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Latest revision as of 19:14, 15 April 2018

Subway Robbery
Date of Scene: 07 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Crusader, Power Girl

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Every now and then, regardless if you're able to fly or not, you just have to go via subway in New York. It's what makes you a New Yorker, and today just so happens to be a day Carol decided to go by subway. While she's famous enough to be quite recognizable, most are so used to see her in her Captain Marvel outfit, that she sometimes gets away with civillian clothes and sunglasses, as she is now (aviators of course).

Petty robbery and pickpocketting happens so often, and more often than not unnoticed in the crowded subway. Unfortunately for the culprit, Carol's Kree abilities gift her with a sense of things going amiss. With a swift flash of light, Carol's outfit alters into the Captain Marvel uniform as she turns to walk towards a man who just made away with a screaming woman's purse, "I think you should really consider giving it back," she gives fair warning.

Crusader has posed:
Indeed - the subway can be host to all sorts. And it sometimes easy to forget that the world was full of folks not so fantastic. And while Vorn doesn't normally take the subway for various reason - except to occasionly see more of the world from more than just the sky. The orcish man with metalic silver skin was dressed in a too the nine suit, which made him seem somewhat less threatening than his size, appearance and musculature would make him out to be.

Noticing however, the screaming, and a man trying to make way with said woman purse. He decides to step in as well. He appears from the other side of Robber, opposite Captain Marvel - blocking a possible escape exit "Probably best to give it back, than lose a spine" comes the beastial voice. Double tag teams ago

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel crosses her arms, smirking a bit when another hero joins in persuading the purse snatcher that it might not be in his best interest to try his luck. Turns out not every confrontation has to be a fight, because he's seen Captain Marvel before, and apparently doesn't want to try his luck with one of Earth's lines of defense against powerful aliens.

Then there's the case of Vorn coming in from the other side, making it clear that he won't have an opening to escape if he tried. He just drops the purse and raises his arms in the air, "could you just let me go? Please...I just...I really need money, I can't cover my rent..."

Carol allows Vorn to answer, as she goes about returning the purse to the woman it was taken from.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn levels those golden eyes on the Robber "No" comes the curt answer. "You have just tried robbing a person - who may have just needed the money just as much as you do. Simply letting you go is not a solution." He glances to Carol briefly giving a brief nod to her before crossing his arms watching the never-do-well. There was such a thing as understanding
    "Your actions were stupid and can lead to far more problem than just not 'covering rent'. If you need help....well, willing to help you" that right, he actually offering his help to the would be criminal. As harsh and strict as Vorn sounds, he wasn't an emotionless machine that saw everything by the books.

Though it doesn't look like it - Vorn vision allowed him to look all around. And he was keeping an eye ou for any other suspiciouse acitivty - in case the man wasn't working alone. But the man did seem sincere enough.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Awww, come on man, rent in this city is hell, I don't want to be homeless, don't be like that..." the wouldbe snatcher tries to be all sympathetic with Vorn, while Carol starts heading back, looking from the hapless snatcher to Vorn, "I would ask, assuming she had a lot of money in her purse, doesn't that woman deserve to cover her own rent?" Carol adds her two cents, though she doesn't look hatefully at the snatcher, she also seems very much on Vorn's corner when it comes to letting him off the hook.

But when Vorn offers help, the man jumps on the opportunity, "really? How can you help me? I'd appreciate any help!" Carol looks curiously at Vorn, wondering what kind of help he's about to extend to the man he just said he wouldn't let slip away.

Power Girl has posed:
    Sometimes, you take the subway, right? The thing is, that Power Girl isn't doing it the way that anyone else does.

    Crusader hadn't called for help, but coming thundering down the tunnel, flying mere inches above the subway cars themselves, comes the tall and impossible to ignore shape of Power Girl. Something akin to a pink blur at first, her arrival is strange and almost otherworldly- she'd clearly been using the tunnels to mask her flight around the city- likely as a test to find out if it was more practical than taking to the skies.

    She notes almost immediately that the situation is handled, and instead of ganging up on the robber, she just sort of harmlessly floats down from the sky. "So I guess we're on the lecture portion of today's activities?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods in agreement with Carol "Like you said - the rent in this city is hell" he grunts in annoyance at that fact, not seeming particular mad about the situation. SOmetimes folks just need understanding - but that doesn't mean excusing what they did, but educating and if possible extending oppertunities, possibilities for an alternate path

As Power Girl shows up, Vorn licks a sharp tusk "Yes, as well as making offers to hopefully" he eyes the robber "Prevent this from happening again."

