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Conspiracy: House Call
Date of Scene: 18 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Tony and Rhodes investigate the source of Jenette's phonecall only for everything to go pearshaped leaving Rhodes hospitalized a woman dead, and more questions then answers.
Cast of Characters: War Machine, Iron Man, Rogue, Deadpool

War Machine has posed:
     It's a cold day, the rain falls slowly and softly overhead not enough for an umbrella, just enough to remind you how cold and uncomfortable the world is right now. The sky is a dull grey high overhead cloud-cover blotting out the sun almost completely leaving the world behind in that dull grey covering. It's not particularly bad weather just a bit uncomfortable as the two pull up in one of Tony's many cars.

     "You sure you got the right address there Tony?" Rhodey speaks as he slowly slides his sunglasses down his face. He still wasn't exactly comfortable missing his facial hair but then again he THOUGHT spring was here and it wouldn't matter losing a bit of extra scruff for a special event. "Might not know Jeanette well, but pretty sure she's gotta be living a higher quality of life then you can get here man."

     He slowly steps out of the car allowing his combat boots to touch down on the partially melted snow hands going deep into the pockets of his jacket as he looks up towards the looming facade of the run down tenement building. The facade has been done up in all manner of gang signs and graffiti with most the windows boarded up or broken out all together. It's not the kind of place anyone on the right side of the law would ever choose to live, that much was obvious even at a glance.

     Taking pause in his stride he looks all the way up to the top window. "Just glad we're here before nightfall man." Shuddering slightly at the thought of being stuck out in a place like this after dark.

Iron Man has posed:
"If you ask me that, or 'are we there yet' one more time, your mother and I will ground you for a week, junior," Tony teases back idly when the commentary about 'getting the right address' comes up. Tony is driving, but is unfamiliar with the car. It isn't one of his: he borrowed it from one of his employees. It's just a really ordinary black honda civic, and dented, no less. He stops the car outside the residence and leans forwards some to look up and over at it through the winshield. Tony gets out, but fishes in the back seat for his simple hand and arm replusor set: just a gauntlet, and climbs out with just that on. It has a sensor in the wrist to summon the rest of it, should he want it. Otherwise, he's dressed way down: jeans, brown leather jacket, sunglasses, casual. He doesn't fit in, though. Tony's still Tony, and he wanders up behind Rhodey to look at the place over his glasses as if deciding whether or not to buy it and put in condos.

"Yeah, very pleasant. Probably not a choice thing, though. More of a last-gasp-of-air thing." A pause. He looks aside at his friend. He pauses, a bit unsure how to phrase what he'd like to say. Tony just leaves it unsaid. And looks back at the place again. "Welp. What's the call? This is your show."

War Machine has posed:
     As Rhodey walks closer to the run down tenement building there's a shiver up the back of his spine that leaves him completely on edge. The unease is broken with Tony's comment receiving a "Really, that's where you went with that?" He pauses turning to face the man. "Next time how about you lie to me? Give a brother a bit of hope in the face of adversity." He just shakes his head laughing it off.

     There's no way he's comfortable being here at all, even with the easily replaced loaner car they drove up here in. He makes an effort of tossing a few bucks into the small tin can at the foot of a vagrant sat in the shadow of the tenement building just out of a force of habit more then anything. "Not much we can do other then head on up and hope she's home." Hands go deep deep into the pockets of his bomber jacket. "Hell if I knew she was here I would have come one hell of a lot sooner." As he steps into the lobby of the rundown building.

Iron Man has posed:
"You brought me here to /comfort/ you? Ouch." Tony is really no help. He's just agreeing that that has a really big design flaw in it. Namely, the Tony part. "How about we do a little bit of what I'm better at?" Tony suggests. He fiddles with the gauntlet, summoning a few little mechanical drones, the size of golf balls, to flit out like tiny flickering golden snitches, to skim around the area. Because privacy is whatever, to Stark.

"Sure, yeah. Knocking. The plan when you lack all others, despite everything suggesting something is really wrong. But I like it; straightforward," Tony comments, always the helpful peanut gallery. And no doubt making Rhodey suspect he should have just not brought the Avenger in the first place.

