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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/03/02 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1023, 1353 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1023|Laurel Gand (102...")
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Latest revision as of 22:29, 2 April 2018

Log 3878
Date of Scene: 02 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Andromeda, Slipstream

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel is... Reading. That is to say the blonde is sitting on her couch with her knees tucked toward her chest, a tablet in both hands. She has it scrolling as fast as it an go while staring at the screen intensely. Apparently the Daxamite can actually read that quickly. It's a fairly ordinary day - overast but relatively calm. Fewer people are out than usual but it isn't so bad that those who are there are overly grumpy. A good day to travel. It's also the first break Laurel's taken in a few days given all the work she's had to do.

Slipstream has posed:
There is a knock at the door from outside as Drake stands, rocking back and forth on his sneakers. With the Internet out, he has been forced to come up for fresh air now and again, and actually get to hang out in the city. Taking in a deep breath, he holds a half dozen roses in his hand and a small wrapped white box with a red ribbon around it.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel lowers the tablet slowly and loks up. she tilts her head for a second to listenm then reaches up and draws her fingers thrugh her long golden hair. The Daxamite climbs to her feet and walks over to the door, opening it without any hesitation. 'Drake," she greets cheerfully. "Afternoon. Please, come in. Do you want anything to drink? This is a pleasant surprise." She offers a genial smile, her entire manner reminiscent of a sitcom mom. Someone has watched too much tv.

Slipstream has posed:
"Hey." Drake says as he steps inside, giving a casual glance about. "Happy Valentine's Day." He says as he offers her the roses and the box. "Sure, I can get a water. Was a long walk over and I only have a few more jumps left on the watch before I have to recharge myself." He says with a slight grin. "Was not sure if you had plans but I know you like roses..."

Andromeda has posed:
"I- have to get back to work soon," Laurel replies quietly. "But I don't have an yplans just now." The tablet is sitting on the coffee table and hte apartment is otherwise its usual immaculate self. She accepts the roses and the box from Drake. "They're lovely! Thank you." Laurel inhales deeply through her nose, then pauses for a second while she enjoys the scent of the flowers.

"I'll go get your water and some for these little darlings as well." It isn't long before Laurel returns with a glass - including ice cubes- and a vase of roses which goes on the center of the table. "I didn't get you anything," she admits after a moment. She is holding the box carefully across her hands. She reaches for the ribbon. "Ah. I suppose I should open it. Let's see..."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, it's okay. I didn't expect you to get me anything. I wasn't even sure if you recognized Valentine's day, but, it just felt like ... it was something I would do for you." Drake takes the water from her with a smile, then brings it up to his lips for a sip. His eyes move towards the box for a moment with a chuckle as she starts to open it. He shifts on his feet a bit nervously as he slides both hands around the glass of cold water. Inside the box is a journal with a black cover and small, silver hand painted glittery stars on it. Upon opening it, she will find pages filled with his own handwriting. "I hope you don't think it's weird, but .. my therapist said I should write down all of the memories I had in there that I obtained from the time prison. So .. I spent the last few weeks writing. About how we met, how we fell in love, how we got married .. our child .. ah .. that night on the beach in Puerto Rico after we had too much wine." He mutters under his breath with a clear of his throat. "Oh, and the less weird gift is the box of chocolates beneath it. He takes in a deep breath and says, "I know .. that you don't feel about me how I feel for you, but I thought I'd at least give you the chance to read our story." He stubs his foot on the ground a few times nervously.

Andromeda has posed:
"Oh, Drake, I..." Laurel stares at the diary for a moment, turning it over a fewitmes in her hand while she looks it over. It is returned ot the box and she retrieves the chocolates. Setting this aside she pops the box of chocolates open and fishes one out. "I'll read it," she promises then. "I don't know what Ill think but I'll - read it," she continues. The first chocolate is the noffered o Drake. "I do want to understand. Whether I share your feeling or- not...." She shakes her head slowly.

Slipstream has posed:
"I know it's a totally creepy thing to do, and I've been giving you a ton of space. I just thought maybe you would be curious to know how it all happened, even if it's just fantasy. Something we can laugh at later." Drake winds his hands together for a moment. "But, until then, I'll keep giving you space because I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He says as he offers her a brief smile, reaching out to take the chocolate. "But, if you ... and I never happen in this world, I've come to accept it. I have to otherwise it'll just continue to chew me up." He gives a chuckle, glancing over to the door. "So, I think .. I'm going to give the superhero .. thing a shot. Already got a name picked out for myself. Slip Stream. Named after Tracer's space craft before it got lost in time."