He looks back to the robber "Simple - getting you a job that will pay you more than what you have now...while you get yourself into a better finacial situation. A....friend, owns a store, and pays well. Has even housed a worker or two when they needed it." all true statement....cept the friend part.
     The orcish man reaches into his pocket and takes out a buissness card title 'Bjorns Electronic Services' and offers it to the man.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol lets Vorn handle the culprit, he seems to be doing not only a well enough job, but also be considerate which is always impressive from a hero she hasn't gotten overly familiar with yet. Instead she turns to fly towards Power Girl, "always an honor to have you about New York, Power Girl, but I'm not sure the subway tunnels make the best medium of travel when flying...it could be dangerous and unexpected, I think it's better if you're seen, the city has a reputation of being a hero's base of operations."

She points Power Girl in the direction of Vorn while he makes an unexpected offer to help the man get a job, "see that? We even have less famous heroes who conduct themselves honorably, it's really uplifting to witness first hand."

The man for his part jumps at the opportunity, "honestly? If this is not a trick, I'll be happy to take that offer...life just never been kind to me, I didn't want to steal for a living, but I have no choice..."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl folds her arms- a gesture that for her, is perhaps the most genuinely unfair thing to do- and offers a couple of nods. Vorn is handling the robber, so PG herself doesn't necessarily feel like it concerns her. "Well, I can't really pass up any opportunity to visit the big apple if you're around, Captain." she offers this small chuckle, before turning around towards the tunnels she'd come from.

    "Dangerous? No, not really. Unexpected, definitely, but practical?" she shakes her head, offering a small sigh. "No, not really. I was hoping to find an easy way to work them in, so that I don't have to try hearing through concrete to make sure I don't miss anything."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn eyes seem to look slightly towards Captain Marvel "Not a Hero. Just a person" he says. A brute in a buissness suit, an orc with places to go. The statement is half true - Crusader was the Hero, Bjorn was the civilian...and Vorn was something else, what is anyne guess. And to date - Vorn has yet to be feature any any news reports, commercial or paper - though Crusader has. Granted heros who have worked with him, like Power Girl, tend to see his some of his differing forms

He looks again to the Robber "There always a choice. Some choice are just better than others." he grunts "But yes the oppertunity is real. He may have some quirks and requirements, but that is something you can work out with him as he is quite reasonble. Will let him know you are comming...if you have a name he can go by?"

He looks back to Power Girl and Captain Marvel, evidently having no problems with holding multiple conversations "Are you only trying to work them in for your hearing Power Girl? If so....your hearing could perhaps be augmented so you do not have to use the tunnels. Though.." he nods to Carol "Kind of agree the tunnels could be dangerous...but than again" he looks to the tunnel and than Power Girl "You do seem a good fit for the majority of tunnels"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Kind of you to say, and I love every moment on Earth, space is quite different," Carol admits, sure it has it's amazing views and fascinating cultures, eventually, there's no place like home. Even though for Carol specifically, the question of what place feels like home is a loaded one. "Not for you, Power Girl, but it could spook a trainer driver that may inadvertantly cause an accident," Carol offers why she thought it is potentially dangerous to fly in the tunnels.

Captain Marvel looks witha radiant smile at Vorn when he swears off being a hero, "you took actions where others wouldn't, that's what being a hero is all about. Standing up for those who need it, that's why anyone can be a hero."

The culprit meanwhile offers Vorn his name, fully trusting in his ability to get him away from a life of crime, "Darren Underwood," he offers sheepishly, ashamed of what he did, but tearing in his eyes for the helping hand he was extended.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl unfolds her arms, placing her hands on her hips. "I don't know, they're all on rails." she states, offering this little shrug. "Home is where the heart is. I miss my roots, sometimes- but I still love it here. Wouldn't trade it for anything, especially not with some of the food they have here in New York." she states, offering this small chuckle.

    "I can uh... I can hear literally everything that happens on the planet. And beyond- don't ask me how that works, I really don't know if we have the time." she offers, "But I try to limit myself to things that I'm 'allowed' to deal with," Some disdain there, in that phrase. "So therefore, I have to tune in and out, find where that magical range is to pick up only what's in the workable radius, as it were."