War Machine has posed:
     "Really making me think Thor might have been the more subtle option Tony" Rhodey says with a chuckle, trying to keep in good spirits despite himself. Yeah this looked bad NOW, and everything inside him was telling him this whole thing was ready to go tits up, but there was still a part of him that wanted to stay optimistic. "At least when he does it you can blame the culture barrier"

     "Can't always have some big battle plan ready to go from my back pocket Tony." He comments emptying out his already empty pocket as he walks backwards facing the man as the drones fly out in every direction. He watches the drones fly out and do their recon and has to hand it to him. "I'll give you that, probably a better plan then I had, gotta admit I haven't really thought this through much. Whole thing's kind of been a surprise for me" He pauses almost tripping over a deep hole in the floor where the rats had eaten their way through the floorboards causing him to let out a 'gah' "Not sure what my plan even is, not like I can just waltz up to her door and go: 'Hey Jeanette I know we haven't spoke a word in 6 years, and some scary unknown agency's been blocking all your calls, but I heard you moved into this nice crackden and figured I'd bring a housewarming preasent, surprise it's rat traps!'"

Iron Man has posed:
"How about, that she tried to call you tons of times so you decided to come find her? It isn't like she didn't reach out. Sometimes honesty works. I mean, I'm told that. I can't say I live by that code. Seems like something Rogers might say, so we're going with that right now," Tony answers. But does manage to clap a hand briefly against the back of his friend's shoulder, and give a flash of a serious and concerned, little half-smile.

But then the drones are coming back, and Tony takes a pause to tap the side of his sunglasses and scroll through what they brought him on the little orange-tinted displays.

War Machine has posed:
     Crackden is exactly the kind of feedback Tony gets back about this place. It's far from the haven of law abiding citizens. Most the floors have busted out windows with just plain ol plastic covering them if anything at all, and the entire building seems populated by people just kicking back, and squatting the best they can while enjoying their obliviation of choice.

     This isn't the sort of place you walk into unprepared though from the scan it seems the floor where Jeanette is supposed to be does actually have some people home. Four life signs, three adults and a kid no older then 10 years old. It's not a safe place for a kid by a long shot so it's anyone's guess why the kids there.

     One of the lifesigns belongs to a man with cornrows and shades stood right by the window looking out over the city. The drones bring back a quick and easy report that he's more then Human by a small degree, with a good bit of metal packed beneath his clothing. From the scans Jeanette is in the same room sat on a couch crying.

     Rhodey is trying his best to keep his cool even as he moves his way further into the building. For all the shell on the outside there's a bit of a crack in the facade as he feels that hand on his shoulder. "Just not sure if I can man, been a long time since I said square one to her." He hikes the shoulders of his jacket up. "Well let's head on up and give the truth a shot" as he starts right up the broken down stairs littered with discarded needles and trash.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hold up a sec," Tony gives finally, after reviewing the information. Rhodey getting shot immediately isn't something Tony particularly would prefer. Similarly, himself shot, also less favorable.

"I've got Jeanette now, her location. Something's up in there, though, so both of us rolling in blazing might endanger her. She's not alone, and I'm getting some weird reading on her buddy. Decidedly armed. Guessing also meta." Tony narrows his eyes as he checks a few details, such as the scans of the other man. "Yep. I propose I suit up and keep tight watch on you. If it goes pear-shaped, I'll be ready to shut the situation down. Priority is keeping you both safe." And dragging Tony in would obviously escalate.

War Machine has posed:
     "Knew there was a reason I kept you round Tony." Rhodes pauses only a few steps up the winding staircase. "You get suited up, and I'll take care of running distraction in case tall dark and full-plate decides to start something." Just repeating back the plan to make sure he's got it understood. "I'll keep you patched in over coms so you know if things go legs up." And with that he's already back to running up the stairs fast as he can manage.