Andromeda has posed:
"Slip Stream is a good name," Laurel responds quietly. She doesn't seem to have an asnwer to the rest of it so she doesn't. Instead the young woman withdraws a chocolate of her own and deposits it into her mouth. She chews carefully for a second and takes another to savor the confection before swallowing. then she asks, "Are you staying for a little bit? if neither of us have anything to do. It might not quite be what you picture, but...." She shrugs slowly. "We can make the best of it for now?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I have time. I just didn't want to be a bother. How about we snag some dinner? Benefit of having a time displaced husband is that I know you love Italian food, or that you soon will after I take you to Pietro's. I can get a quick reservation on my phone and then we can head over?" Drake asks as he slides his phone out, then sighs. ".. But I don't have Internet .. which is kinda why I'm over here." He sighs and shrugs. "I don't know the number off the top of my head. I guess we can .. walk? Or hail a cab.."

Andromeda has posed:
"We can walk. if it's too distressing for you I can carry you." The smile is positively sly but she offers it easily, laughing as she does. The blonde sets the box with the journal down on the table and turns toward the door. "Very well. My new favourite place, hmm? I'm fascinated. You can show me the way. With the internet out and people busy with other things it will probably be less busy than usual anyway, I'm sure we will be fine."

Slipstream has posed:
"Nothing says macho than being carried by an incredible attractive super heroine through the streets of New York on Valentine's day." Drake laughs. "I will be fine. I have about .. maybe six jumps left before my body gets angry at me. And, if it's busy, I don't mind waiting. Time seems relative to me these days." He says as he heads for the door with a bit of a bounce in his step. "I hope you like it. Lasagne is incredible by the way. It's like a top three comfort food for me. I'm curious to see what you pick out. Also, Italian soda is amazing." He says as he offers his hand out to her in a way that seems all too natural to do.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel takes the offered hand and simply loks puzzle as Drake speaks of machismo. "I don't understand what is emasculating about that experience," she responds slowly, arching a perfectly sculpted brow as she allows herself to be led away from the apartment. "But if you insist. Very well. I'll... Let you order then. You seem to know me better than I know myself." Another soft laugh and then Laurel settles in to enjoy the walk. She's always looking around, learning new details - or perhaps simply what is out of place.

Slipstream has posed:
"Here on earth, it's pretty emasculating to have a girl carry a guy around the city because his feet hurt or something." Drake chuckles as he squeezes her hand. "And I'm not ordering for you! I want you to order for yourself. I'm curious to see if you pick out what I think you'll pick out based upon what you see on the menu. Will be more fun that way than me controlling everything because I have a cheat code into your life." He bumps his shoulder against hers gently. As they walk, he glances around as well, spying the billboard of his team nearby of them looking happy. "My team has moved back home for the time being while the Net is down. I'm kinda alone in the building now for the most part. Though Jessica pops over to see me at times. Dazzler did once also. It's just weird not being in front of my computer all the time. Oh! By the way, I'm going to be working out now. Spending less time off stream and more time in the gym."

Andromeda has posed:
"That will be good for you," Laurel repies somewhat absently. "I spend a lot of time working out. It's essential to maintaining a good level of physical fitness and strength." Says the girl who could very possibly literally move the planet. She flashes Drake another smile an then nods quickly, blonde tresses bouncing slightly as she does. "I'll order form syself then. I really don't mind. You'll have to help me understand, ah.. Gender dynamics on Earth. We don't make those divisions on Daxam. At least, not in my time..."

Slipstream has posed:
With an amused smile to her, Drake says, "I still remember the language you were teaching me. I can still speak most phrases, even if they do not roll off my tongue very well." He says with a proud smile along his face as he curls his other hand about hers as they walk. "But yeah, gender dynamics is still kinda weird I guess. It's improved over the years, but I think being carried is still weird when we can get a cab. It's only about ten more blocks though." He teases. "You want to race?" His brows lift upwards some.

Andromeda has posed:
"If you're sure," Laurel responds somewhat impishly. "I haven't had anyone challenge me to a race since well before Lar was-" she pauses for a second, "Do yoyu have any idea how fast you can go yet?" She akss more seriously.. Meanwhile the blonde straightens and takes a deep breaht, releasing Drake's hand. "But I'd be happy to," she concedes then, tilting her head slightly as she does. "And you can show me how much of my native tongyue you've learned afterward."

