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Latest revision as of 18:09, 10 April 2018

Happy Days at Red Hook
Date of Scene: 24 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Joker, Crusader

Joker has posed:
It's a typical weekend evening in the Red Hook Shopping Mall food court. The background noise of various conversations fill the air and mixes with the aroma of fast food. The occasional child cries and often laughter is heard, especially amongst crowds of teenagers. A pair of security guards chat about business as they exit the food court. A janitor can be seen pushing a rolling garbage bin towards a set of trash cans.

Crusader has posed:
One good thing about 'retirement' or as Bjorn likes to call it 'being your own boss' was that you were on your own time. And when he is not running his store, he likes to visit places! And today he finds himself in Gotham visting the mall!
    The formally dressed giant of a man meranders through the crowd, listening to the various conversations taking place - he fairly certain he hears some mention of gorillas. Of course. But none the less, he came to this mall to see what kind of stores there were - and he was doing just that, stopping particular by an electronic ship that was just across from the food court where the guards came from

Joker has posed:
The inconspicuous janitor appears to be a pale, thin man who peers into several trash cans with a disappointing look. Turning to the the crowd, he places his hands on his hips. "Tsk tsk." Throwing his hands into the air and motioning towards the crowd, he loudly complains, "Now what kinda jerks leave all the trash sitting in the cafeteria seats??" The Joker yanks a bag from a nearby bin and spills its contents on the floor. "Look at all these HAPPY meals!!" He turns back to the crowd. "But I don't see a single a smile amongst any of you! What has this place come to? Hmmm?" Ripping the janitor outfit off to reveal his much livelier suit underneath, he reaches into a coat pocket. "Looks like it's time for a little social reform!"A dozen men burst out of seemingly nowhere donned with gas masks and some type of pack on their back. The crowded cafeteria erupts into screams and chaos as patrons nearly trample each other to escape.

Crusader has posed:
Of course Bjorn wasn't too far away to see and hear what was going on (Joker after all was quite vocal!). What Bjorn didn't expect was to see The Joker once again - last time he seen the clown was months ago. He could have sworn the criminal was commited to Arkham. They should seriously considered beefing up that places security!
    But enough of that - there was trouble clear and true! People from various stores were also getting into a frenzy as the began to panic themselves. With the crowd going everywhere, it gave Bjorn the chance to seemingly dissappear within the chaos.
    Moment later...a somehow even more massive figure seems to appear within the crowds - Crusader! Most of the civilians got out of his way since the juggernaut was intimidating. But he wasn't one to wait around, the armored Juggernaut though silent, moves fast - and heads for the neart Gas Emitting goonies of Jokers - moving fast enough to pick one up and toss them into another gaser within moments.

Joker has posed:
The Joker pulls a glass mason jar out of his pocket and begins unscrewing its lid as he looks towards the large stranger. "Sir, I have to apologize..." The Joker lifts up one leg. The masked men begin spraying into the innocent crowds. "I've got a bad case of GAS!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The screams and cries from the crowd begin to raise in pitch as several begin to shrink in size. The smoke has begins to envelop most of the plaza.

Crusader has posed:
"Well, guess that is what happens when one cuts the cheese." Did...a 'hero' just joke back at the villinouse joker? Yes, yes one did. "But than again you are a fart of a comedian" instead of farce. An oddly jovial fella despite his brutist voice and looks.
    But still with so many men spraying the gas he needed to take them out. Crusader goes after masked man after masked man - he couldn't risk throwing lightning bolts without harming the crowd - either from accidently hitting them or the gas potentially being flammable. But it seems when he takes our two, three more masked men come up to take thier place.
    With the gas everywhere - Crusader was already adding the chemical composition of the gas to his database. And while Crusader doesn't seem to be coughing (as he doesn't actually breath). He knew it was only a matter of time before the gas starts effecting him, let alone the people in the mall.