Iron Man has posed:
"Don't you secret agents have training and plans for stuff like this?" Tony calls up the stairs in dismay. He sighs heavily, long suffering, and heads back out to the entry area. Normally he has no problem suiting up in broad daylight in public, but he keeps it down to a subtle thing this time outside beyond a foul smelling dumpster. The suit is heaven, compared, with the wonderful filtered air. He feels eight times better already. And able to focus again, moving immediately to the roof once suited up, and sends the little drones out once more. He'll monitor, but it IS Rhodey's show. And it might just be fine. Sometimes better to let a guy handle his business.

The poor guy is in Tony's shadow enough as it is, really.

War Machine has posed:
     <Normally I'm less a plan guy and more a shoot what they tell me guy.> Rhodey comments back over comms, with a bit of a laugh at his own expense as he runs up the stairs quick as he can to get to the appropriate floor.<Trust me Tony, I've got a plan> He pauses to focus on running for a few moments. "Why the hell don't I have a plan." Spoken out into the dingy stairwell not broadcast on coms as he comes up to the floor in question slowing almost to a stop as he enters into the hallway. "Always gotta have a plan dealing with situations like this but I'm just flying blind." He takes in a deep breath steadying himself just play it cool. <Worst case scenario I've got my ICER on me, should be able to pop a round between the eyes in the confusion and take him down.>

     He comes up to the door, and knocks on it a few times. The icer is drawn and at the ready he's about to kick down the door. <Alright here's the plan, I'm going to kick down the door and ICER the goon nearby, you rip tall dark and full plate out the window and we all go out for schwarma after.> One tap of the side of his head means he's now broadcasting it all.

     "Hey Jeanette," Spoken in a calm voice as he preps foot going back, it's meant to put them at ease and let him take care of the situation while Tony takes em down. "open up, it's me James," He jiggles the door nob to check and it slowly begins to open not exactly what he was expecting. "got your calls and started getting worried ab-"

     Tony's drones catch what happens as it all goes pear shaped in an instant Jeanette jumps up to a stand screaming out. "James run!" He was expecting it and yet there's not enough time to react as it all happens at once. As the door swings open and Rhodey levels his ICER, a gunshot rings out, and while Rhodey manages to land a shot right between the eyes of the first goon, he falls forward clutching his stomach the only sound he makes is a heavy oof. Wasn't fast enough to take em both down. His hand moves down to the spot allowing him to look at his own blood as he falls to the ground, eyes locking back on cornrows. He gets a full view of what happens next able to see Tony outside the window.

     Cornrows smiles as everything seems to go to plan, and effortlessly throws Jeanette's daughter Lila through the windows with little more then a flick of his hand, as if it were made from paper. "No!" Rhodey shouts at the top of his lungs.

     Jeanette screams and runs to try and save her daughter only for cornrows to quickdraw a pistol of his own from his pocket pelting her with a single round right in the middle of the spine while she runs for the window.

     Jeanette slumps down sliding down the window her eyes locked on the world around as she tries to reach out and grab for her daughter consciousness slipping from her in seconds.

Iron Man has posed:
<I'm more in the mood for /mexican/ today. Okay, this is your show.> Tony isn't happy about this, though, his tone says. Sort of 'I guess it is your show but this isn't a GOOD show'.

<Improvising isn't much of a plan unless it's coming from ME, and there's a kid in there, so watch your fire...> Is Tony's skeptical reply, but then everything turns inside out, because Rhodey is going ahead while Tony watches a really bad situation manifest through his drones.

<Back off, they're all ready for-->
<Well, shit.>

Suddenly there's gunfire, and Tony doesn't pause, he swings right down towards the window, only to find it being shattered right in front of him and suddenly he reflexively catches a young girl being flung into his arms. He has to jog backwards to lessen her impact, as slamming into Iron Man armor is about as safe as hitting a wall, and it does effectively take Tony out of the fight for a few seconds. But he adjusts his hold on her, pivots sideways, and sends a few blasts in, to attempt to knock said bad guy back into the kitchen: just for starters. Possessing the girl is limiting him, twisted to shield her with the armor, but he absolutely is still very effective, and launches a series of little electrical tazer missiles from his back in rapid sequence. They buzz in towards the target(s) he marked earlier. That's what he should have opened with in the FIRST place.

