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Latest revision as of 19:41, 10 April 2018

Starstruck Meeting
Date of Scene: 09 April 2018
Location: Starling
Synopsis: Not sure who was starstruck but it was a meeting.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Raijin

Supergirl has posed:
    Although the 49th Parallel hadn't been open very long, it already has developed quite the reputation in Starling. There was only one location and there was always a line. Their coffee was the best in the city according to the Starling Foodie Journal. It was a typical shop really, with the counter for placing orders and the opposite end for picking them up. A variety of tables and chairs, none of which really matched but the eclectic nature was appealing to the coffee crowd.
    It had been a long day in class. While she had done alright, the pop quiz in Trig had caught her unprepared. She knew she passed but she didn't ace it and that was enough to drive her a little insane. Thus, she needed caffeine. Only, she wasn't a big coffee drinker. As the line finally moved up again, she reached the counter. "Chai tea, six extra pumps of chai and a walnut brownie, please."
    "Kara." She was in her normal garb, a pair of jeans with a tank top underneath and an oversized sweater over that. Sneakers covered her feet. Her blonde hair was hidden under the brown wig she wore when she was in her Kara Danvers persona. Also present were those lovely dark framed glasses that completed the look.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner had come down to Starling for a business meeting between Queen Industries and Vasusena Enterprises. A simple meeting that was just the two companies coming together to agree to rights based on the sponsership of a charity event. That said, Rayner comes out looking rather tired actually, wearing a two-piece beautiful black suit with a neon blue tie, a silver watch around his wrist. Alas, instead of using his powers to get from point a to point B, he needs to blend in for once in his life.

So, what does he do? He still makes a statement.

He arrives at that coffee shop in a black lamborghini with the butterfly doors. After coming to a stop and parking that bad boy, he steps out, fixing up his glasses, then he enters the coffee shop, waiting in line like everyone else while people recognized him. "Oh no, I'm just here to rest...a picture? oh, sure.." and he flashes a peace sign for the picture itself.

-eventually- he manages to get his order for coffee in, served with just a liiiitttllee bit of sugar.


"Oh, Rayner." he's now standing by Kara, who he offers a warm smile to.

Supergirl has posed:
    As she waits for her order to be made, the people are still buzzing over his arrival. Kara has no idea who he is or why the excitement so she simply waits, watching the goings-on with a bit of curiosity mixed with amusement. She took in the suit. The fact that isn't something one finds on a rack at the local department store. The car outside that people are circling or taking pictures of since they aren't something people see everyday. Especially in Starling.
    When the man steps over next to her, she returns the smile. "Quite the car," she comments. "I think it probably cost more than my house."
    Her name is called and she takes her paper cup with the little cardboard wrapper to keep her hand from getting burned. She gives a nod and moves toward one of the tables about equal distance from the counter and the front windows.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner simply stands there patiently now, taking a small breath before Kara speaks to him! Turning his head to her, he smiles warmly even as she meets his smile with her own. "Thank you. I really appreciate that...and I can't say really. I didn't mean to flaunt, but I just got out of a business meeting." he feigns dying from boredom about the meeting in an attempt to be humorous. Though then she leaves for her table...and Rayner finally gets his coffee. "Thank you."

Moving Now to Kara's table, he smiles softly to her. "Do you mind if I join you?" what? he was being friendly!

and maybe a little flirty.

ANYWAY he was just looking for some good conversation.

Supergirl has posed:
    "Sure," is Kara's automatic response as she nods to the chair across from her. She props her elbows on the marred surface of the little wooden table. Her chair has a high back and a nice chair cushion to sit on. His is more a plastic number with metal legs and red vinyl. She cradles her cup of tea between both hands, bringing it up to sip ever so carefully. It's not that she's worried about burning her tongue but normal people do worry about such things and she does her best to blend in. Feigning that it is a bit too hot, she returns to just holding it as she waits the appopriate amount of time for it to cool down.
    "So you have to take a super fancy car to a business meeting? Does that help?" she asks. It's polite curiosity since such things are far in her future. Work and business meetings and the like.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles warmly then to Kara before he takes his seat across from her, sitting down across from her with that happy smile for her. "Thank you." and he sets his coffee on a napkin before he rests his elbows on the table as well, liking that he's able to just -breathe- and relax around her, something he clearly seems to be pleased with.

