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Latest revision as of 03:51, 8 April 2018

These Great Memories
Date of Scene: 07 April 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion - Gym
Synopsis: Drake and Lar make memories together, and talk about relationships.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Slipstream

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has been visiting Clint at the Avengers' Mansion on and off lately, with the...procedure coming up. After finishing with today's particular conversation, he's decided to go check out the gym.

    Upon entering, he starts to size it up, trying to decide if it'd be safe for him to actually use in any capacity. Well, maybe a little bit, but not to really cut loose most likely! Not many places on Earth have that luxury. He wanders over to a rack full of weights and idly picks up the biggest one with one hand.

Slipstream has posed:
Already out at the gym is Drake who is currently throwing fists into a punching bag. He is shirtless, revealing a more trimmed and cut version of his body. He's put on some muscle and has been sculpting it in the right direction. His hands are taped up and he's covered in a layer of sweat as he slams his fists one after the other into the bouncing heavy sack.

Mon-El has posed:
    Putting the weight back down as gently as possible, Lar makes his way over to Drake. "Drake!" he says cheerfully. "What're you doing here? I see that you've been getting stronger." he remarks, noticing the bigger, stronger muscules. "Nice work."

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm an Avenger now. I think. Trial thing... um... sorta.. Like.. I get to use the Gym.. and fuck up when I try to help. So you know, typical superhero rookie stuff." Drake says as he gives another few punches into the bag in a quick combination. "Um.. what are you doing here?" He asks curiously as he rubs the back of his neck with a grin.

Mon-El has posed:
    A brow goes up. "An Avenger? Wow." Lar says with a smile. "That's awesome, aren't they pretty famous? And to think just a few months ago, you thought your life was over. See, I knew you'd be fine and more than fine."

    His face sobers a little bit when Drake asks him what he's doing here himself. "Oh, I've just been visiting Clint a bit. He's going to help me get my memories back. And about that, I've been wanting to tell you..." he trails off momentarily, searching for the right words. "The procedure is tonight. I just wanted you to know that I'll always be your friend, and I'll always be here for you. But, if it works then I might--be um, I don't know, a little different afterward. It's just that...I don't know what all is in my past, and...it could be a lot."

Slipstream has posed:
Rolling his shoulders back and forth a bit, Drake says, "Yeah, an Avenger. I don't think I'm a real Avenger though. They're just watching me, trying to figure out how to fix my powers so they don't kill me. Tony thinks I'm amusing. Like a hamster or something I'm sure. But everyone here is really amazing. Like, I get a lot of great advice from everyone." He ponders the next thing he says and then picks up his phone and heads over to him. He taps at an app and pulls up a camera, then swaps it to vidoe mode. Turning around, he holds it up for them to have a video selfie and presses play. "Hey, this is Drake and this is my best friend Lar Gand. I'm making this video of the two of us just in case he gets his memories back and he forgets who I am, or becomes a total asshole. Lar Gand saved my life. If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead, maybe twice. I never in my life had a brother, but if I could, I'd want it to be him, because he is thoughtful, caring and a great guy. He is what a super hero should be, even if he doesn't know his own strength." He pauses. "Also, Lar thinks I'm the most awesome guy ever. He one told me if he dies, I can have his space ship. I would never lie about something like this." He says with a wide grin as he glances up at him, then motions for him to say something if he likes.

Mon-El has posed:
    "That's still great!" Lar says, beaming. "I'm so glad they're willing to help. I have absolute confidence that you are in good hands." he pats Drake on the shoulder, as carefully as he can, hopefully not bruising or breaking any bones.

    Then Drake starts a video selfie. He laughs at his friend's words, his face flushing, but he waits until Drake is done talking. "Okay, first of all, that is -not- what I meant," he says, still grinning. "This is to add memories not take them away, okay?" Then he frowns. "Is 'asshole' the same as 'asshat'?" Another laugh, then short exhale. "But anyway..."

