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Latest revision as of 23:15, 13 April 2018

Coffee for Five
Date of Scene: 14 April 2018
Location: The Sacred Grounds coffee house, Boston
Synopsis: The Cuckoos learn to appreciate coffee.
Cast of Characters: Vintridr, Stepford Cuckoos

Vintridr has posed:
    It's been a while since the Rising Tide's revelations, and Vintridr - or Vinnie, as she prefers to be called - has returned to work at the Sacred Grounds, mixing and pouring coffee and occasionally dispensing advice as if she'd never been away. The only sign that anything has changed is a new sign by the entrance and above the bar: "Staff reserves the right to eject anyone who fails to stop asking nosy questions after being asked."

    ... And given the biceps clearly visible thanks to the sleeveless top Vinnie is wearing today, it's quite likely that 'eject' is meant literally. Still, the warning hasn't seemed to dissuade the student crowd, who at least pay for their drinks in between the occasional earnest question...

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    That's when a quintuplet of blondes wander into the coffee shop. The term identical twins doesn't quite cover what's going on as the girls are all identical down to the tiny way their eyebrows twitch. There's five in the group, and yet there's one obvious leader as she steps closer to the register.

    The lead girl's blue eyes dart across the menue as the other four also scan, each obviously looking at a separate part of the menu and once all eyes reach the bottom of the board, the lead girl smiles at Vinnie her toothpaste commercial perfect smile. "I would like to try your house grounds." Irma says with a stoic expression. The five girls drop their right hands to smooth out a wrinkle that only one of them had in their pleated skirt. The school girl outfit seems like it's stressed and worn perfectly by each member of the group.

Vintridr has posed:
    Well, that's not something people see here every day, and conversation lulls briefly as people look up to stare. For her part, 'Vinnie' 's eyes flick between the quintet of identical girls, raising - and quickly discarding - the notion that the girls are merely quintuplets with identical dress sense as she takes note of the homogenity of their body language, then nods to herself. Not five nearly identical girls - one girl in five bodies. She frowns briefly as she considers the possibility of a possessing entity, then relaxes again as she notes that the girls' body language is that of someone entirely familiar and accustomed with the bodies they are wearing.

    And just as quickly, her professional kind smile is back on her face. "Sure thing. One cup, or five?" she asks, already turning to reach for the coffee supply. There is a certain shifting of chairs and craning of necks as people turn to look, apparently anticipating some kind of spectacle...

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    "One cup of each flavor you have." The lead girl replies, unaware or simply ignoring every stare they get, as they likely get them all the time. They do. But that's not important, what's important is that the main girl pulls out a credit card to pay. Getting money for services is what's important.

Vintridr has posed:
    That earns them a raised eyebrow, but Vinnie clearly subscribes to the motto "The customer is king" as she nods and looks the girls over. "First time drinking coffee?" she asks, phrasing it as a question but something in her voice betrays her certainty. "Best start you off proper, then. Sweet or bitter?"

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The five girls all nod their head simultaneously. "Yes. We have never tried it and we have had several people recommend your store to us. Thus we are here." The girls reply with a practiced smile that lasts for exactly two seconds before their faces all return to their RBFs.

    "Sweet or bitter? We are not sure, what do you recommend?"

Vintridr has posed:
    "It's a matter of personal taste," Vinnie replies even as she plucks a number of beans from an open jar without looking around. "Some people feel that the bitterness is essential and traditional; other people prefer to enjoy a taste they don't have to fight at the same time..."

    She tilts her head, looking the girls over again, then nods to herself and moves her hand over to the hopper and squeezes, the muscles in her arm flexing smoothly as a grinding noise is heard briefly before a coarse powder trickles from between her clenched fingers.

    "In your case... I'd go with the straight variant, perhaps a shot of caramel and a hint of cinnamon..."

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    "I will head your recommendation, but could you make a distinct variant for each of my sisters. We like to try things before we decide what we really like." The forward girl says before the other four nod along and then they all step aside and fan out to get a better view to watch Vinnie work her bean magic.

    Never having had coffee before the girls all instantly assume that is how you are supposed to make them, but reading the minds of the customers already here, they five do begin to learn that's not the normal, so it piques their curiosity. "Why do you make coffee that way? Using your bare hands, isn't that abnormal." They also don't know how to be tactful yet.

Vintridr has posed:
    The amusement radiating off some of the regulars already answers their question even as Vinnie smiles. "It's what's commonly called a 'party trick'," she explains. "Some of the regulars find it entertaining, and it amuses me to show off from time to time..." She flicks her fingers, then spreads them to show her palm clean of bean fragments even as she moves the contents of the filter to the coffee maker and gets down to business.

     "... Fair enough. Let's see... One straight, no milk or caramel for the brave one; one caramel and cinnamon blend for sweetness and spice; one dark roast for sleepless nights; one espresso with almond milk... And one turkish blend for the traditional." Her hands move in an elegant dance as she assembles each drink with the smooth precision of long practice and expertise, placing each cup on the tray as she describes the contents.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The girls don't seem too concerned on what's in which cup as they each haphazardly grab one in turn. In turn they also each take a sip, carefully, and slowly, each sister does it one at a time as the others close their eyes.

    Once each flavor or style has been tried, the girls report. "We appear to like the flavors of the straight, and the sweet spicey one equally." They each then move back to their cups to slowly savor each of them individually and carefully, but not in such a rush as to carefully allow each sister to taste individually. They're all drinking simultaneously.

    "We appreciate your kindness Vinnie."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vinnie smiles and inclines her head. "Good coffee should be shared. It is my pleasure," she replies.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The five sisters all move to take a seat at the roomiest table available, pulling up a chair if need be, and they all sit and enjoy their coffee, for the most part, in quiet peace with a blank look on all their faces.

Vintridr has posed:
    And Vintridr keeps an eye on them just in case - she's encountered more than a few creatures that were Many-in-One during her career, and it's not always easy to tell whether you're dealing with one that's content as it is and when you're looking at an aggressive expander.

    There are some curious - and interested - gazes from some of the other customers as well, but Vintridr's most recent demonstration left an impression, and no one in the Sacred Grounds is bothered unless they want to be...