    "Anyway, I'm going to avoid the tunnels regardless, it doesn't work really well, and I don't want to have to stop a train because somebody freaked out."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I'm a Boston girl, so it'd be sacrilege for me to state New York is better, but it's definitely up there with the best of'em," Carol relents with a playful grin. Though Power Girl being an alien, it's not a sure thing she can appreciate that specific line. She gives Power Girl the thumbs up for the conclusion, and then looks pleased with the solution arrived between Darren and Vorn. "Good job," she congratulates the wouldbe hero and ex-criminal. Best solution is to remove the problem.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods to Darren "Good. Your name shall be passed along" he tells Darren "Call him and tell him when you will be there or leave a message" and with that the grateful ex-crimenoal is released, trusting that he won't do anything funny.
    He looks to Power Girl "Oh? Huh, well exuse the misunderstanding" about her power works "Well....perhaps the opposite solution can be found to limit your hearing so you do not have to work so hard to reach the range...perhaps even just a moniteer to wear on your wrist for a few weks so you can get a visual and sense" he suggests. COuld he actually create such a thing? Who can say

But as they talk of New York food and home he chuckles "Well, you ladies are lucky" he turns looking at the crowd who has decided to leave the heros be, only occaionaly snapping a shot "Hmmm, food preference is icelandic...as well as andramedian" he says, not seeming to be afraid to mention that perhaps he may have some space Origins. "But New York pizza is amazing." he says with a laugh

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl spends a moment in thought. "You know, I've never actually been out to Boston. Kinda funny, I've got to say- I've been to the edge of the known cosmos, and can go whenever I like... But I haven't been to -Boston-." She seems to chuckle at that for a few moments. "I don't really need a device," her head turns, then, facing Vorn. "I can modulate it on my own, I'm just trying to make things easier. There's no way around it, so I'll just have to deal."

    Offering this mild shrug, she continues on. "Well yeah, the pizza here is really great, but it's not just that. Metropolis really doesn't have any sort of food trucks or carts, and to be completely honest, that's basically a crime."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
With Darren allowed to leave, Carol gives Vorn a thumbs up, "dealt with it admirably, Captain Marvel," she introduces herself even though it's probably not needed, "pleasure to run across you."

When Vorn mentions Icelandic preference for food, Carol quips, "I know a fine place that makes Scandinavian cuisine in Chelsea Market."

Turning to Power Girl, Carol looks surprised, "really? Well, we can take a weekend and I'll show you around, or else, just go visit....bet it's seconds for you, it's a great city."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn offers a bow "Thank you." before becomming erect again. He touches his head as if having a headache and shake it off. He mumbles something bout a glitch. But none the less he introduces himself to Carol "Am Vorn" he says. Oddly, Vorn very rarely if ever seems to use self identifying words.

A grin at Power Girl "Oh. SOunded like you were lookin for something. Would have made an interesting project to work on. Never been to Boston - but hear it is....very confusing for its streets" but a pause "Wait? Metropolish doesn't have fod trucks? The hell kind of backwards prehistoric world is this city!" he exclaims looking baffled at the idea.

Power Girl has posed:
    Hands still on her hips, Power Girl leans her head to one side. "Well, I can basically go any time, but the thing is, without someone there to actually show me around, I'd have no idea what's good. I'd be happy to have someone showing me the ins and outs of the city, only way to really find the best parts." She certainly seems genuine, at the very least.

    She shook her head, then, turning to Vorn. "It's a little backwards, really, but Metropolis has a lot of things going for it, but it isn't as... I don't really know the word, I guess. It's very clean, very professional, but it lacks a lot of the interesting things that make places like New York almost exotic."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I promise go with you sometime, Power Girl, but for now, I should be on my way, I delayed long enough...I think I don't even have the time for the subway anymore." She turns to Vorn, offering a thumbs up, "keep up the good work," before winking at Power Girl, "I know you will, later!" She proceeds to fly her way out of the subway station.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods "Stay safe Captain" he muses simply. He gives a simple wave to her "And careful of drop bears" he warns...whatever those are. He than looks to Power Girl "And hopefully you find someone for Boston"

Power Girl has posed:
    There's a small chuckle, and she nods at both Carol, and Vorn. "Yeah, I think I did, though." she states, before she herself takes off. There's an audible crack from the sky as, in order to get back to Metropolis in a swift manner, Power Girl gets to a safe altitude... And then in a literal instant, shatters the sound barrier.