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Following the Captain
Date of Scene: 09 April 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Batgirl follows up on a case started by Captain America. She takes the information to Batman. Then she has an unusual request.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Batgirl (Cain)

Batman has posed:
    The sky was dark, the clouds hanging heavy and pregnant with a storm that was only minutes in the offing. Only the moon shone through the clouds, giving just enough light that the lone figure atop the clock tower could be made out against the Gothic facade of the building. At most any distance it would be hard to pick it out, to separate the Batman from the brickwork. But she had long learned what to look for, long been able to pick out the silhouette's shape against such a grim backdrop.
    At the first sign of her he turned, the dust under his boots scratching faintly against the concrete as he shifts his weight to look behind him. White irisless eyelets narrow, even as a stream of that dust falls down off the wall that encircles that balcony area. He straightens up slowly, and she could see the tension in his knees, can perhaps hear the rough crackle of those joints as he gains his feet. Most couldn't see the tell-tale signs of such wear and tear upon the man, but his movements sing tattling songs to her senses.
    "Report." He says, simply.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    After having encountered Captain America in Gotham City, Batgirl had kept a careful eye on the strange hero in their territory. She'd even helped him against the group of people he'd followed from New York. All of that had been recorded on video for the msot part and provided to her mentor. After the patriot left the city, she had kept an eye out for the group they had encountered.
    She had spotted them tonight. Following the van, she had found them emptying out a building. Furniture was being removed then they disappeared into the night. She slipped into the building to see what was happening there. What she found had prompted her getting with Batman, notifying him she had something for him.
    As she swung acrsos to the next rooftop, she glanced up at the tower. It took a moment to spot him. Even knowing what to look for, he blended so seamlessly it made things tricky.
    Another swing brought her to the rooftop with him. His movements screamed of discomfort. Behind her mask, she frowned a bit as she watched him compensate to hide it. From a normal person. For her, that would be next to impsosible. She hooked the grapple gun back to her utility belt and pulled out a small USB from a pouch. It would have all the video footage from the warehouse she had visited. Another pouch was opened and she drew out a small leather kit. Inside were a few evidence tubes with bits of something she'd found at the scene.
    She quickly signed. <Found lab. Evidence. People Captain followed.>

Batman has posed:
    With the moon behind him, he's little more than a dark shape to her unless she engages the night vision. But he extends a gauntlet towards her, fingers parting to accept the drive from her. His other arm appears from the depth of the cloak's folds, the arm display twisted upwards as he turns his wrist and a port opens with a faint whisper. There's a soft click as he slides the data drive into place, and almost instantly the remote link to the batcomputer begins to decipher and edit the footage down to active moments, to points of strong activity, and then makes some small artificial intelligence judgement calls.
    What's there is displayed in a steady stream of data upon the small display. Some of the initial stains, chemical compositions, biological samples, they're all drawn and cross-referenced. His brow furrows and he then lowers his arm, the drive's data having been copied over. He pockets the small drive and nods towards her. "Good work."
    At that he starts to turn back, planting his boot upon the small wall that surrounds the balcony and leaning fowards, the 'wings' of the cloak curling around him as he seems to return to that distant reverie. Over his shoulder he tells her, "Return to your patrol. But stay on the comms. I may need you later."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Back to patrol. She could do that. Yet, she feels that this information might be important to the Captain. It should be taken to him immediately. The idea of sending it through the computer is fine but it wouldn't let them have their own copies of the samples. She made sure to create a second kit, just for that reason.
    Her reasons might be more convoluted. She won't share that. There is something intriguing about the Captain. His body language, the type of person he is. She has never encountered anyone like him and she is curious to see more of him. The way he moves. The honesty in his expressions and motions. Others wouldn't understand just how strange that was for her to see. Always seeing motivations that are under the surface, the falsity of humanity. Then there was this beacon of purity in the form a a blonde-haired hero.
    She made a noise. A soft clearing of her throat. Then she held up a second kit for a second. It was tucked back into her belt then she brought her hands up again to speak. <Avengers. I deliver?>

Batman has posed:
    When she had scuffed her foot ever so slightly and cleared her throat, he turned his head to the side. Cassandra Cain was usually one to move instantly upon task, usually she is the one individual who is the closest to being able to disappear on him without warning. Silent, precise, and almost perfect in motion. But to hear her make that sound of... hesitance?
    The Bat turns his head to the side and looks at her, brow furrowed slightly. To her, body language is a beacon of intent and motive. And to him it is not a thing so clear, but he can read an individual. And her manner seems to speak of something... else. Something off?
    He rounds again to look at her fully, gaze drifting down and then up. There was nothing wrong with the wish, for in truth he had intended to get the information to Tony Stark. So her instincts are right. But something else is there behind the words.
    Yet he says nothing on it, perhaps not enough to react upon. But whatever it may be he gives her a nod. His head turns in the direction of Gotham's sister city across the river, then back towards her. "Be back before morning. Take the stealth vessel if you need to cross the river. Or you could deliver it anonymously in disguise."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    He knew she had some other motive. Yet, he didn't press. Perhaps since he would have the cameras so he would know what she was up to at all times. Batgirl wasn't sure why but she wasn't going to question it iehter. As soon as the permission is given, she is turning away and heading for the edge of the roof. That speed of action he had expected the first time. She draws her grapple and fires even as she is leaping off the rooftop.
    She honestly has no idea how she is going to get there. Her heart is pounding a bit faster and she concentrates, focusing, slowing it to normal again. The biometrics will probably be flagged on a report for him to look over later. No help for it.
    Stealth vessel. She's not sure if that is the best option but she'll figure it out when she gets closer to the cave.