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm pretty fast. I got like I said..according to the watch, six jumps. Which means I can skip almost there. Give me a two second head start?" Drake asks after their hands release. He gives her a grin, then leans in and whispers against her ear, "You've always been good with your native Daxamite tongue." There's a small cackle, the line obviously meant to distract her before there's a popping noise in the air and he's just ... gone. With her sight, she may be able to see him blur, but the motion is almost instanaeous as he zips about three blocks down, then blurs again with another pop of the air. He's not teleporting, but it sure looks close to it.

Andromeda has posed:
"Well, of course, I was born-" Then Laurel pauses. She flushes a faint red. And Drake takes off down the street. Laurel lets out a yelp of outrage in response to the clear trick and then she breaks into a sprint that would leave most other supernaturals staring at the air blankly. She moves so swiftly the world doesn't really register her passing before she's gone. The desire not to cause buildings to simply shatter by her movements does limit Laurel's foot speed somewhat, however. It makes for a tense race.

Slipstream has posed:
As he propels himself in his rapid blinks, Drake keeps his attention focused on the next block as he leaps. Each push off his foot is another hundred yards or so as the world blurs right past him in a rush of popping kinetic energy. As the two superheroes maneuver through the city, he can feel his heart begin to race and his head start to throb. So close though! He gives himself another push, even though his watch is screaming at him to stop with a loud alert and flashing red lights on his left wrist. As he pops in front of Pietro's, the crowd around him scatters quickly as he stumbles to one side, then grabs a sign pole as his knees buckle.

Andromeda has posed:
And then Laurel is there. She grabs Drake as he is clinging to the sign pole and draws him close to her protectively. Just the way she had when he pushed himself like htis before. In another life... The Daxamite smells of strawberries. WHy did she pick strawberries? It's almost surral to thnk that detail carries through so clearly. She draws a slow breath and then sighs quietly. "You won the race," Laurel whispers then, her voice close to his ear. She's taller by a few inches and it shows now. If emasculation is somehting he's trying to avoid Laurel might be the wrong choice of lover. She never did take such things seriously...

Slipstream has posed:
Curling up against her, Drake wraps his arms about her for leverage as he presses his head into her shoulder. His body is trembling as his wrist watch continues to sound the alarm in a red glow for a few more pulses before it dims down to a gentle yellow, then back to it's light blue once his vitals stabilize "You let me. You were too busy worrying." He murmurs in return as he tilts his chin upwards, his breath warm against her neck. "You smell like strawberries." He chuckles softly as he realizes the familiar scent that tickles his nose.

Andromeda has posed:
"Mmm. I wouldn't say I let you, but... Of course I was worried," Laurel responds softly. "Why wouldn't I be? I do care about you you know." All of this is said while Laurel continues to cradle Drake against her and sighs softly as she looks up toward the sky overhead. "You don't need to impress me or - anything like that. Truly."

Slipstream has posed:
"I wasn't trying to impress you, Laurel." Drake chuckles as he brushes his fingers against her back as he holds her close. "I was trying to prove that I can do this. To be a hero, I gotta be able to push myself past the limits sometimes. Figure this would be a fun attempt knowing you'd be there to swoop in and save me." He leans back and grins, eyes staring into hers for a moment before he brushes the back of his knuckles against her cheek. "I'm starving now by the way."

Andromeda has posed:
"Pushing yourself past your limits is all well and goood when you have someone to catch you, but if you really want to be a hero you need ot learn how to win inside those limits. You're not saving anyone if you have a heart attack." Laurel shakes her head slowly, green eyes more ruminative than reproacheful. She takes a deep breath and gently eases Drake back to his feet.

Slipstream has posed:
Looking amused, Drake says, "Maybe I knew you'd catch me." He says as he rightens up to his feet. "And I was fine. It was only a little bit of a push. Gotta take babysteps before you can run, right?" He says as he tilts his head towards the door. "You ready to experience the best night of your life in regards to tastebuds?"

Andromeda has posed:
"The best, hmm? You're going to have stiff competition to beat Daxam,"Laurel notes with a bright smile that causes her dimples to show. "I suppose I will have to tkae you up on that challenge then." Laughing softly, Laurel steps up to the door, then pauses. "I am supposed to lety ou open this, I guess?" A beat later she opens the door anyway. Gender normativity be damned. "I can't wait."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, I'm supposed to open the door, but I got used to it after awhile." Drake admits as he steps in after her. He gives a motion to the waiter. "Two please." As they are led to the back, they are greeted by the delicious scents of Italian cuisine. "I think Daxam food is okay. From what I remember when you tried to make it. But next to Mexican, this is the best."

