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Latest revision as of 19:18, 10 April 2018

The Rand Corporation presents Danny's Birthday
Date of Scene: 01 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Stop me if you've heard this one, a reporter, lawyer, and ninja walk into a party...
Cast of Characters: Iron Fist, Elektra, Superman, Daredevil

Iron Fist has posed:
This was strange. The Rand Corporation had decided to throw a birthday party for Danny. When he mentioned that he didn't know most of the people on the guest list, he was told that it was more for his hard working employees than him. Then there was a line about how they were sure he'd have a birthday party with his friends later, or before. Thing is, Danny didn't make friends easily. It was hard when you had more money than god. So he found himself in his office, playing with his handheld video game. Yep, model corporate behaviour at work. He wore a suit. It was expensive. But it wasn't very well coordinated. With his money, he could afford to hire someone for that. But he hadn't gotten around to it because nobody told him how mismatched his clothes were.

Elektra has posed:
Matt's message had hit her cellphone early in the day, and once Elektra got over being ever so slightly miffed at being included in a joint text that advertised her private number, she'd settled down into musing what you got the man who had everything for his birthday..

The answer presented itself decently enough, and left her smirking to herself. She was fairly certain he'd enjoy it.

And, because she was still technically an invalid (day 3 of the 7 Claire insisted she needed to recuperate before even *thinking* about engaging in her regular activities - along with slight glare at exactly what Claire thought of said regular activities, thank-you Matt) it was a business-clad Elektra that showed up at The Rand Corporation, be-bowed bottle of champagne in hand, and a bored expression on her face, looking to join the celebration.

Superman has posed:
Clark Kent may not be made of money, but he does have a really, really good tailor. And so he shows up https://www.pinterest.com/pin/408560997435870305/ as he enters, a phone in his pocket and a notepad and pen inside the breast of his suit coat, but other than that he's just a handsome looking farmboy in a suit. Of course, he is met almost immediately by the head of Rand Enterprises marketing and media department, talked to about all the things that would be on or off the record, Clark is allowed loose into the reception. And so he makes his way through, adjusting his glasses, and so he sets about to...you know...mingle like reporters do. And eavesdrop a bit as well cause, he's you know...kinda sort of good at that when it comes to trying to figure out who to talk to in order to pick up a story. But, he has a job to do and so while Danny is playing video games while the party for him goes on more or less without him, he takes a peek at what game he's playing. "Danny Rand - the man with two lives...or more depending on how well you're doing at what you're playing." He extends out a hand...."Clark Kent, The Daily Planet."

Iron Fist has posed:
Elektra would be greeted at the door, and her gift would be collected, unless she insisted on presenting it to Danny herself. There was quite a large staff at the party. People from all kinds of power, the mayor, senators, the governor even, all people Danny did not know. Other wealthy people were present, being seen, paying their respects, in many cases, leaving as soon as they were photographed. There were a few reporters too. It was no wonder that Danny basically hid in his office, though the door had been kept open.

Danny had been playing the latest Mario Kart. He was being Yoshi, and riding a yellow vehicle of some kind. He put the game on pause when his name was called, and immediately rose from his chair, coming around the desk to shake Clark Kent's hand, "ah, Mr. Kent," and then he caught sight of Elektra. The look on his face said this could be trouble, or it could be fun. It was a weird look, but an honest one. That was the thing about Danny. He didn't put on airs. His body language was as open as his verbal language, if not moreso. Waving to her, inviting her in, "have you met Elektra Natchios?" In for a penny, in for a pound.

Superman has posed:
Clark is pleased, smiling, "Mr. Rand. Happy Birthday," he pronounces strongly, genuinely. "Though it seems like you may have forgotten? I mean you have a whole crowd of people out there and..." but he pauses, not following through on the sentence, not wanting to call him out too much. "I haven't gotten to play yet but you'll have to let me know how it is," he says with amusement, before turning. "Miss Nachios? I have not...I know her by reputation only." Which of course would be her business reputation, not those...other areas of interest that keep the woman very busy. We'll just refer to that as her second job for now. "Anything for a quote for the paper? Something about how excited you are to be around in such an exciting day and age? Plans for the new year? It seems Rand Industries is putting a lot of effort into making sure the world knows you're still around," he says, gesturing to the fact he's by far not the only reporter here. Still, Clark did see that look, and he's definitely turned so that were Miss Nachios to walk over, he would be the one to the side so that she and Danny can talk.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra hands over her bottle of champagne at the door to be put on the communal gift table. It's not really what she brought Danny anywa, so what does she care? She takes a careful saunter over Danny Rand's way, and not just because these affairs are mind-numbingly boring but certain appearances have to be made - there's the small matter of her injury keeping her more than slightly aware of her body positions. Of course she's trained enough and skilled enough that her care and caution merely look like the usual social elite soiree snobbery.