The frustration isn't over how bad it's going, it's that he should have taken leadership originally, instead of just questioning. He also sends the calls he had prepared: calls to police and ambulance. Iron Man requests their assistance. Get the lead out. Also, hey SHIELD, your guy is injured, originally thought to be domestic dispute, but possibly more. Iron Man responding.

Tony's fear for his friend hasn't caught up to the rapidfire other things that had to be done. But it will.

Iron Man has posed:
And there are other things he can do. He can send out the other item he had prepared, after a quick assessment of who is nearby, and who can respond quickly.

Which turns up Rogue. And a quick little verbal message is sent her way, to her phone. JARVIS, in this case.

"Mr. Stark urgently requests your presence in assisting with a dangerous matter," is JARVIS's calm explanation. "Innocents are injured or dying, and your attendance would be very beneficial." He also provides an address in the heart of a very bad area to an apartment building.

If she's fast, she won't need to read a map, because Iron Man is lit up and firing bright blasts into an apartment window, with little flares of light from his back.

Rogue has posed:
Since it was a nice sunny Sunday, Rogue was out and about on the town doing what Rogue's do in these cases. Which is... she's standing in light at the Shake Shack not too far away from Grammercy Park with a mad need for some chili cheese fries. And then her phone goes off and its not even letting her answer it, its just straight-up talking to her in JARVIS voice.

With a heavy sigh the southern girl steps out of line and looks down at the phone. "Okay." She says back at it, not having any idea if Jarvis can hear her or not, but she mutters. "Creepy ass Big Brothe'ah always spyin' on a girl..."

With a look around her at the busy park filled with people, Rogue steps out of the way of others and moves around behind a tree then SHOOTS OFF into the sky like a bullet out of a gun!

Its not long before she's sky-high and looking around to see where Stark was, once she spies him the young Avenger is arching around in the air and soaring over the city to meet up with him... this was the first time she'd flown over New York in the day and it was a little intimidating, but she was trying to ignore that and focus on getting to the Emergency call.

War Machine has posed:
     Lila lands right into Iron Man's grasp, screaming for a few moments until she realizes she's not actually about to wind up dead. She's only about six years old, and she's not exactly heavy but her thrashing does cause a slight problem in that she's still a bit panicked. She doesn't know who Tony is, and she doesn't know what's just happened she just knows she's scared.

     "Damn, man, you really got that high an opinion of yourself or you just plain stupid?" Cornrows calls out to the downed Rhodes as he just nonchalantly goes to level the pistol towards him for another round between the eyes. "I swear man killing you people is just too damn e-" And he's launched flying through the air right through the wall of the kitchen and into the fridge. Produce goes every direction, splattering from the force of the impact. It takes him a moment to reach up to the side of his head, his expression one of anger at the fact he was just surprised from behind. As he taps a helmet springs out his armor encasing his head entirely in a metal wolfs head designed like something out of Norse mythology with cool blue glowing eyes.

     "Alright" He slowly stumbles up to a stand, speaking in a peeved voice while the armor extends out to cover his hands turning them into clawed gauntlets. "It was just business before, but now?" The stun rounds slam into his armor arching electricity off of them as he looks around for the source of it. His other goon doesn't get a chance to suit up before he gets smacked with one of the shots downing him to the ground "Now I'm mad." As he catches sight of Iron Man his stance shifts slightly. "Who the hell invited Iron Man?"

     Rhodey lays curled up on the ground trying to keep his insides in while his eyes are locked with a seething hatred on the man who just took a fridge to the face and came back standing. He drags himself across the floor trying to move closer, forcing himself up onto his knee. "You..." He seethes as he tries and fails to force himself to a stand one hand clutching at his stomach, and moving closer to his downed pistol. "You're one of those bastards from the other day." Spoken with a slightly weak sounding voice.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey, hey look, Iron Man caught you. I'll get you safe, okay?" Is the attempt with the child, while all the noise and disarray is happening and he's adjusting his flight. Yes, being dangled far off the ground isn't exactly the best time for the kid. But maybe being caught by a superhero will distract her.