Andromeda has posed:
"Well, I doubt I had actual Daxamite ingredients," Laurel responds cheerfully. "This does smell-" Laurel sniffs the air delicately and pauses for a second before shaking her head. "-Almost as good as Daxam," she finishes before nodding quickly. She slides into her seat easily and takes up her menu, scanning it over briefly. "Parmigiana..." A beat. "Hm. Osso buco! That sounds interesting."

Slipstream has posed:
Drake says, "I haven't had that one before. It looks like lamb." Drake says as he settles on the meat lasagne immediately, as well as a loaf of fresh garlic bread. He makes a motion to the waiter and then leans in to order a white wine. He doesn't even get carded. That's confidence for you. That, and it's Valentine's Day after all. "Almost, you say. Until you taste it. Then you're going to sing Italy's praises." He chuckles. "So, besides food, what else is going on with you?" He asks curiously."

Andromeda has posed:
"Veal, apparently," Laurel replies quietly, tilting herh ead while she studies the menu. She watches as Drake orders lasagne and pauses, nodding slowly. The bread is brought to the table free of charge for the pair to slice and butter while Laurel herself settles on trying the osso buco with risotto after all. She closes her menu and then takes a deep breath. "Work could have been better. We've been tracking a- fugitive." Laurel hesitates for a moment. "He's a Daxamite. They've promised to alert me if he's discovered but for now- I can't stand the waiting." She breathes a soft sigh. "But I'm doing - well, actually. Have you been able to get back to work...?"

Slipstream has posed:
Shaking his head, Drake says, "No, not yet. With the Internet down I can't do much of anything. But it's okay. I've been kept busy with friends who have dropped by." He says as he props his chin up in his palm. "A fugitive Daxamite, huh? Do you know the guy? He's not an ex boyfriend is he?" He teases her a bit. Taking a slice of bread, he spreads some butter upon it and takes a bite happily.

Andromeda has posed:
"You're about a thousand years off," Laurel retorts, shaking her head as she rolls her eyes. "No, it's just- the case is a bit strange. And the longer he's fugitive the harder it becomes to contain him." She sighs heavily and closes her eyes for a second before reaching out for some bread of her own.

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm sure you guys will be fine and will catch him soon enough. Is he an actual bad guy or just someone who's misunderstood? How dangerous is he?" Drake asks as he pours a glass of wine for her, then one for himself, though only halfway. "Do you know much about this guy and ... is there anything I can do to help?"

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel takes a second to take abite of bread. Her eyelashes flutter and she pauses for a second before continuing. After a moment she speaks again. "He's- very dangerous, unfortunately. This one needs to be found. As for what you can do? I don't- know," she notes quietly. "I'm not sure what you can do to help find or subdue a Daxamite, or even what you're truly capable of." This is related rather earnestly. "If you have ideas I'll be happily accept any help I can get. But for now- it doesn't matter. He isn't attacking or even being seen. e have time for a nice dinner." She reaches out to try the wine.

Slipstream has posed:
"I was thinking maybe I could be some type of recon if you have an area picked out. I kinda am unassuming and I can walk about freely without people even giving me a second look." Drake says as he nods his head. "I also got Kara's watch on." He motions to his right wrist. "I just gotta push on it and she will know I'm danger, so if anything, I got some type of backup. I also got a meeting with Tony Stark coming up to look over me over after the accident and maybe I can pick his brain on getting some tech to help me out."

Andromeda has posed:
"That's definitely possible if I have a location," Laurel agrees slowly. "You will absolutely need Kara if it comes to conflict. Being seen is a very bad idea," she continues quietly, nodding. "Picking Stark's brain about tech to help you would be a good idea. I don't know that we plan on going entirely public with this just yet, however..." she pauses for a moment. "I don't have a 'job' to give you today but if I have the opportunity I'll bring you in. And if you see anything, of course..." she pauses for a moment and then laughs softly. She looks up as plates are approaching their table.

Slipstream has posed:
"If you got a picture of him for me to peek at, it'd help. That way I can keep my eyes open." As the food arrives, Drake licks his lips hungrily and shifts up, tucking a fabric napkin over his lap as he scoots in. "Oh, man, that smells so good." He says once the lasagne is placed down in front of him. He gives a look over at her own plate of food, unable to help the grin on his face. He slices into his lasagne, then puts a corner of it on to a small plate and slides it over to her, then snags some garlic bread to begin dipping into his sauce.

