, Shazam

Crusader has posed:
The sun had set not too long ago, letting the star shown out in the night! The twinkling lights usually bringing delight to those who look up to those briliant lights. That is....untill they started getting closer and closer! Reports come in from several places - that shooting stars were falling out of the sky, running into buildings! Some of the monorails were even shut down from damage down to the tracks. All the reports seem to indicate that these stars seem to be comming from a centralized location from deep in the woods.

Power Girl has posed:
    Was at home when everything went sour. In quiet silence she's browsing a specific app on her phone, trying to find the right thing to do for the evening, seeing as things had been ever so silent. However, this changes as soon as she starts hearing reports of things falling from the sky. Ditching her bathrobe for something more appropriate for heroing, she takes to the night sky and soaring at mach speeds, towards where the reports said the meteors were seemingly being launched from.

Shazam has posed:
     The word had gotten out that there was some mysterious activity in the sky tonight. Young Billy Batson soon had found a quiet alleyway to sneak into before calling out: "SHAZAM!" Summoning the collective powers of the gods to help him protect the people. It wasn't before long that Captain Marvel had made his way to Queens to assist in what he could.

  The Big Red Cheese was in the sky, flying towards the forest where these meteors had been originating from.

Crusader has posed:
With the word getting out and the monorails damage, Bjorn found himself trapped on a train - temperarily anyways. He had forced the doors open and let everyone out before dissappearing into the crowd - his form changing invisibly into that of Crusader before he takes off into the air. He soon is joining Power Girl and Shazam up in the air, appearing alongside them as they converge onto the forest - where things are getting hairy!

The exact location can't be determined yet - but rocks continue pelting down from the sky! A particularly large group of 'meteors' comes barreling down towards the trio of heros! Some that hit the ground are ingiting the forest on fire, while others soar father away towards the cities. Of note - it all seems to be random and not any singularly directed attack

Power Girl has posed:
    When the other two converge on her, Power Girl offers both Shazam and Crusader a short wave. "Oh, hey there. I was hoping I wasn't the only one to," she states, pausing as more rocks come from the sky at them. "Can you get the ones in the sky, Marvel?" she says, clearly intending to direct Billy- "I'll handle the fire, but we need to keep moving forward." Her attention is then on Crusader- who she probably intends on catching up to once the fire is out.

Shazam has posed:
     The Captain gives a wave to both Power Girl and Crusader. "Yeah, I'm on it!" He calls out, calling on the Strength of Hercules as he charges toward the first of a couple meteors, intending to break them into smaller pieces so that they can burn up in the sky.

Crusader has posed:
The fires raging below and burning bightly. Entire pines are alight - and the flame is moving downhill towards camping ground and homes. And the other meteros are only adding to the disaster, giving it strength. Hopefully Power Girl will be able to take care of this!

Those Metoeors cannot stand up to the Strength of Hercules! Captain marvels charges splinter the meteors! Shattering them into smaller meteors - most of which burn up in the sky - though some do land. But regardless it at least ment that they were not adding to the already presented danger

Crusader himself helps out as well. He catches the larger meteors and hurls them back into other meteors to stop them dead- letting them crash into the ground. His path was specific as he concentrated any on meteors that were in the way of them getting closer

The meteors themselves were comming more often, but were smaller in size - but still dangerous. In the middle of the woods for anyone with good enough sight or other enhanced senses - they may notice what appears to be an abandon observitory that seem to flash from the inside in time with the meteors appear..

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl's response to the fire is swift and judicious- an application of air is good for a fire, in that it can help it burn hotter and longer.... But an application of impossibly powerful chilling breath? As soon as Crusader and the Captain acknowledge her, she takes to the sky, skirting around the whole of the blaze and making her way to its lowest point. Once there, she draws back, inhaling something fierce, before lurching forward and expelling all of that breath in a freezing wave that rolls over the whole of the fire. If it's merely normal fire, this will surely put it out, while keeping... Most of the trees intact.

Shazam has posed:
     Captain Marvel smiles satisfied that the larger meteors are now neutralized. From his vantage point, Marvel attempts to track where these things are coming from. He points toward the observatory. "Think That has anything to do with it?" He asks Crusader.

Crusader has posed:
Power Girls super breath does the trick! These were nothing more but ordinary (but none the less dangerous) flames! The fires are chilled out effectively, frost covering the trees and iceles hanging from them - though a few are knocked down, but at least the camps and homes are safe!

There from the observitory, several more flashes are seen and several more meteors fly off into the sky. Crusader nods "Likely. One senses...inconsistant signals comming from within....feels like a glitch" he tells Captain Marvel "We need to shut down whats ever happening in...WHOA!" he is knocked from the sky by an extra large meteor that seemed to have taken time to come down. It sent itself and him crashing into the ground.