"Hello," is Iron Man's greeting to Rogue, as if this were just all in a day in the life. But there's some strain under it. The situation isn't /entirely/ out of hand, but it certainly could be better.

Tony is talking to her while shooting in at the guy in the armor. It's not very respectful to said bad guy. He's also trying to manage a panicked 6 year old in his arms. Yeah, under contrl.

"Feel like showing off some brawling skills? Current plan appears to be 'improvise'." Tony invites Rogue, with a grunt as he has to stop firing to attend to the girl.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue flies right up in and beside that of Iron Man, when he greets her she gives him a smile while hovering up in the air. She also smiles to the little girl to try to reassure the kid that things are okay. "We're gonna take care'a this, alright, sugah?" She tells the kid, before her eyes look to Tony and then she reaches up to brush some of her flowing white bangs out of her face...

Thats when the mutant's eyes go inside the building to see some trouble going on in there, where Tony had been firing his gauntlet guns at? "Well, this should be fun. Got another guy in a tin can suit huh?" Rogue says as she turns and floats on into he building. "Hows about I peal it off and see whether whomever is inside'a it is... Hot. Or Not." And with that said, Rogue's hands come up and she pops her knuckles whilst moving toward the aggressor that was causing all the fuss.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool thought . o O ( I like chilli and cheese and fries, not pulled pork pies, or video game extra lives, not scarves, not cravats, or ties, but chilli and cheese and fries ). He had been wearing his disguise. It was a good disguise. He looked like YouTube personality the Angry Video Game Nerd, with brown shoes, beige trousers, a white dress shirt, nothing around the neck, four pens in his left breast pocket, and glasses, plus the image inducer to make him look the spitting image of James Rolfe.

So when he spoke, was with the Nerd's voice, and he just saw some woman sneak behind a tree, and then shoot off into the sky like a bullet out of a gun. "What the f--- was that? Did that tree just s--- out a woman? Yeah, that's just what this world needs, trees that s--- out women. It brings my p--- to a boil. I'd rather eat out the rotten a----- of a skunk than go near a tree again!"

"I guess I better save her," and while still complaining, swearing like a sailor, he runs after the speeding woman that was s--- out of the tree.

War Machine has posed:
     Triage holds a hand up over his helmet deflecting the shots with the wrist of his armor. There's a hyper strong material in said wrist allowing him to deflect the shots that might otherwise dent his armor as he moves forward. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men." As he moves forward towards the edge of the window. Those blue eyes focus. "Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children." As he speaks the other goon slowly comes to a stand, his own armor quickly encasing him in that bright silver metal leaving him with a helmet of a Rottweiler.

     "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers." He holds his arms out to either side, and there's a glow on his chest, one that builds rapidy. "And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you." A brilliant bolt of blue light crashes out of his chest and right towards Iron Man, it lights up the room in a blinding brightness.

     Rhodey blocks his eyes with one arm from the light his other hand holding firmly onto the blood soaked patch of his once nice grey T-shirt. "Tony look out, its an EMP beam." Called out as he tries to figure out some way he can help the situation but nothing's coming to mind, even as Rottweiler comes back to a stand and gets ready to lay the smackdown on some fools.

Iron Man has posed:
"Cool story bro," Tony sighs, barely listening.

"Yeah, got that from my readings, you stay down and focus on not dying," Tony retorts to Rhodey, dodging and returning some simple fire, before dropping out of sight. "How's Jeanette?" he asks.

"I think you're being underestimated, Rogue. Peel him like an orange," Tony directs helpfully. Rogue's arrival was important, to allow a break to get the injured and innocent out of the way. And since he already has the kid, that's on Tony. Tony has to fall back, he can't fight and defend the squirming child at the same time. He's forced to glide over to the car out of line of sight of the window, and puts her into it. "Stay low, kiddo," he cautions her, leaving a little drone to keep tabs, and returns to the fight with a nasty volley of suppression fire, aimed high.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue saunters her way inside the building toward the man who's spouting off the religious stuff and it makes her grin ear to ear while she proceeds further and closer. "Never was much for Sunday School, myself." She tells the man. "My Aunti used t'try'n get me all dolled up in a pretty little sun dress with fancy shoes'n all?" Rogue shakes her head side side. "Wasn't my style. I wanted ripped jeans and black lipstick." She showed a grin then. "My rebellous phase, I guess."