Andromeda has posed:
"A picture... I can manage when we get back. For now we should go ahead and eat." Laurel regards her forood with a blink. "It looks nmothing like yours," she notes musingly. he runs her fork along a bone for now, carefully pulling away some of the meat. ""it looks absolutely fantastic..." She doesn't seem to be entirely sure of her Italian repaste yet, but the smile shows she doesn't really mind the uncertianty. It's time to be bold and try something new. "Do you eat here often, Drake?" It's a way of making conversation while she compulsively organizes her plate.

Slipstream has posed:
Slicing a bit of lasagna on to his fork, Drake tucks it into his mouth happily with a sigh. "Me? No. I don't get out often because of the team and doing all the tournaments and practice. Most of our food is made by the house chef that we have employed or we have it delivered. But, being that today is Valentine's Day, I wanted to get out and do something nice and meaningful." He continues to eat, stirring the slabs of pasta in the sauce, then takes another bite. "You should really try this." He motions to the chunk that he gave her on the plate. "This will change your life."

Andromeda has posed:
"LWell, alright. I'm not sure how it will beat mine," Laural replies, offering a lopsided smile. "This.... Veal... is delicious. I just..." She loers her fork and then takes a deep breath. the plate of lasagne is scooted closer and a piece is delicately carved off of it. Laurel takes her time in raisingit to her lips and depositing it onto her tongue. She blinks when she tastes it, and pauses for a second. "...Oh." A beat. "Ohh." Another bite quickly follows. It seems to be disrupting conversation.

Slipstream has posed:
There is a knowing grin upon Drake's face as he nods his head as he watches her eat the pasta, then goes back to his own plate. "Some things never change. Your love for strawberries, your love for lasagne. Welcome to your new obsession, in which for two years you blamed me over and over again that lasagne was the reason why you gained an incredible three pounds." He says with a bit of a snort, followed by a chuckle. "This is the moment in which I changed your life forever." He says as he glances up at her with mischievous dark eyes.

Andromeda has posed:
"That's impossible," Laurel objects past a forkful of lasagne." she ppauses, tines still pointed at her lips. "I ca't gain weight from *food*. How much lasagne did I eat? How many calories is this? Drake, you should start making sense..."

Slipstream has posed:
"Nothing is impossible. You're on Earth now, and you /love/ lasagne. You also have a thing for garlic bread as well." Drake says with a laugh as he twirls the pasta around in the sauce and cheese a bit more. "You want to trade?" He teases as he nudges the plate forward towards her. "I can take the veal off your hands." He winks.

Andromeda has posed:
"...Well, I shouldn't..." Then Laurel presses her plate toward Drake. "Thank you." She scoops up his lasagne and then begins to dissect it with her fork, cutting caeful squares before placing one of them on her fork and bringing it to her lips. She actually savors her food, eating slowly and letting her eyelashes flutter between bites. "How long did it take you to figure this out the first time?" she inquires curiously. "I don't even now where to be gin. We have something like this at home..."

Slipstream has posed:
"Figure out how to make lasagne or that I loved it? I don't know, I think this dish has been around for thousands of years. This has been one of my favs since I was a child." Drake says as he slices into the veal now and takes a couple of bites happily. "I'm glad that you like it though." He dabs at his lips with a napkin, then reaches forward to touch the corner of her mouth with it as well as a bit of sauce escaped.

Andromeda has posed:
"I'm going to be stealing yours every time we come here," Laurel notes in rsponse. "Be prepared. If you aren't already.." So saying she takes another bite. After a moment, however,, Laurel pauses. "Trade back? I'd like to try them both. And if this is your favourite as well..." She flashes Drake another of those bright smiles. "We may as well be equitable about the whole affair. While I feel charitable."

Slipstream has posed:
Giving her a grin, Drake pushes his plate back over to her, then flags the waitress down to order a fresh pan of lasagne for them. "Go ahead and kill my plate as well, I know how you can throw the food back. I'll get some more and work away on this garlic bread." He says as he tears a hunk of buttery bread off. "You want to do this again, then? Maybe in a week? Thursday?"

Andromeda has posed:
"...Alright. Thursdays." Laurel nods slowly. She arches a brow when Drake offers Laurel his food as well but then she sets into it. She can make food vanish at an alarming rate and tonight is no exception. She then starts on the garlic bread. This, at least, is a renewable resource. "...You said you know how to make lasagne?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, I know how to make it." Drake says with a chuckle as he gives her an amused grin. "Are you looking to come over to my place maybe and have me cook for you? I don't mind. I'd be a bit rusty but I'm sure I won't ... burn it. I'll ask Chef for some pointers." He says as he gives a lick of his lips, then drags his soda over for a sip. "So, what do you want to do after this?" He asks curiously. "Head back to your place, watch a movie maybe?"