He pushes the meteor off "Alright....we need to really shut down whats happenin there." He calls out "Power Girl" and than up "Captain Marvel - let do this quick and fast - the meteors are small, so let make sure they don't get any larger" he flies towards the observatory.

Power Girl has posed:
    Finishing the exhale, Power Girl turns her attention to the sky, watching Crusader drop thanks to the oversized rock. She offers this little sigh, having hoped he'd handle whatever machine or ill-conceived shenanigans caused this catastrophe. However, this doesn't stop her from taking off, flying towards the observatory as quickly as she can without risking the surrounding forest- after all, she can only go so many times the speed of sound before things start to shake apart around her.

Shazam has posed:
     "Holy moly!" Billy can't help but exclaim as the meteor crashes into Crusader, Captain Marvel Of course flies to follow it, helping Crusader after he pushes the debris off. "You're right." He says, taking off swiftly for the observatory. "

Crusader has posed:
Crusader nods "Thanks" he grunts out, before following swiftly after. As they approach the observtory he says "...one...five...twelve" he frowns "Alot..." he warns the others "We got alot of robots to bust up - prepare yourselves

As they bust into the Observitory, they fianlly get a look at whats going on! Inside they are dozens of spider like robotic 'drones'. Much of the machinery is turned up but seems to be glitching out with dozens of numbers spamming through. In the center the source of the flash of the observitory is found. It what appears to be a larger lazor gun. Every few seconds seems to glow gathering up minerals and debree before shooting it flying into.
    And nearby still, seemed to be a couple of kids who seemed to have gotten in over their heads. The three were hiding beneath the table - one seeming to emit some protective forcefield, another one seems to have odd circuit like viens glowing and the third for the moment seems to just be huddling with the other two.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl spends only a few moments assessing the situation before determining what she needs to do. Rather quickly, she turns to Crusader- "Pest Control," she begins, before setting her sights on the children under the table. "Marvel, see if you can get the kids out of here."

    Her attention, then, shifts to the machinery. She starts scanning it over, looking through its mechanics and tech in order to find the best way to deconstruct it. She's not -sure- if her favored method (Flying through it like a brick through a window) will work, but she's also kind of... A genius, of sorts. Running STAR Labs isn't some random coincidence.

Shazam has posed:
     With the duties doled out, Captain Marvel makes a beeline for his charge. Billy walks up to the three kids. "Hey, we need to get you out of here." He offers, kneeling down to be on even footing with them. "It's okay, well keep you safe." He attempts to reassure the group.

Crusader has posed:
Power Girl scans would reveal this wasn't any ordinary tech- it was more advanced than the age of the building would suggest. However her usual method of bash and go can prove effective...or cause the place to blow up, one of the other. She could likewise try and dismandtle the lasor instead, but that also means it still fireing lazors

Crusader himself begins tearing into the robots with precision. He works quickly and swiftly to try and dismantle the robots to make them in-operable. Concentrating on mainly keeping them away from Marvel and the kids

The three children look to Captain Marvel, looking both relieved but still scarred. The child holding up the forcefield begins to let it down - with the other shouting "Wait! Your forgettin about Glit---" and it too late, when the field goes down, the boy with the circuit like viens lets out a pulse of energy...

The spider drones all around becomming much more aggreivated - their wires sparking, their bodies heating up as if overloaidng. They begin to attack much more aggressively, shooting lazors at Captian Marvel the kids, Power Girl and Crusader. The lazor itself was now begining to gather lager peices of debree to launch, and with more efficency.

But the wave also had an effect on Crusader - he actually collapses a moment, holing his sides before his form changes to that of an orc with blood red eyes.... on the bright side, it doesn't stop him from going nuts on the robots. On the not so bright side, there was a certain brutalness to how he was attacking, as he tosses the body everywhere - including at his compaions without much regards. The child who let out the wave curls up saying over and over "I'm sorry!!!" with his friend looking confused as to what to do.

Power Girl has posed:
    The rounds from the robots bounce off of her body- after all, she's a kryptonian. They'd have to be slinging rounds that demolish buildings to really even get her to notice. When they start getting more aggressive, her attention turns to them, and she starts firing back. Red lines erupt from her eyes, light enough enough to burn through concrete and sever metal, directed with the precision of an expert surgeon's scalpel.

    She only does so much- providing some support rather than taking on all of the machines themselves. With some of that done, her attention turns back to the machine, and she continues regarding its mechanics- searching for a source of power that she can pull the plug on- in addition to discerning important bits that won't cause an explosion.

    Until the kids are free, she's not going to be tearing through it.

Shazam has posed:
     As the forcefield goes down, Billy watches the circuit kid's marks go haywire. "Don't..." And he makes a move to step in front of the drones and the bullets. "Don't panic. We just need to get you three out of here." Billy does his best to cover the kids from attack so that the others can free up and let loose their own attacks on the ballistic drones.