    "Just in case, I guess... Drake is what I wish my real family were like. Even when I didn't know anything about this planet, and even when I almost got him killed, AND even when I shunned him out of guilt--he still stuck with it. Even if he doesn't wear spandex, he's a real hero to me. Because after all, not all heroes wear spandex." he winks. "Oh, and he can totally have my ship if I die...-if- he can get past Brainiac."

Slipstream has posed:
Grinning at him, Drake bumps his shoulder against his gently. "I'm not ever going to wear spandex. I don't need to embarrass myself. I'd have to stuff a sock down my pants or wear a cup or something so I can have some sense of ego." He takes in a deep breath and then glances down at the camera. "Regardless of what happens, at least we have /these/ great memories. Dynamite, out!" He taps the video off and lobs the phone on to his gym bag. "Everything will be fine, dude. Really. You'll just come back from this stronger."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well, I hope so." Lar replies, nodding. "But, you're probably right. I trust Clint. And SHIELD. I know they have my best interests at heart. And that of everyone on this planet, too." He chuckles at the comment about spandex. "I guess it is among the most comfortable and versatile clothing material around here, so it makes sense when it comes to some of the things we have to do. But it looks to me like you might be well on your way to -not- having anything to be embarrassed about in the near future." he grins.

Slipstream has posed:
"Hey, muscles get big on top, nothing changes down below bro. We're kinda stuck when what we got. I'm just gonna be Captain Average for the rest of my life." Drake says as he leans down to pluck up his shirt, then peels it over his body and gives it a few tugs down. "So, how are you and Kara doing? Um.. things are kinda rocky with me and Jess right now."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, really?" Lar looks surprised. "I didn't know that. Hm. Well perhaps you're right then. But don't say -that-, you're already not average because you can do something that most others can't."

    At the mention of Kara, he sighs, his expression sad. "I don't know Drake...I love Kara with all my heart, and she loves me. But, I know that we can't truly be together forever, not as long as my family is still alive and out there. They could be danger to this planet. They -will- be, if they find me with her. I--the truth is, I've already gone too far. If I don't pull back now, I'm afraid I won't be able to. But..." he shakes his head. "After what happened with her previous partner, I--I know it'll break her heart. And I hate thinking about that."

Slipstream has posed:
"I think you should stop worrying so much about your family and just enjoy your time with her. You're on a planet full of superheroes who will protect you and her if push came to shove. You don't live on that planet anymore. You live here. Those guys can just fuck themselves." Drake says as he gives a few swivels of his hips to loosen the joints up, then heads over to his gym bag. "Love is love and you shouldn't let a bunch of What Ifs get in the way of that you know? I mean, Jessica cheated on me with some guy named Adam Warlock who looks like a God with a gold body. At least your girl is.." He pauses for a moment, then shakes his head. "We all make mistakes in life, but, still ... don't give up on the two of you."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar's face fills with concern with the mention of Jessica. "Oh, I'm sorry. That must have been terrible." he shakes his head. "But perhaps that means she wasn't right for you in the first place. I'm sure you'll find someone soon."

    Then he sighs again. "Thank you, Drake. But as much as I wish it were that simple, it just isn't. It's not a 'what if'. It's a 'when'. If we are exposed to yellow solar radiation, we can live for many years. Hundreds, maybe even a thousand, I can't be sure. The fact is, it would only be a matter of time before they'd find me. And with other Daxamites having found this place as well--that just makes it even more likely they'll come here sooner rather than later. I'm sure others would protect us, yes, but...at what cost? You know how strong we are. As much as I love her, it would be selfish to put so many innocent people at risk."

    "And besides that...I'm not just some random Daxamite either. I was the one chosen to lead in my parents' place once they are gone. So maybe--even if something happens to them or even once they're gone, I will have a responsibility to my people. Krypton is responsible for Daxam's current sorry state...so I doubt they'd accept a Kryptonian ruling over them just because I fell in love with one. So as much as I want to be with Kara forever, I just--I can't." Another long sigh. "But I can't bring myself--I don't know how to explain this to her."