On the way over she grabs up a glass from a touring waiter, sipping the expensive champagne with that still bored expression. It's all so... predictable. What she's really hoping is that Matt's suggestion of Josie's later is taken up on and some real enjoyment can be had.

Still, she has Danny's actual gift on her. It's an envelope she takes out, ready to hand him. It also means she needn't actually shake Clark Kent's hand. Even though she does roll her eyes inwardly thinking 'save me from that paparazzi'.

She paints a smile upon her face, one appropriate for the newpapers, and murmurs, "This is Danny's day, but if you must, leave me your card and I promise an interview." She does have a very large project opening in the next couple of weeks, and THAT she does want covered. And exclusive would be a wonderful thing.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt had sent out the text earlier only for Karen to point out he'd gotten an invite to Danny's official function. Ah, that made sense, so, in a bit of a rush Matt didn't worry too much about what to get the man who had everything, he couldn't afford it and from what he knew of Danny, he wasn't too wrapped up in things.

So, Matt grabbed the invite, his best suit and made an appearance circling through the crowd until he smelled her. "You've got to be kidding me," he says, it seemed Elektra was every he was and vice-versa. He pauses, thinking of walking out, but thinks the better of it, asking one of the staff if they could guide him to Mr. Rand, and making his way over with their guidance.

"Just saying hello, then I'm leaving," he murmurs quietly to himself at a volume likely only Clark and the poor Rand staffer can hear.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny asides to Clark, "a whole crowd of people I barely know, or haven't even met yet. It's nice that people came, but it's just... a little weird, you know?" Danny was one of those people who craved friendship, but seemed to be surrounded by associates. There was a big leap between the two. He just wanted people who he could sit back on a couch, watch some tv, or play cards with, that kind of thing. Though in Danny's case, it was more like mediate, practice martial arts, and explore New York with. When asked for a quote, Danny says, "hmm, I guess, that we're planning to do better than we have. We, along with the people of Queen Consolidated, are providing low cost travel. We're working on a high speed rail to connect the coasts, since we've... had resistance." From the airlines, who saw a huge risk involved with the tech and managed to slap a multi-year testing phase, limiting any new Zetaports for the foreseeable future. "We've done well and we want to give something back. It's part of why our medical division is not-for profit, or as close as we can be and pay for new developments."

And then he is handed the envelope, which he opens immediately, and finds a subscription to something called Snack Crate. "This sounds delightful, thank you Elektra." And he gives the grown woman a huge, openly. In some ways, Danny is a child. In others, he's a billionaire who can affect the lives of a sizeable chunk of the planet. It was a strange dichotomy. And while still hugging her, he saw Matt, "Matt! Please Henry," Danny knew some of the staff's names, in fact, he knew more staff than actual executives and such. "Please, come in."

Superman has posed:
There is a certain amount of amusemet at the fact Matt & Clark could probably have an entire conversation from across the room that only the two of them could hear if they wanted. Clark smiles to himself though a bit and he looks to Danny and Elektra. As the woman is a bit of a....handful upon approach, Clark smiles politely. "I'm sorry. I...didn't ask for a chance to interview you. We were focused on Mr. Rand tonight. I'm sure I can have someone reach out to your staff though if you wanted? Besides, I'm sure someone of your stature would require Miss Lane and not myself to do that interview," he says and then he looks over to Danny. "No offense. Not that you're B-team material....well, this is going well." He grins again and takes out the pen, jotting down a few notes and he doesn't ask for much follow up. Either he's a really bad reporter, or he's just good enough to not push Danny past what he's already graciously gone along with.

"It's the food, by the way. They may not know you very well, but Rand Enterprises did put out one of the best spreads I think I've ever seen."