And when the EMP blast comes she closes her eyes from the light but then moves to lunge/fly right at the man firing it and since she moves so damn fast its pretty difficult to avoid her from latching onto him like a spider monkey!

"Lets see what ya got under the fancy helmet!" Rogue says, more annoyed now while she'll go to start trying to rip the armor off of the villainous one, 75 tons of pulling power inside her otherwise little looking arms.

Deadpool has posed:
Distance as the Rogue flies does not equate to distance as the wannabe mutant runs, so it took the Angry Video Game Nerdpool to catch up. In fact, at one point he stopped to pick up a can of Red Bull, explaining to the bewildered shopkeeper that, "this had better give me wings, or I'll back to shove it up your a--", since he was still in "costume" so to speak. Turning it off so he could pull his mask up, he drowned the Red Bull and used his teleporter, appearing in mid air, where he immediately began to fall, "Red Bull gives you wings!" Except he had to use the teleporter again, to appear higher in the sky, and again, each time avoiding going splat on the pavement.

In all the commotion, he had completely lost sight of Rogue, who was by now inside the building. Thankfully, a brilliant bolt of blue energy shone from a nearby building, and he teleported so that he was suddenly hanging onto a windowsill by his fingertips. Darn that Weasel, this teleportation belt never quite seemed to work the way it was meant to. Or maybe it was user error. It was probably user error, but that should have been built in when the darned thing was designed for use with your Deadpool action figure, available everywhere from Kenner. Reaching up to tap on the closed window, he shouted through the weather sealed and noise reduction glass, "a little help here, please?" But it was just some random weird in a costume outside. Probably best to ignore him. This is New York after all.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey makes his way over to his downed sister. He has to duck out of the way of rogue as she saunters her way in, and lean out of the way of the surprisingly slower then he'd expected blast. Then again it had been designed for taking out planes not armored avengers. He kneels beside her trying to keep his own insides inside in the process. Two fingers go onto the bridge of her neck, and he calls back over coms. <I'm not getting a pulse.> It's a cold voice as he comes to a realization, not really willing to let himself give in on the outside even with all that's going on inside. <Not even a weak one, just nothing.>

     Rottweiler lets out a low modulated sigh his own helmet hiding his voice as he just looks over to rogue saying in a somewhat embarrassed voice. "It's not even in the bible." Prepping a gun of his own ready to join in the fight. "It's from Pulp Fiction, he just says it to sound deep."

     Meanwhile Rogue does her thang. Triage tries his best to throw her off running full speed with her clutched onto his head. He slams into walls, counters, knocks over the coffee table and generally just makes a right mess of the place as she rips and tears into the advanced armor. "Dammit Rottweiler stop gawking and get over here to HELP ME." The armor already peeling from his body as he lights up a glow to send a blast right into her from his metal clad hands while at the same time Rottweiler opens fire.

Iron Man has posed:
"Multitasking is really not your strong suit, is it," says the returning Iron Man, who approaches Rottweiler through the window, still hovering, while he applies a double 'barrel' repulsor shock combination from both hands into the formerly gawking goon's lower body. After all, ignoring Iron Man is as healthy as ignoring rogue. Iron Man's picking up on weak points through rapid feedback from his very helpful suit AI, targeting his shots; armors are sort of his area of expertise, as well as a personal belief that these guys should really not be wearing any!

Iron Man does stay back, as there are EMP blasts that may come his way, and he'll need the space to evade those if they continue. Deadpool isn't technically too far from him, but he's a bit busy yet to notice any issues the merc is having with his teleporter.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is straight up straddling the guy in the arm with her jeans covered legs wrapped around his midsection and her leather jacket covered arms doing all the pulling on the various pieces of the armor that she can get fingertips nestled into. "Never was much of a movie buff neither!" Rogue says in response to the bit about Pulp Fiction. "Ya see, music's my thing..." She's talking while tearing and ripping.