He sips his coffee lightly before he answers her question. ahhh...made to perfection.

"It helps just to ensure that the other business that you're talking to is well aware that you're not some guy around the mill. It helps with first impressions a bit." he shrugs then. "I prefer walking, but it's fun to drive sometimes." he smiles then. "My name's Rayner. Rayner Vasusena. May I ask what your name is?"

Supergirl has posed:
    "Kara Danvers," she offers automatically. She'd offer her hand but that doesn't seem quite right in this sort of setting so she keeps her hands wrapped around her cup.
    At the explanation, she gives a little shake of her head and another smile. "Can't say I understand any of that. Business and deals and stuff. I'm thinking that is not a field of study that I'm going to go for when I graduate. Maybe journalism. It seems to be the family business," she muses, half to herself before focusing on him again. "Course, I have to graduate first and get into college," she admits. She takes a careful sip of the chai now that the time has passed and finds it pleasantly warm, thus drinkable.
    "What sort of business are you in?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner reaches across the table as if to shake Kara's hand then with a big smile present for her. If she shook his hand? He'd kiss her knuckles softly. Very French. speaking of French, he does speak fluently "Enchante Madamoiselle." he says in that perfect French accent, nodding softly to her as he returns his hand to his side.

"Oh? Journalism is an excellent field to be in right now. Everyone needs a news outlet or someone to give information. Stories need to be told after all. I think you could do it." He smiles warmly to her before he shrugs as she asks him her question. "I'm not the CEO, more like COO of Vasusena Enterprises, a billion-dollar marketing giant. My dad is the CEO, but I really just help out every now and then." he smiles softly. "It's boring, but it helps get by." Plus it means Rayner's a billionaire.

Supergirl has posed:
    When he offers his hand, Kara does the proper thing and offers hers back. She expected a handshake. A kiss on the knuckles is a little odd in her mind. Then he thros in the French and she gives a smile while wrapping her hand back around her cup. His explanation doesn't clear up a thing for her. "CEO. I know what that is. So your dad is the boss. But what is a COO?" It's really a term she has had no reason to learn during her time on Earth. After all, she isn't talking to people in such positions at Riverdale High. None of her classes are business related. So there was no reason for her to know it.
    She sips her tea again as she watches him over the top of the cup.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles softly to her then, nodding a few times. "Oh, a COO is the acronym for a Chief Operating Officer. I'm pretty much his second in command and I make sure everything is running smoothly while he's away. Though I don't need to do too much in that field. Hence why I get to come here for business meetings and the like." he smiles softly to her before he shrugs a little bit.

"Anyway, business majors are eh...I'm a Computer Science major myself."

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh, I see," Kara says as she files that bit of information away. Chief Operating Officer. At least if she ever meets another one, she'll have an idea. She'll do a search on it later to read up a bit more, increase her knowledge. It all helps her to fit in. She hopes.

"Computer Science is a good line to go into. I like computers but not sure I like them enough to go into it for a career. I mean, I'm only a junior still. I've got another year of high school before I have to make that decision. Journalism really is getting more computer based these days. Print seems to be a dying art. Which is sad. Kind of like books going mostly to digital formats."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner nods a few times then as he takes a deep sip of his coffee, seeming to be among the people who actually enjoys the taste of coffee. A small smile for her then as she speaks.

"That it is! It's just something I'm good at, ya know? I really enjoy it." He nods a few times then to her as she speaks. "Hey...take your tiiime. You got plenty of it to think about what you want to do." A kindness in his features.

Supergirl has posed:
Setting down her cup, Kara finally breaks off a piece of that brownie that's been sitting there this entire time. She pops it in her mouth, chewing thoughtfully then swallowing before speaking. Mama taught her right. "So what does your company do? What kind of business is it?" she asks curiously.

She pushes the brownie to the middle of the table, waving a hand at it by way of offering him some of he would like it. "and does Computer Science help with the COO thing or you just sort of fell into that cause of your Dad?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles softly then to Kara. "Well...a little bit of everything. Appliances, Home living, technology applications. We have a hand in just about everything I think now. We just claimed a boat depository so we can make our own for example. Next week we're actually holding a charity gala." He shrugs softly.

Rayner shakes his head softly then "neither actually. I just did it because I think it's fun. My cousin was the one who introduced me to it." He shrugs then "not necessarily, but it can help sometimes."