Elektra has posed:
When Matt arrives, it's like a frisson of electrical tension runs through Elektra, and she stiffens before plastering a smile on her lips, and making pointed efforts not to turn Matt's way. She merely chuckles at Clark. "Ms. Lane has the distinct disadvantage of not being here, and someone of my stature is wont to make.. let us say, suggestions?.. as to whom she wishes to interview her?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smirks just a touch to find Danny hugging Elektra. It made him reflect on just how many secrets he was carrying these days, Fist that Rules the Hand meet the Immortal Iron Fist. He sighs into that hearing range, that mostly only him and Clarke can hear, then the smirk becomes a smile, as Henry leads him up to the group. "Danny," he says following Danny's own cue, using first names instead of pretending to be formal. "I hope I'm not interrupting," he says, pretending like he can't tell there's others here too. "Just coming to wish you happy birthday, your office sent me an invite."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny Rand did not have an ego. If anything, he looked confused that Clark had felt the need to say 'no offence'. After a pause, he smiled, "have you tried the Alaskan crab puffs? They're wonderful." And he licked his lips like a kid at that. "No, you're never interrupting, Matt. Clark Kent and Elektra Natchios, this is Matt Murdock, from Nelson and Murdock, attorneys at law." He was always trying to help Matt with business. He understood Matt needed it. Since Henry was still there, he helped guide Matt to each, and then Danny excused him, "that's okay Henry, go, enjoy the party. We'll be all right. Oh, and be sure to try the crab puffs."

Elektra has posed:
Because of Matt's arrival, Elektra's reaction to his hug really does come off somewhat as a result of Danny, not Matt. Of course Matt knows better. Though by the time he's made his way over and Danny is introducing them, that fake smile is in place and she gets to murmur cooly, "Oh, we've met."

There was no sense pretending they hadn't - body chemistry alone would suggest they had, and while Danny might be oblivious, Clark likely wouldn't be, given he's a reporter, and it's just simpler to take that head on. "We attended Columbia together."

Superman has posed:
"I have not," he offers to the group of friends and taking his cue to exit a moment, he makes his way over to the snack table, giving a polite not to Miss Nachios as he puts the card into his breast pocket, not putting it in a wallet or anything as he knows that's about as offensive a thing you can do in some cultures. A smile is also offered to Matt since...why wouldn't you smile and nod to the new arrival. "Happy Birthday again," he offers genuinely, cause it's pretty tough for Clark to have enough guile to be anything but polite. "Miss Nachios, Mister Murdock, enjoy your evening." He sneaks over to check out said spread, starting with crab puffs.

Daredevil has posed:
"Thanks," Matt says with one of his rare grins at Danny when he says he's not interrupting. Danny was hard not to like. "But I probably shouldn't stay long." Then it was all introductions. "We've met," Matt says almost in time with Elektra and then manages a put on chuckle at the gaffe.

"And Mr. Kent, I've read your stories, it's a pleasure to meet you, however briefly," he says the last being tagged on when the reporter takes his leave.

At Elektra's explanation he smiles, "Yes, we took Spanish together," he says as though there was all that tension in the air. "And recently we keep seeming to bump into each other." A tight smile there for Elektra.

Iron Fist has posed:
Seeing the chemistry, and misreading it, Danny smiles politely, "oh, uh, make yourself at home. Hang on Clark. We can bring some crab puffs back," and Danny goes to spend some more time with the reporter. How's that for awkward. A billionaire chasing down a reporter, and unlike some alleged billionaires, Danny's fortune was very much real, and verifiable. He thought he was doing his thing to make it easier for Matt and Elektra to resolve, whatever needed to be resolved. There was something in the air. Even Danny could sense it.

Superman has posed:
Clark seems amused, just slightly as he sees that he's not alone on the way over to the crab puffs. "So your friends come by...and you stick them in your office and you sneak out with the reporter? I'm flattered but I'd expect that sort of a thing is Miss O'Neill or Miss Vale were by," he teases, realizing that he's hardly the stunner a single male may want to follow as compared to either of the two. "So do you still have things you hope to get on your birthday? Things you wish for when you blow out the candles?" The question has a different tone. There's Clark Kent, Daily Planet and then there's just Clark. This seems to be the latter, for those keen on picking up such nuances.

Elektra has posed:
As Danny drags off Clark, Elektra arches a brow at Matt. "Well. Fancy meeting you here." As though she had no intention of showing up at Josie's later. As though he had somehow put a crimp in her day by daring to be in her presense. Yeah, Danny would be right. There are so many unresolved issues there. Sadly, they're not going to be helped in the space of time alloted by Danny's party, nor by being left alone together in an otherwise crowded room. Perhaps a locked door with no windows and padded walls? But not here, or now.