Slipstream has posed:
"Dude, you're talking about potentially thousands of years to have a relationship, where most of us die before we hit seventy. What is more important? You being scared of your dad or you and Kara being in love and doing something that you two want to do? It sounds like to me that you're scared and you're too afraid to take a risk. Let's be honest here, our planet has been attacked by /everything/ and we're still here. Dinosaurs, meteors, Thanos, whoever bad guy that Superman fights these days. Your parents are not going to be the end of the world dude. You need to stop worrying and take it one day at a time." Drake says as he shrugs his shoulders upwards. "Otherwise, you're just gonna live in regret and then she'll find a new boyfriend and you're gonna get all pissy about it and jealous. That's what always happens."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Maybe you're right..." Lar slumps his shoulders. "But, just because this planet has survived this long doesn't mean it's invincible and thus doesn't mean that we should throw caution to the wind. I mean, it probably won't mean the end of everything as you know it, but people could get hurt or killed, too. And, like I said, it's not just that I'm afraid, it's that I have a responsibility to my people too. Ugh, I don't know. I don't know how to let her go, but I can't stay with her, either. I'm just so torn."

Slipstream has posed:
"People can get hurt by getting hit by a car walking across the street." Drake says to him. "People got hurt when I was trying to help them out during that radioactive monster that was attacking the city. All we can do is try our best to do the right thing when the time comes and to stop worrying about all the worse case situations. Otherwise, you're gonna end up hiding in a hole and never poking your head out." He also shrugs. "Your people is also in the thirty-first century, right? Technically here in this year? They aren't your people because they aren't even born. They're thousands of light years ahead of us in time. Unless you plan on hopping in a time machine and traveling forward, they are technically not your issue now."

Mon-El has posed:
    "No, I don't mean the Legion, I mean Daxam. Here, now, in the 21st century. I know it's confusing, but I was born in this time period, on Daxam. Right now I'm not entirely certain how it was that I ended up living in the future with the Legion, but I'm sure it will be clearer after the operation." Lar explains, shaking his head.

    "That's what I'm trying to do, Drake. The right thing. But it's not always so obvious. And right now, I don't know what to do."

Slipstream has posed:
"The right thing is to not break up with your girlfriend and let things play out. Again, you got powerful allies who is not gonna let someone just wreck the Earth." Drake says as he gives a stretch of his body. "Sides, if you break up with her, then I totally get to ask her out." He teases him with a wink. "Just kidding, dude. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm with Jessica or not. She apologized and she feels bad. I just .... I suck at relationships in general even before the whole memory thing. I'm sorta better off behind a computer."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles at the tease. "If she agrees to it, then it's fair game." Seriously. He just wants Kara to be happy.

    "You'll figure it out, I know you will." he says with a wink. "And really, you're no worse at them than I am, clearly." A sigh. "Well, maybe..hopefully everything will be clearer once I get my memories back."

Slipstream has posed:
"What if when you get your memories back, you hate her?" Drake asks curiously as he tilts his head to one side.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I--" Lar begins defensively, then realizes that it's definitely a possibility. "I have no control over that. So, I guess...it will just be whatever it will be. I don't -think- it should happen though, since I should still have my recent memories too." He frowns, however because there's no way he can be sure. This fact isn't mentioned, though. "Well, I--need to prepare for the procedure. It was good seeing you again, Drake."

Slipstream has posed:
"Ooooor... you could just not do the procedure." Drake says as he raises his brows upwards. "You have a great life right now. You have friends and people that care about you and those you care in return. Why fuck it up by tip toeing into the unknown? Maybe you should leave it alone and make new memories."

Mon-El has posed:
    "No... I need this." Lar says firmly, sounding much more resolute about this than he was about breaking up with Kara. "Too many people have been put at risk or worse because I can't get my act together and keep doing stupid things." He pauses, exhaling slightly. "Look, I know you're worried this will change our friendship for the worse, but I think--it will be just fine. I will still remember you, and Kara, and everyone else I've met recently."

    Then he turns toward the door. "Goodbye, Drake." He says quickly as he hurries out before his friend can talk him out of doing it.