Supergirl has posed:
Taking another bite of her brownie, Kara makes sure he has her full attention. The world he is part of sounds so far from her own. He's an adult dealing with business and careers. She's still trying to figure out what she's going to wear to junior prom. So weird how a coffee shop can bring in such a variety of people from the world.

"Your cousin introduced you to computers? You program and all that as well?" she asks, taking another sip of her chai tea.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner ends up looking at the brownie that she had given to him previously, yes, he finally got to it, then he flashes her the biggest smile as he takes a little piece off of it and he eats it delicately, remembering his manners. "That he did, and yes, yes I can. I like to think I'm pretty good at it!"

Hey, Rayner would probably go as someone's date to a junior prom, but hey. Alas, he does shrug a little bit. "It's a field I've grown to love. I'm not really a lover of the business stuff, but computers is where I'm at. need something fixed? I can do that too."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara gives a little grin at his approval of his own skill set. Computers are something she has dabbled with here on Earth. She was used to much more complex types of systems back on her homeworld so for her, it seems more rudimentary. While she does understand a lot about them, including a variety of operating systems and languages, she knows that isn't really normal for a seventeen year old girl. It's a little advanced. While she does make sure she gets good grades, she is very careful to keep up her charade of being normal. Thus, she can't really admit or get into a in depth conversation about that topic.

Picking up the last part of her brownie half, she finishes if off then balls up the napkin in her right hand and lays it on the table next to her cup. "I play video games and check my social media," she admits, downplaying herself. It isn't a lie so she doesn't have to worry about forgetting the lie later. That's the problem with lying. She's learned it is better to stay as truthful as possible, just omitting information.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner keeps his eyes on Kara, never leaving them for even the smallest of moments. As she speaks about what she does on a computer, he laughs a little bit. "Hey, me too. No shame in that at all. Though I'm certain you have a hidden skill that you're just not boasting about." he winks at Kara softly as he starts to straighten himself out, stretching juuust a little bit.

"So then, you're a high schooler right? late junior year? Do you know what you'd like to do? what are your dreams?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Yeah, Riverdale High!" Kara says with a bit more energy. "Wrapping up junior year. I know I want to go to university. Well, my family wants me to go," she amends since she's not sure that she wants to go that route. It just seems like it will interfere with her real passion. "I'm kind of on the fence but I want to make my parents happy so I'll probably try to get into one. Maybe local." She shrugs. "I don't really know what I want to be. I just know I want to make a difference in the world, y'know?" That part is complete honesty. The thing is, she figures she'll be more help to the world with an S on her chest than as a computer programmer or journalist.

She finishes off the last of her chai then sets the cup next to her bundled up napkin so she can throw it away when she is ready to leave. "I did consider being an art major but I understand there really are no careers to speak of after uni."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles big and wide then to Kara. "Eyyy. Honsetly, if I were to give you my honest opinion? I'd say tough it out and go to the University. That way, even if you do something that never required it in the first place and you end up losing your job or getting fired, you have the educational backing to get a better job." he shrugs then. "But that's just my opinion. If you have that college education, the world is your oyster." a kindness for her then.

Of course, he has no idea that she's the female version of the guy who wears that S on his chest all the time. She's Supergirl.

"ooo...an art major? that sounds cool. There's actually a few things in the art field that you could do. digital media, for example."

Supergirl has posed:
"Digital media?" Kara repeats. "Is that sort of like graphic design? I mean, I'm more a hands on media type. Sculpture. Paint. Not sure those can translate over well to a computer skill." Not that she's the expert. He, however, might be in some ways. Since he's the one with the major. "I know the cliche about starving artists so I'd like to avoid that at all costs. It's why I'm thinking the arts may not be a good major. Maybe a minor, since it's more for fun than anything. That way I have something more--real?" She's not sure that's the right word. "To fall back on."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner nods. "Yeah. It's pretty much you just do art on a computer screen. Companies love that kind of stuff." he shrugs lightly then, though as she reminds him of the cliche of a starving artist, he nods softly. "Yeah, that's always a possibility. honestly it's probably best that you play this smart, and keep to your guns. Do that, you'll do just fine." he nods softly then with the warmest of smiles.

Then? They ended up talking for far longer than either of them had intended, ending up talking into the evening hours.