Daredevil has posed:
When they're alone, Matt grips his cane with both hands leaning on it like he does when he's stressed, the standard, tight, smile was there too. "Was going to say the same thing," he says. "Especially with your competing business interests," Matt says, trusting Elektra knew what he meant.

"Anyhow, what's are the chances we can act like grown ups and not make this awkward?" he asks, letting one of his hands off the cane to adjust his cuff. "It doesn't have to be long, I'll leave as soon as it's polite."

Iron Fist has posed:
At first, Danny looked confused, "oh, no, uh, no, not that. They... I don't know, but do you think they might make a nice couple?" Danny read the tension, but he misread the tension. "Right now, I'd just use it to wish Matt and Elektra well." He was a genuinely nice guy, and it was very dangerous for him to say too much to a reporter. Thankfully, he was with Clark Kent, who was from the old guard. He wasn't out for some sound bite that could play on TMZ.

Superman has posed:
Clark is a bit amused, as he looks at Danny and he smiles, "It's alright. I was just trying to be funny," he says with a chuckle. "The two of them?" He looks over, not eavesdropping as he might sometimes cause Clark really does go out of his way not to do that if he can avoid it. "I don't know. They look or sound like a pair that have a history but I'm not sure what that means for now. They have that sort of we should totally make out or we should totally punch each other vibe, where either one would be acceptable and expected. I'm sure they'll work it out eventually. If they don't, from what I understand, you could do a lot worse than Miss Nachios. Her own empire, you could trust she wasn't marrying you for money. Would just depend on if the two of you got along." Clark has no idea if there's someone else in Mr. Rand's life so...the chit chat. "That's a good wish though. Not too many people give their birthday wish away."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra's nostrils flare, the only overt reaction to Matt's words, unless, of course you're Matt or Clark and can actually pick up on things like the tension running through her, or the sudden sharp inhale of breath, followed by the slow release of it that betrays her struggle to keep that smile plastered upon her lips.

It doesn't reach her eyes, though. Not even a nod towards that. Those are all chill. Dismissive, even.

"Oh, don't put yourself out, Matthew. As you say, we're grownups. And I'm not expected to stay for more than appearances sake anyway. Business rivals and all that. It's all smile for the cameras and make for speculations on the stock exchange as a result."

Softer, and with perhaps a nod towards lessening the tensions between them, she adds, "I'd have preferred Josie's."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can't see that look, but he can hear it in her voice, the chill of it, still he stands firm, adjusting his tie. "Sounds like we're calling a truce then?" he says half-question, half-suggestion.

The other, that earns a genuine smile from Matt. "Except for Danny, probably a more honest crowd," he says. "And sorry about the text, that really was an accident."

He offers Elektra his arm. "Care to lead us out to find our host?"

Iron Fist has posed:
"Why would you punch someone you loved?" Danny asks academically, as if the mere concept made no sense to him. "If you love someone, you should love them with all your heart. If you punch someone, unless it's as part of training, it is not love." He lived in a world of grey, but sometimes, he was very black and white. But he was young. He'd grow out of it... eventually. Clark had some good words, and oblivious to the fact he was on the record, "I just want them to be happy. But I do understand what it's like when people care more about your money than you."

Superman has posed:
Clark nods, "You're right," he says, faced with someone who is a bit more literal than you're used to. "I suppose you wouldn't...unless that was your version of hugging or something. But yeah..." oh look. He puts one of the crab puffs in his mouth since it tastes a lot better than his foot. His free hand does pick up a drink, not alcohol though - someone is walking around with those cute little mini cans of sodas and such and so he grabs one. Coke, for those wondering. Man of Steel endorses the little red can over the little blue one. But only because Cherry Pepsi wasn't an option. "I should start doing my work again and mingling with some of the others like the Mayor but it was great to meet you. I do hope you're able to actually enjoy your birthday a bit rather than just tolerate it. It's a great time to be alive, and it certainly beats the alternative."

Elektra has posed:
Matt earns a bored shrug. "It's not like we have a choice," she murmurs of said truce. She offers her arm to Matt, helping him find the crook of her elbow in an effort to maintain the illusion of his disability, and begins leading him on to rejoin with their host.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt makes show of following along with Elektra, when they get to a normal range for someone to hear Danny and Clark's conversation, he says, "So, did you guys find those crab puffs?" he offers with a smile once there's a break in the conversation.

