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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/03/18 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1320, 87, 1693 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1320|Brick Marste...")
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Latest revision as of 05:24, 28 April 2018

In Kamma Koray Ama
Date of Scene: 18 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Brick, 87, Zachary Zatara

Brick has posed:
A low, almost-whispered voice speaks eagerly for the multiple 3-d microphones in the room to hear and record.

"So, this is Brick Marsten for channel Don't Do This At Home, and today I'm going to be dropping in on Zachary Zatara, who has an amazing channel called Prepare to Amaze! and ... well, let's hope he doesn't freak out and turn me into a frog because I haven't told him yet."

Three or four small drones about the size of tennis balls whiz through the air around him (they have the microphones and cameras) and Brick says, "In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ..." and BOOOOOOM!

... and there is where the opening would go when this is edited. Brick drops through a hole bored in spacetime that opens up next to Zachary Zatara who is on-stage at the Gotham City Opera House preparing to do a magic demonstration. He lands relatively quietly ... compared to the enormous booming tunnel that closes just an instant after the drones fall through and take up their positions.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And, as if on cue, Brick's arrival is greeted by a sparklng cloud that passes over him. It disperses quickly, but when it does, Brick is much shorter than he used to be. And greener.

In fact, he's looking distinctively... batracian, one might say.

Vorpal is invisible,, but his illusion is a strong one. The Brick-frog even has a little frog-suit that matches human-Brick's design. It's an amusing trick-

Though nowhere near as amusing, in his opinion, as turning him into the Warner Brothers' singing frog. They had to talk him down from going along with that illusion, and in the spirit of teamwork he decided to compromise.

He shakes his head one the illusion is done. There is just no accounting for taste...

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Bunny, no, over here,"

Before a late-night show that promises for wild feats of prestidigitation, there's bustling of the members of the stage crew prepping to fulfill said promises. The performer today is not actually a Zatara, but his tricks are said to have been passed down to him by the head of the family himself!

Yeah, Zachary owed the guy a favor. He isn't exactly the head of the dynasty, but the amateur magician let Zachary record the explanation for his YouTube channel so let him go nuts. Sticking out like a sore thumb on center stage is the teenager himself, explaining a complicated magic trick to a camera and a man in a tuxedo. The camerawoman seems to have shifted her attention to one of the sparkly scantily clad female assistants. "So shiny..."

"Bunny!" He snaps his fingers in front of her, and her focus is back on him. "I swear she has the attention span of a...well, bunny."

The BOOM gets a scream from just about everyone in the building. Zachary looks pleased. Bunny yelps, turns into an actual bunny.

"Wow, there..." Before the camera can hit the ground, Zach's fingers are out and it's floating. "Seems like we have an unwanted visitor. Who the hell are you?" He turns to Brick. "You should no better than to steal the spotlight from a performer at work." He snaps his fingers and poof! Brick is a frog.

The actual performer goes pale. "Uh...is this part of the trick?"

Brick has posed:
Annnnd, Brick is tempted ... very tempted ... to inflict his singing and dancing on the world, but that's not really OK.

"Hi! You may not be able to tell but I'm charming daredevil Youtube star Brick Marsten, and this is," and a fanfare plays from the drones, "Unexpected Video Channel Crossover! I'd, uh, do the singing and dancing bit that goes with being turned into Michigan J. Frog but the licensing fee for that would be more than either of us wants to afford. Anyway, sorry about the boom from the boom tube. It's a work in progress obviously."

A sharp PING comes from somewhere on or around Brick-Frog's location.

"Anyway, the guy with the wand is Zach Zatara, and the guy in the magician suit is Zach's friend whom he will introduce eventually, and the bunny is Zach's assistant, and I'm still a frog. Why am I still a frog?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Because you haven't said the magic word!" Vorpal says to himself, but not loud enough to be taped. He doesn't want to ruin the shot, and he's technically not supposed to be here to the audience unless properly introduced.