Crusader has posed:
Power Girls continue scans would reveal the areas where breaking the machine won't causes any explosions. The Power source itself seems to be completly under the building and powers everything (except the drones) above it!

The kids stay right behind Captain Marvel - the one who had the forcefield ability tried to put it back up to no avail, so they stick behind him. And a good thing too as the bullets come down full force! But Glitch - the boy with the circuit viens let out another scared pulse - and systems were begining to Overload, some of the robots turning red and exploding, the power core beneath nearly doubling the output

The orcified Crusader much like the robots becomes more aggressive with the pulses, but concentrates. He began clearing a path through the robots "Marvel, get them out!" he roars! He even rips the doors off and tosses them - one happens to sail towards Marvel with enough force to decaptate a man, and the other door flies just over Power Girl head, impaling the machine. He was going down the berzerker path as both robot and computer alike were subject to his wrath

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl begins disassembling the machine. Her hands are so incredibly strong and body powerful that, likely, if made from normal materials she'll be tearing it all apart like paper. She notes the position of the power source, but if it's downstairs, there are going to be cables- things she can tear apart that won't explode, but will remove power from the machine.

    When the thing impales the machine, she directs her attention to Crusader for a moment, before looking back to the machine and getting ready to disassemble it faster. The world slows down around her, as the speed of her perception picks up beyond mortal measure. To anyone watching, Power Girl's movements are a blur.

Shazam has posed:
     Billy had gasped when the first drone began to overload and explode, immediately turning around to shield the kids from debris. "Hold onto your butts!"

  Once the chaos dies down, the Big Red Cheese stands back up. "Everyone alright?" He asks the group, along with his comrades.

Crusader has posed:
The world slowed down (by power girls perspective) - Power Girl procedes to dismantle the machine part by preciouse part. As she does so the contraptation begins to power down, debree that it would have flung out falls to the ground harmlessly

Captain Marvel hit squared in the back of the head by the oncomming Door thrown by Crusader. It wouldn't injure Marvel of course, was just hard enough for him to know there was strength behind...but if he wasn't there to shield the kids, that would have been there death

"Marvel, the abyss you waiting for. Get the kids OUT, before spines start getting ripped out" he orders once again, having already ripped an exit for them. He was glowing red himself as if he might blow. Robots where still bein takn down, though most were gone by now.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is working so quickly that there's a minor storm of wind within the room. Still, though, it's all to one purpose, and she's swearing up a storm while she does it- and not in such a safe way as Crusader. The three kids have learned valuable lessons today: That things like this can happen, and that the word 'cunt' can be applied to machinery.

    Eventually, the power is leaving the thing, and that's when Power Girl stops moving at super-speed, and just walks forward, stepping through the machinery- now without power, with no risk of exploding- as if it were a curtain of beads, the metal buckling and pulling apart as she moves through it without, seemingly, effort.

Shazam has posed:
     A door comes flying at Cap's head, and his attention is called. "Hey, oh."

  The Captain moves with the speed of Mercury, setting the kids down outside of the observatory and a good space away. "Get to cover and stay down. I'll be back."

  Billy returns to the group. "Kids are safe." He says, jumping into the path of one drone and attempting to rip it in half.

Crusader has posed:
The children run for cover ducking down behind some rocks and tree while Captain Marvel returns. When Captain Marvel does - he manages to rip it in half quite easily.

The laser is ripped to peices officially being dismantled beyound working any more. And the machines and the computers inside the building begin to die down

Meanwhile between Crusader, Captain Marvel and Power Girl, the last of the spider drones are either turns to shreds by the heros or exploding destroying whatever machinery was left in the old observitory!

Power Girl has posed:
    Once she'd finished pulling apart the laser- she'll probably donate a new one via Karen Starr- she begins zipping around the room. Without children to protect, and without any regard for collateral damage- there's a reason Clark is the popular Kryptonian- she is pulling and crushing and tearing apart every last machine. Luckily, she's well suited for the job, what with the eye-lazers, super strength, and super speed.

Shazam has posed:
     Once the trio have all the drones taken care of, Marvel makes his descent, his golden boots touching the floor once more. "I guess the observatory is gonna need to be rebuilt." He comments, making his way outside, fulfilling his promise of returning. Seems like someone has powers they can't control yet.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader breaths deeply, looking ready to tear anything and everything apart...he looked down right murderous as his red hot (litterly) skin glows lightly. He grows out "This observatory...seems to have been built by a criminal judging by the drones and data files" he notes, having to have gathered infomation as best he can. "....Best stay away from those....children" he says more to himself.

And with that, the observitory is throughly destroyed by...well everyone more or less. The meteor showered of doom stopped, children saved...all in all a good day. The children are thankfully looked after by Captain Marvel, the rest of the computers destroyed by Power Girl...and Crusader himself heads outside himself as he tries to get a handle back on himself.