For his part Matt pulls off happy to be there passingly well, though under it all there's still the little hints of tension in how he carries himself.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny offers some up to Matt, "yes we did. Would you like one?" And then with any sign of yes, he'll make a point of putting one, with a napkin around it, into Matt's free hand. Though Clark had to excuse himself, "it was nice speaking with you Clark," not Mr. Kent, but Clark. Danny was so informal. And with Elektra there too, he offers, "I didn't get to say it earlier, but you look beautiful tonight. It's a really pretty dress." He didn't like calling attention to Matt's lack of eyesight, but he did wish Matt could see with his eyes right about now.

Elektra has posed:
Danny is nearly infectious. At least enough that much of Elektra's tension flees in the face of his happy nature. "Why thank-you Danny. Though you realize some might take that as a sign we're looking at a merger?"

Now that they're there, she can disentangle from Matt, and does so, covering the action under grabbing herself her own crab puff. "Happy Birthday, by the way, but I do have to ask, are you as bored as I am by.." she gestures vaguely about the room with her crab puff holding hand, "..this?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods, "Please," he says following it up with a "Thank you," when it's put in his hand. He takes a bite smiling faintly as he listens to Danny compliment Elektra's dress. "I dunno, I've seen better," he jokes of the thing. "Though, maybe if one of you described it?" he asks. The merger comment, is met with a tiny heh, from Matt.

Though, the rest, earns first a "Happy birthday," chimed in by Matt before he quirks a brow at Elektra. He'd heard a variant of this speech before. Actually, he'd used it a time or two.

Matt doesn't comment, he just waits to see what Danny's answer is.

Iron Fist has posed:
"Sounds fine to me, but I'm not really too involved in those kinds of things. I just sort of let people do their jobs." Oh Danny, so oblivious. But the smile he gave her was genuine. "Thank you," he says to the well wishes, "uh, I guess. But the company insisted on hosting it. Honestly, I'd rather have a burger with you guys." He might eat pretty well, but he there was something about a good burger that was hard to resist.

And then Danny proceeded to describe Elektra's dress, "it's black, with a crew neck. There's a deep scarlet triangle, wide at her neck, and narrowing as it trails down, giving the illusion of... I think it's called a plunging neckline. It's sleeveless, and trails down to a few inches above her knees. From a little below her armpits, down to her hips, there are two scarlet boomerang shaped objects, sort of a triangle that is thickest in the middle, at her waist. It makes it look even smaller, and she has a pretty small waist. It's form fitting, and looks great. It's got to be uh, tailored I think is the word."

Continuing, "she has a black and crimson braclet, with a coiled design, crimson on the edge, and the clasp is crimson, but the inner part is black and ribbed. I can't tell if she has any earrings, because her hair is down, hiding her ears, but framing her face really, really well. Her necklace is a matching black and scarlet combo. I think it might be black chrome, with a scarlet and black... it looks like a cross, but sort of has that ribbed pattern on the bracelet. And she has black nylons, the seam at the back, and scarlet shoes, I think a four inch heel... stiletto heels. But it's a dull black, uh, matte black. She looks amazing."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra is oh so amused by Danny's description of her outfit. "Not bad," she manages to get out with a straight face when he's done. "I wouldn't give you a job writing for the society pages, but as far as the male sex goes, you're fairly observant."

Observant enough she's fairly certain that Matt won't be able to strike that image from his mind. Which.. as it happens runs terribly counter to the 'you go live your life, I go live mine' messages she's been giving him, but still leaves her smug.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles, at the description, "Not bad," he says in total understatement. He had his own impressions of the dress, told to him in the sound of it against her skin, the clink of her jewelry and the racing heartbeats of other men. It gave him the impression of the dress and the impact it made but he'd never see it. It was one of the few times he missed his sight.

And as much as the dress stirred up a reaction in others, it did the same for Matt. His heart sped and he sucked in a long breath and let it out to calm himself, smiling and changing the subject, "So, burgers..."

He carries on: "Well, I'm going to understate things and say we're all experts of getting out of places we don't want to be, so," the smile becomes a devil may care grin. "We can do that."

Elektra has posed:
Matt's reaction is exactly why Elektra is smug. But more than that, his suggestion becomes a challenge. "Last one to Josie's pays," she murmurs. (And that, as they say, is that. Exuent all.)