Joker has posed:
The Joker frowns at Crusader's actions. "At LEAST this one has a sense of humor." Keeping his distance from the hulking vigilante and several men in between, he scoops a dozen tiny children into a jar. He smiles as he pulls out another jar. "Just how different are you from Bats? Hmmm?" His grin widens. "What is your name, hero?"

Crusader has posed:
Crusader himself was begining to shrink as well - Albeit slower than the others. And seeing as everyone was shrinking...he needed to do something quickly. How does one even MAKE shrinking gas? Regardless seeing the children getting scooped up...this wasn't good
    "And unlike you, one has no need to compensate by shrinking others" and the jokes just keep comming. "One is called Crusader. But for now...it time to blow you away" and idea struck him! If this was gas...than he'll have to fight gas with gas! His hands torso shapeshifts into a fan - and as it spins - it funnels gas in from the back and out through the front in a stream towards joker (as he was hoping to shrink/stop him from collecting the kids).

Joker has posed:
The Joker reels back as the second jar is blasted from his hand and shatters on the ground. He grimaces and his smile turns upside down. "Crusader? You are one real pain in the glass!" The remaining thugs turn their attention to the only real threat, focusing their streams of gas at the somewhat smaller target. The Joker briefly laughs at his joke, "But how much are you LIKE him?" and tosses the other sealed jar over the bannister.

Crusader has posed:
@emit "One Tries" he says in regards to the comment. But Crusader was also quite serious about helping people. The concentrated streams were making the man shrink more and more as Osmosis take place, bringing the gas into his cellnites.
    But he had no time to think about his shrinking form - as the glass jar goes over the edge, Crusader jumps over the bannister, chasing it down. Good Lord, it was a bit too close for comfort, as he only managed it to catch it moments before it would have hit the ground. As Crusader lands, jar safely in hand - a crater is left.
    "It alright children" he says calmly to the jar" he stores the jar in his chest for safe keeping -even emiting light in their so the residents weren't in the dark - one of the stranger rescues to be sure.
    He looks up, as the gas was still everywhere. He thinks deep and hard, as he was still shrinking. He looks up and narrows his eyes as he flies up to meet the joker head on.

Joker has posed:
All that seems to remain of The Joker are half a dozen unconscious men and shattered glass. Several doors leading to the area swing slightly indicating recent use. Meanwhile, the voices of a few tiny people can still be heard underneath tables and trash. Some of them point to several gift-wrapped boxes that sit in the middle of the cafeteria. Faint ticking can be heard from their general location.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader hadd, by this point gone from an 8ft Juggernaut to a more gnomish 8inches tall. With the open doors and the gas clearing up, he wasn't shrinking any more. However there was the the problem of the ticking boxs. Knowing Joker....there were just as likely to be fake 'surpises' as they are actual bombs, which does not help things
    There were far to many people to rescue in the building, and with Joker having shrunk him down - his own cyberpathy would be next to useless in disarming all the bombs....but perhaps there was another way...
    Crusader may be too small to disarm them - but he could perhaps still be stong enough to move them! Crusader quickly begins chucking all the presents into the nearest trash can, before hosting it above his head and flying - hoping to take the bombs as far and away from the mall as he could manage. But at this site, this weight was even a burdan to him.

Joker has posed:
The ticking grew more intense as the presents were lifted into the air and smashed through the skylight. In the faint light of the setting sun, and at the height of stressful ticking, they simply stopped. No explosion. No sound. Just calm. A cool breeze sweeps across the evening's hero. Somewhere in the distance, a siren wails.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader gets a dead pan expression, as if to ask 'really joker?' nothing! As if in timing with the ticks - Crusader strength gave out and he plummeted back down towards the ground or more accurately toward the roof!

It is at this moment he remember - he had a jar of kids in his chest!

With his strength weakened it took a alot more effort than he expexted to get himself out from under the trashcan before it hit the roof - with a smash. That would have been alot of shattered bones
    With relief Crusader flies back down and let the jar back out. And even goes as far as to unscrew and gently tilt the jar. Seems he'll be staying here while they figure out how to unshrink everyone, let alone get these kids back to their parents.