A shower of sparks should do the trick to remove the illusion. The Cheshire cat waits for any indication from the young Zatara before dispelling the illusion. He has to admit Brick makes a rather adorable frog. He could be the team pet.

Vorpal isn't the team pet. He's the team mascot.

There's a difference.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Wand? Zachary flicks his wrist, and suddenly he's holding a wand. "Huh. Never heard of him," The dark-haired youth gives a smug, little smirk and a wink. "This man right here is Teddy."

Coughing, Teddy interjects, "Theodore. Theodore the Gre-"

"The Great, we know. Very original. You're sure to dazzle the audience with that one," The teen snerks. 'Theo' turns red-faced. Looks like someone wasn't clued in about Brick's unexpected arrival.

"Because you have yet to say the magic word." Great minds think alike!

Brick has posed:
"Magic word. Uh. Sure," Brick says, with a long-suffering froggy expression aimed at Zach, this time. This is going to make people want him to do more comedic stuff for sure, and that's ... probably OK, because word on the web is that someone did try to duplicate Brick's cliff-diving video and got serious sand-face-burn.

"What magic word?" he says, after a moment of apparent confusion. No. His parents never DID use that line on him. They taught him manners, yes, but with a different approach, because they are all scientists. Perhaps it's like in that old text Adventure game.

"Plugh" ... nothing is going to happen with that. "Xyzzy" ... nope. "Grate?" ... no change. "Aw come on Zach, we all know abracadabra is a worn out word."

Still worn out too. A *PING* comes from nearby.

"OK, Maire Boit, I'll try it. Would someone PLEASE turn me back from being a frog?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Sparkles, even a few rose petals, and a cloud of mauve (yes, mauve) smoke envelop Brick-frog, leaving behind a perfectly ordinary Brick after it has passed.

Brick the young man, not an actual brick.

The only difference seems to be that his suit has turned a dark purple, but that is only a minor quibble.

It's also a good thing nobody can see Vorpal's grin at this moment.

The Cheshire cat proceeds to tiptoe around the studio, for a moment trying to resist his impulses... but he can't. He leans in on Theodore and manages to blow a quick puff of air onto his right ear, before leaning back and out of reach again.

He has to entertain himself somehow.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Not quite," Zachary waves his wand over Brick and shakes his head with a tsks. "Word of the day was actually aggiornamento, but I like to reward good manners so." Normal Brick is back! And Zachary didn't even have to cast a spell.

"Hey, you're not bad at this. If you ever wanna turn this into a profession, let me know. Bunny is..." He looks over to the white bunny. "still a bunny." Sighing, he pulls out a ring and tosses it into the air. Upon landing back in his hand, it is a black top hat with a red band around it. "Alright, Brick, I'll need your help for this last one." He gathers the animal up with one hand and places her into the hat. "Reach into the hat. If you dare."

As for Theodore, he yelps and flails comically and stumbles into a transparent box that was set up for the original magical demonstration. Zach looks back, "Dude...you were //not// supposed to fall into that."

Brick has posed:
Watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat, Rocky! -- yes, that's definitely going into the background noises in Brick's version of the video.

"Sure thing," Brick says, making sure that he does have his invulnerability turned on. Of course, if he finds himself groping a human woman, he's going to be quite embarrassed, and the world will know that he's able to imitate a stop light in hue AND luminosity.

*ping* ... Maire Boit is being sardonic and laconic and Brick does not feel like dignifying that remark with any kind of response. Nor will he say anything to poor Theodore, though he does quickly glance over to make sure he hasn't hurt himself.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal tries not to laugh, so he bites his tongue instead. For added giggles, he allows a few illusory touches to Brick's groping of the hat- such as very thin scarves flying out of it as he reaches in, just for an added touch.

Then the cat moves over to inspect Zachary for a few seconds, resiting the urge to do mischief again. Occasionally tormenting a guest is one thing, but the man host of the crossover? That'd be going too far. Besides, someone said soemthing about wizards being quick to anger and crunchy with ketchup, or...