When his hand comes up and he tries to blast her with 'something' sort've like Iron Man's suit? She just bats the arm away and then moves to grasp it by the wrist. "Oh god, hands are my favoarite!" She tells him, her sultry voice sounding a bit winded from all the moving around, but she's only 19 so she's got the stamina to go with it. "I can just... rip'em right off and it don't even matter a lick, cause they ain't got any vital parts inside of'em!"

And thats exacatly what Rogue is trying to do now to the man in the suit who'd offered himself up today as a villain to not just them, but to innocents, and few things bothered her more than that. "Lets get in here and start tearin' off fingers, shall we!" She shouts down at the man.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool, while still hanging onto the windowsill, manages to hoist himself up just enough that he could get a good look inside the apartment, and there he sees, on the wall, the poster of a cute little cat holding onto a rope, with the phrase, "hang in there" below. "Thanks kitty," the Merc says, and uses the inspirational poster like it's never been used before, and he tries to knock on the window again, hoping to catch someone's attention, but instead, he loses his balance when he sees Rogue straddling Rottweiler, and falls backwards, screaming, "I regret nothing!"

He taps at his teleporter in vain, but nothing happens. "Note to self, get Weasel to make sure the next one is EMP pro..." but that's all he gets out as he smacks into a fire escape landing, "ow." Looking up to see Iron Man hovering in the air, he flicks his wrists like Spider-Man, "go web, go!" He reaches into his belt, "damnit, where's my grappling hook? Oh right, two for one Tuesdays..." It's not clear what he's referencing, and really, would you want to know it?

But he manages to get himself up, off the firescape, and he starts to climb back up, "the things I do to try and save a woman who got s--- like a canon by a tree."

War Machine has posed:
     Rottweiler is about to blast away not just Rogue but Triage as well when Tony's strike sends him flying back hard and fast through the wall of the apartment. The shot that was meant for those two goes wide leveling a small section of the tenement building. It was a VERY powerful strike but in the wrong hands it proved fairly useless. Ripping himself out of the wall Rottweiler shakes his head, and places a hand over to the side of his head.

     Triage is not having a good time his own blast goes wide opening up a large hole in the floor that goes down down down all the way to ground level, as the arm of his suit is ripped clean off revealing the dark brown skin, and thick covering of tattoo's that line the surface of his arm. "This aint how this was supposed to go down." He shouts angered by the whole situation. "I aint going down like this." His other hand slowly struggles against the force just barely able to move itself against the might of rogue. It reaches down to the belt of his suit and Deadpool of all people might recognize the belt section of his little suit of armor: A direct ripoff of his own teleporter.

     As Rogue ripps the helmet clean off and reveals Wesley Snipes beneath there's just one moment of eye contact as she's able to get a good look at his sunglasses wearing face behind the wolf helmet before a loud BOOOM echo's out and he vanishes on the spot.

     That just leaves Rhodes cradling his sister, and Rottweiler. Rottweiler isn't exactly thrilled at the fact he's been left alone with now three capes. One of whom happens to be a very familiar merc with a mouth. He looks from one face to the next pausing for thought.

Iron Man has posed:
"JARVIS, get me every scrap of information we can pull together on that teleport," Tony glowers inside his suit, moving quickly to Jeanette and Rhodey, to assess their situation.

"I'm on it. Meanwhile, Rogue, can you prep dogmeat for his new life in custody, sans armor?" Tony asks her quickly, squatting next to Rhodey and the downed Jeanette. "Where're those ambulances?" Tony demands of his AI, alarmed and frustrated. He gets his reply in the form of various sirens.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue tears into the arm and exposes the arm of the man inside, she's got it held strongly in her grasp as her gloved hands squeeze painfully tight before she looks up to see his broken helmet come off and then his face.

"Who wears sunglasses inside of a helmet?" She asks him.