He may have gotten that wrong.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Careful, I haven't cleaned this thing in a while," Zachary warns. To back up that word of caution, there's a snake, a bouquet of white roses, a loaf of bread, and some deodorant. Despite the seemingly endless quality of the top hat, Zachary encourages Brick to continue.

Thedore is alright, he's struggling to get to his feet. A few of his assistants make to help him, but he waves them off. He looks enraged, and Zach actually does make an attempt to pacify him, "Once I'm finished here, Theo, I'll take you backstage and show you some of the real stuff." Another wink.

It takes a bit, but yes. The very grown woman version of Bunny can found within. She's a small lady but not that small. "Tug."

Brick has posed:
Magic hat. It's a freaking MAGIC HAT. Brick is elbow deep, then SHOULDER DEEP into the hat, which is clearly not tall enough for the length of his arm to fit inside. A series of *ping* sounds seems to guide him in reaching to the right place, and he takes hold of the grown-up (but small) human Bunny by the hand, and hopes she's wearing her costume as he slowly and carefully begins pulling, speeding up or slowing down based on the ongoing *ping* track.

"You never told me you had a top hat of holding," Brick says. "Are these available online?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal is tempted to peek into the hat, but it wouldn't be the polite thing to do until Brick is done extracting the lady from the hat.

But it suddenly dawns how he can insert himself into the episode. This will probably get him an ear-yank... but who could resist?

He waits until the trick is done and Bunny is safely extracted when he adds another illusion, once everybody is clear of the hat.

"Hey," a voice exclaims from inside the hat, with slight echoes, "Who left the door open? It's cold out there!"

A puff of steam rises from the hat, as if someone were taking a shower and then Vorpal emerges from the hat, up to his waist- and it is good that he doesn't emerge further, because is clearly slightly damp and not wearing a thing. He gawks at the surroundings and says- "Un momento."

He promptly vanihes down the hat again and, in an impossibly short span of time, he pops out again, this time dry, coiffed, and fully dressed in his Vorpal outfit. As the illusion climbs out of the hat, Vorpal synchs up with it. "Alright, whose big idea was it to put my shower inside a top hat?"

And then he grins, wondering how Theodore the Great is bound to take this new development.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Yeah, all of my merch can be found on my website," Shameless advertisement! "Link can be found in the description. They are completely normal top hats but very stylish, made from the finest silk too."

Zachary holds onto the hat, the more Brick digs in, the wider the brim expands. Eventually, a //fully clothed/// can be fished out, and Zach actually helps her out. She blinks dumbly, then breaks into cheers and excited applause.

"Nice job, Bunny. Thanks for the help, Brick." He smirks and is //about// to put the hat back on his head, but there's steam (and a voice) coming out of it. "Did you...uh...invite a friend down there, Bunny?" She looks clueless as always, and Zach clearly did not prepare for -this-. He takes it in stride, though, dropping the hat and allowing Vorpal to climb out.

Theodore gawks, mouth hanging ajar. Licking his lips, he stalks off, muttering something about never messing with a Zatara ever again and giving Zach the bird.

Brick has posed:
Brick looks at the retreating guy, half-grinning, and calls to his back, "Theodore, it's all special effects. Smoke and mirrors. Come on back, man."

Because this is still being recorded and he doesn't want to have to explain to the audience why Theodore is not there in the later parts of the video after being there in the earlier parts.

*PING!* Maire Boit says encouragingly. If he speaks the language he should feel reassured at the kind comment. Brick certainly would.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Well, steam and mirrors in my case." Vorpal crosses his arms and tries to tone down the grin a bit. "Besides, do you realize how hard it is for a Cheshire cat not to follow after a rabbit? You break some sort of natural order if you ignore that."

That said, he walks out of the camera's range, not ready to pop in unless a second volunteer is needed.

He makes a quick mental note-start a youtube channel.