But before anything else can happen, and before she's able to snap his arm like a twig, he explodes and vanishes? Rogue yelps and drops down to the ground on her knees in a state of confusion while she looks around to see where he'd gone.

"What the hell kind of technology is that?" She asks, no one in particular. "Why does everyone else have fancy technology and all I have is a phone that a British voice creepily starts talkin' to me on without even havin' to be picked up after ringing?"

Rogue is standing up then after Tony asks her that and she gives him a soft nod before she glances over to see a man in red and black on the fire escape. "Who's that?"

Deadpool has posed:
Getting back up to the apartment thanks to the fire escape, just in time to see Triage disappear, Deadpool mutters, "that weasel, he's been selling priority DP tech to the bad guys... badder guys... to people who aren't me! I'm going to pop that weasel so bad, heh, pop the weasel."

Before the man can answer Rogue, Deadpool shouts through the hole in the wall, "Ballers like me do, because it's cool and it's the only way to jump out of a plane and not lose your Dolce and Gabannas." Yes, he said 'and' there, because that's the company name, not just Dolce Gabanna.

Too bad the guy exploded. Deadpool steps in through the hole in the wall, and takes off his mask. The one he wore over his mask. He seemed to have worn two sets today. But he takes his exterior mask off, so he can press it to his chest, and he hums "Taps", the bugle funeral song used by the American military.

After a moment's silence, Deadpool would explain, and yes, even he observes a moment of silence, "teleportation belt. The thief stole my tech. And somebody decided to use an EMP so mine won't work anymore." And to Tony he adds, "and no, you can't have it. My father spent his life trying to keep out of the reach of a Stark, and I'm not about to let another one get it." Wait, does Deadpool even know who his father is?

Iron Man has posed:
"Deadpool. Let's save the funeral song for while Jeanette isn't bleeding out on the ground in front of him," Tony comments, flatly. He is less fun, it appears, when his best friend is holding in his guts with one hand and there's a woman with a hole in her back blown open next to him.

Tony gives a relieved nod at Rogue, and works to help get the wounds under control as best he can, and to get the paramedics in as quickly as possible into the extremely unstable building.

Deadpool has posed:
"Oh..." and finally Deadpool takes note. He tries to play with his image inducer, but that too seems to have been effected by the EMP. Weasel's going to have a fun time fixing all this stuff. He also shuts up. Even Deadpool can be quiet. It's a weird thing. But he didn't want the guy or the girl to get hurt. They didn't do anything wrong, that they had been caught for. And probably nothing worth dying over. Moving over to Tony, Deadpool tries to whisper into Tony's helmet, as if Tony has an audio sensor where his ears should be, and asks, "maybe my blood could save them? You're smart. Like not, Reed Richards smart, but you've got to be smarter than the jerks that cursed me with unlimited lives in this video game I call life?" Despite his Deadpoolisms, he genuinely wants to help here.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yeah, smart enough to see that we don't have time to sort it out enough for that to not kill them right now," Tony answers Deadpool, distracted. Dismayed. And now directing the paramedics that arrive. No, medical isn't Tony's primary area, and the severity here isn't something he'd duct tape.

"Ridin' with you to the hospital," Tony assures Rhodey after putting his mask away, to squat next to his injured friend and grip his hand.

War Machine has posed:
     After this point cleanup is a fairly easy task. Rhodes is hauled off on a stretcher and taken down to the bottom floor where he's lead to an ambulance. Jeanette is checked and after a quick check by paramedics it's confirmed that she didn't survive the gunshot to her spine.

     Cleanup is a slow process for as easy as it might be with police arriving to take Rottweiler into custody, however the moment they pry the armor off of him it turns to little more then a heap of slag, the electronics completely frying themselves due to the forced removal.

     Police arrive to cordon off the scene trying to question whatever witnesses they can find and figure out just what the motive behind this deranged turn of events might have been. By the end of it this place will have gone back to its dilapidated self, the crime scene will be cleaned and the poor people who call this place home will return to their lives. All in all for the police at least it was just another day on the job.